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Book reviews for "Williams,_John_A." sorted by average review score:

The Novell CNA/CNE Study Guide, 2/e
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill (01 June, 1996)
Authors: Robert A. Williams, Robert Williams, and John P. Mueller
Amazon base price: $49.95
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $8.79
Buy one from zShops for: $19.99
Average review score:

Good book to use when you need to explain who is a CNE

Seems like this book precedes "The CNA/CNE Study Guide Intranetware Edition" ISBN 0-07-913619-2 published by same publisher by the same author John Mueller.

A word of warning: the book I mentioned apparently is guilty of false advertising. First 200 pages tell you how the certification works, and might indeed help you explain why you want to be certified.

What this book is NOT is a replacement for a Novell's training course.

It pushes you to attend Novell classes while David Clarke IV's series with the latest and the greatest Novell's CNE Study set, which comes with 2 volums and 4 cd-roms including live version of Netware excells in that area.

Bottom line: For CNE Benefits & Philosophy this is a great book. For real training check out David Clarke IV's CNE Study Guides instead. This particular title gets my 8 only for the first 200 pages. That's all I personally found valuable in it. My advice, find the book in a local bookstore, the later release is called "The CNA/CNE Study Guide Intranetware Edition" and flip though it. More likely then not you'll have 2nd thoughts about it.

This book earns it's place on my bookshelf though :-)

Nuclear Medicine: Diagnosis and Therapy
Published in Hardcover by Thieme Medical Pub (June, 1996)
Authors: John C. Harbert, William C. Eckelman, and Ronald D. Neumann
Amazon base price: $225.00
Used price: $89.95
Average review score:

an excellent text book
nuclear medicine diagnosis & therapy is an excellent text of contemproray nuclear medicine the book is writen in an authoritative style refernces given at end of each chapter are worth mentioning they are enough to satisfy the need of a genuine research worker & sometimes very helpful in research work there are a few week points in book aswell the chapter on therapy of ocular melanoma is inconlcusive too much references in the text of chapter interfere the continuty of text & are sometimes boring a brief summary at the end of chqapter( pertinent conclusions) would 've bn very helpful for revision overall text is well written though needs some chapters on image registration & artificial intelligence etc & PACS as well a god for desk of nuclear physician

The Patriot's Progress: Being the Vicissitudes of Pte. John Bullock
Published in Paperback by Sutton Publishing (February, 1900)
Authors: Henry Williamson and William Kermode
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $37.51
Average review score:

If the Great War may be said to have produced anything (besides carnage and irresolution), it is certainly the inexhaustible spate of talented English authors that first comes to mind. Those that lived (Graves, Sassoon, Blunden) and those that didn't (Owen, Brooks, Thomas) left a literary legacy of war poetry and war prose that is still unsurpassed.
The nature-loving, writing-obsessed Henry Williamson is not often included along with his fellow soldier-scribblers and is, indeed, barely known outside of England. Despite a canon well over forty tomes, Williamson's work has drifted in and out-of-print in the United States. His majestic WET FLANDERS PLAIN, which chronicles his somber return to the former battlefields after a twelve-year absence, cost this author (dollar amount) used in paperback and much anticipation as it slowly arrived from somewhere in Australia. Most of his novels are missing-in-action from used bookshop across America and must be ordered from abroad.
Fortunately, THE PATRIOT'S PROGRESS is still available (well, sort-of) and perhaps not for long. Perhaps his best-known novel in America, PATRIOT'S tells the story of Private John Bullock and his progress from a boorish London office job to the battlefields of France. Enhanced by the marvelous Masereel-esque woodcuts of
William Kermode, the novel details in sparse verbiage the life of the men in the trenches. Although not as detail-oriented as Blunden or Graves, it is nonetheless of interest to both the reader of literature and the historian and has been taught in university courses on The Great War. Williamson is an extremely important writer whose works certainly deserve a wider audience.

