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Book reviews for "Balabkins,_Nicholas_W." sorted by average review score:

The Wiseguy Cookbook: My Favorite Recipes from My Life As a Goodfella to Cooking on the Run
Published in Paperback by New American Library Trade (October, 2002)
Authors: Henry Hill, Priscilla Davis, and Nicholas Pileggi
Amazon base price: $11.90
List price: $17.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.71
Buy one from zShops for: $4.80
Average review score:

There's the Sopranos, and then there's the Goodfellas
Don't dis the Sopranos book -- just don't say it's the same thing as this. The Sopranos Family Cookbook is marketing with good recipes, whereas Henry Hill's masterpiece here is as much a retelling of his biography as it is an excellent Sicilian-American cookbook with a heavy emphasis on making do when you can't get what you need.

I think the recipe that sums this book up best is the Oven Penitentiary Sauce, a concoction that Henry and his prison buddies cooked up for those days when the guards have taken all your pots and pans away and all you've got is the steam table pans and the prison bakery. The whole book is like that -- real food, salvaged when something goes wrong. Lots of Italian, but a few surprises from other parts of the country (particularly the South), reflecting Henry's travels in Witness Protection. Substitutions are a big deal too -- from the pork-for-veal scam Hill learned as a kid working in a pizzeria all the way up. Hill's message to cooks: you can always find a way to make it work.

At my bookstore we sold a couple of hundred copies of the Sopranos book over the Holidays, and that was pretty cool. But I had two standard recommendations to go along with that -- Italian Classics from Cooks Illustrated and this one. Of all three (and I say buy them all), fuhgeddaboutit, this is the best -- it's very autobiographical, and will leave you very, very hungry at the end.

The Wiseguy Cookbook
When you grow up with an Italian mom who cooks dishes that nobody else has ever heard of you wonder if you are the only person that has tasted such amazing dishes. Well I don't wonder anymore. The recipes are wonderful. I grew up cooking most of the dishes written about in this book and must say Henry's recipes taste just like "mom's" - in fact just a bit better.... I think this book is extremely well written not only for the "advanced" cook but also for the "novice" cook as I bought a copy for my son and he now uses it to prepare dinner for his family. If you want to cook real "Italian" food - this is your book.

Excellent Instruction and an Entertaining Read
If you want to learn how to cook the most Italian of all American Italian food -- New York style Italian -- buy this book. The conversational style was so enjoyable, I hated the book to end. Not your average cookbook experience.

The way The Wiseguy Cookbook is set up: there are lots of bold insets to give you tips on improving the dish or sometimes more importantly what NOT to do. Between recipes, Henry gives an account of his considerable kitchen experience, beginning in his childhood. This gives a story-telling feel to the book which is quite entertaining.

I learned lots of helpful advice in this book and my Italian food, which was already good, has finally earned an A rating from my husband. If you're reading this, thanks Henry!

Star Man's Son: 2250 A.D.
Published in Textbook Binding by Gregg Pr (June, 1980)
Authors: Andre Norton and Nicholas Mordvinoff
Amazon base price: $10.50
Used price: $39.94
Collectible price: $200.00
Average review score:

This is uncanny! I feel like I'm in a chat room with all the other reviewers! I too read this book in the 7th-8th grade (way too many years ago) and the story has never left me. Unfortunately for me, my copy (titled "Daybreak 2250 A.D.") was sold in an auction in a box of books that I intended to keep! This is one of the most engrossing stories that I have ever read, even if it was meant for kids. If you can find a copy, buy it, treasure it, and share it with your children. A great book

Too good to be out-of print!
It's difficult to write about this book without quoting the previous reviewers (whose comments I really enjoyed reading), because our individual discoveries of and reactions to "Star Man's Son" have been so similar. Like most of them, I first read this book years ago when I was a junior-high student, and it has stayed with me like no other science-fiction story before or since. My sons are adults now, but as teenagers they also read the book (on their mom's recommendation) and had the same reaction to it. (I might add that I re-read it at that time, and the story and the writing had lost none of its "magic" for me.) My own copy has long since disappeared....probably loaned to someone who forgot to return it, but I would love to find a copy and read it again. I read a lot, and my reading tastes are quite eclectic, but I do love a good science fiction story. It just seems they are getting harder and harder to find... the so-called "fantasy" type having taken over the genre in such a big way. I've often wondered why some enterprising movie-maker hasn't picked up on "Star Man's Son." It has all the ingredients for a great sci-fi film if whoever wrote the screenplay would stay true to Norton's story.

