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Book reviews for "Balabkins,_Nicholas_W." sorted by average review score:

The Professional's Book of Rottweilers (Professional Book of Series)
Published in Hardcover by TFH Publications (October, 1991)
Author: Anna Katherine Nicholas
Amazon base price: $62.97
List price: $89.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.99
Average review score:

Wonderful Book! Worth every penny for years to come!
This book is coffee table quality and sits right there! I have gone back to it a million times for historical information and pedigree research. The many, many pictures give it a life of it's own! An outstanding book. Two thumbs WAY UP! :o)

Fantastic book - I give it more than 5 stars!
I've read and reread this book many times. The photos are great and it's very interesting and exciting to read about dogs and rottweiler fanciers I have met and heard of. I recommend this book as a "must have".

Educational, with a variety of great pictures
I read your book and thought you went into detail a lot. You had a great variety of pictures to look at. I think if you had put ways of contacts to find out more information would have improved it even more. Over all a great book.

Queen Elizabeth II: A Woman Who Is Not Amused
Published in Hardcover by Birch Lane Pr (May, 1994)
Author: Nicholas Davies
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $1.88
Collectible price: $9.28
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95
Average review score:

I wouldn't be amused either!
Three years ago, I added this book to my too-large collection of books about the Royal Family. I started re-reading it this week when looking up something about her disinterest in clothes while reading the reports of her visit to Australia. Whoever is doing her hats now should be drawn and quartered!

This is an enjoyable book and I can only feel a bit sorry for the Queen. For all of her worldly possessions, she leads a rather dreadful life. Smiling, looking interested, holding flowers, etc. must almost drive her out of her mind! She does a good job of it, though, and for that I give her credit. It's a good show. I've been watching it for over 40 years!

Informative and highly entertaining
One of the best books on the British Royal Family and on Queen Elizabeth in particular.

Reading this book one can see that Mr. Davies is quite knowledgeable and has done his homework where researching the subject is concerned.

Queen Elizabeth may not be easily amused - and she has every right not to be - but I certainly was highly amused and entertained.

HM may not be amused but I sure was!
Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated by the British Royal family; watching the weddings of both the Waleses and the Yorks, reading Majesty magazine each month, etc. I bought this book to find out more about the Queen and Prince Phillip. I finished this book within two days and still find myself drawn to it. The depth that the author reaches, describing the Queen's marriage, family, responsibilities, daily life - it is all covered with a thoroughness that makes the reader feel as though they knew Her Majesty personally. Undoubtedly there are other books available that detail Queen Elizabeth II's life, but this one will stand out due to it's ability to draw the reader into the world of this remarkable monarch.

Safe Harbors: An Asset Protection Guide for Small Business Owners (CCH Business Owner's Toolkit series)
Published in Paperback by Commerce Clearing House (01 May, 2003)
Author: Nicholas C. Misenti
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.87
Buy one from zShops for: $11.25
Average review score:

What every small to large-sized business owner needs !!
It's clear that the author has years of experience in protecting business owners' hard-earned assets. The author's asset protection strategies range from simple and inexpensive to complex and costly. This really makes the book suitable for managers of large corporations as well as small business owners.

At 500 pages, the book is detailed and comprehensive, but easy to read. Who would have known that in many states taking out a second mortgage on a house could make it exempt from attachment, while in other states, just the opposite approach, i.e., paying off the first mortgage, is what's required? Or that an IRA shields assets from the claims of creditors in many states and thus provides much more than a tax shelter, while in other states an ERISA-qualified 401(k) plan is a better choice? The author sorts all of this out in an authoritative but easy to read guide. Many readers will wish that they had this book years ago before financial problems developed. But, even there the author has strategies that can help avert a disaster.

The content, layout and design of this book make it not only indispensable, but actually fun to read. The tips, warnings and anectdotes are terrific. Attorney Misenti obviously has wide ranging experience in this field and his writing style is superb.