Physics of the Interstellar Medium
Published in Textbook Binding by Halsted Press (October, 1980)
Authors: John Edward, Dyson and D. A. Williams
Amazon base price: $35.95
Used price: $9.00
Average review score:

Good Introductory Text
A concise and clear introduction to the interstellar medium. Chapters 5 to 7 on radiatively excited regions and gas dynamics are particularly well written (half the book). The rest of the book is perhaps too concise to cover adequately topics such as dust properties and star formation.

Pies & Tarts (Williams-Sonoma Kitchen Library)
Published in Hardcover by Time Life (May, 1999)
Authors: John Phillip Carroll, Chuck Williams, Allan Rosenberg, and Laurie Wertz
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $3.75
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $7.00
Average review score:

Make a fruit tart your new dessert specialty
After recieving this book as a gift, the Summer Berry Tart recipie has become one of my specialties. Give it as a gift with a tart pan, and any cook is sure to appreciate it. I have given it as gifts, and have loved every recipie I've tried. It is a great addition to the Williams-Sonoma cookbook library, which is a must for cooks!

Platonic Theology: Books I-IV (The I Tatti Renaissance Library, 2)
Published in Hardcover by Harvard Univ Pr (April, 2001)
Authors: Marsilio Ficino, Michael J. B. Allen, John Warden, James Hankins, and William Bowen
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $25.36
Buy one from zShops for: $27.00
Average review score:

The Italian philosopher Marsilio Ficino, who was renowned for his Latin translations of all Plato's dialogues, set out to prove that the tenets of Platonism, instead of Aristotelianism, were fundamentally compatible with Christianity. He attempted this not only by acting as the primary mover of the Florentine academy, but also through his magnanimous patron Cosimo de' Medici who apportioned Ficino the leisure to commence his monumental work, "The Platonic Theology," which is offered here for the first time in a long-awaited English translation. Marsilio Ficino's work--from what may be seen from the first of five anticipated volumes--is an artful, straightforward representation of the divine philosophy of Plato, magnificently garbed under a brilliant and definitive medieval synthesis. Of the work itself Ficino says, "the Platonic mysteries are set forth as clearly as that...we may reveal the Platonic teaching, which is in complete accord with the divine law." Like all Christian-Platonists, Ficino used Augustine as a model for his orthodox amalgamation of the teachings of Plato and Christ, and believed so strongly in it that he said, "the Platonic related to the divine law of both Moses and Christ as the moon is to the sun." With this in mind, it may be said that the vision of Marsilio Ficino, so clearly manifested in this work, will come as a relief to anyone ardently devoted to the school of Plato and the religion of Christ. The translated works of Ficino are certainly a great benefit to those confined to the English speaking world, and the other up-and-coming volumes in new I Tatti Renaissance Library (Harvard) are likely to produce the same effects. The value of these newly translated masterpieces of western culture cannot be described.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Guidelines to Success
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (October, 1999)
Authors: John E. Hodgkin, Gerilynn L. Connors, William C. Bell, Gerilynn L. Conners, and C. William Bell
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $8.00
Collectible price: $9.45
Average review score:

Pulmonary Rehabilitation - A students view
Pulmonary Rehabilitation-Guidelines to success Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2000 (ISBN 0 7817 1989 5) illustrated 726 pages Edited by John Hodgkin MD

This book aims to provide a clear insight into the possible treatment methods used in respiratory therapy. This third edition is a compilation of works primarily focussed on rehabilitation of chronic respiratory conditions written by various authors according to their particular area of expertise It is well written and follows a logical pattern, initially defining pulmonary rehabilitation leading on to individual therapeutic methods and, most impressively comparisons of treatment around the globe. Although written by Americans it is, in the whole very easy to understand as a student and treatment is not too dissimilar from UK procedures, however some methods of aerosol and oxygen therapy may be new or be referred to differently. All the chapters are well referenced and evidence-based practice is certainly emphasised. This book also confronts the personal and potentially awkward topics such as smoking and sexual activity of the patients highlighting possible patient problems and concerns. The beginning of each chapter has a bullet-point summary of the chapter's contents for easy referencing, for example in chapter 1 William Miller 'identifies early workers who defined the concepts of rehabilitation'. This book impressed me in that, although essentially collated by a doctor, all areas of pulmonary rehabilitation are commented upon. Within the section entitled 'Therapeutic intervention...' there are chapters regarding physiotherapy, occupational therapy and also a chapter outlining the importance of team integration in rehabilitation. Finally, John Hodgkin MD raises some very valid points for future research into pulmonary rehabilitation. Students can exploit his concerns, using the excellent summary of the book as a basis for dissertations and/or general research to further improve this area of healthcare.

