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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Sovereignty of Grace
Published in Hardcover by P & R Press (December, 1979)
Author: Arthur C. Custance
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:

Custance's "Sovereignty of Grace" extraordinary!
For those seeking more information and discussion of the theology known as Calvinism, Augustinian, or Pauline as based in scripture, Custance wrote it.

Custance goes at great lengths to explain the history and the complete implications of the Biblical doctrine of predestination and the sovereignty of God. An excellent book for anyone who loves the Lord.

-note added later-
Custance does wander slightly into the idea of annihilationism, (the idea that there is not an eternal punishment of torturous fire), but does not present it as fact.

Space (At Your Fingertips Series/Boards)
Published in Hardcover by Malan Pub Co (April, 1996)
Authors: Judy Nayer, McClanahan Book Company, and Grace Goldberg
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $0.64
Collectible price: $6.95
Average review score:

A Good Start
As teachers of astronomy, we bought this book for our infant. The information is simplified, but still accurate. It is a good start for teaching astronomy to children. Mom and Dad may learn a thing or two also.

Speak with power and grace : a woman's guide to public speaking
Published in Unknown Binding by L.D. Swink ()
Author: Linda D. Swink
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $16.92
Average review score:

Excellent guide to public speaking for women!
I think this is a marvelous book, which truly "speaks" to women about the vastly important topic of our learning to find our own voices, and present ourselves in front of others with grace, dignity and power. I would highly reccomend it to all women who are ready to move forward in the public arena in any capacity, as it offers clear, concise suggestions as to how to best present oneself, in a very wise and understandable way.

The Stars Are Listening
Published in Paperback by Creative Arts Book Co (01 September, 1998)
Author: Neal Grace
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $9.55
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

Wonderful collection-I highly recommend it.
Each poem really stirs your soul and makes you realize how amazing and mysterious life is. It reminds me of Walt Whitman with a fresh new twist. I especially loved the love poems and ones about the beauty of the environment. Enjoy!

The Starstone: Tales of Gom in the Legends of Ulm (Chetwin, Grace. from Tales of Gom in the Legends of Ulm.)
Published in School & Library Binding by Simon & Schuster (Juv) (April, 1989)
Author: Grace Chetwin
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $24.04
Collectible price: $42.35
Average review score:

Nice Finish
This is the closing book in a set of four titled, Tales of Gom in the Legends of Ulm. This is an awesome book, and maybe the best of the four. It ends the series gracefully, although it does leave you wishing there was another book. I probably wouldn't read it if I hadn't read the other three though. Peace Out.

Stepping Out of Denial into God's Grace Participant's Guide #1
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 March, 1998)
Authors: John Baker and Rick Warren
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $4.46
Buy one from zShops for: $4.71
Average review score:

Steppin Out of Denial Into God's Grace
This is the first of four books in the Celebrate Recovery cirricuulum. It is filled with insightful and useful references to scripture and other valuable resources in recovery. Rick Baker has put the credit for the source of recovery back where it belongs, in the loving, gentle hands of The one, true God.

Story of a Whim
Published in Audio Cassette by Northstar Pub (January, 1997)
Authors: Grace Livingston Hill and Neil Clark
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:

A generous whim brings a lonely young man happiness.
Christie Bailey lives alone in his struggling young orange grove in Florida. A generous impulse on the part of a young woman introduces him to the world of Christianity as he and she begin to correspond. Love blooms and finally finds its way past misunderstandings. A charming look at turn of the century America.

Summer's End
Published in Paperback by Dorrance Publishing Co. (13 May, 2003)
Author: Grace Cerino
Amazon base price: $9.00
Average review score:

From a males point of view
I actually purchased this book for my sister, but knew I would have to read it. I have chatted with the writer, but don't really
know her. I am usually predictable, but the ending surprised me.
The writer is hopelessly romantic, and intelligently mysterious. I would highly recommend this book, and am now looking forward to another.

Super Searchers on Madison Avenue: Top Advertising and Marketing Professionals Share Their Online Research Strategies (Super Searchers series)
Published in Paperback by CyberAge Books (03 March, 2003)
Authors: Grace Avellana Villamora and Reva Basch
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.50
Buy one from zShops for: $16.23
Average review score:

Especially intriguing are the case histories
Others books have focused on research pros who work in various fields; Super Searchers On Madison Avenue tackles those who function in the advertising and marketing world, using interviews with researchers who find and analyze information for fueling new product launches and ad campaigns. Especially intriguing are case histories showing how successful researchers made the change from traditional careers to being an online researcher.

Study Guide for the Nata Board of Certification Inc.: Entry-Level Athletic Trainer Certification Examination
Published in Paperback by F A Davis Co (May, 1996)
Author: Paul Grace
Amazon base price: $35.95
Used price: $68.54

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