The Ultimate Wealth Preservation Guide
This is the ultimate guide to wealth building and wealth preservation. I've read other guides on forming an LLC or a corporation, but I never realized how woefully inadequate those other guides were before I purchased this book. As the author points out, many business owners form an LLC or a corporation without understanding how to strategically fund the entity, avoid exceptions to limited liability, or transfer assets to exempt categories, all of which are necessary if financial wealth is to be preserved in the face of lawsuits or bankruptcy. This guides teaches how to do all of that, and more.

The addition of actual cases, state asset exemption lists, and business forms for LLC's, makes this one of the best books of its kind that I've seen. Apparently this is one book in a series from the publisher that has received a lot of acclaim. ...

Save a Million Dollars! Timely Guidance
I've read that small business and entrepreneurs lead the country out of a recession. This guide could not be more timely. Don't start a business or expand your business without buying this book. This guide should be in the library of every business owner and well used. This really is the best, and most comprehensive asset protection guide on the market for small business owners, corporate mangers, and individuals interested in preserving their wealth.

I like the fact that the author proves that, when his asset protection strategies are put into place before financial problems arise, they are virtually beyond challenge, even to the extent of preserving an individual's entire wealth against the most significant of claims. I found it amazing that, with the right planning, millionaires can emerge from a major lawsuit or bankruptcy with no loss at all! Want to save a million dollars or all of the assets you have worked hard to create? Buy this book NOW and put a comprehensive asset protection plan in place based on the author's recommendations.

Santa and the Christ Child
Published in Hardcover by Santa and the Christ Child Publishers (June, 1986)
Authors: Nicholas Bakewell and Herbert Rayburn
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $10.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.60
Collectible price: $9.53
Buy one from zShops for: $4.89
Average review score:

Impressive book
I first saw a statue of Santa kneeling next to the Christ Child several years ago, and I was thoroughly impressed. When I was teaching Sunday School last year, another teacher brought this in for me to read to the whole group. What an experience! I still believe in Santa Claus (at 25), and I was very glad to have a book that reconciled by religious beliefs about Christmas with my belief in Santa Claus. I recommend this book to everyone, young and old!

Blending Christmas themes
The book Santa and the Christ Child is a wonderful, delightful, entertaining story for young and old. The author presents a pleasant blend of children's interest in Santa Claus and the theme of love and giving with the original Christmas message of the birth of the Christ Child. This enchanting story keeps the focus on the heart of Christmas rather than the commercialization of the season. It also provides an imaginative and fitting answer to Virginia Wolf's question, "Is there a Santa Claus?" What a delightful and appropriate defense of why we should not remove Santa Claus from Christmas, even Santa know the reason for the season and that is why he does what he does. I recommend this book to all persons who celebrate Christmas.

Wonderful! It explains the real meaning of Christmas!
This book is a simple but meaningful story. Adults and children will love it from beginning to end. It explains what Christmas is all about, Jesus Christ's birth.

Santa Paws Come Home (Santa Paws)
Published in Paperback by Apple (November, 2000)
Author: Nicholas Edwards
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.79
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

Homeward Bound!
Santa Paw's rescue of a little boy is the top story on the news, but who ever knew it could lead to trouble?
When two local criminals go to drastic measures to steal Santa paws from his family's car the news programs go from reporting his amazing rescue to his horrible disappearance. Then Santa Paws wakes up in a strange car and, knowing he has to get home, escapes in the middle of a highway in New York City.
What with the dangers of cars, trains, and a few mean people, it's hard to believe that Santa Paws will ever make his way home by Christmas. But even when he's injured, lost, and fighting to get home he can't avoid helping many more people on his way.
With the help of a little black kitten who befriends him, will Santa Paws make it home for the holidays?

