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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

The Prodigal Girl
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (June, 1926)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $1.98
Collectible price: $15.99
Average review score:

Very old story of very current problems
Grace Livingston Hill was no doubt the forerunner to the exploding Christian Fiction market before there even was one!

I was given this book as a prize in a Sunday School contest as a young adolescent and thus began my love for fiction and for GLH.

A young girl is "feeling her oats" and decides to go against the training and instructions of her father, but manages to keep him from finding out for some time. When he does, he cannot believe what he overhears two boys saying about his little girl whom he trusts.

At this point, he makes some decisions which result in the girl making her own. The story is based on the Prodigal Son in the Bible, and even though Hill wrote it around 1938 or 1940 at first, the problems are the same, just the approaches have changed. I am happy there have been continuous reprintings and new covers to attract the current generation of young girls. It is still fun to read.

I would, to this day, buy and give this book as a gift or as a prize. I kept my very first copy and it is among my most treasured books.

Prodigal Girl
One of the most compelling of GLH's books. Betty is the out-of-control teenage daughter of every parent's nightmare: argumentative, disrespectful, uninterested in family or religion, and in with dangerous friends. All seems dim and hopeless to her father and to the reader. This book is about how God sometimes lets us get to the end of our rope so that we're willing to surrender our lives to him, and also about the power of his transforming presence when we do. Christian teens should read this one! It's entertaining and surprisingly relevant today.

This was the first of Grace Livingston Hill's books that I read, and I must confess that it's my favorite!! It's about a teenage girl who has gotten in with the *wrong crowd*; her father overhears two of her classmates discussing her on a train ride home, and this opens his eyes to much that was going on with her and his other children. So, he takes his family away to his old family home in Vermont to stay indefinitely. There are quite a few experiences, including the oldest daughter running away to elope with her *boyfriend*, and both of them nearly dying in a car accident. Even though it was written in the mid 1920's, it is still pertinent today!

The Prophecies of His Divine Grace Daniel Clay
Published in Paperback by Haas Publications (September, 1998)
Author: Daniel Clay
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $12.75
Average review score:

Brilliant! A must-read book!
Daniel Clay sees himself as a lighthouse, illuminating for us the proper way. His immensely readable book, The Prophecies, are the visions he sees for us, our country, our planet and our world. The messages came to him while in a meditative state and offer scenarios if we listen...and if we do not!

The Prophecies addresses many vital subjects...from technology to health to finances to natural resources. Most of all, though, Daniel Clay speaks to the situations that affect everyone of us in a most personal way. Like child-raising, terrorism, peace and even politics. For instance, he forecasts the end of communism everywhere; the oncoming prosperity of Asia; and the coming obsolescence of money, "Gold and silver will be without value, diamonds but decoration".

This reviewer found this quotation most interesting, "And that there will come into this global economic environment an individual of goodwill and piety. He shall be the Pope of the Holy Roman Catholic Church". Further, Pope Sixtus shall reform the church...and this man will bring peace until "...another spirit shall enter the body...the spirit of evil incarnate...and the end will be near".

Daniel Clay is a man of humility and integrity. His words should be heeded because he may be the spiritual teacher we've been expecting. The Prophecies is one of the most interesting and provocative books published. In this reviewer's opinion, Daniel Clay is a prophet of great magnitude and his words can lift our consciousness dramatically!

A unique, new way of viewing current & future events.
Clay, in contrast to the traditional Nostradomus prediction tradition, presents such clear, precise predictions. These are truly warnings about what might happen. I did not expect the alternative to also be given. The Power is in the Positive. The alternative is also given in detail. For the first time, I was given a clear picture to strive toward, to pray for. Keeping, holding the image, the thought of what MIGHT, of what could be is more attractive, and effective than the dire warnings, that have become almost commonplace as to loose their once effectiveness. That only serve to enhance the hopelessness that is epedimic.

Amazingly insightful!
Whether or not Daniel Clay's "Prophecies" are divinely inspired revelations or merely the products of a deeply spiritual and insightful mind is almost beside the point as one begins to read this truly astonishing work. While the reader's first temptation is to skim the text searching for validations of predicted events that have already come to pass--and there are more than a few absolute stunners, like the present situation in the Balkans and the recent rash of school shootings in the U.S.--more careful reading yields greater rewards. Because Daniel Clay has an uncanny ability to peel away the layers of the most complex sociological and political issues of our time to expose basic truths that are at once so obviously simple and yet so profound they take your breath away. Those deep and undisputable insights, in turn, force one to give serious credence to the author's dire and very specific predictions of mankind's possible future in a new millenium devoid of individual expression and shadowed by the politics of pure Evil. Though you may agree or disagree with "Prophecies," I confidently predict you won't be able to put it down.

