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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Round Is a Mooncake: A Book of Shapes
Published in Hardcover by Chronicle Books (July, 2000)
Authors: Roseanne Thong and Grace Lin
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.47
Buy one from zShops for: $10.10
Average review score:

sweet shape book
this is a nice book just as a shape book but also for the chinese and american objects - nice combinations of pizza and dim sum in the square section. all kids will recognize shapes and be introduced to new objects. we're using it for a family literacy night highlighting diversity - it's short enough and interactive.

Great for older kids too
This is *not* a toddler only shape book at all! I read this to a mixed age 6-9 year old class & they got alot out of it. It was for Autumn Moon Festival but you cd/ do it for any China intro. I also passed around things from the book: a Chinese teacup with no handle, an abacus, a chop, the chop ink's square box was 'the box my cats sleep in' although mine were plastic tiger, panther & lion! Even if you had nothing I don't think it wd/ be difficult to buy a few cheaply at your local Asian food store or borrow things from friends & parents.

Beautiful pictures and words
I have a 6 month old daughter and she loves this book! The colors are bright but not too busy and the words flow easily. I love the fact that the narrator is Chinese-American and is able to blend traditional Chinese culture with contemporary American culture. I can't wait until my daughter understands what it is saying and can begin to pick out shapes!

The Ugly Vegetables
Published in Library Binding by Turtleback Books Distributed by Demco Media (July, 2001)
Author: Grace Lin
Amazon base price: $13.40
Average review score:

Should Be in Every Library!
This was a wonderful story that my husband and children just loved. We learned about some new vegetables in the process. As a kid I wasn't fond of bitter melon, but I'm willing to give it a second try after reading the book! My 5 and 6 year old boys are clamoring for us to go out, buy some ugly vegetables, and make the soup! This book appeals to every member of the family and the illustrations are beautiful.

a great story and even greater illustrations
this book stands apart from so many of the thoughtless children's books being released by the truckload over the past few years. grace lin's pictures and words blend effortlessly together to create a simple, yet sphisticated, deeply rooted and inteligent childrens book for all ages. I can't wait to see more of grace's books, and try her recipe. yum! i highly recomend this book.

Grace writes with her heart.
The colorful, technical drawings in this book, the simple dialogs in this book, the honesty from a girl's mind, the brilliant answers from mom, and the big dinner party at home are Grace in person talking to you. Grace Lin writes with her heart.

By Grace and Alone: Single Parenting With God's Help
Published in Paperback by (January, 2001)
Authors: Ressie Lester Tankersley and Gloria Clawson
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.96
Average review score:

Corrections about reveiw about lady with daughter struggling
Orelia King wrote this review from my computer since she did not have one. Please understand that I do not review my own books. I did not want to appear dishonest. If you will look at the bottom of the last one with the information about daughter struggling, you will see Mrs. King's name.

Provided a ray of hope for divorced daughter
My daugther has been strugling for the past four years since her divorce with four children, one with emotional problems, anger problems and learning problems. She cried a lot and said she didn't know where to turn to. Someone told me about this book and I let her read mine. She said she finally read a story sort of like hers and it gave her a lot of encouragement. Also, she is having a lot of problems with not enough money. The second part of the book provides a lot of money saving ideas that you can see in your budget when you follow the guidelines. The most important thing is that is written so she could understand it. She said the things she learn in the part called Let's Be Practical are things that are ordinary but she never would have thought of doing it. It really works, she said. Her voice sounded lighter than I had heard in a long time. I am sorry for parents cause I am one myself but I am so glad that this lady was willing to tell of her sorrow and heartbreak as well as the very positive and happy times so my daughter could be helped by it. I recommend this book to ALL PARENTS!

An example of Everyday living
I found this book to be an example of how your everyday life can fall apart but with the guidance and help of God one can over come any obsticles that has been put in one's way. Throught reading this book I found myself seeing life throught the eyes of the author and experiencing what it was like for her. I found this book to be inspiring and influential in it's recommendations for living a christian life as a single parent with all the odds against you. I recommend this book to not only single parents but also to those thinking of becoming parents, thinking of getting married, or those who are married as a guide to help them understand what curve balls life can throw at you and how one can lean on God to help them through.

Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe: Ten Misbeliefs That Keep Us from Experiencing God's Grace
Published in Paperback by Servant Publications (August, 1999)
Author: Gary Kinnaman
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

I just finished reading this book, nicely done Pastor Gary!!

I count myself very fortunate in that the author of this book is also my Pastor at church, as I am a member of Pastor Gary's church!

I'm ordering this book for some friends and wanted to give my comments to everyone as well!

Be Blessed!

An eye opener
The things that the author cover are mind boggling. Things that may be overlooked by mature Christians are explained in full. Common misbeliefs are combated and corrected. Pastor Kinnamen really goes to the heart of believers in this book. This might not be so bad for people who don't believe in God. It will correct any misunderstandings that may be.

Makes you think about what you're thinking about!
It was just the book that I've been looking for. Honest and insightfull, full of revelation. I love how Mr. Kinnaman talks so candidly about depression and the stigma that goes along with this and other related illnesses right in our christian communities. Mr. Kinnamin just jumps right in there and tells it like it is, I love and respect that. It has been a God send for me and I hope that others find it as wonderful a book as I have.

A Kind of Grace
Published in Audio Download by ()
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $17.98 (that's 51% off!)
Average review score:

A Heart-filled Story of Triumph
Jackie Joyner-Kersee elaborately describes the struggles and obstacles that she had to overcome to become a successful and outstanding athlete and person. Her book is filled with emotions that the reader can intially relate to. Her life was filled with adversity and proves that a strong and self-determined person can triumph regardless of depressing and self-destructing obstacles that may stand in your way. Jackie, who is portrayed through the media to be "Superwoman" is really more human and down to the earth than most of the world. Life for Jackie was not always "peaches and cream." She was born and raised in East St. Louis, which was not known as a very safe place at the time. A reporter once suggested to Jackie that she should not tell people where she was from cause it might destroy her image. This event, however, made Jackie appreciate her hometown even more. You cannot put into words why this woman is thought of as superb. She went from rock bottom to soaring to the unlimited top. With the help of this book, Jackie's title as "The World's Greatest Female Athlete" has been justified.

A Kind of Grace is an excellent book. I think everyone should read it. It gave me a whole new look on life and how to appreciate everything I have. It also gave me inspiration to work hard at track. Now I have the heart and determination to train, lift weights, and practice, practice, practice. So everyone please buy and read this wonderful book, A Kind of Grace.

well-written, entertaining, and deeply moving
Jackie Joyner-Kersee's autobiography is everything a biography should be, well-written, entertaining, and deeply moving. Unlike many celebrity bios that center around events, primarily ones that reflect well on the author, Jackie's book is people-centered and equally honest about her struggles as well as her triumphs. She writes with love and admiration about many people who have touched her life both in big and small ways. It is not hard to see why Jackie became the woman and athlete that she is. This book could have just as easily been titled "The World's Greatest Role Model for Young People."

Parenting With Grace: Catholic Parent's Guide to Raising Almost Perfect Kids
Published in Paperback by Our Sunday Visitor (March, 2000)
Authors: Gregory K. Popcak, Lisa Popcak, and Val J. Peter
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.95
Average review score:

the BEST parenting book out there!!!
This book is my parenting BIBLE!! I can't say enough good things about it--each and every chapter is INVALUABLE. I am so glad I found something that can help me figure out how to handle my kids at every bend in the road, in virtually every situation. It advocates attachment parenting and loving-guidance discipline, and also gives you a plethora of techniques and tells exactly when and how to use them (i.e. "everyday discipline" vs. bigger, more stubborn issues). He clarified the reality that family life is not just a mundane distraction--a family should have goals, a vision of where they are going in life, etc. He talks extensively about how all family members must have a solid rapport between them for discipline to be effective, for love to be felt, etc. He clarifies the question of spanking from both a spiritual and a scientific perspective. He goes into detail about how to handle the various stages of childhood, from loving the infant to "taming" the toddler to handling the teenager--gracefully. He outlines how to foster virtues, morals, a love for religion and a love for Jesus in your children; he tells how to make your family into the "domestic church" Pope John Paul calls it to be. I wouldn't even waste time with any other parenting or discipline book--this one more than covers all your questions and worries. I refer to it at least once a week, and it gives me the guidance I need to be an effective yet loving parent to my kids. It wil literally change your outlook on family life; it will give you new hope and make parenting a truly gratifying experience. The title couldn't be more appropriate--now I really have the information I need to raise "perfect" kids! If you REALLY unconditionally love your children and want them to be the best they can be, you will be thrilled to have this book!

