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Book reviews for "Williams,_John_A." sorted by average review score:

The Poetry of the Romantics
Published in Audio Cassette by Dove Books Audio (December, 1997)
Authors: John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelly, Lord Bryon, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Blake, Lord Byron, and Percy Bysthe Shelly
Amazon base price: $13.00
Used price: $9.09
Average review score:

Poetry Of The Romantics
I thoroughly enjoyed this tape. Beautiful poetry read by beautiful voices. It's wonderful for playing in the car on long journeys, it could even be the perfect antidote to road rage. Very relaxing.

The Political Theory of John Taylor of Caroline
Published in Hardcover by Associated Univ Pr (June, 1977)
Author: Charles William Hill
Amazon base price: $38.50
Used price: $26.95
Average review score:

Excellent Book
The Political Theory of Jon Taylor of Caroline is book which should be on the shelf of any Jeffersonian.Professor Hill provides in detail the complete political theory of John Taylor
and his defense of agarianism.The author provides information on
Taylor's relationship with other Jeffersonians and how they
fought to implement limited government. My only disagreement
is that too much emphasis is put on minor differences with
Taylor's friend and collaborator, Thomas Jefferson.Although it

is true Taylor and Jefferson disagreed on minor points of
banking, he and Jefferson were friends and kindred spirits.

Jefferson and Taylor agreed on the fundementals of republican
government: agrarian democracy, the sovereignty of the people
limited federal government, reform of the federal judiciary,
and individual liberty. They did very much disagree on the
issue of slavery. Taylor reamined loyal to Jefferson
throughout his political life, twice being an elector
for him, and introducing the Virginia Resolutions in the
Virginia Legislature in 1799. Professor Hill does show
Taylor's greatness as an American philosopher.
Overall an excellent read.

Pooh and the Psychologists (The Wisdom of Pooh)
Published in Paperback by Egmont Childrens Books (01 June, 2002)
Author: John Tyerman Williams
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $15.82
Buy one from zShops for: $15.82
Average review score:

Satirical Ursinological Scholarship!
The more you know about psychological theories and Winnie-the-Pooh, the more you will enjoy this book. Dr. Williams blasts away with tongue-in-cheek satire aimed at the psychologist's belief that everything that is said, thought, dreamed, and done has many layers of significance. Unfortunately, that approach means that your enjoyment will be modest if your knowledge is correspondingly limited in either area. If you know little about psychology and have not read Winnie-the-Pooh, you may not get most of the humor in the book.

In Freud-like fashion, Dr. Williams begins by descrbing the case for Winnie-the-Pooh being a super psychologist. The thrust of this argument is that Winnie employs every method ever recommended by any psychologist or psychoanalyst somewhere in his fictional adventures. In fact, he often combines them in a single fictional encounter.

The book then recounts seven cases and Winnie's role in them.

Case 1 -- Pooh Cures Christopher Robin of Arktophobia (fear of bears)

Case 2 -- Pooh Assists Piglet to Mature

Case 3 -- Pooh at His Most Eclectic with Tigger

Case 4 -- The Problem with Rabbit

Case 5 -- Parenting: Kanga and Roo

Case 6 -- Wol's Problems with Communication

Case 7 -- Eeyore: A Case of Classical Depression

The cases are written up like Freud's with the exception that they are illustrated with many drawings from the original Pooh stories.

As an example of the approach, the book Winnie-the-Pooh opens with a reference to his living under the name of Sanders. That is never mentioned again. Dr. Williams provides a lengthy argument in favor of this meaning that Winnie-the-Pooh is describing himself as the Sand man, the bringer of dreams. This is an indication of his role as psychotherapist.

In the famous story where Winnie eats too much honey and cannot get out of the hole in the tree, Dr. Williams reinterprets this as Winnie-the-Pooh making an example of himself to discourage others from overeating rather than using aversion therapy on them.

To put this prescience into context, Dr. Williams points out that the Pooh stories date in the 1920s. In the text, he finds "frequent anticipation of theories and practices which more plodding psychologists arrived at much later."

I don't know about you, but I didn't think much about Jung when I read Winnie-the-Pooh. Obviously, the references were too subtle for me.

Those who have experienced psychotherapy will probably find humor in the observations made about Winnie-the-Pooh that they may have heard applied to themselves. Could the observations be equally apt?

This book is best enjoyed by a roaring fire on a cold night with a warmed snifter of brandy, and savored slowly.

After you have finished the book, you might consider the many instances where novels do show ways to solve psychological problems through their fictional developments. Could it be that we can use fiction to be our own therapist? Or, is someone else the therapist? If someone gave you the book, perhaps they are the therapist. If so, is the author the propounder of the theory . . . or is the character?

See the possibilities for humor in pomposity everywhere!

Power from Oil: The Life and Times of John Alstyne Secor - Inventor
Published in Hardcover by Power Book Co (December, 1988)
Author: William H, Higgins
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

Secor -inventor- was decades ahead of his time!
I happen to live in the town and house where John Secor made his fame and fortune. This story is of special interest to me for this reason.

The book is rather dry in the beginning, because I am not involved in his geneaology, however it is meticulous in tracing his roots.