Santa Paws Come Home (Santa Paws)
This is an excellent sequel in the series of Santa Paws. The book starts out with Santa Paws' usual helpful rescue. This time the rescue is of a small boy, which in turn ends up on the TV news program. Santa Paws usual act of heroism gets him stolen by 2 local thugs, who are acting on the part of a rich man. Santa Paws manages to escape, but is bumbarded by traffic hazzards and the lost scent of his family and home. He continues to try to locate his home berrings, but as he does, he finds himself in one problem after another helping and saving a variety of different people along the way. Tired, injured, and hurt, Santa paws continues to scense his way home coming across and meeting a black kitten. This young kitten chooses to befriend Santa Paws and follows him until he finally mades his way home to the Callahans.

Home for the holidays
Santa Paws Come home, by Nicholas Edwards, is a very good book to read around the holidays, or just if your lounging on the beach. When the hero dog Santa Paws gets stolen and escapes, he finds himself in busy New York City. To make matters worse, Christmas is right around the corner! Can the beloved dog return to his family in Oceanport in time for Christmas?

The shadow of the winter palace : Russia's drift to revolution, 1825-1917
Published in Unknown Binding by Viking Press ()
Author: Edward Crankshaw
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $0.12
Collectible price: $4.24
Buy one from zShops for: $16.69
Average review score:

This is an outstanding choice for anyone who wants to learn more about and understand the forces involved in Russia's autocratic Tsarist political system from 1825 to the Revolution of 1917.

The author masterfully blends history, political thought, biography, (and a dry sense of humor at times!) to a monumental task in examining the changes in Russia in the last 100 or so years prior to the Soviet era. (he covers some significant events in the reign of Alexander I) We see how Russia's expansion to Central Asia; the impact of the Crimean War; the economic modernizing problems resulting from serfdom; and the war with Japan in the early 20th Century shaped and influenced the thinking in the country.

Crankshaw is able to clearly deliniate the trends, and the significant events and people which made those trends possible. All in an easy to read and interesting style.

A fascinating and highly informative read!

Since the previous reviews have already established an able outline of the work's content I will only say that Crankshaw's masterpiece is a magnificent work of history and cuts to the heart of Russia under the Tsars, the Politburo and today's government.

As always, Crankshaw's prose is lucid, elegant and highly readable.

The last century of Autocracy in Russia
This book is a wonderful exposition of the reigns of the last tsars of Russia as well as the evolution of Russian society during that period, from a social and political view: Nicholas I, the oppressive ruler guided by a divine concept of sovereignty, smasher of the Decembrist rebellion and creator of the Third Section of Imperial Chancellery, the primitive political police; Alexander II, the reformist, the tsar who by an ukase in 1861 abolished servitude in Russia, and who, curiously, created the Okhrana, the security police on the basis of the Third Section and established it in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1881 the tsar was assassinated as the result of a terrorist plot, and the Okhrana could do nothing to prevent it; Alexander III, as hard and terrible as Nicholas I, gave almost illimitate powers to the police and to the Governor Generals of provinces and regions. Russia was driving to the abyss as the differences between upper and lower classes were increasing dangerously in a country ruled by an absolute despotism, almost feudal; Nicholas II, weak and short-sighted, followed by inertia the politics of his predecessor. From 1905 the regime was falling apart and disintegrating: the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the Bloody Sunday of 1905, the breaking out of the I World War in 1914, all these events mainly accelerated the dethroning and later execution of the last emperor of the Romanov dinasty, His Sacred Majesty the Tsar of All Russias.

Skimmin' Stones
Published in Paperback by Vantage Press (June, 1999)
Author: Nicholas P. Murray
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $6.50
Average review score:

Breath of fresh air
What a breath of fresh air! Skimmin' Stones is light, adventurous and fun. It has a lilting quality that gives you the sense that you are there, in Ireland, laughing and exploring with these three boys. Three days of their lives was a tantilizing invitation to the style of the writer and his imaginative creativity. Definately a book to enjoy!

