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List price: $34.95 (that's 30% off!)
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While the object file containing instruction code will be stored in RAM, the MPU will use a decoder or look-up table to handle the instruction. This hardware will not be changed.

1. A program is a list of instructions. Instructions are "hardwired" on the processor "chip". Yes, you can program a processor. Your writing lists of instructions so that the processor will interface with other onboard devices and hardware and execute ALU operations. I don't believe the author was meaning that you are to change the hardware.
2. I'm not familiar with the AMD MPU but am skeptical of the video control issue. Depending on the architecture of an MPU it could act like a video card.
3. If an MPU can execute most of its intruction at reduce bus cycles (translating to reduced clock time) yes it will process faster.
If there is anyone out there that can provide a fair review of this book and point out why I should buy the book besides the manufactorers user manual I would be very interested in reading it.
Electrical Engineer

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Collectible price: $7.41
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Also the stories are not about Halloween. They are merely horror or dark fantasy stories. They aren't even necessarily scary; many of them are humorous. (A couple pretty funny, I must admit.)
Worst of all, the book itself is defective. The story "Dikduk" by Eliot Fintushel just stops in the middle, halfway down the page. The last part of the story is completely missing. At least it is in my copy.
All this is a shame because most of the stories are pretty good. (Though not new. All of them are reprints.) If it had been called "Dark Fantasy From Asimov's S.F. Magazine" or some such, and if the publisher had paid attention and not let the printer lose half of what might be the best story in the book, it would be a book worth having. As it is I can't recommend it. Why encourage dishonest packaging and sloppy production?

You can't go wrong with the Asimov's titles. This is my favorite next to Isaac Asimov's Moons. I suppose my advice to all of the potential readers out there is this: Put the lights low. Relax. Enjoy a few hours of guiltless, spooky fun! Pumpkin pie and your Mom optional.

Used price: $58.00
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If you want to learn Vector Calculus, I would suggest the multivariable/vector analysis sections of Stewart's Calculus text. That is where I learned the material. Vector Calculus by Marsden also seems promising, but I have not read it all yet.

List price: $34.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $21.00
Buy one from zShops for: $24.29

Glaring NEGATIVE: Only five sentences and no photos on the SLs from 1971 to the present (350SL, 450SL, 380SL, 500SL, 560SL, SL-class, etc.).
IMHO, if it could be retitled "Pre-1971 SLs", it would rate five stars but, as it is, it was a near total disappointment for this '72 350SL owner.

Used price: $0.85
Collectible price: $5.65

List price: $11.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $0.39
Collectible price: $4.24
Buy one from zShops for: $0.74

It's supposed to be a thriller, but isn't very thrilling. Some nonsense about Arab terrorists who think they were destined to rule the world, according to their interpretation of the prophecies of Nostradamus. (...)
It's got nothing going for it. The characters are cartoons with no personality, the speeches that come out of their mouths are
flat and boooooooooooooring. The plot's got more holes in it than Swiss cheese. Plus there are about a million errors in punctuation, words spelled wrong, and bad grammar that make reading as bumpy as riding on a road filled with potholes in a car with no shocks.
Take my advice, folks, and forget this turkey.