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Book reviews for "Williams,_John_A." sorted by average review score:

The National Experience: A History of the United States
Published in Hardcover by International Thomson Publishing (1993)
Authors: John M. Blum, William S. McFeely, and Edmund S. Morgan
Amazon base price: $94.95
Used price: $3.99
Collectible price: $34.99
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95
Average review score:

keep looking for a better book
This book was used as the text for my junior year AP history class, and it is absolutely awful. The book is extremely difficult to read because there is so much unnecessary information crammed into each section and the authors seemed more interested in simply recording facts than making a coherent assessment of history. My teachers agreed that this book is difficult, uninteresting, and poorly edited and are looking for a new text.

I love history and was excited to take the AP History course but I could not focus on this book for more than five minutes without becoming sleepy and losing focus. The book does present accurate and extensive facts covering the history of the US from pre-colonization to the mid-1990's, but there has got to be a better way to learn them.

As an AP US History textbook...
I am now a junior in high school and this is the book I use as the main textual reference for my AP US History Class. I agree with Amanda, this book is boring (but there are times when the author of a particular section shows a sense of humor). It is crammed with names of people, places and pieces of legislation that are never explained and, at times, appear to be irrelevant. I read a lot of supplementary material, but still do not have the time to familiarize myself with everything mentioned in the book. It is my opinion that some of the space in this book could have been used for better explanations of specific events rather than a place where the author could list everything (s)he knew about the time period in that BAM, BAM, BAM way (sorry, I have no other way of explaining how that book reads, sometimes it's like an index of events, except not alphabetized).

An appropriate text for 11th grade Advanced Placement.
This text provides the necessary background and factual information to successfully instruct the 11th grade Advanced Placement United States History course throughout the world. Included in the text are appreciated charts, maps, and illustrations.

The text includes all that is necessary for the student and teacher dedicting themselves in combination to fulfill what is needed to score well enough on the national Advanced Placement examination to earn college credit.

The 8th edition includes American History well into the last decade of the 20th Century.

Applied .NET: Developing People-Oriented Software Using C#
Published in Paperback by Addison-Wesley Pub Co (18 October, 2001)
Authors: Ronan Sorensen, George Shepherd, John Roberts, and Russ Williams
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $3.66
Buy one from zShops for: $5.21
Average review score:

This book's title is misleading, as it appears to feed off the familiarity with the Applied Programming series of books from Microsoft Press. It is truly a mixed-bag, as the above editorial review admits. After expounding on the 'revolutionary' idea that software should be people oriented, it dives into pages of code that lays out an Asp.Net application. It then sandwiches in a C# fundamentals tour, and then dives right into more code. If there is a purpose to this book, I couldn't distill it. It truly appears as if each author wrote their portion of their book without talking to the other, and then the editor mashed them together the night before the deadline hit.

Different type of book
If you have kept up with the .NET revolution, you have no doubt seen and read a lot of books on .NET and the .NET languages. Most of the books on C# deal with the basics of syntax with a couple of small samples applications. Very few, however, deal with any sort of real world situations.
While this book does cover a few of the basics, it is more focused on the people aspect. I feel this is an important, often overlooked, aspect of software development and the fact that it is overlooked is why so much software is hard to use.
If you are looking for a best practices book, this tome is not quite there. The same goes for a book strong on code. While you can use the CD to look at a good amount of sample code, the book is rather thin. This is not, however, the focus of the book; and, since so many other books cover this, the niche filled here is rather nice.
If I had to pick the proper audience for this book, there would be two categories: 1) Anyone who has ever had a piece of software fail as the end-users never bought in, and 2) anyone who wants to ensure this never happens. While it is not an excellent book, I have to laud the publisher for taking a chance on this subject matter selling. I hope it does.

A Breed Apart: A Tribute to the Hunting Dogs That Own Our Souls, Volume 2
Published in Hardcover by Countrysport Pr (September, 1995)
Authors: John Barsness, Thomas Bevier, Paul Carson, Chris Dorsey, Jim Fergus, Gene Hill, John Holt, Michael McIntosh, Dave Meisner, and Datus Proper
Amazon base price: $39.00
Used price: $29.95
Buy one from zShops for: $30.00
Average review score:

A Breed Apart a Tribute to The Hunting Dogs That Own Our Sou
I was inspired by the compilation of bird dog stories found within this book. If you enjoy the excitement, fear, despair, and elation associated with the training, ownership and running of all breeds of bird dogs, you will enjoy this book. The authors help you relive the moments you have endured with your own dogs in addition to helping you imagine the hunts you have yet to experience. This is a definite must read for bird dog enthusiasts.

For all dog lovers
I borrowed this book from a friend and had a tough time putting it down. Great stories from writers who truly love their dogs. A few of the essays are sad, but all of them allow us to share a part of a fellow dog lovers life with his best friend. Definitely a must read.