Quotable Kids : Fun in the Family Tree (Sibling Revelry and Parent 'Releaf')
Published in Paperback by Funny Kids Project (01 May, 2000)
Authors: Grace W. Housholder, Debbie Rittenhouse, and Grace Witwer Housholder
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $5.99
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.22
Average review score:

Immensely pleasant, and occasionally thoughtful reading
Sibling Revelry!/Parent "Releaf" is a two-sided "upside/down" book that offers two volumes under a single cover. Author Grace Witwer Householder provides the reader with an impressive and memorable compendium of humor and quotable quotes showcasing the antics of children and celebrating the fun of being a mother or a dad. Sibling Revelry!/Parent "Releaf" is enhanced with illustrations by Debbie Rittenhouse and is highly recommended, immensely pleasant, and occasionally thoughtful reading.

Impressive and memorable
This two-sided "upside down" book offers two volumes under one cover. Author Grace Witwer Housholder provides the reader with an impressive and memorable compendium of humor and quotable quotes showcasing the antics of children and celebrating the fun of being a mother or a father. Enhanced with illustrations by Debbie Rittenhouse, it is highly recommended, immensely pleasant and occasionally thoughtful reading.

Quotable Kids: A Must for All Mothers
What a fun book is Quotable Kids: Fun In the Family Tree! And, it's more than that. If you suffer from "senior memory", it will be refreshed by these moments in time. As a mother of four and grandmother of eight, I have forgotten many of the funny things I experienced with my children; and those my friends and family members experienced. This has brought to mind some of the great ones. What a great reading experience for mothers of any age!

Cudos to the author and illustrator for putting it together so well! Easy and fun reading is such a luxury these days. I savored every moment. Art Linkletter couldn't have done it better, and he was great.

Radical Grace: Daily Meditations by Richard Rohr
Published in Paperback by St Anthony Messenger Press (August, 1995)
Authors: Richard Rohr and Richard Rohr
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.70
Buy one from zShops for: $9.73
Average review score:

At the heart of the matter!
Richard's simplicity and "prophetic" voice comes across quite beautifully in this book of daily meditations. His gift for making very difficult subjects into "a-ha" & "of course" experiences for the rest of us is quite remarkable. This all comes together in small daily tidbits via this wonder-full book. He continues to remind us that true spirituality is about simplicity, love(grace), letting go, and "grounded-ness"(Reality is God's greatest ally). His prophetic voice about our personal and societal idols (power, prestige, and possessions) is at the heart of the matter.

thought-provoking, life changing.
I own many, many 'daily meditations' books. If I had to keep just one, this would be it. Richard Rohr packs so much into one paragraph that the short meditations are just right. There is enough in this book to keep you on your journey of faith for years. Your life and thinking will change.

Inspirational writing
Richard Rohr is a gifted writer, by the looks of this publication. He has distilled the essence of spirituality, something that is difficult to define and pin down, and made it meaningful, relevant and tangible. Although he comes from a Catholic background, his insights apply to anyone who is interested in seeking a deeper level of meaning in our existence. Rohr's ideas challenge us to think for ourselves, rather than simply "following the crowd" in eking out a humdrum existence. Think of this book as a collection of spiritual vitamins - something to keep by your bedside and read a passage from each night.

Sarah's Patchwork A Novel <br>book One In The Keepsake Legacies Series
Published in Paperback by Thomas Nelson (19 May, 1998)
Author: Stephanie Grace Whitson
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.25
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99
Average review score:

Think of this as Book Four in the "Prairie Winds" Series
If you read Walks the Fire, Soaring Eagle and Red Bird, you probably wondered what ever happened to Sarah Biddle. Sarah's Patchwork is Sarah Biddle's story. Prairie Winds readers will notice some overlap between the first part of this book and the other three books, seeing things -- for the first time -- from Sarah's point of view.

Sarah, her little brother Tom, and their baby sister Emma were left parentless when their mother died and their father, either unwilling or unable to care for them, dropped them off at an orphanage. After promising that all of the children would be kept together, the orphanage administrator allowed baby Emma to be adopted by a wealthy family. When Sarah was told, she decided that she would never trust anyone again -- and she held on tightly to her crippled brother Tom, lest he be taken away from her as well.