Impressive debut
A wonderful glimpse into another life. Murrays style throws the reader into his world - one emerges from this story stirred not shaken. More please, Mr Murray.

An enchanting journey through adolescnce
I approached this book as somewhat of a requirement since the author is a close personal freind. I was hoping that Nick would do himself credit as he is a person of extreme wit. He has the ability to mesmerize those who listen to his truly outrageous stories. I was not at all dissapointed by his first book. Skimmin Stones is a multilayered book that at times shocks, saddens, envigorates and definately entertains. My only regret that Nick only covered only 3 days of his childhood. Knowing that these events really happened I only wish we could here more. Perhaps we could at some point revisit the lives of these three intresting boys. I wish the author the best of luck on his next project.

Solutions for the "Treatment Resistant" Addicted Client: Therapeutic Techniques for Engaging Difficult Clients
Published in Paperback by Haworth (T) (December, 2001)
Author: Nicholas A. Roes
Amazon base price: $16.07
List price: $22.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.99
Buy one from zShops for: $15.95
Average review score:

Makes Sense
Rather than argue about whose approach to treatment is best, the author develops the very best ideas from many different models. The result is a user-friendly collection that makes it much easier to connect with your most difficult clients.

Made A Difference
I am Clinical Director at an outpatient drug clinic. After reading my copy of this book, I ordered 23 more--one for each of our counselors. A really great resource that makes a difference with challenging clients.

Just What I Needed
There are many books with information on theories, models, and philosophies of treatment. This book tells practitioners exactly what to do when dealing with challenging addicted clients. Very practical, helpful information counselors can put to work right away.

Sounds of movies : interviews with the creators of feature sound tracks
Published in Unknown Binding by Nicholas Pasquariello (01 December, 1996)
Author: Nicholas Pasquariello
Amazon base price: $35.00
Average review score:

Laudatory review from the Hollywood Editors Guild Newsletter
From May/June, 1997 issue of the Editors Guild (IATSE Local 776) Newsletter, Hollywood, California BOOK REVIEW: "SOUNDS OF MOVIES - Interviews with the Creators of Feature Sound Tracks" by Nicholas Pasquariello 240 pages, softcover - Port Bridge Books Reviewed by Dave Whittaker Nicholas Pasquariello has been writing about the technical side of filmmaking for a variety of periodicals for about twenty years, and he now has published a valuable book that collects together interviews with thirteen individuals who are all prominent in the world of film sound. The interviews span the last thirteen years, published originally in Mix magazine and others, and the interviews included here seem to have been chosen for their timelessness, a wise choice. While this book seems aimed largely at the academic film community, there's sufficient depth in the contents so as to be of value to "working professionals" in the film industry. The book is divided into two main sections about production and post-production. The production interviews are with prominent production mixers; the section on post is with re-recording mixers, sound editors, and "sound designers" who wear both hats. The balance is devoted to absorbing interviews on director/composer collaboration, the archival restorations of 'Othello' and 'Lawrence of Arabia', and the perils of translating and dubbing foreign-language versions abroad. In the production section the interviews are with Chris Newman on 'A Chorus Line' and 'Mosquito Coast', Drew Kunin on the rigors of getting usable sound on racing yachts for Carrol Ballard's 'Wind', Ivan Sharrock on 'The Last Emperor', Simon Kaye on 'Platoon', Tod Maitland on 'The Doors', and Nelson Stoll on the marriage of documentary and feature techniques and the politics of the job. It's an interesting and highly varied group of films, with an equally interesting and varied group of mixers talking. If you've never worked in production, or if you've ever complained about the production mixing on a show you're working on, these interviews can be most enlightening. You'll gain some appreciation for the difficult position these folks are in. Trying to reconcile the goal of good sound quality with the conflicting demands of preoccupied directors, camera and lighting needs, difficult locations, and budget realities, all the while "looking good in dailies", is clearly revealed to be a most elusive objective. In the post-production section are interviews with Mark Berger on re-recording 'Amadeus' and 'Mosquito Coast', Richard Beggs on sound design for 'Cotton Club' and 'Tucker', Leslie Shatz on sound design for 'Mishima', Mark Mangini on sound effects for 'Star Trek IV', and Mike Minkler on re-recording 'Explorers'. Like the production mixing section, the group of films here is quite varied and the personalities of the interviewees are often quite engaging. The post section devotes most of its length to the interviews with Bay Area professionals. As a Hollywood sound editor, I was taken aback by this at first, but then realized that this proves to be a bit of a virtue, because the multiple-hat wearing of Richard Beggs and Leslie Shatz allows the interviews to roam over the entire sound-post process, presenting a cohesive picture of what really goes on beyond the picture editing room. Perhaps this Bay Area weighting is a reflection of the tendency for many filmmakers who appreciate the value of collaboration to be attracted to the less-compartmentalized working methods there. It proves useful to read about the difficult location sound recording on 'Mosquito Coast', and then read later about the ramifications of those early decisions when Alan Splet and Mark Berger were trying to edit and mix the tracks. Where this book could be improved would be if there more of these linkages of interviews. Also, when techniques with a long history are discussed in the interviews (such as dance foley for 'Chorus Line') an internal author's reference about that history would be enlightening (as in: "Fred Astaire and others were doing this in 1934"). But these are minor quibbles, somewhat made up for by the presence of fascinating 'bonus' interviews with Vittorio Storaro and Dean Tavoularis on the cinematography and production design for 'Tucker'. There's precious little published material on the working and creative processes of film sound, and this book helps to fill the void. Check it out.