This book was my first sci-fi book read!
I loved this book when I read it almost 30 years ago. It has stayed with me all this time. Fors was so cool the way he communicated with his cat. I only read it once but it has never really left my consciousness. i recommend it highly. I'm going to scour the second hand shops for a copy!

The Boy Under The Bed
Published in Hardcover by Malibu Books (01 February, 1998)
Authors: Preston McClear and Nicholas Dollak
Amazon base price: $13.56
List price: $16.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $12.19
Average review score:

The Boy Under The Bed
"The Boy Under the Bed," is about a little monster who insistently tells his parents there is a boy under his bed. His Father Tells him "There are no such things as boys!" The book then goes on a journey through one little monster's imagination and lots of boys! The story is a complete delight! The book is Fifty pages with around 25 beautifully hand painted illustrations!

When your child reads this will he ask to play with monsters
Are your children afraid of monsters under the bed? Have you tried telling them there aren't? Do they still believe there are? If you have and they are still convinced then this is the book for you.

No, this isn't another monster book. This is a book that I cannot recommend enough to mothers and fathers of small children. Why, you ask? My son is four years old and afraid of monsters under the bed, actually he was, until I read him this book. After reading him The Boy Under The Bed, he asked me to let the monsters come in. He wanted to meet them.

The Boy Under The Bed is a cute picture book about a monster named Giles and a little boy that crawls out from under his bed every night. Giles is afraid of little boys because they will make "Monster Pie" out of him. His parents repeatedly tell him there is no such thing as boys. (Like we tell our children about monsters)

One night Giles talks with the boy and becomes friends. He shows the boy back home and meets his other friends. They play all sorts of games. This is a story of monsters and boys, a story of how we got the phrase, "Monsters under the bed."

The illustrator, Nicholas Dollak has also added to this fun book by adding or changing something new to every page. Look at the illustrations and try to figure out what is different. This is a great learning game for the little ones and even fun for adults.

After your child reads this will he be asking to play with monsters? ...

Charming story about what a baby monster is afraid of
The Boy Under The Bed is a charming story. My Four year old loves baby monster Giles. He especially loves the illustrations of the great tree house in the sky where all the boys live.

I like the way the story teaches children to conquer their fears. The Boy Under The Bed is imaginative and fun. A great bed time story.

The Cat Who Cried for Help: Attitudes, Emotions, and the Psychology of Cats
Published in Hardcover by Bantam Books (October, 1997)
Author: Nicholas Dodman
Amazon base price: $22.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Average review score:

The most important cat book available today!
Dr. Dodson addresses the behavioural problems which cause people to get rid of their cats! He deals logically with aggression and inappropriate urination. He discusses new medications with which most Vets are not yet familiar. Dr. Dodson's book and advice are invaluable. My Vet and I are currently working with Dr. Dodson (because I read this book and contacted him) to cure a terrible urination problem with one of my kitties!

An excellent book for any cat owner or feline veterinarian
If more people, from vets to cat owners, would know and apply the principles outlined in this book, thousands of "problem" cats would be saved from shelters or euthanasia. Using a host of fascinating anecdotes, Dr. Dodman explains the psychology of troubled cats. The book is easy-to-read, yet contains a depth of information on a range of feline behavioral disorders, from inappropriate elimination to aggression. Symptoms and treatments are clearly outlined using stories so amusing or interesting that the book is a one-day read. All cat owners should study this star of a book to gain insight into the mind of their cats.