Capital Investment Analysis for Engineering and Management
Published in Paperback by Pearson Higher Education (26 October, 1995)
Authors: John R. Canada, William G. Sullivan, and John A. White
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $118.78
Buy one from zShops for: $117.73
Average review score:

Typos and poor writing make this a frustrating book
I was subjected to this book as a requirment for an Engineering Management masters degree course. I've seen a lot of textbooks in 7 years of college, but this one has got to be the most frustrating! There are MANY typos, not just mispellings - but problems done incorrectly. Also, many of the chapters are taken from other text, so there's not a good flow to the book. You'll probably only buy this book as a requirement for a class, but beware!!!

Good textbook
We were required to buy this textbook for our Engineering Economics class at UT-Austin. I found this book helpful as an introduction to business. It gave us quite a number of examples and review questions to help us understand the major concepts. Even though the book may have contained a little too much information, I really liked it since I learnt a lot from it.

Care of the Wild: First Aid for Wild Creatures
Published in Paperback by Univ of Wisconsin Pr (December, 1991)
Authors: William J. Jordon, John Hughes, and William J. Jordan
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $7.49
Average review score:

This is first aid?
I had thought this book was about first aid for wild animals, but as it turns out it's more like a manual for killing them. It's full of ways to kill but next nothing on healing wild creatures. This is the most disappointing book I've ever seen. I'd recommend that anyone interested in truly helping animals avoid this book...

Great Book!
This book is FILLED with useful advice on how to care for wild creatures. It takes a no nonsense approach to capturing, handling, feeding and caring for orphaned or injured wild animals. Perhaps the previous reviewer couldn't handle the candor with which the authors deal with the reality that some animals in some circumstances can't be helped, but if you can and are interested in effectively helping animals that are in trouble, this book's for you.

Explicitly Christian Politics
Published in Paperback by National Reform Association (November, 1997)
Authors: William O. Einwechter, Anthony Cowley, John Fielding, Andrew Sandlin, William Edgar, William Gould, Jeffrey Ziegler, Kevin Clauson, Tom Rose, and John Perry
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $8.93
Buy one from zShops for: $5.50
Average review score:

Just Like Marx's Kapital, just do a mad-libs...
Edited by William O. Einwechter and containing chapters by some of the Christian Right's most unstable extremists, Explicitly Christian Politics is nauseating. Attempting to deny what Christ said about his kingdom not being of this world, these devils would substitute Christ's heavenly kingdom for their own dictatorship.

The book's premise is straightforward: Jesus Christ is both Creator and King, and therefore all of life, both private and public, is subject to the author's interpretation. That is, the authors are pretending to be god. The implications of this should be obvious, but alas are not: today 1/2 of the U.S. Senate would sleep soundly at if the reigns of goverment were turned over to Pat Robertson- or, e.g., if John Ashcroft were to become attorney general.

Every ideology is inherently hubris, since it inevitably makes assumptions concerning creation and the nature of reality and the source and meaning of right and wrong.

Hopefully Americans will learn of the diabolical nature of these Reconstructionist theocrats before it's too late.

Explicitly Christian Politics Breaks New Ground
Edited by William O. Einwechter and containing chapters by some of the Christian Right's most distinguished thinkers, Explicitly Christian Politics is an impressive read. Attempting what is today unheard of -- an approach not only to political issues but also political theory that is rooted entirely in Christian thought -- it succeeds in making its case in a consistently scholarly fashion that is still light enough to entertain and to reach virtually any lay reader.

The book's premise is straightforward: Jesus Christ is both Creator and King, and therefore all of life, both private and public, is subject to His rule. The implications of this should be obvious, but alas are not: modern society becomes hysterical at the very thought of anything which might, in modern terms, "mix politics with religion." Of course this hysteria is nonsense. Every ideology is inherently religious, since it inevitably makes assumptions concerning creation and the nature of reality and the source and meaning of right and wrong. But the Christian religion and its trappings are out of vogue in this century, while the cults of the all-powerful state and the relativistic individual reign supreme, and it should surprise no one that the acolytes of the modern polytheism should seek to silence the ancient monotheism at every opportunity.

So just what are the implications of a consistently Christian political theory? Perhaps it is best first to understand what the implications are not. While the authors call for a Constitutional amendment recognizing Jesus Christ as Lord and as the Source of its life, liberty and law -- much the same as almost every other Western nation has -- they emphatically do not call for what moderns refer to as a "theocracy". "Theocracy," which is to say, rule by God, already exists: Christ's kingdom is "not of this world", and He rules the affairs of men no matter what they do or say. Rather, the authors believe a consistently Biblical social theory requires a separation of church and state, that the two institutions, along with the family, are ordained by God and meant to operate in very different spheres. They do not call for the submission of government to the church, or any earthly clergy: what they want is conformity of civil life, and indeed of civilization, to the teachings of Christ.

In practice, this means that the authors do not favor a change in the form of American government; they favor a change in its character and beliefs. It is an ideological and spiritual revolution they seek, not a revolution of the modern sort, and it is entirely based on principles familiar. The authors stake the claim of Jesus Christ's rights as King, but do not call for an Earthly king to rule in His stead; instead, they call for repentance and conversion on the part of those who do rule on Earth -- the electorate -- and for the election of leaders who will faithfully discharge their Constitutional duties not as faithful humanists or faithful Marxists but as faithful Christians.

