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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Anna Chase and the Butterfly Girls
Published in Paperback by Echelon Press (November, 2002)
Author: Jadan B. Grace
Amazon base price: $10.99
Used price: $10.71
Buy one from zShops for: $10.71
Average review score:

A Must Read- What a suprising find!!
I picked up this lovely book and found myself lost in fantasy. My daughter loved it too. A mix of adventure, fantasy, and pure sweetness. You'll love it, I know I did!

An Enchanting Adventure!
Anna Chase and the Butterfly Girls is a book about indpendence and honor among women. A story told by a mother to her daughter about a special race of beings. With wonderful description and enough adventure to please any young girl, Jadan Grace has written a tale of great quality. This is a book that every mother should read with her daughter. Flower girls, intrigue, and good clean fun for young reader as well as mature.

Art of Grace and Passion: Antique American Indian Art
Published in Hardcover by University of Washington Press (February, 2000)
Authors: George Everett Shaw, Klaus Kertess, and Colo.) Aspen Art Museum (Aspen
Amazon base price: $75.00
Used price: $52.12
Buy one from zShops for: $52.12
Average review score:

My favorite art book!
I think this is the best art book I have ever seen. The author, George Everett Shaw, wrote a fascinating comparison between modern art and Antique American Iindian Art. This book has gripping photos and exellent writing. I hope to see another book from the autor soon!

This book has exquisite photography,art,and writting. It is one of my favorite art books I have purchased.If you are a collector of books or art this will add life to your collection.

Asia Grace
Published in Hardcover by TASCHEN America Llc (September, 2002)
Author: Kevin Kelly
Amazon base price: $39.99
Used price: $18.00
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $29.21
Average review score:

A New Genre
In recent years, photography books, whether travel or cultural, have become so designed, edited and digitally retouched that the images actually place you further from reality. You don't trust what is shown; you sense that you will never see what's on the page. Kevin Kelly has produced a very different book. The photographs could appear in any magazine in the world from National Geographic to Der Spiegel, but the book wasn't put together by an art director. There is no story, no copywriter. There are no white spaces. Every image bleeds to the margins. It is dense and rich like its subjects. The photographs pull you into a part of the world that is misunderstood, maligned and distorted every day in our press. The person behind the lens loved the places and people he encountered. From Afghanistan to Japan we journey.

Rarely do text and images work together. Asia Grace releases the images to the imagination. There are no words, no captions, no explanations. It works. It is all photographs, cover to cover. Some of the images are stunning, some are idyllic, some are inexplicable. Without sentiment, Asia Grace places you into a world that we don't understand, don't want to leave, and will never see the same again.

Asia Grace is Amazing
Asia Grace is art in book form. Amazing images of Asian culture, lands, and people. A treasured gift, an intriguing waiting room addition, an artful display piece to enrich your home.

At the Corner of Mundane and Grace: Finding Glimpses of Glory in Ordinary Days
Published in Hardcover by Waterbrook Press (August, 1999)
Author: Chris Fabry
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $1.60
Collectible price: $1.75
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

Good stuff!
Fabry is a funny guy, and the book IS funny, but it's also deep. He is a teacher and as a reader I do learn important lessons, but school was never as much fun as this! Weaving stories about his own family into the book, Fabry reminds me to focus on what is important-friends, family and most of all faith. Don't miss this book.

Heartwarming, insightful stories...
of seeing God in everyday life! I wish that title section was longer!

Anyway, I've kept coming back to this title on Amazon and I'm very surprised no one has written a review for this book yet! I read it back in October and was waiting for someone else to write that first review. But they haven't and it's time for all you Amazon browsers to know about this wonderful book!

Chris Fabry and his wife Andrea have a large family in the suburbs of Chicago. Chris used to be the co-host of "Mornings with Greg and Chris" on WMBI in Chicago (great Christian radio station - both teaching and music). Even though he hasn't been on the air for close to a year now, I still miss him and was thrilled to hear that he would be writing more books!

This book is the kind of book that you can pick up and read a chapter and put it down for a day, a week or a month, and pick it back up and you won't have lost anything because these short vignettes are complete unto themselves.

Having said that, however, I believe I read the book in 2 sittings! Chris's style in his book is warm and friendly - his way of telling about his wife and children (and other family members) really makes you feel like you know them.

But this book is not just a book of warm fuzzy stories. Chris has shared some of his experiences of seeing God in the everyday, mundane situations of life we all have. Just be reading the book, you will be better able to see the hand of the Lord of the universe in *your* life!

Some of the stories really hit me hard. Chris writes very honestly about his own feelings and makes himself vulnerable, which is a very very brave thing to do. I must add that when Chris was on WMBI and his wife Andrea was hosting the best Christian syndicated call-in show in the country, they actually were on MidDay Connection together talking about their marriage, including a real close hard look at some difficult times in their marriage. I really admired them for that.