On a trip out west to find parents willing to adopt the children, Sarah and Tom escape and find themselves in Lincoln, Nebraska, at the Hathaway House Hotel. Over a period of time, and with the help of Joseph Freeman and Jesse King, Sarah learns that some people can be trusted. But she still doesn't trust God.

After falling in love and losing in love over and over again, she wonders if she can ever trust God to bless her with someone to love -- someone who will STAY. How can she trust God when everyone she loves always seems to be taken away from her?

Through it all, Sarah realizes that when God's answer is NO, it's always because he is preparing something better for us. Through a lot of sadness and loss, Sarah's story does have a happy (although unexpected) ending.

A story is told by fabrics in a very special quilt!
Sarah was orphaned as a child, but her love for her crippled brother Tom kept her from taking the easy way out. Her tenacity paid off and she was finally loved! Although she grew up much too quickly, she did so with lots of guidance and proper care. This book takes place several decades after Stephanie Whitson's 3 book series "Prairie Winds" which introduced me to Sarah and Tom. I felt more a part of her life and this current book was more special to me since I already knew a little about the people she so eloquently describes in detail in each exciting chapter...woven into the book by way of various and interesting fabrics. I felt the book was exceptionally done in an extraordinary manner.

An encouraging and hearbreaking story...
I am also a huge Stephanie Whitson fan - have read all her books!! Each chapter of her books reads as a devotional - each opens with scripture and the thought remains throughout the chapter. Reading the history of what the Orphan Train children had to endure is heartbreaking and very inspirational. I look forward to finding more of her books at Amazon!!!

Saving Grace: A Spiritual Love Story
Published in Paperback by Buy Books on the (October, 2000)
Authors: Phyllis-Terri, Dr Gold and Phyllis-Teri Gold
Amazon base price: $20.95
Used price: $16.98
Buy one from zShops for: $17.03
Average review score:

Superbly sensitive, romantic and spiritual
One of the most beautiful, romantic and sensitive books I've had the pleasure of reading in many moons. An eclectic blend of Eastern yoga philosophy and modern day romance. Flows quickly and superbly! Arlene Millman, author of BOOMERANG - A MIRACLE TRILOGY.

This is the most beautiful book I've ever read
Dr. Gold combines western ideas of love and romance with eastern ideals of love to create a truly unique and engaging story. This book is uplifting, inspiring, and will renew your faith in the power of love.

Get It Now!
If you took from Robert Pirsigs' book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", added to it the elements of the wise mystical counselor and guide of Dan Millman's "Way of the Peaceful Warrior", and then transposed the lead character of Lynn V. Andrews "Medicine Woman" to a setting between Long Island and New York City, you would have something approximating "Saving Grace: A Spiritual Love Story." It is by turns painful, insightful, humorous and laugh-out-loud funny. That the character Valentine Jordan is married with childlren - one of them with special needs- makes the character more intruiging as we experience her handling her personal struggles with wit and courage. We travel with her on her hard-fought journey of self-deelopment and enlightenment. The "Eleven Discourses" throughout the book are applicable to people of all beliefs and religions,. provide a clear path toward personal comfort in today's world,and a guidebook for personal developement. If you only read novels, you'll love this book. If you only read self-help, you'll want it. If you only read inspiritational/spiritual litereature, this book is for you. If you only read classics, get it now!

Seeds of Grace: A Nun's Reflections on the Spirituality of Alcoholics Anonymous
Published in Hardcover by Riverhead Books (15 March, 2001)
Author: Molly Monahan
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $3.50
Average review score:

Spirituality in Twelve Steps
This is a book for anyone who wants a better life -- spriritual or not. Live Molly's journey through each of the twelve steps with real people confronting real demons supported by real angels. In my prayer group, we use this book as a study guide to challenge us on our personal faith journey. Who are my angels? What demons do I have to overcome? Who helps me? Who do I forgive?

I learned the twelve steps are universal (previously thinking the twelve steps are for those other people). Each step has a deferent spirituality that uniquely mine -- twelve times. Each step helps me live a more authentic life. Profound book!

