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Book reviews for "Williams,_John_A." sorted by average review score:

The Mga: "First of a New Line"
Published in Hardcover by Motorbooks International (April, 1997)
Author: John Price Williams
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $408.00
Average review score:

a very nice book with very informative history; it treats unusually themes like "police cars" or "secret mga's" a.s.o. the pictures in it are fantastic. a must for the mga collector!

Modern Chemistry
Published in Hardcover by Hbj School (March, 1986)
Authors: H. Clark Metcalfe, John E. Williams, and Joseph F. Castka
Amazon base price: $74.45
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $7.95
Average review score:

Those of you who cannot understand chemistry either because the teacher does not know how to teach or you really do not want to listen...THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU. The book is a nice manual for those who cannot comprehend chemistry. It will be like your virtual teacher in print. My only complain about this book is that it is too long. But at least it is comprehensive. And what I like most in this book is it is divided into many sections which made it easier to digest.

Monterey's Cookin' Pisto Style: From Sicily to Monterey
Published in Paperback by Pisto's Kitchen (December, 1994)
Authors: John Pisto, Virginia Medina, and William Rice
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $3.50
Buy one from zShops for: $4.75
Average review score:

great book
A great collection of dishes from the Monterey area. All the recipes tasted wonderful. I would recommend this book to anyone, no matter what their level of cooking experience!

Most Wanted Man in America
Published in Paperback by Stein & Day Pub (June, 1975)
Author: John Clouser
Amazon base price: $1.95
Used price: $1.85
Average review score:

Hard-hitting,true story of America's most-wanted fugitive!
I first read John "Jack" Clouser's account of his ten-year odessy of life on the run, soon after it was first published. His story has many heart-warming experiences that only a fugitive could portray accurately. A wrong word or a misplaced trust could instantly spell capture.

The breakout occured in the Florida Panhandle town of Chattahoochee (40 mi E of Tallahassee)The night Jack escaped from custody,he made a promise to himself and God that if God would allow him to live as a free man, he would turn from his past life and he would never harm another person ever again.

God must have been listening on that fateful night because John "Jack" Clouser aka "The Florida Fox" was the only man to be placed on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List by J. Edgar Hoover himself who was never captured or killed. He remained a free man for over ten years. Jack voluntarily turned himself in on NBC's Today Show before a national television audience.

This entire book is full of suspense and high drama and is a must-read for anyone who has wondered what life on the lam must be like!I welcome your comments or reviews of this book.

The Mystery of China's Falun Gong: Its Rise and Its Sociological Implications
Published in Paperback by World Scientific Pub Co (15 December, 1999)
Authors: John Wong and William T. Liu
Amazon base price: $8.00
Average review score:

The First Major Scholarly Book on Falun Gong
With estimates for membership ranging between 2-100 million, it is surprising that there have not been more book-length scholarly accounts of this movement. While this book is rather short and at times slightly questionable in terms of the sources which it relies on, it is certainly welcome by scholars and the general public who are looking to learn more about this movement from a scholarly point of view. It is well worth the price and is a very useful volume.

Myth, Allegory, and Gospel: An Interpretation of JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, GK Chesterton, Chas Williams
Published in Paperback by Bethany House (July, 1974)
Author: John Warwick Montgomery
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $10.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:

The spiritual significance of myth via The Inklings writings
If you are a "fan" of the fantasy books by Tolkien, C.S.Lewis, Charles Williams or Chesterton, then this is a book worth reading. It is a collection of essays by various authorities in literature, myth and theology. A couple of the contributors were acquainted with either Tolkien or Lewis. The central thesis running through this collection of essays is that mythic symbols found in folk-tales and religious rituals, all express a common, fundamental human yearning for healing and a return to a "lost paradise". The essayists draw on insights from religious phenomenology, Jungian analysis, Christian theology and literary interpretation to tease out the potent mythic symbols found in the writings of Tolkien, Lewis, Chesterton and Williams. Lewis, Williams and Tolkien were associated with one another as drinking partners in an informal literary club known as The Inklings. The essayists "test" their thesis about the power of myth to reveal our search for meaning through the novels of the Inklings. The essayists take us a step further to consider the Christian world-view that informed and shaped the writings of Tolkien, Lewis, Williams and Chesterton. Although a couple of the essays are slightly "dated", any one interested in fantasy literature would find the thesis very absorbing. It should be useful not merely to students of english literature but also to the general reader who might like to know more about the backdrop to The Lord of the Rings, Narnia, etc. Certainly a book to add to your list for reading if you enjoyed the novels!

Naked angels : the lives & literature of the Beat generation
Published in Unknown Binding by McGraw-Hill ()
Author: John Tytell
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $35.00
Average review score:

more than adequate
Tytell's book Naked Angels is divided into three sections, one each for Jack Kerouac, A. Ginsberg, and William Burroughs. Each section can be read independently of the others, for those just interested in one writer.

I was most interested in the chapter on Burroughs, and here is an appraisal:

A short introductory chapter on Burroughs gives biographical background. The Burroughs section of Naked Angels is entitled "The Black Beauty of William Burroughs," and is a 29-page exploration of Burroughs' writing, with useful comparisons to other writers, such as Poe, Baudelaire, and Nabokov. Tytell analyzes the work Burroughs published from 1953-1973, omitting or including only the slightest references to minor works. Early works which went unpublished for years, such as Queer and Interzone, are not discussed. The book has an index and bibliography. Tytell's book is not wholly given over to Burroughs, but as an introduction to the writer, it serves as well as any other.

If you have read the section on Naked Angels dealing with Burroughs, and you are eager for a more complete investigation of his life, turn to Ted Morgan's book LITERARY OUTLAW, which I believe to be the most thorough and fascinating biography of Burroughs.


Neo-Confucian Education: The Formative Stage (Studies on China, Vol 9)
Published in Hardcover by University of California Press (May, 1989)
Authors: Wm Theodore De Bary, John W. Chaffee, and William Theodore De Bary
Amazon base price: $90.00
Average review score:

A good discussion in the topic of Neo-Confucian
This is a essays collection in a conference held in US. For a Chinese as me, it is good for me to know how the excellent western scholars to study in Chinese social and political history. However, I think it would be better if one or two papers, written by chinese scholars, were included.

Published in Paperback by Harwal Pub Co (October, 1988)
Authors: John Wiley and William Demyer
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $13.00
Average review score:

Good USMLE Review Book
I found this book to be helpful while taking Neuroscience in Medical school, but Neuroanatomy BRS by Fix is a little better. Some of the diagrams in NMS Neuroanatomy 2nd edition are vague. All in all a good book just not a great one.

Night Raiders Along the Cape (Mysteries in Time.)
Published in School & Library Binding by Silver Moon Pr (April, 2000)
Authors: Donald Williams, Donald Williams, and John F. Waters
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $2.20
Buy one from zShops for: $12.15
Average review score:

Learn More About John F. Waters, the author
If you want to learn more about John F. Waters, the author of Night Raiders Along the Cape and the more than thirty other children's books, essays, and Cape Cod Mysteries he has written go to his new website "".

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