Used price: $37.98
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I couldn't put it down until I was at the back page, many dozens of hours after I began!
It left me exhausted but enriched!
This sets a standard by which the modern science biography should be judged.
Westfall says something to the effect that the more you know about a person, the closer you get to them, but in Newton's case, the more we learn, the more mysterious he becomes.
You won't be disappointed.

List price: $23.05 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $17.49
Buy one from zShops for: $16.09

List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.49
Collectible price: $4.71
Buy one from zShops for: $3.75

The stories in this book range from the merely great to the truly sublime. Most are humorous and these tend to be the most memorable. This book has quickly become an old friend I pick up when I don't have the energy to read a new book.

STARS is a book that transcends its target market. It is more than science fiction, more than Jewish. Its themes are universal, its stories are written for those of us who are solidly human.
That such a diverse group of writers could contribute to such a well-rounded anthology is not this book's biggest surprise. The laughter you hear rippling over each page takes that honor.

Used price: $0.91
Collectible price: $6.89
Buy one from zShops for: $2.49

These short-short stories can give you a few morsels of entertainment at odd moments of leisure in a hectic day's work, or you can curl up in your armchair and bite off huge chunks of reading pleasure in the evenings.

Used price: $9.98
Collectible price: $31.76
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Used price: $10.40
Buy one from zShops for: $11.12

A thorough research of the life and work of one of the greatest geniuses who ever lived, if not the greatest, Westfall paints a vivid picture of the life of Newton from childhood to old age. He describes Newton as not only a scientific genius, but as the person who revolutionized science, and thus influenced the way of thinking, and indeed the way of modern life.
Newton, to be sure, was not an easy person to live with, nor was he a perfect human being. All this however pales in comparison to his superior intellect and deep understanding of nature. The book gives ample accounting of Newton's two great works "Opticks" and "Principia" and how these two have influenced the world he lived in, and the effects they left forever since.
This book is a necessary reading not only for those interested in science, but for all who want to have a glimpse into the way of life in the 16th and 17th centuries, and especially the way science and philosophy spread throughout the world.
Read it!
Shab Levy
Portland, OR 2002

What is really important about Westfall's work is that he is the only REAL biographer of Isaac Newton, since he was the first (and the last) to make an intensive research about him, seeking Newton's ancestors, tracking all his way through; collecting letters from everyone that had a comma wrote by Newton. Sure, this is the full biography of Newton and everything that you read aside is based on this one (if it's not wrong). The goal of this biography is to be impartial: you certainly won't find the author arguing that Newton was a bad person or glorifying him; he will just narrate and point out the true, the facts, the letters, leaving the interpretation with you. My interpretation is: Newton was a great man, not only because he was a genius, but as an example of humanity. You can disagree... as long as you know the facts; not being influenced by some biographical essay that has more adjectives than verbs.

Used price: $38.94
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95

This book gathers the pragmatic, candid, useful advice from the pioneers that you'll want to have if you want to join them.

List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.95
Collectible price: $11.86
Buy one from zShops for: $5.49

We are not part of the deaf community, but books like this one will help to build a positive attitude in my children toward the deaf community.

Used price: $17.79
Buy one from zShops for: $23.19

The illustrations are absolutely gorgeous and you just sit there, stuck and fascinated.
The book is using acrylic paints, but the book can be absolutely and utterly recommended for oil and watercolor as well. Even if you aren't an artist it is well worth just for browsing on the coffee table... Buy it, steal it, borrow it, just Get it.

The author covers composition do's and don'ts, balance, repetition, lighting, getting a correct pose and other tips for integrating the subject into the scene. The numerous demonstrations list the supplies used for each painting followed with step-by-step details of composition and techniques. The end of the book shows a gallery of some of Isaac's paintings and an index. These techniques can be used by anyone wanting to paint wildlife scenes in an opaque manner - not only acrylics. I've sat with this book open beside my paintings and continually used these techniques for several wildlife paintings I made in casein, Chromacolour and even alkyd. This is a book to be used, not read then stored away on the bookshelf. Get it and see your wildlife paintings improve.

Used price: $10.94
Buy one from zShops for: $20.67