Absolutely Fabulous!
Dr. Dodman's book, "The Cat Who Cried for Help" is incrediably insightful and informative in an easy to read format. It is apparant that he has an exceptional understanding of feline behaviour and that he truly cares for the well being of cat and owner. His explaination of prescriptions used in behavior modification gave me the confidence to move forward this with method of treatment. When you have a problem with a cat you love and when parting with that cat is absolutely not an option, Dr. Dodman comes in with welcome, practical and sound advice. Anyone who loves cats will appreciate and benefit by reading this book.

The Ph.D. Process: A Student's Guide to Graduate School in the Sciences
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (January, 1999)
Authors: Dale F. Bloom, Jonathan D. Karp, and Nicholas Cohen
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $25.00
Average review score:

Honest assessment of the joys (and pains) of graduate school
Although I received my Ph.D. several years ago, I very much enjoyed reading this book. It definitely provoked a lot of memories! Although prospective and current graduate students certainly will value the book, I think it also is of value to current graduate student mentors. Professors too often "forget" what life is like as a graduate student, and what their role should be in fostering learning in their students. This book does a great job of putting the professor/student relationship in perspective.

What you've always wanted to know about graduate school...
This is the first book I've seen that deals with the opportunities and challenges of being a graduate student in the sciences in a fair and equitable fashion. You'll find neither university-specific recruitment cheerleading nor intellectual snobbery in this book, just what the reality of life is like for students in graduate school. And make no mistake - this reality is very personal. From choosing a graduate school to tying up the loose ends of your dissertation, this book explains just what you can expect from this exhilarating, unnerving, and sometimes overwhelming experience. I wish this book had been available when I was applying to graduate schools! I highly recommend it to anyone, whether they are simply considering going to graduate school or are weeks away from a defense date.

Being a graduate student in the sciences can be very isolating, and reading about other students' experiences that echo your own (especially in other universities around the country) provides a sometimes much-needed perspective on both your feelings and your attitudes about your current work and your upcoming career. If you are considering a Ph.D. in the sciences, READ THIS BOOK.

En route to a PHD
Science is synonymous with learning and knowledge. 'The PHD Process - A Students Guide to Graduate School in the Sciences' by Dale F. Bloom and two co-authors has just been published by the Oxford University Press, New York. Dr Bloom performed her doctoral studies at UCLA in the Behavioural Neuroscience division of the Department of Psychology and the Brain Research Institute, and is a full-time author. Her accumulated experiences has led to reliable conclusions instead of unverified conjectures. Every phenomena to gain a PHD is extensively investigated and explains clearly and intelligibly the preoccupation required for growth and development from the seed to the embryo.

The 'PHD Process' is a treasure of undisputed supremecy. Numerous scientists and graduate students have been interviewed and responded to questionaires. This entailed years of research and analysis formulating a profoundly interesting encyclopedia for science students. Dr Bloom emphasises, "This book is for the graduate students of the future, from the graduate students of the past." She describes compellingly the fears, courage and convictions which ultimately brings the student and PHD closer together. Every chapter has its salient points offering practical advice, exhaustively exploited and logically explained. It unites, inspires and passionately advocates its subject.

'The PHD Process' gives real meaning with lasting effect. It is a masterly, well ordered treatise, a science student's Bible. The Index and References ensure that the book is easy to navigate.

There is no better guide. If there is a more important item by item book for graduate students of science, it has yet to be written.

Angels in Iron
Published in Hardcover by Evolution Pub & Manufacturing (January, 1998)
Author: Nicholas C. Prata
Amazon base price: $29.00
Average review score:

How is this book not famous?
This is a fantastic read! I loved every minute of it. I am astonished it's not a movie yet.

Pleasant Surprise
I bought this book, having heard of it through a mutual friend of mine and the author. Since then, I have made the acquaintance of the author. I was amazed at the content and detail in this book. Though it is not my usual kind of story, I did enjoy reading it, more so than some books I have read by widely known authors. The battle scenes are so vividly described that I could visualize everything to the expressions on the faces of the characters. It was very easy to find the Hospitalers so likeable and the Turkish army detestable. I became so enthralled with the story that I literally could not put it down. I look forward to reading more of Nick's work.

The best medieval book I have ever read!
This book has a ton of great information and is an awesome adventure! Read it, you won't be sorry!

