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Book reviews for "Akinjogbin,_Isaac_Adeagbo" sorted by average review score:

The First Line: Starfleet Intelligence Manual (Stra Trek, the Next Generation)
Published in Paperback by Last Unicorn (December, 1998)
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $2.49
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Used price: $2.49
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score: 

This book offers an in depth look at the life of an SFI character. It offers enough information for an entire intelligence campaign to be played. The book breaks SFI into two branches: Administration and Operations. Both branches are explained well. The structure of the Mission Team is given, and a section describing what a SFI officers does is included. The technology section offers many "James Bond" type toys. Intelligence Dossiers are given for many spies throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, these descriptions are in depth and offer the narrator a wealth of ready to go NPC's. More traits and skills are offered, but few templates and no species templates. I was dissapointed that there were no complete adventures offered, but there are enough adventure seeds for the narrator to develop into full blown adventures and enough intelligence "hot spots" are offered in the "Locations" chapter to inspire the narrator's imagination. I was hoping for more information on Section 31, and I found the sections on the Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar to be somewhat lacking. This book receives a common complaint about the LUG products: black and white art work. It isn't bad artwork, but compared to the stills found in the core rulebooks and The Price of Freedom, it is lacking. Overall, a good solid book.

This book contains all the information you ever wanted to know about Starfleet Intelligence, and even discusses the infamous Section 31 briefly. Included in the back of the book are several ideas of Campaigns that might be run using Starfleet Intelligence characters, though there are no complete campaigns within the book. The primary drawbacks to this supplement are the same failings that Last Unicorn's "A Fragile Peace: The Neutral Zone Campaign" possessed, this book too is printed in black and white, and contains little by way of new character overlays or species templates. Although there are examples of characters who are members of the Cardassian Obsidian Order, and the Romulan Tal Shiar, it might have been helpful to have actual Species Templates for these kinds of characters included in the sourcebook.

Gimpel the Fool
Published in Paperback by Fawcett Books (January, 1985)
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $0.25
Collectible price: $2.95
Used price: $0.25
Collectible price: $2.95
Average review score: 

I enjoyed reading Gimpel the Fool. it made it possible relate to some of the jewish traditions as well as human nature that still is transpiring today. honesty versus dishonesty. isaac bshevis singer is a great writer. plain language and easy to interpret makes it more inspiring to continue to read his stories without putting it aside for later reading. well done indeed.

Gimpel the Fool is a really well written book that is fun to read. It is an important source of information about Jewish history. But don't get me wrong, it's funny and easy to understand. The book focuses on the lives of simple Jews and their struggles and joys. My two favotite stories are "Gimpel the Fool" and "Fire."

Guia De LA Biblia Antiguo Testamento
Published in Paperback by Plaza & Janes Editores, S.A. (October, 1998)
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $147.92
Used price: $147.92
Average review score: 

En este libro Asimov analiza diferentes pasajes descritos en la Biblia desde el punto de vista histórico, tratando de establecer una relación, interpretación o explicación de lo que los escritores de la Biblia relatan frente a los hechos de los cuales existe información histórica. En los casos en los que no se cuenta con esta información, Asimov propone algunas conjeturas posibles. Por ejemplo, describe la ubicación probable de Edén en Mesopotamia, la causa probable de lo que se describió como el diluvio, etc. Escrito en el estilo característico de Asimov, este es un buen libro para las personas de mente abierta que gustan de buscar la verdad en base a los hechos disponibles y la razón.

Ciertamente he leído este libro al principio con placer y entusiasmo. Sin embargo, me di cuenta que es un libro más bien de referencia histórica, pero muy significativa, particularmente si fue escrita por un prestigioso escritor como Isaac Asimov, que tiene la habilidad de llamar atención al lector hacia temas poco explorados, a través de investigaciones históricas y arqueológicas que están a su disposición y las analiza muy bien. Además, las Biblias en que se basa el libro son en su mayoría de versiones inglesas, por lo que se pierde algo de la anterior originalidad (una labor difícil para los traductores). Pero ante todo, es un buen libro de referencia histórica, escrito por un escritor que conoce las intenciones del curioso lector.

In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov 1954-1978
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (April, 1980)
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $45.00
Collectible price: $55.00
Used price: $45.00
Collectible price: $55.00
Average review score: 

This is the second volume of Asimov's interesting life, a bit scary when seeing the thickness of the volume, but well worth it to really inderstand this man. His writing style is orderly and and paragraphs small, you keep reading just one more quick page until you find a chapter has passed.
I did find it frustrating that he didn't include much insight into his family's personalites. He really valued their privacy, but it left me with a feeling of uncompleteness. It reads like diary entries that he knows someone will be reading. No gossip, just the facts.
Isaac does give you a lot of insight into his personality, and by reading "between the lines" you see the real Asimov. He truly was a wonderful entertaining writer as he made the most commonplace activities, good reading.