Back to the book... Most of the stories had my laughing and crying within the same 2-minute period. Not everyone can write like that! Parents especially will enjoy this book. My own children are older now, and this book reminded me of some of the similar times we had when they were little.

I was just looking through the book again trying to pick out highlights. It's really hard - the whole book is great, but here's the topics of a few: Chris taking his daughter on her first date, a trip to the pediatrician (boy, could I identify with that one - we wanted them to install a drive-through window whereby you could stick the child's head out the window and the doctor could check ears and throats, at the next window you'd pay and get your prescription for the inevitable amoxicillin that Chris talks about in his book).

Another wonderful story was one of the first ones in which Chris and Andrea were going for a walk and Chris was... er... hmmm... not really paying attention. And there's a classic where daughter Kristin (who used to say "Jofuss" instead of Joseph when telling the Christmas story from Luke 2) got "God bless you" in her Rice Krispies and that raised the question - what do *we* do when something comes and messes up our day, our week, our life?

And one of the most touching stories is called "I Didn't Even Know Her Name" which was about an apparently homeless woman who hung around the office building where the radio station had their offices. The story talks about how we tend to hang around with people like us. We tend to avoid people who are different, whether their clothes tattered, or they're smelly, or their conversation is somewhat fragmented. Didn't Jesus come to minister to those people too? Chris is very honest about his feelings in this story and they changed at the end. Really makes you think.

Thanks Chris, for letting us into your life and your home, and your thoughts. When is the next book coming out?

As for people reading this review, order several copies! It would make a great gift to have on hand!

Barking!: A Grace Smith Investigation
Published in Paperback by Orion (February, 2002)
Author: Liz Evans
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.75
Collectible price: $13.22
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

Stephanie Plum, look out! You have competition here!
This series is hilarious. Stephanie Plum has her family to help keep the laughs coming. Grace Smith has only herself. She doesn't need anyone else. This series will keep you laughing. You'll love Grace, trust me.

Fun mystery from Britain.
I loved the laughs from the situations and the British jargon.
Grace Smith is an ex-policewoman who is sassy and crass, but
has a bit of a conscience. The plot is interesting, although
the story does drag a little in the middle. Over all Liz Evans
does a great job. How can you not like a story that starts with
the main character accidentally knocking out her future client
with a cow bone while trying to catch a lost dog. He then hires
her to find out if he ever murdered someone in a past life.
When you need a break from the serious British writers try this
series. Its fun!!

Bearcats! The Story of Basketball at the University of Cincinnati
Published in Hardcover by Harmony House Publishing/Louisville (01 September, 1998)
Authors: Kevin Grace, Greg Hand, Tom Hathaway, Carey Hoffman, William Strode, and Carey Huffman
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $29.00
Average review score:

Excellent book by a great author
I happened to be in kevin graces baseball class.This book is wonderful for all UC fans.I would recommend you buy it.

Great Momemts in Basketball History
One of the longest and greatest university basketball tradition. Read the remarkable stories of the ealier years of college basketball. Review the story of great players like Oscar Robinson and great coaches like Ed Jucker and Bobby Huggins. A classic collector's item for any lover of the game at a most reasonable price.

Becoming a Woman of Grace
Published in Hardcover by Thomas Nelson (June, 1998)
Author: Cynthia Heald
Amazon base price: $24.99
Used price: $6.99
Buy one from zShops for: $14.99
Average review score:

What a wonderful set of books!!!
Cynthia's Heald's books "Becoming a woman of..." books are excellent for any woman, whether you are just starting to read the Bible or have read it 10 times. Cynthia's writing style was truly impressive to me. Each chapter starts with a reflective Bible verse and an exerpt from a Christian author or speaker. Then it gives you three or four different verses to look up in the Bible, sections to write your notes, and then a section with the Author's reflection on the concept of the chapter. The chapters increase in complexity, each more challenging as you go on through the book. I bought them all at once, along with "Loving Your Husband" which is also in this Bible study format.

Becoming a Woman of Grace was a wonderful study! It went back to the basics of christianity by defining the purpose of the law (10 commandments) and the purpose and reason for grace! I have always been impressed with Cynthia Healds books... they provide a great format for getting into the word and really learning what it means to be a better woman for Christ!

Belle of the Ball: The Three Graces (Zebra Ballad Romance)
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Kensington Pub Corp (Mass Market) (January, 2003)
Authors: Pam McCutcheon and Pam McCutcheon
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $6.50
Buy one from zShops for: $2.55
Average review score:

Great beginning to a new trilogy! Highly recommended
The Sullivan girls might have been named for The Three Graces, but none of the girls embodies the gift of the name she carries. Belle is rather homely, Grace is clumsy, and Charisma is blunt. Nevertheless, their mother strives to marry the girls into the upper reaches of society and raise her own status. Then the sisters overhear insults to their persons while escorted by three supposed gentlemen at the Garden of the Gods. The Three Graces hear their wishes, however, and decide to intervene and make their wishes come true. Of course the question remains if the wish to be granted is the spoken one, or the wish of the heart.