Complete Tutankhamun: The King, the Tomb, the Royal Treasure
Published in Hardcover by Thames & Hudson (November, 1990)
Authors: Nicholas Reeves and C. N. Reeves
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $10.00
Collectible price: $19.06
Average review score:

The tomb and its "treasures" are the real focus.
If you want a multitude of pictures and a fair discussion of the tomb's discovery and the objects found in it, then this is an excellent book. We used this in a grad/undergrad level seminar I took back at Columbia University because it is so detailed on the tomb and its discovery. However, when it comes to information about Tutankhanum himself there are only 20 pages that look at his life and the historical context of his life, most of that is spent on his family and the dynasty he is part of. 20 pages out of 200+?! This is why I'm giving this book only 4 stars -- the cover and the summary offered by the book itself suggests the book has three parts and this first one is barely there.

detailed, useful and complete
Ever since King Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered by Howard Carter in 1922, the legacy of the boy-king has fascinated the world. This fascinating book provides much information about this boy, who reigned over Egypt for a short period of time. The author describes the search and the discovery of the tomb, the archaeology of the tomb and the treasures it contained. The book includes extracts from Carter's notes and diaries, as well as first-time publication of his drawings and reconstructions. Offering both color and black-and-white illustrations, this is a most excellent useful reference for everyone.

EIU or Educational, Interesting, Useful
I had a project on Ancient Egypt. We were supose to choose a topic and write about it. I choose King Tut. I borrowed this book at a library and found it so interesting i bought it. I got all of the information i needed in this book and as a good result a got an A+ on my project. And all I have to thank is this one book.

Boy in the Alamo
Published in Paperback by Corona Pub (December, 1983)
Authors: Margaret Cousins and Nicholas Eggenhofer
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $4.94
Collectible price: $4.99
Buy one from zShops for: $8.34
Average review score:

A 4th Grader Review
The reason I put four stars is because it was sad. Whenever I think of the Boy in the Alamo, I think of my grandfather. My grandfather died in World War 1, so I never met him. Boy in the Alamo was good, my favorite part is when Billy said he'd look for Lupe his whole life.

Mother and son review
My 4th grade son and I loved this book! It's a great read with lots of excitement and emotion. My son read it first and loved it so much I decided I wanted to read it. I had trouble putting it down. It's an absolute must for kids and adults.

Loved it!
Loved it! It could not get any better!! I liked Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie and Santa Anna! It shows and tells you everything just like the Alamo. Even though it was just told through the mind of a 12 year old boy, it was still the best book. The story really shows what the Alamo was like. It was blazingly awesome with fantasy and real scenes. The pictures were great! I would give this book six stars, if I could. I couldn't resist to say no to this book!

Published in Paperback by Ivan R. Dee, Publisher (01 September, 2000)
Authors: Euripides and Nicholas Rudall
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $0.72
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
Average review score:

Medea...too much woman for me!
'Medea' by Euripedes is a classic and powerful Greek tragedy that broke all the rules of that time period. Euripedes takes two great figures in Medea and Jason, and uses Iconoclastic techniques brilliantly to make Jason seem stupid and Medea seem like a murderer. It is especially interesting because of the story that you need to understand outside of the play. You will need to know who the gods are and how Medea and Jason got together. Medea is a powerful sorceress, which is a major point in this play. The imagery of the death scenes were VIVIDLY scripted and the gods, who are supposed to represent all that is good and rightous, are also mocked and bashed by Euripedes. Overall, Euripedes defied all and created a tragic masterpiece, I will definately recommend you to read this. Thank you.

Don't Get In Her Way or...
Medea, as our heroine, is the true definition of a woman scorned. Not only does Medea leave her homeland to follow her one and only love, but she sacrifices her whole life to him. What happens in the book when she finds out Jason wants to take on another wife after Medea has scrificed everything for him...? Well, I'll leave that to you to find out. I'll simply say that Medea is, suprisingly, very imaginiative - at the time of it's writing, it broke all the barriers that surrounded around Greek tradedies. I must also say that Medea is in somewhat of the same arena as "The Odyssey" - it's incredibly descriptive, even with the language used that is so different from our own, Euripides genuinely "takes the reader there." All in all, a wonderful, very readable play. And remember, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! A great commentary, if a little extreme, but still wonderful, enchanting - you WILL be pulled into the action! 5 stars!

