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Book reviews for "Balabkins,_Nicholas_W." sorted by average review score:

Powder Coating: A List of Definitiions
Published in Hardcover by Powder Coating Inst (October, 1994)
Author: Nicholas Liberto
Amazon base price: $80.00
Used price: $66.92
Average review score:

Powder Coating : The Complete Finisher's Handbook
The Bible for Powder Coaters. This is an excellent resource for applicators, management, sales, government, etc.

Information is clear and consise.

Powers of Imagining: Ignatius of Loyola: A Philosophical Hermeneutic of Imagining Through the Collected Works of Ignatius De Loyola With a Translat
Published in Hardcover by State Univ of New York Pr (October, 1998)
Authors: Antonio De Nicholas and Antonio T. de Nicolas
Amazon base price: $20.95
Used price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $14.28
Average review score:

A powerful, accessible, practical introduction to the heart of Ignatius of Loyola's thought

Prince Eugen of Savoy
Published in Paperback by Sterling Publications (October, 2002)
Author: Nicholas Henderson
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $13.09
Average review score:

The Sun King's Greatest Foe
Prince Eugen of Savoy was of an Italian/French background (his mother Olympia was related to Cardinal Mazarin) and raised in and around the court of that great French expansionist, Louis XIV. His decision to flee France and join the court of the Habsburgs, France's most implacable opponents, is the stuff of legend, and his epic battles against Vendome and Villars won him the status of Louis XIV's Enemy Number One. Of course, in English history, Eugen plays second-banana to his great ally, the Duke of Marlborough, and while it is true that two of his greatest victories (Blenheim and Oudernarte) were won at the Duke's side, his other exploits are equally glorious. He won a series of crushing victories against the Ottoman empire, permanently altering the balance of power in the Balkans, and conducted a Northern Italian campaign that ranks equally with those of Hannibal and Napoleon. (Indeed, it was Eugene, and not Marlborough, who made Napoleon's "greatest hit" list of famous generals.) This 1960s classic is the only English language biography of Eugen available, and the reprint is most welcome. Henderson also does an admirable job of showing us Eugen in peacetime: as his wonderful Belvedere and Winter Palace attest, he was foremost among Europe's greatest art collectors, builders and bibliophiles.

The Prince's Tale and Other Uncollected Writings (Abinger Edition of E.M. Forster, Vol 17)
Published in Hardcover by Andre Deutsch Ltd (February, 1998)
Authors: Philip Nicholas Furbank and Edward Morgan Forster
Amazon base price: $31.50
List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $23.68
Average review score:

Nice miscellany of Forster articles
If you enjoyed Two Cheers for Democracy and Abinger Harvest, this is the book for you. This book contains more articles by E.M. Forster, varying from literary criticism and biographies to a description of looking to the house of Voltaire through a fence while on holiday. (And yes, the latter is a beautiful read too.) Interesting from a scholarly point of view, but certainly also for anyone with a wide range of interest: an entertaining, sometimes even moving book.

The Princess and the Dragon
Published in Hardcover by Knopf (May, 1990)
Authors: Roberto Pazzi and M.J. Fitzgerald
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $2.90
Collectible price: $2.92
Buy one from zShops for: $18.75
Average review score:

This is a wonderful, poetical, metaphysical novel.
I would like to inform You about my thesis that describes and analyses all eight novels by Roberto Pazzi ("La Dimensione del Tempo e della Storia nelle Opere di Roberto Pazzi"). This year, in August, I completed my studies Italian Language and Literature at the University of Utrecht. Maybe you would like to know more about his work or his motivs. I very much admire Pazzi's second novel; the description of Giorgio's solitude, the lack of privacy, the invention and description of his journeys as his way of escapism, his love for Elena that will never be answered openly, al these dramatic aspects are described in the beautiful words of the poet that Pazzi used to be before he started to write his novels, and still is.

The Private World of the Last Tsar: In the Photographs and Notes of General Count Alexander Grabbe
Published in Hardcover by Little Brown & Company (December, 1984)
Authors: Paul Grabbe and Beatrice Grabbe
Amazon base price: $24.50
Used price: $123.52
Average review score:

An absolutely excellent bunch of photographs never before seen in any other book about the Last Imperial Family; they're on their yacht, at the beloved palace Livadia, at the front... everywhere. Quite a few dates are off and there are some misidentifications with Nicholas and Alexandra's daughters (rather typical, sadly enough), but it's still excellent. I recommend this to ANYONE interested in the Romanovs, even slightly. It even throws in Grabbe's views on Nicholas, Alexandra and their five children.

Production & Operations Management: A Life Cycle Approach
Published in Paperback by Irwin Professional Publishing (January, 1992)
Authors: Richard B. Chase and Nicholas J. Aquilano
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $1.20
Buy one from zShops for: $7.00
Average review score:

Easy and interesting access to production and operation mgmt
This book contains a broad overview of the methods and instruments of production and operation management. For me it's one of the best books to get an quick and understandable introduction to the status quo in this area. Absolutely recommended.

The Prom (Terror Academy)
Published in Paperback by Berkley Pub Group (December, 1994)
Author: Nicholas Pine
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.82
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score:

Darn Good
hey, cool, the author acutally came here! Well, what I liked about this book was that some of the really mean, bad people got knocked off. It was kind of funny, because I really disliked some of them. But, altogether, it was a fun book.

Protein Sequencing and Identification Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Published in Hardcover by Wiley-Interscience (18 September, 2000)
Authors: Michael Kinter and Nicholas E. Sherman
Amazon base price: $94.95
Used price: $79.06
Buy one from zShops for: $79.06
Average review score:

"Protein Sequencing ......" a must to read
Michael Kinter has presented the topic in a scientific yet enjoyable format. I found the information to be extremely interesting and beneficial in my laboratory. Lets face it folks this isn't the easiest nor most interesting topic to write about. Job well done DR. Kinter. I only have one criticism, there should have been more photos and illustrations. Get your copies quick this will no doubt be on the NewYork times best seller list before long.

Psoriasis: A Patient's Guide
Published in Paperback by Dunitz Martin Ltd (June, 2003)
Authors: Nicholas J. Lowe and Nicholas Lowe
Amazon base price: $23.95
Average review score:

A Good Basic Guide
This book is a fine introduction to coping withpsoriasis. Unlike the top-selling psoriasis books that claim auniversal "cure" with some specific diet, this book hasno-nonsense practical information. It acknowledges what many patientswith psoriasis know, that "What works for one person may donothing for the next". It covers the specrum of traditionaltreatments and offers many useful tips...

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