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The heroine, Marcia, has a good life. Her family wants her to have a different life. How Marcia gets what she alsways dreamed of and makes her family happy is a funny, bitter, and very true story. Anyone who has ever tried to forge a life of their own will see themselves in Marcia.
I know this book so well, I sometimes quote parts of it. It has never failed to give me pleasure, and it has the right mix of good writing, good characters and good plot to keep the story moving.
Buy it and read it before Labor Day!

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Who has said Kaddish for this man? Does anybody, these days, even know who he is?
Wise strove for unity among a small, disparate Jewish community. He was THE wise man of his time... a teacher, i.e. rabbi. Not only was he a pioneer of his time, he a was a pioneer for which American Reform Jews should thank God at every chance.
Do you know about this man? Well, you should...
It's probably not even in print anymore. The first print was "Isaac Mayer Mise, Shaping American Judaism," part of the Littman Library of Jewish Civilization series, Oxford University Press. I have the first British edition, but I know it has been published in the USA. Your know what(!), find out for yourself... If you are part of the Reform movement, it will be more,(much more),than worth your effort...
Shalom, B'nai B'rith!
John Proesch
Please e-mail me with comment, questions, at JVProesch@aol.com. Thanks!
John V. Proesch JVP@aol.com

Used price: $121.84

Yet his tales are not all sordid. In "The Bitter Truth" we see a man's loyalty to his friend over-rides a secret that could spell disaster. "House Friend" will have you laughing at the mere concept of a friend having sexual relations with another friend's wife with full hearted encouragement from the friend. Go figure? Singer's stories are down to earth and deal with the varied human negativities that we display unashamedly. God's presence is very much in the foreground of the stories as the characters stuggle with their own ethical isssues. Despite the fact that we as a human race can be sordid, the collection as a whole points out that we are redeemable and can display the best of ourselves. Laugh, cry, become shocked and fearful as you enter the complexities of humanity through the eyes of Singer. No collection of his is complete without this book.

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But the real story is the story of how Asimov came to be a science fiction writer, with samples of his work thrown in at the relevant moments. It was a departure for him. He'd published short story collections before this: but, for some reason, he thought, "Why not publish a collection of EVERY SURVIVING story from 1938 to 1949, and make an autobiography out of it?" Unfortunately it leaves out those stories which were otherwise in print at the time the book was published - a serious omission, I think. The book surely ought to have included "Nightfall", for historical reasons, at least.
But despite what I said about the fiction being dreadful, despite the fact that he left out all stories that he'd previously decided were worth reprinting, some nice pieces remain. "Author! Author!" is Asimov's funniest work and this is the only place you're likely to find it. "The Red Queen's Race" and "Mother Earth" are also very good.
This book had more of an impact on science fiction than most people realise. Its immediate effect must have been to make editors swear. I'll bet that when it was published, "Analog", "Galaxy", "Fantasy and Science Fiction" and "If" were innundated with hundreds of extra manuscripts from young writers who had fallen in love with the era Asimov described.

Used price: $12.98

Middle East Quarterly, June 1994