Should be required reading for every parent
Whether you're Catholic or not, if you are a parent you will benefit tremendously from this book. I'm a Catholic parent and I'm really thankful that someone took the time and trouble to organize the vast plethora of parenting techniques out there so that it is easy to see their place within the structure of a Catholic parenting paradigm. The author is very knowledgeable of both scripture and church doctrine and explains their relevance to raising children. The step by step techniques for dealing with the various stages of a person's maturation are excellent. He also has little quizzes that you can use to help elucidate the areas where your parent-child relationship may need help. He has a superb treatise on why spanking is not a suitable discipline technique. I can't say enough about the excellent blend of philosophy, practical application and religion that the author has put together in this book. He is an organizational genius. Read this book!

So faithful and practical!
This book is great! I love the way it integrates authentic Church teaching with really practical parenting advice. I only got it two weeks ago, and the techniques are already making a huge differences in my childrens' behavior. I really look to it on those days when I'm not sure what to do to keep things on track. I only wish I knew about it sooner! I know what I'm giving as gifts to my mother's support group. Thanks for this great resource.

Survival in the Storm: The Dust Bowl Diary of Grace Edwards, Dalhart, Texas, 1935 (Dear America)
Published in Hardcover by Scholastic (September, 2002)
Author: Katelan Janke
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $10.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.61
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99
Average review score:

This book rocks!
This book is the best! I read it in less than a day.I just could'nt put it down.This has lots of action and keeps you going. It also helps me understand the hardships people had during the Great Depression especially in the texas Panhandle during the Dust Bowl.I would recommend everyone to read this book!

Excellent View of Life on the Plains
This is a touching little book about a young girl growing up in the high plains of Texas in the dust bowl days. My mother grew up on a small west Texas farm at the same time and her story was very similar. This is well written and I hope the young author continues her writing.

A very good book!!!
I got this book for a Christmas present. I love it and have all ready read it two times!! Now I want to learn even more about the dust bowl. Some parts of this book almost made me cry it was so real.

The Funny Things Kids Say - Vol. 3
Published in Paperback by Funny Kids Project (01 November, 1998)
Authors: Grace Witwer Householder, Grace Witwer Housholder, Debbie Rittenhouse, Housholder Grace W., and Rittenhouse Debbie
Amazon base price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $11.83
Average review score:

"Funny Things Kids Say" is a wonderful reminder of real life with children. It is humorous yet so true. Children will interpret words and situations in the most ridiculous ways. And "Funny Things Kids Say" is an excellent look at the brighter side of childhood. Once you start it, you won't put it down! Highly recommended for parents, teachers and others who deal daily with our fascinating children.

Parents' Choice Award
The Parents' Choice Foundation, the only nonprofit consumer guide of its kind, has selected "The Funny Things Kids Say, Vol. 3" for honors as an approved book for parents and children. The Foundation said the book is "an amazing accomplishment."

As a bonified rat in the rat race of the current modern day world - my breaks - like millions of others - are often over looked. But when I get really bogged down - The Funny Things Kids Say Vol. 3 comes off of the book shelf. Hi, my name is Jodie Lynn and I am a parenting columnist. I don't profess to be an expert - but kids are one thing I know - as does my good friend - Grace Housholder - the author of this book. Any time of any day when you feel like you are going to explode from "overscheduling," go for the gusto and open up this delightful and wonderful book. Kids really do say the funniest things and it is captured uniquely on every page. Just remember these words - TAKE A BREAK AND GET READY TO GIGGLE! :)

Published in Audio Cassette by Dove Books Audio (August, 1994)
Authors: Robert Lacey and Donna Mills
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $2.78
Collectible price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $2.97
Average review score:

great book
This book has a great deal of detail. I feel as if there was too much emphasis on her sex life versus her screen image, and frankly that was her business, not important in the book. Otherwise a good book.

