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Unfrotunately in my eyes Singer fails -
As the writer- his style - especially in the first part delaing with the recollections of childhood and religious upbringing , home schooling- is very repetitious and boring.The remmainig of the book has a better plot and reads well.
As a historian/philosopher- it was good to see some objective remarks, yet he gives in a few times into fake thinking of Jewish superiority over "naive" Slavik nations or quoting false statements about "Pilsudski The fascists". He has courage to observe and point out repetitevely the stupidity of Jews getting self sloughtered by the Stalin's regime, yet he never bluntly calls them naive...He fails to go one step beyond "usual" in distinguishing ( or rather not distinguishing) between the Jew from a Gentile( " a Jew is beeing a Jew by a virtue of not beeing a Gentile).He fails to say : We are all the same....
As a person- when time after time describes relationships with woman that suspisciously always tell him at the begginning of the relationship about not wanting the marriage, children, and time and time again HE CHOSE TO BELIEVE THEM, and woman of his life change their mind . Is this "love" that proudly put on the cover of the book?
There is nothing that can defend him - no antisemitism of pre war Poland, no semi-depression and nihilism of his day to day life.
The respect is lost.No more Singer for me.

Collectible price: $4.95

More of a textbook than anything else.

Used price: $27.50

Used price: $12.00
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Unfortunately, this book is a poor execution of a good idea. Although it has some positive qualities, such as an explanation of how the ACSM exam works, the reasons not to buy outweigh the reasons to buy.
Reasons not to buy in order of importance:
(1) The book is full of errors. Two dedicated HFI students checked EVERY reference of every question. Many of the questions in this book give the wrong answer and in other cases, all the answers are correct or the authors' choice is highly debatable. About 20 to 25% of my book is marked up with corrections. The error rate is too high to be acceptable.
(2) Some of the material is out of date. In 1998 when this book was published, ACSM's primary exam reference was "ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 5th edition," 1995. ACSM now uses the 6th edition, year 2000, and has revised the exam accordingly.
(3) This is an independent book, not produced by ACSM, as the authors state on the copyright page. That is not necessarily a bad thing, given that Human Kinetics generally produces quality material. But all things being equal, I would prefer a study guide prepared by the certification agency that constructed the exam.
Please note that the book is a study guide for the written portion of the exam only. They give an overview of the practical portion and tell where to find the study information, such as the correct bike test protocols. But this book does not provide the detailed information necessary to pass the bike test nor the other practical stations.
Due to the 3 reasons above, I recommend that you don't buy this book. The HFI exam is too important and expensive to take your chances studying from so much incorrect information.

Used price: $61.87
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Used price: $1.00

After reading the whole book, I was even more disappointed!! As the description of Newton's life is even less than any book on History of Mathematics!! Coupled with the expensiveness of this book. ( It cost me more than 60 dollars ) I cannot think of one reason to buy this book. I recommend " the life of Issac Newton or for a more detailed account, " Never at rest," both by Richard Westfall.

After reading the whole book, I was even more disappointed!! As the description of Newton's life is even less than any book on History of Mathematics!! Coupled with the expensiveness of this book. ( It cost me more than 60 dollars ) I cannot think of one reason to buy this book. I recommend " the life of Issac Newton or for a more detailed account, " Never at rest," both by Richard Westfall.
Godwin's view of human nature is wrong. His view of the determinism (the nature around us is determined, so we have to be.) is immature. He mauls the definitions of 'voluntary' and 'involuntary' action beyond recognition. The good part, honestly, was his critique on existing governments. Very astute, unless you consider that Montesquieu made identical observations several years befor Godwin was born. Still, if you've not read or don't want to read Montesquieu, Godwin's is a forcefully stated, action-packed polemic.
His view of a stateless society based on a jejune faith in honesty of all people everywhere is extremely naive and one wonders why Godwin, who doesn't have faith in government or the ruled people (yes, even in democracies) could have faith in peoples capacities for honesty and the self-government that it entails.
Alas, I gave this two stars because of it's originality, it's contributions to anarchism (a movement that produces an adequate thinker from time to time) and most importantly, as an historically interesting contrast to Rousseau and Montesquieu who predated this book and Proudhorn, Goldman and even Marx who followed it.