Dolby vice president's praise of Sounds of Movies
"I recommend this book to film students and anyone else who is interested in the art of mixing film sound; it contains absorbing insights into the creative process from some of the best sound designers in the industry. By engaging film sound artists in a series of revealing dialogs, Pasquariello highlights some of the practical problems and ingenious solutions to making films sound good." Ioan Allen, senior vice president, Dolby Laboratories

recommended by Dolby Laboratories senior vice president
"I recommend this book to film students and anyone else who is interested in the art of mixing film sound; it contains absorbing insights into the creative process from some of the best sound designers in the industry. By engaging film sound artists in a series of revealing dialogs, Pasquariello highlights some of the practical problems and ingenious solutions to making films sound good." Ioen Allen Senior Vice President Dolby Laboratories

Space Academy, Stargate Search (The Kirsten Chronicles, Volume 2)
Published in Paperback by Writers Club Press (March, 2002)
Authors: Mark Nicholas and Jane Christine
Amazon base price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

An engaging and memorable science fiction saga
Collaborative written by Mark Nicholas and Jane Christine, Space Academy: Stargate Search is the second volume of the "Kirsten Chronicles" series. Cadet Kirsten and her feline-alien companion work to help a researcher unlock the mystery of stargates and how to create them; yet it may be that someone in the Academy wants their project to fail at any cost! An engaging and memorable science fiction saga, Space Academy: Stargate Search is especially recommended for teen and young adult science fiction fans!

Superb Book!
Science fiction the way it's meant to be! This book is delightful for all ages. Believable characters and dialog. I hope volume 3 is "in the works." If you like Harry Potter, or Nancy Drew, or the Hardy Boys, you'll LOVE Kirsten and the Space Academy series. Don't miss this one!

Amazing plot! Wonderful read for readers of all ages!
How nice it was to finally find a sequel--in this instance volume 2--that is better than the original. Nicholas and Christine have done the unthinkable: surpassed the excellence and literary quality they exhibited in Space Acacemy: Volume 1 of the Kirsten Chronicles. Stargate Search's narrative wends through a myriad plot twists and locale changes that lead to a surprise ending sure to enthrall readers of all ages from six to one hundred and six. I hope volume 3 is soon to follow!

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