This companion volume to "In Memory Yet Green" is a must for anyone that truly appreciates the works of Isaac Asimov. If you can find it, read it. I humbly suggest that the publishers are crazy for letting it go out of print. While the contemporary autobiography (I.Asimov: A Memoir) is fine and provides details beyond 1978, the original two volumes allow you to know the man, his aspirations and accomplishments much more thoroughly. (See review for "In Memory Yet Green - the Autobiography of Isaac Asimov - 1920-1954")

Innocence & Wonder: Baseball Through the Eyes of Batboys
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books (September, 1994)
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $4.29
Buy one from zShops for: $6.10
Used price: $4.29
Buy one from zShops for: $6.10
Average review score: 

When I bought this book I had very high expectations because I read another "batboy book" that was excellent. This book was interesting but it really had great possibilities if it had gone into more depth instead of what kind of tippers the players were(naming the players). Many batboys gave 2 page summaries - I think that it tried to cover too much ground (no pun intended). This book was very shallow.

This is my grandpa's book, whatever the kind, he's the best.

Introducing Newton (Introducing)
Published in Paperback by Totem Books (April, 1994)
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $1.78
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95
Used price: $1.78
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95
Average review score: 

This book was assigned reading for an advanced course in engineering physics. It is more of a history book, cartoon style, than a serious book on the physics of motion and gravity as observed by Galileo and Newton. I found the presentations on important topics to be painfully vague. You may get a few soundbites from this book, but thats about it.

The treatment of Galileo could have been more accurate and less crude, but I really like this book. Excellent presentation of both history and ideas in the context of history. I gave a copy to my wife, and also require my students to read it when I teach both elementary and modern physics (relativity).

Isaac Asimov's Camelot
Published in Paperback by Ace Books (May, 1998)
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $3.50
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $5.50
Used price: $3.50
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $5.50
Average review score: 

Many of the stories were very good and certainly different takes on the traditional Arthurian legend. There were a couple that I really liked, like "The Dog's Story" (I think that's what it was called..something about a Dog) but most of them were, although well-written, a little too far-out for me.

This is one of those books that you wish you could read again for the first time; each story is so tightly wound and entertaining that every sense of the world around me fell away. One story in particular, by Esther M. Friesner called "The Three Queens" has stayed with me - partly because of the flow and imagery of her words, but also because she brings an entirely unique possibility into play in the Arthur/Mordred relationship that was extremely thought provoking. Then Friesner turns around and writes a very amusing tale about the very long wait for KA to wake up - (The Lady of the Lake is hilarious!) Most of the Arthurian short story anthologies which have come out recently are very good, but this book is one of my favorites. If you decide you like this one, try "An Invitation to Camelot", edited by Parke Godwin - one of my other favorites!

Newton and the Culture of Newtonianism
Published in Hardcover by Humanity Books (February, 1995)
Amazon base price: $48.00
Average review score: 

Dobbs and Jacob provide a very good introduction to the history of science at a high school level. This is a rare thing in an academic discipline that, like many others, increasingly limits its audience to other specialists in the field. The chapters are well written and the book avoids being an excessively laudatory biography, despite its focus on one of the "Great Men" of science. If the book has one shortcoming it is that the chapters do not fit together well to form a coherent whole. It shows some of the roughness indicative of a cooperative work.

What a terrific introduction to the origins of modern science! The authors have provided a balanced, lucid and engaging treatment of a pivotal topic in modern science and culture. The book falls into two parts. The first section provides a thumbnail sketch of Newton's life and scientific achievements, written with a talent for abbreviated grace. The second section shifts to the multifaceted impact of Newton's achievement and surveys the origins of both the Enlightenment and the First Industrial Revolution with panache. The authors, top scholars in their fields, have written an excellent, short book on a big subject for students and the general reader. It's just what we need but rarely get.

Norby and the Invaders
Published in Hardcover by Walker & Co (November, 1985)
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $15.50
Collectible price: $51.88
Used price: $15.50
Collectible price: $51.88
Average review score: 

This is the fourth book in the humorous science fiction series for children about a young space cadet and his unusual robot Norby. In this story, beings from another planet have invaded a planet of friendly dragons and deactivated all of that planet's robots. Jeff and Norby attempt to thwart the invaders who, they discover, believe that technology is bad. They all learn that only misuse of technology is bad. This book and "Norby and the Lost Princess" (the third book in the series) were also published together as "Norby: Robot for Hire."

This book is very interesting for all ages. The story covers some extremely interesting sci-fi ideas.

How Did We Find Out About Pluto? ("How Did We Find Out About" Series)
Published in Library Binding by Walker & Co Library (March, 1991)
Amazon base price: $13.85
Used price: $3.52
Used price: $3.52
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