It Told Me Just What I Wanted to Know About Her
I wanted to know all about the men in Grace Kelley's life, both before and after her marriage. This book told me everything, but in a classy, well-researched way. I learned a lot about Monaco, and just the things I would have wanted to know about her family members, too. After reading this excellent book, I plan to read more of Robert Lacey's works.

A Comprehensive Biography of Princess Grace of Monaco
'Grace' tells the life story of Princess Grace of Monaco, formerly the movie star Grace Kelly. It seems Grace had some problems adjusting to royalty, including the fact that her mother-in-law, Princess Charlotte, despised her. But as years went by, it seems Grace and Rainier became closer. The fact that Rainier is still a widower and always poses for pictures in front of her portrait shows he will always love her!

Grace In Autumn - A Novel -
Published in Paperback by Word Publishing (11 June, 2001)
Authors: Lori Copeland and Angela Hunt
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.49
Collectible price: $10.25
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

I'm hooked!
When I started to read the first book in this series, The Island of Heavenly Daze, I was, honestly, a little worried it would be "too religious" for me. That wasn't the case and I thought it was a sweet book but nothing overwhelming. Only because I already had the second in the series, Grace in Autumn, I read it too. And now I'm totally hooked on the characters and the little quirky Maine island! I'm eager to find out more about what's happening in their lives and if anyone will figure out who the angels are. Don't be put off by the spiritual aspect of these books - they are sweet, funny and uplifting no matter what your beliefs are.

Island life of a heavenly proportion.
Set on the small Island of Heavenly Daze off the coast of Maine, where angels live amongst the inhabitants, this second book in the Heavenly Daze Series is nothing less than superb. A refreshing look at real people dealing with the dilemmas of everyday life faced with moral obligations that might just make one think twice. Ideally the angels and their helpful countenance are always close behind to shed some light and guide our characters down the right path.

This second book takes place during the month of November of the same year as the first book. New characters are expanded upon and some of our old favorites say good-bye. An Internet e-mail ploy indicates that the island is a place to request miracles, and the mail is piling up. Love is on the horizon but the blossom has yet to bloom.

The third book in the series, titled A WARMTH IN WINTER, takes place in December. I'm sure many of these questions will be answered in these poignant novels about a community that takes care of it's own. These are feel good books similar to Jan Karon's MITFORD SERIES. Kelsana 6/4/02

Islanders find reasons to be thankful
I found Grace in Autumn to be so delightful because it's so believable and warmly written. Through the lives of the islanders, I got the feeling that God understands our struggles and is there for us when we're ready to get our broken dreams fixed:
Would you find it difficult to manage all the financial responsibilities of maintaining a house and providing for your family all on your own? Babette Graham does find it difficult, AND frustrating, to manage the finances by herself. Her husband says she's good at it and he isn't, so it makes sense for her to continue doing it. Babette is weighted down with worries about her family's financial needs, and when her 5-year-old son Georgie proves to have a flair for painting puffins, she sees an answer to her financial worries. Babette's husband Charles thinks his wife's plan is great and already is spending the money before it's made. But what does Georgie think of her plan?

How would you feel if you were trying to help someone, and your friends criticized you for it instead of pitching in to help? Bea and her sister Birdie are trying to send personal replies to the "Dear Angel" letters but when Birdie decides to send more of a gift to one of the letter-writers who is in dire need, members of the congregation question her decision. How does Birdie handle such criticism, and will her friends ever understand why she's done what she has?

Pack your worries away and take a vacation with the people of Heavenly Daze - the break will be well worth it because you'll return to your own life refreshed and revitalized.

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