Kit Stanhope misses England when his family banishes based on a false accusation. For a new businessman, reputation is everything, and Kit must pay blackmail to keep his name spotless, which makes it difficult to fulfill his father's charge of finding a sound investment. Now he feels guilty that Belle has overheard his unfortunate insult, and vows to make amends. When Belle asks him to teach her the ropes of society, he accepts the opportunity. He does not know that she intends revenge upon the "threescum" who spoke harshly of her and her sisters. Belle wants to be beautiful so she can make the three men fall for her, and then toss them aside as such scoundrels deserve.

Author Pam McCutcheon kicks off the series The Three Graces with flair! With vivid characterizations and strong plotting, BELLE OF THE BALL demonstrates McCutcheon at her best. With a bit of help from above, Belle discovers her own beauty even as she learns the truisms that make plain women beautiful. With wounds that go equally as deep resulting from his family's rejection, Kit has his own lessons to learn about trust. The result is a surprising blend of comedy and romance that will have readers chuckling throughout. BELLE OF THE BALL once again demonstrates McCutcheon's gift for combining the unexpected with the enchanting in a unique voice that readers remember. Readers will eagerly anticipate the addition novels of the series including A TOUCH OF CHARM by Karen Fox and FALLEN FROM GRACE by Yvonne Jocks. BELLE OF THE BALL comes highly recommended.

4 1/2 Stars!
What fun! This is the comment that rang through my head as I sped through the pages of Pam McCutcheon's latest story, Belle of the Ball. Based in Colorado Springs in the 1800s, Belle of the Ball is the first in a series about the Sullivan sisters who have the misfortune of being the opposite of what their names imply. Belle possesses no beauty, Charisma manages tactlessness to a fault and Grace trips over everything in her path.

Through the machinations of an ambitious mama, the three find themselves at the foot of the Three Graces monument in Garden of the Gods with three of the city's most eligible suitors. Unbeknownst to the sisters, their mama has paid the young men to be their escorts. Thanks to the carrying echoes within the formations, the girls soon learn of their mother's deceit and of the men's honest opinions of them.

And this is where the fun begins. So much so I found myself laughing out loud. Belle, who is the star of this tale, vows vengeance upon the three ungentlemanly figures, and with the help of the Three Graces from Mount Olympus, Belle's antics come to life.

Ms. McCutcheon provides a worthy hero in Kit Stanhope who grows from a cad to a gentlemen of the most gallant sort, while Belle emerges from homely to ... well, all that her name entails...both inside and out.

The author does an outstanding job of bringing Colorado Springs history to the forefront, surrounding her fictional characters with many well-known and beloved figures of the era and weaves her plot to a wonderfully satisfying conclusion.

With sexual tension paramount between Belle and Kit, I cheered at Madame Aglaia's subtle intervention, smiled as the antagonist received his comeuppance and loved the dynamics of the Sullivan family as a whole.

Next in this series...Charisma's story. Can't wait to read her magical account.

Ann at Author, Author!

Blackwater Spirits
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Berkley Pub Group (June, 1996)
Author: Miriam Grace Monfredo
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $1.45
Collectible price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $1.80
Average review score:

A Page-Turner and Educational Too
A rip-roaring good mystery set in the mid-nineteenth century. Gives a good picture of life then, a fair treatment of native Americans, and an eye-opening look at some of the absurd ways women were disrespected in those times.

This is NOT a book written for juveniles or young adults, but anyone in those age groups could read and enjoy it. I would highly recommend it for high school students as an adjunct to an American History course. They might also want to read Monfredo's other Glynis Tryon novels and Kenneth Roberts' "Rasbble in Arms", "Arundel," and others.

The best Glynis Tryon book yet!
This one took a little longer to get into than the first two, but it turned out to be the best of the series so far. Monfredo has mastered the art of foreshadowing without giving away the whole story, and is skilled at throwing in a red herring or two, as well. Her treatment of the tensions between Native Americans serves to illuminate the complexity of Glynis' and Jacques' friendship, and imparts some interesting historical context as well. This is a book that's worth reading again and again.

Bless This Food: Amazing Graces in Thanks for Food
Published in Hardcover by Delacorte Press (November, 1993)
Author: Adrian Butash
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $5.33
Collectible price: $10.33
Buy one from zShops for: $6.33
Average review score:

From the publisher's description
This book is a little masterpiece, a unique collection of thanksgiving blessings gathered with a scholar's insight and poet's love for the beauty of language. In it the author illustrates how expressing thanks for food is mankind's first act of worship, and examines the two mysterious blessings Jesus spoke at the Last Supper. He also reveals the essential role the food blessing occupies in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

superb table graces, plus excellent historical backgroundd.
This book should be in every home. A brilliant collection of graces and blessings from around the world, encompasing ancient and contemporary graces across major religions and enthnicities. A+++.

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