Secor followed his father's footsteps as an engineer, educated in the New York Public School System no less.

He goes on to invent many items which were prede-cessors to rocket propulsion.

Practical Diagnosis and Management of Orbital Disease
Published in Paperback by Butterworth-Heinemann (22 July, 2001)
Authors: John S. Kennerdell, Kimberly P. Cockerham, William Rothfus, and Joseph C. Maroon
Amazon base price: $64.95
Used price: $59.12
Buy one from zShops for: $59.75
Average review score:

This is an excellent, practical book. Very concise and to the point. The layout is super, the diagrams superb and has nice examples of CT and MRI scans.

Preparing for Surgery: A Mind-Body Approach to Enhance Healing and Recovery
Published in Paperback by New Harbinger Pubns (June, 1997)
Authors: William W. Deardorff and John Reeves
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $273.36
Buy one from zShops for: $15.25
Average review score:

The best book available for preparing for surgery
This book contains all the latest information on preparing for surgery and increasing the liklihood of a successful outcome. It is written in an easy-to-use workbook format. Recommended for anyone who is facing a surgery

Principles of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Professional (01 July, 2003)
Authors: William R. Hazzard, John P. Blass, Jeffrey B. Halter, Joseph G. Ouslander, Mary Tinetti, and William R. Hazzard
Amazon base price: $195.00
Average review score:

This is the best single textbook on geriatrics.
The fourth edition of this classic text is now available and it is even better than previous editions. Many chapters have been rewritten and new authors add significantly to the current edition.

Probable Cause: An Airliner Crashes, Killing 47 Passengers...Was It an Accident? or Was It Murder
Published in Paperback by 1stBooks Library (January, 2001)
Author: John Haviland Williams
Amazon base price: $21.79
Used price: $17.84
Buy one from zShops for: $17.70
Average review score:

Probable Cause
Having worked for an airline, I was thrilled at the way he wrote and described what was going on throughout the whole book. His characters were fantastic and I practically lived the whole episodes. What a catchy ending which leaves John with a possible sequel. I hope he does it. And if he does, put me down as one of the first to read it review. Thank you, John, for the thrilling entertainment....George F. Smith

Public Policy Analysis: A Political Economy Approach
Published in Paperback by Houghton Mifflin Co (January, 2001)
Authors: Kenneth N. Bickers and John T. Williams
Amazon base price: $45.96
Used price: $25.85
Buy one from zShops for: $35.99
Average review score:

Excellent Introduction to Policy Analysis
This is a very effective introductory text for the study of public policy. Rather than focussing exclusively on 'areas' of policy (e.g., agricultural policy, welfare policy, etc...), the authors develop the theoretical tools that allow the student to wrap his/her mind around the bigger issues. Students learn about how markets, governments and other mechanisms of collective action interact to help develop policy responses and the virtues and shortcomnings of each of these mechanisms. The book is easily digestible by undergraduates and is extremely clear, especially when explaining traditionally more complex ideas like social choice dilemmas. All in all, an outstanding text to learn about the study of public policy.

Puritan Bookshelf CD (Volume Ten)
Published in CD-ROM by Still Waters Revival Books (03 April, 2001)
Authors: John Lightfoot, Thomas Taylor, and William Bates
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

Lightfoot, Taylor and Bates
If you're interested in reformed theology, the Puritan Bookshelf CDs are a great way to get an extensive library of books, lectures and sermons, for very little expense - and without having to search the world for them in libraries and used book stores. Every CD is packed with a wealth of wisdom and biblical instruction that goes far beyond what is generally seen in our day.

Volume Ten contains eleven books; five massive volumes written by three authors of the 17th century, along with six books by more contemporary covenanters.

"The Works of the Reverend and Learned John Lightfoot" abounds with great history lessons of New Testament times. This book includes a full description of the temple and its service, as they stood in the days when Christ was on earth - complete with a detailed, labelled drawing of the temple, done by the author himself.

Among the many valuable lessons in "The Works of the Judicious and Learned Divine, Dr. Thomas Taylor," is an exposition on Eph. 5:15. The author stresses the importance of the Christian walking circumspectly, demonstrating which areas of life this admonition applies to, and how the Christian is to gain the wisdom he needs in order to obey it. In the words of Dr. Taylor, "A circumspect Christian is not so careful for the... tilling, and sowing of his field, the pruning of his trees, the feeding of his cattle; as in fencing the heart against temptation, in sowing the seed of God's Word, in weeding of sin by the roots out of his soul, in feeding and fostering of grace."

"The Works of the late Reverend and Learned William Bates," contains more than thirty sermons on such practical subjects as forgiveness, the fear of God, and the danger of prosperity. Several of the sermons in this book were preached at the funerals of such eminent and godly men as Thomas Manton, David Clarkson and Richard Baxter.

This is only a glimpse of what is available on these wonderful CDs. I can't recommend them highly enough, to anyone who wants to study Protestant Church History from those who were there.

You can see the full listing for all 32 Puritan Bookshelf CDs online, at Still Waters Revival Books. SWRB also lists a similar set of 30 CDs in their Reformation Bookshelf CD series.

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