More than meets the eye
This book presents a cogent and insightful analysis of the spirituality of AA. However, it does far more. There is something valuable and helpful in the book for anyone interested in spirituality-- insights about forgiveness, thanksgiving, gratitude, humility, peace of mind and freedom. Monahan's breadth of vision is not surprising, since she believes that all of us, at some time in our lives, are powerless over something, that alcholism stands for our human condition in its sad, lost and sorry state, and that AA can show us what God has in mind for everyone in community, love, and service. In particular, Monahan uncovers within the Twelve Steps the ancient threefold way of the spiritual life-- purgative, illuminative and unitive. While providing the reader with a better understanding of alcoholism as a threefold disease -- physical, mental and spiritual -- Monahan offers deep insights into the relationship between the 12 step program and one's search for God.

Simple, Straightforward Story of Sobriety & Faith
Sister Molly Monahan is a member of AA who honors its traditions and so writes under a pen name. She does not write as an spokesperson for AA, but what she hands on is its essential and impolrtant message along with some sense of what is it like to follow its program and take part in its fellowship and meetings. In passing she explains also a lot of its slogans that are called clichés but are in reality informal shorthand for big chunks of wisdom that are foundations for recovery and sobriety. People expecting an unusual story because she is a nun might be disappointed; alcoholism afflicts nuns and priests pretty much like every other kind of person, and their decline and recovery are remarkably like anyone else's. But she hands on what got and keeps her sober and it is a message worth repeating. Only at the end of the book does she touch on her Christan beliefs in any depth to show how AA has helped her come to a deeper appreciation of different elements of her faith. She has found, she says, in AA the link between the experience of being saved from her alcoholism by faith in a loving God and the truths and practices of the Catholic religious tradition. That is something she does not push on other AA's, but Christians in the program might be especially interested in that section. A good message plainly and clearly put.

The New Cancer Survivors: Living With Grace, Fighting With Spirit
Published in Hardcover by Johns Hopkins Univ Pr (December, 1999)
Author: Natalie Davis Spingarn
Amazon base price: $55.00
Used price: $11.99
Buy one from zShops for: $39.61
Average review score:

A Great Help on the Journey
Diagnosed in Oct. '99 with MM, I was devastated, alone, and confused by doctors and information sources. Luckily a friend passed me a copy of this wonderful book and I survived my first surgery and chemo with new strength and resolution. I have recommended this book to members of the clergy and those visiting the sick as the one gift they should come bearing when visiting cancer patients. The book continues to comfort and educate me on the second and third readings. As I enter the transplant phase of my treatment, it will stay with me. The author knows just how to talk to cancer patients, their family, and friends. I consider it a "must have."

A lively and compelling "eyewittness" account.
The New Cancer Survivors: Living With Grace, Fighting With Spirit focuses on men and women who have survived having cancer and how their illness and its treatment have effected profound changes in their lives and life-perspectives. Herself a survivor of metastatic breast cancer, Natalie Spingarn writes with a meticulous attention to the attitude and humor the experiences she and numerous others have encountered in their fight against cancer included drastically shortened hospital stays in a time of promising developments in genetic and pharmaceutical research, the understanding (and misunderstanding) of family and friends, fighting cancer stigma in the workplace, the hospital, and the insurance marketplace, and communicating with physicians and health care providers. The New Cancer Survivors is a lively and compelling "eyewitness" account of both the public and private contexts of a major and pervasive illness.

Recommended for cancer patients -- and those that love them.
The New Cancer Survivors focuses on the modern routines of being a cancer survivor, describing both the gains in treatment and lifestyle and the problems which remain for survivors. The author, herself a cancer survivor, describes a new spirit of living with grace and fighting disease which examines new tools, promising new treatments, and the pros and cons of alternative therapies.

A New Look at Grace: A Spirituality of Wholeness
Published in Paperback by Twenty-Third Publications (May, 1988)
Author: Bill Huebsch
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $3.50
Collectible price: $5.55
Buy one from zShops for: $6.87
Average review score:

Grace as ordinary
A great book to help us recognize that grace exists, even abounds in the ordinary moments of ordinary lives.

Awesome book!
This is one of the simplest yet most profound books on spirituality I have ever read (and re-read!) Each time I go back to it I find new depth. It is written in a simple, poetic style, and is a joy to read. It's basic thesis is that "grace," is all around us and that all we need to do is become aware of how God is present in our everyday life. I cannot recommend this book enough, it is itself a blessing to us!

understand grace
to fully understand grace is a lifelong journery. this book is very helpful. I've study the subject of grace many years and with many authors...this book is by far the best.

Shaping Sanctuary: Proclaiming God's Grace in an Inclusive Church
Published in Paperback by The Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists (September, 2000)
Author: Kelly Turney
Amazon base price: $14.00

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