Potentially this is an excellent book for the student interested in the subject, however, care must be taken as some areas are conducted in more depth than others. Having said that, I personally, am finding it a great reference book during the respiratory phase of my physiotherapy training and feel many others will also benefit.

Raising Our Children Out of Poverty
Published in Hardcover by Haworth Press (October, 1999)
Authors: John J. Stretch, Maria Bartlett, William J. Hutchinson, Susan A. Taylor, and Jan Wilson
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $19.90
Buy one from zShops for: $28.16
Average review score:

Raising our children out of poverty
This book, which has also been co-published simultaneously in the journal Social Thought (1999;19(2)), came out of a symposium at the St. Louis University School of Social Service at the sponsorship of the Doerr Center for Social Justice, Education and Research. The contributors to the six chapters with topics like Compassion, solidarity and empowerment; Welfare reform and foster care; Delinquency prevention; Collaborative practice in low income communities; Fostering resiliency in children and Ecumenical housing all came from authors within the field of social work. Data from the United States on poor children (The state of America's children yearbook, Washington, DC: Children's Defence Fund, 1998) has shown that three in five poor children are white, one in five live in suburban areas, one in three live in a family with married parents and two in three live in a working family. In 1973 14.4% of all children in America were poor, but in spite of a better economy that figure climbed to 20.5% in 1996. For young families in America the child poverty rate doubled from 20% in 1973 to 41% in 1994 and all these increases even though the federal government had implemented welfare reforms to prevent poverty. The chapter by Nancie Palmer from Wasburn University on "Fostering resiliency in children" based on her doctoral work from 1991 on exploring resiliency in adult children of alcoholics was interesting reading. She introduces the Differential Resiliency Model (DRM) as an alternative and non-pathological approach to the study of children and families, who are coping daily with adversity. She sees resilience as an evolving process and while one person can display one of four types of resilience (anomic survival, regenerative, adaptive and flourishing resilience) this person may develop growth through new challenges and through homeostasis, coping strategies, relationships to environment or the use of energy the person will be able to survive. This book is recommended for workers in social work or perofessionals working with poor or disorganized families.

Professor Joav Merrick... E-mail:

Ready for the Real World (Wadsworth College Success)
Published in Paperback by Wadsworth Publishing (February, 1994)
Authors: Stephen W. Schwartz, Steven D. Blume, William Hartel, and John N. Gardner
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $5.50
Average review score:

Grauate Tool
The book READY FOR THE REAL WORLD is an excellent preparation tool for college seniors. The book offers information in career planning, personal life, community responsibilities, financial planning, and alum activities.

Written in an easy-to-read style, READY FOR THE REAL WORLD covers most of the elements that college seniors must consider from the more practical aspect of the budgeting of finances to the often neglected consideration of psychological changes that take place as one goes from the rather protected status of a student to that as a job applicant and employee.

This book is an excellent one for college classes which are offered at the end of the senior year to help prepare students for life after college, but would also be helpful to individuals who are seriously thinking about the transition from college to the "real world."

The book includes checklists and activities that allow readers to assess their status financially, psychologically, and personally. I highly recommend this book.

The redeemed captive
Published in Unknown Binding by University of Massachusetts Press ()
Author: John Williams
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $10.50
Average review score:

Great and Tough
If you can read history books, this book is really a must for grasping the Deerfield situation from a first-hand perspective.

It is also difficult to read because of the language. But really, it's worth the work to get through it.

Great, moving.

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