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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Gloria Estefan
Published in Paperback by St Martins Mass Market Paper (May, 1991)
Author: Grace Catalano
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $2.60
Collectible price: $3.99
Average review score:

Grace Catalano realy did a good job on this book! She got into the life of Gloria Estefan and gave ALMOST EVERY fact there is to know about her! This is a A+ book! Rick

The Glories of Divine Grace
Published in Paperback by Tan Books & Publishers (January, 2001)
Author: Matthias J. Scheeben
Amazon base price: $12.60
List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.95
Buy one from zShops for: $12.50
Average review score:

Review from the Publisher
An impassioned appeal to us all to understand the nature of Sanctifying Grace, to preserve this incredible gift from God, and to grow in it each day for the rest of our lives. Explains how grace works, what are its effects, how to grow in grace, and the union with God that it allows us to achieve. Will amaze everyone! You will think of your life in terms of "before" and "after" having read this book!

Glory and Grace: Getting Kids into the Bible (Home School Basics)
Published in Spiral-bound by Tabletop Academy Pr (01 May, 1998)
Authors: Randall Kok and Marilyn Kok
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:

It makes a difference
People sometimes wonder why my family gets along so well (at least in public). I think it's because my siblings and I are perfect angels :), but my mom says it's because we study the Bible together. This book describes our Bible study. The hardest part about it is staying consistent. The explanation is easy to follow, and has some examples to get you started. I can guarantee some very interesting discussions, and hopefully you'll see the wonderful results of spending time studying God's Word.

The God Of Second Chances Experiencing His Grace For The Rest Of Your Life
Published in Hardcover by Thomas Nelson (05 February, 2002)
Author: Stephen Arterburn
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $3.66
Collectible price: $7.15
Buy one from zShops for: $3.73
Average review score:

Grace Received
This book is fabulous! A must for the person who thinks they have done too much wrong for God's forgiveness and love. Stephen Arterburn lets you know that no sin is beyond God's grace and forgiveness by giving intimate examples of his own sins. This book will open the eyes of the "unworthy" seeker. There is no one unworthy of God's love.

God's amazing grace
Published in Unknown Binding by Christian Life Books ; Available from Creation House ()
Author: Terry Virgo
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Gods Amazing Grace
Full of truth, packed with insight, Top notch material through and through i cannot recommend this book enough.

God's Garden of Grace [A Woman's Walk With God]
Published in Paperback by Harvest House Publishers, Inc. (January, 1996)
Author: Elizabeth George
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $3.95
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $6.39
Average review score:

An excellent book
Using the fruits of the Spirit to draw us closer to God, reveal His character, and our divine need to respond.this book opens allows a new, fresh and Biblical approach to cultivating the spiritual garden I recommend it to everyone, as I do A Woman After God's own Heart. I hope this book will bless you.

God's Grace to You
Published in Paperback by Whitaker House (November, 1997)
Author: Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Amazon base price: $7.99
Used price: $2.99
Collectible price: $5.99
Buy one from zShops for: $3.45
Average review score:

Life Changing, Clear Presentation of Grace
After reading the first few pages of "God's Grace to You", I finally began to understand grace for the first time.

God's Sovereign Grace
Published in Paperback by Crowne Pubns (April, 1991)
Author: James R. White
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $58.99
Average review score:

When was the last time you considered GOD'S GRACE?!
White offers an exemplary explanation of the "doctrines of grace" as outlined in the Bible. How fallen is man? *Totally* In fact, without the effectual calling of the Holy Spirit (regeneration), no-one would ever desire to follow Christ. White dispels the notion that fallen mankind can "choose God" or "make a decision for Christ." Rather, God has decided to have mercy upon some before the foundation of the world.

In this refreshing text you'll learn about:

(G)od's Sovereign Choice, the (R)adical corruption of man, the (A)ccomplished atonement of Christ, being (C)alled effectually by the Spirit, and (E)nduring to the end via God's preservation. GRACE!

You can order this text directly from James White's web-site:

God's Vision for Your Church: Finding & Fulfilling God's Unique Purpose for Your Church
Published in Paperback by Regal Books (January, 2000)
Author: David Cannistraci
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $13.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.08
Buy one from zShops for: $8.79
Average review score:

Extravagance Grace at work!
Grace leaves boundary to shame! There is more depth than we can measure, greater height than we can imagine. That is the dimension of Grace.

Learn the ways of growing in grace. Understand the power of grace multiplication. In this book, you'll be convinced that grace is the fueling power behind unity. This book lets us realize that Grace at personal level is a rung to step into a bigger Grace. Grace does not magnify our weaknesses, it is the strength surpassing our weaknesses. We can continually build that strength when we gather more grace. The way we do this is by fostering relationship with other legitimate parts of God's body. Only by subordinating our ministries and gifting to the wonders of Grace, can we realize the full functioning power of God's church.

When I read the foreword, I knew immediately this book is a telescope of God. Cannistraci zooms in to let us see diversity, and zooms out for us to see the wider power of unity. Diversity is preamble and unity is the conclusion! What a way to consummate the purpose of God!

We are approaching a new day of incorporating archipelago Grace into a corporate Grace. The author's masterpiece was his focus on pluralistic ministries, which should not intimidate our spiritual advancement as a "single" ministry. Cannistraci stepped back into ancient time to give us a clearer picture. He positioned us from an aerial perspective to look at the different tribes of Israel as an epitome of God's Grace. Likewise, in today's contemporary scene, a similar Grace is alive in the firmament of every function of church ministry. Grace is drawing the rivulets of different ministries, gifting, offices and languages into the mainstream of God's purpose. This book teaches us to start learning to appreciate the tapestry of diversity in today's ministry.

Surely Cannistraci's conviction expressed in this book will draw many more to join him in uniting the House of the Lord.

Golden Inches: The China Memoir of Grace Service
Published in Hardcover by University of California Press (July, 1990)
Author: John S. Service
Amazon base price: $32.00
Used price: $2.20
Collectible price: $15.20
Average review score:

A real pleasure to read.
Grace Services book is not only an amzing account of an important period in modern Chinese history, it is also an important personal, first-hand account of how foreigners worked and lived in pre-liberated China. Set during the late Qing and early Repebulican period, the book tells the story of a family who goes to China committed to serving the Chinese people and how they stand strong in that commitment through wars, civil unrest, and personal tragedies. This book is a must for anyone interested in the pioneering spirit that led foreigners from around the world to settle and live amongst what most westerner at that time (stupidly) considered an "uncivilized" people. The book is made more vivid through detailed historical and personal footnotes added by Grace's son, the noted dipolomat and "China Expert" John S. Service. A wonderful contirubtion to history and a wonderful read!

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