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History is changed when Albany disappears with the real necklace. Jeff, Fargo and Albany might not even exist if they manage to get back to their own time. They are marooned in a false time!
Will they ever get back to their own time?
Read the book to find out.

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This book provides a good look into how Isaac Asimov thought about various issues. With all the problems in the world, the views of Asimov might help to make the world a bit more logical place if we pay attention to him.

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The book provides many techniques that will be helpful to you. It describes verbal and nonverbal ways to make petitions to your subconscious mind. You will also learn ways of meditating that will help you access your subconscious mind to answer questions and to check your judgment. The book also describes helpful ways to do affirmations. You will get ideas for how to recognize when your subconscious is communicating with you.
To give you an example of how this can work, I went out for a sandwich yesterday. While I was waiting for it to be delivered to me, I suddenly felt like the food I was about to be served was unclean. I can't explain why I felt this way, but it came from my mind. When the sandwich arrived, I sniffed it carefully. It smelled all right so I ate it. Within two hours, I was hugging the toilet bowl. Something had turned out to be wrong with the food. I cannot explain how such subconscious mental processes work, but I find that such urgings are usually worth heeding. I wish I had acted more on this one!
If you have not yet learned to meditate, you should also know that research has indicated that this practice is very good for your physical and mental health.
After you learn about the methods in this book, I suggest that you think about what your life goals should be. Go back into being a child, and imagine that you can do anything. Chances are that you can accomplish much more than you are thinking about! If you find that to be the case, share this lesson with others.
Put your subconscious mind to work on worthy goals!

The author, Isaac Nwokogba is well educated in the fields of nature's law and its principles. He has published several books that deal with spirituality and he holds a master's degree in business from Southwest Texas State University. This talented author resides in Southern California. Mr. Nwokogba's book SEEDS OF LUCK is a fantastic read. Each chapter helps you, the reader, find your spiritual space. He includes step-by-step, practical ways for creating your own luck and keeping it! One of my favorite chapters is Chapter Six: Meditation and Self-Hypnosis. As a mother of three, author, reviewer, and full time day care mom, I use this technique frequently. Mr. Nwokogba explains the often confusing difference between meditation and visualization by giving examples of each. I'm certain you will find this book enjoyable, informative, and helpful. SEEDS OF LUCK clarifies why humans give up the search for their heart's desire or why something you really want never happens when you want it to. Isaac Nwokogba writes that perhaps petition is the way to bring about the things you desire instead of using religious prayer. After reading his personal thoughts and researched facts, I am left open-minded to his suggestions, but I will continue to use religious prayer none-the-less. Faith, hope, destiny, love, nature, desire and of course, luck are well-thought out subjects in Isaac Nwokogba's book SEEDS OF LUCK: The ABCs of Creating Your Heart's Desires, http://www.seedsofluck.com This book is perfect for anyone who seeks a change of luck. Read my review for his book AMERICA, HERE I COME: A Spiritual Journey by going to: http://www.geocities.com/ladyjiraff/reviews3.html
--Reviewed by Jennifer LB Leese, ASTORYWEAVER'S Book Reviews, www.geocities.com/ladyjiraff/aswbr.html

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My favorite one of all being the Bicentenniel Man short story. I read this years before they made the movie with Robin Williams (which, wasn't that bad of a movie, albeit a few bad translations of things from the book). By far the best short story in the book. I got this book as a gift from my father for a birthday. He paid around [$] for this one when he bought me the book Nightfall on a sale for [$]. A good buy for any old-time sci-fi fan.

The book is broken up into several sections, most with more than one story under its heading, all in chronological order (of the date they were first published). For anyone interested in the history of robot technology and ideas, this book is fun to read as well as educating. I recommend it for all with the drive to push technology to its limits.

List price: $49.99 (that's 30% off!)
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The quality of the printing is not always top quality in chapters 2 - 4 (some of the images are poor - the designers at work found that hard to forgive) but that didnt get in the way of the message.
What have I got out of the book?
I particularly found color theory fascinating.
I now have the vocabulary to find out more on the subjects in the later chapters
I can better critique my own designs, understand what the designers at work are trying to do, and can used designs I like to inspire my own, as I can now take them apart to the constituant parts.
I have already started to benefit from the understanding of what makes good design.

This book goes over just about every common method of making a web page look better than just text. From basic color science and typography to Flash authoring, "Web Graphics for Non-Designers" covers it - thoroughly, and in concise language that does not talk down to those who have been to design school.
I especially enjoyed the chapters on color science and general web-page layout. In each of those chapters, I learned something I didn't know before. If I had to pick a least favorite chapter, I'd say Flash, just because Flash scares me right now.
If you aren't generally creative to begin with, this book will only indirectly help you decide what content to put on your web; it will, however, help you better organize and present what you're planning to put on your web already.
Although this book gives prodigious and beautiful examples of web pages throughout the (English-speaking) world, very few books help you with the creativity and imagination that you need to decide what to come up with in the first place. Since that's the problem I suffer from as a web developer, I pay particular attention to books that claim to help with web creativity but don't deliver. Web Graphics is not such a book, I'm happy to say. But the pictures are pretty, and I could try to emulate them quite easily with this book if I wanted.
I lucked out with this purchase, and it will hold a prominent (small) space on my shelf - and at that, one that I reach for fairly often, and don't loan out. If I need to brush up on a skill, or figure out how to position something without breaking the rest of my layout, I'm fairly confident I'll be able to get the answer out of this book, and at less thickness than the standard King James Bible, that's a good book to have.

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The imagery is incredible, Wells tells the story of invasion and chaos as if he had been there himself . . .I could certainly imagine myself there.
I do think you have to be a little bit older, more well read to better appreciate this book. I noticed several school kids from VA put reviews on line calling it boring. Of course, these are probably the kids who were expecting the main character to be like Will Smith and the earthlings to travel to the Martians space station (a la Independence Day).
And that was part of the book's charm. No influence from Hollywood. Written in the late 1800's, before movies existed, the book is way ahead of its time. Independce Day obviously got its influence from this book, and is a more updated (and Americanized) version.
Hey, go read it now!

You've seen the 1953 movie, War of the Worlds, and want to read it in book form? Well, then don't look here. Herbert George Wells wrote this book in 1898, a mere one year after The Invisible Man, and two years after The Island of Doctor Moreau. The moviemakers of the 1950s made a wonderful movie, but one that, alas, bears very little resemblance to the original!
This book is one of the crowning examples of nineteenth century fantastic fiction. It is a gripping story that masterfully combines horror and suspense, keeping you at the edge of your seat until the final page.
I am lucky enough to possess the 2001, Books of Wonder edition that contains fourteen wonderful, full-color, full-page illustrations plus the two-page illustrations on the front and back, all done by the masterful Tom Kidd. It is very well made, and would make an excellent addition to any library.

List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.98
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