Scorned Barbarian Woman Bent on Revenge
This is one of those remarkable plays that feels like it was written just last week. Medea is the daughter of the evil King Aeetes in Colchis -- on the remote, eastern side of the Black Sea. She assists Jason in slaying the serpent that guarded the golden fleece, and fell deeply in love with him. (See Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica for a fuller treatment of the love episode at Colchis). She even killed her brother, Absrytus, on their way back to Greece.

Medea has one problem, however. Aside from the fact she is a witch, she is a barbarian, a non-Greek. The Greeks used the word "barbaros" to refer to all people who weren't Greek, because if they didn't speak Greek, it just sounded like "bar bar bar" to the Greeks.

So after Jason and Medea settle in together back in Greece, his homeland, he decides that his interests (and Medea's) are better served if he marries the daughter of King Creon of Corinth. Medea gets jealous, poisons the woman, and then kills her two children in revenge.

Medea is an absolutely riveting character, whose tragic problems are those of all woman who have left their homes and families to follow men to foreign lands, only to be scorned by them in the end. The speeches of Jason and Medea are remarkable point-counterpoint presentations which reflect the deep influence of the sophists of Euripides' day. Medea sounds, at times, like a proto-feminist. She is one of the most enduring dramatic creations of all times, revealing with each line the remarkable genius of Euripides, the most modern of the three great Greek tragedians

The Beatles Forever
Published in Hardcover by Bookthrift Co (July, 1980)
Author: Nicholas Schaffner
Amazon base price: $3.98
Used price: $3.95
Collectible price: $14.00
Average review score:

I read THE BEATLES FOREVER when it first came out. Nick Schaffner managed to tell the history of The Beatles and combine that with the memoirs of a fan growing up in the United States. And the combination of those two elements were an unqualified success, as evident by the thousands who have read and admired the book over the last 25 years.It influenced me to write AS I WRITE THIS LETTER: AN AMERICAN GENERATION REMEMBERS THE BEATLES. In fact, I wrote to Nick in 1980 to tell him about my idea. He wrote back and was very encouraging, giving me reason and validation to continue in my endeavor. I had the opportunity to meet Nick Schaffner at a Beatles Convention, the first one held after the assassination of John Lennon. He was a true gentleman, who took the time to talk to me despite the collective grief of the convention attendees.To put it simply, THE BEATLES FOREVER as stood the test of time. It's still wonderful and can never be duplicated. We all wish that Nick was still here to bask in the adulation this book deserves. Somehow...I think he knows. Haven't read it yet? What are you waiting for?Marc A. Catone

From fan to Fanatic
I got this book as a birthday present one year, and it totally changed my musical life. Before I was a fan of the beatles, but this book opened me up to the effect they had on music and on society, and gave me that much more of a love for their songs. Now I'm a sold out beatlemanic! Definitly for anyone who is interested in learning about the B's!

Still the "mother of all Beatles histories."
The late Nicholas Schaffner may have turned more people onto the Beatles, their music, and their place in the 1960s than any other author. That so much of this book remains complete and accurate is a tribute to the author's research; that it remains perhaps the most entertaining history of the group is a tribute to his writing. In addition to tracing the group's history, beginning with the arrival of the Fab Four in America, Schaffner adds information about the chart performance of their records, songs performed on tour, and a wealth of period photos that document notable moments in their story. The book is also set apart from other, often repetitious (and pretentious) Beatles literature as the first volume to take a serious, detailed look at the solo work of John, Paul, George, and Ringo after the group's breakup. This detailed chronicle of the solo years was the first such look at that period for many fans familiar only with the group years. The number of Beatles books has proliferated beyond all reason, and yet only a few have improved upon, or added much of significance, to Schaffner's work. None has equaled his appeal and talent as a writer. Betty Mitchel

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