And what does leadership as a faithful Christian mean, aside from not committing adultery, not breaking campaign promises, and not selling secrets to the Chinese? Well, actually, it means a change in worldviews, just as did the shift from the old order to New Deal statism in the 1930s. The authors take time to explore the Christian foundations of liberty in the modern world, noting correctly that of all the ideologies in history, only Christianity produced modern political and economic freedom. They detail the depravity which results (and which has resulted) from an abandonment of absolute right and wrong, and show why no adequate legal standard -- and certainly no truly free one -- can be built apart from the standard of Scripture. They trace the free market's roots in Biblical law and show why government must be both very small and very unintrusive. They offer a completely new paradigm for education, and call for reason over "sentimentalism." In short, they address, and address well, most of the vital issues of the day.

One cannot come away from Explicitly Christian Politics without a deepened realization of the religious nature of the "isms" of our time and the abysmally bad politics that flows from them; likewise, one cannot read this volume without an appreciation for the fact that these Christians have devised a better model. Quibble with the details all you like: Explicitly Christian Politics is nothing short of the rebirth of a vital Christian social theory, far beyond the "me-too" pluralism of the Christian Right to date. There's something special here. it is very clearly not going away.

Copyright: Rod D. Martin, 8 May 1998.

The Grey Fox: The True Story of Bill Miner - Last of the Old-Time Bandits
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Txt) (June, 1992)
Authors: Mark Dugan, John Bossenecker, and John Boessenecker
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $15.00
Collectible price: $15.88
Average review score:

Might have to read this
The critic's review of this book is rather depressing when one considers what happened when Francis Ford Coppola's Zoetrope Productions hired Richard Farnsworth to play the title role in the early 1980s film, The Grey Fox. The film was brilliant from beginning to end as are most of Farnsworth's films. Also, in the film, there is no mention of a gay lifestyle though back in the early 1980s, that was more taboo than today. Find the video and enjoy the story.

Boessnecker's usual high standards
John Boessnecker (with the help of Mark Dugan) continues his exploration of the California and Old West outlaw/lauwman history. With works like this one and With Badges and Bullets, and Gold Dust and Gunsmoke he is rapidly taking his place as one the important chroniclers of outlaw/lawman history during this period. Like his numerous other books, this one is both attractive and satifisfactory to scholars because of its properly researched and amply footnoted text and to buffs and interested readers because of its sprightly, generously illustrated and beautifully presented text.

Harry Potter Manuscript Book
Published in Paperback by Warner Brothers Publications (January, 2002)
Authors: John Williams and Victor Lopez
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $4.34
Buy one from zShops for: $2.61
Average review score:

Harry Potter Fan!
In my opinion this book is really bad. It wasn't what I expected. What I like of it, is the picture of Harry Potter that is like the poster of the movie of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It is really bad, don't buy it.

It's just a movie script!
Don't take the advice of the previous reviewer. This isn't a book, it's a movie script.

From reading previous reviews, I can say that person is probably about 11 or 12.

Anyways, it's just as good as the movie, except it's all text!

The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant: June 1, 1871-January 31, 1872 (Vol 22)
Published in Hardcover by Southern Illinois Univ Pr (Trd) (September, 1998)
Authors: John Y. Simon, Ulysses Simpson Grant, William M. Ferraro, Aaron M. Lisec, Ulysses S. Grant Association, and Sue E. Dotson
Amazon base price: $75.00
Average review score:

Need to go to CD-ROM
Big, fat, slow volumes--very costly. Scholars would prefer CD-ROMs. Thanks for listening.

A masterful achievement
"The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant" is a project begun in 1962 for the purpose of publishing all the known letters written by Ulysses S. Grant. Volume one was published in 1967 and there are now twenty-four volumes in the series. People who follow Grant's career are aware of the inestimable value of this project. The Papers contain all known correspondence written by Grant and letters received by him. The editing of the series is unparalleled and the volumes represent primary source material at its apex.

Those who believe Grant was a "drunkard" or a "butcher" should read his own words, which show Grant's humor, pathos and unique personality. Masterfully edited by John Y. Simon, these volumes are a "must have" for anyone with an interest in U.S. Grant as a general, a politician and as a man

Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion: Or, a Faithful History of Remarkable Occurrences in the Captivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams
Published in Hardcover by Ayer Co Pub (June, 1953)
Authors: John Williams and Stephen W. Williams
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $22.00
Average review score:

Horribly written account of a true story by a poor writer.
This book is written as though it was the 'Old Testament'. In fact it contains more 'scripture than details of the happenings.

True story of captive taken during Deerfield, Mass massacre
True story of minister's daughter taken during Deerfield massacre in 1600's. Family tries for many years to rescue her. She had been taken at the age of 6 and was adopted into Mohawk family near Canada. The family finally finds her, years later but I'll let you read the book to find out what happens. A real glimpse into colonial American history.

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