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Stephen Webb's Fifty solutions to Fermi's Paradox.

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But Newton had a darker side. Despite the fame and recognition he had received, Newton refused to let anyone threaten to overshadow him or stand in his way of greater achievements.
Reverend John Flamsteed was the first Astronomer Royal - a position he held for 44 years serving under 6 kings. He spent his night in the observatory of Greenwich gazing through telescopes, cataloguing the stars. Newton wanted this information to figure out a better way to navigate to oceans, a major problem in his day. He was convinced Flamsteed was holding back the critical information he needed. For that, Newton used all the considerable power at his disposal to end the career of Flamseed. He almost suceeded. It was only because of the dedication of Flamsteed's widow that his 3-volumn Historia Coelestis Britannica was published.
Today, because of Flamsteed's work, we measure longitude from the place he accomlished his work - Greenwich.
The work of Stephen Gray is less known. A commoner trained as a dyer, he was a most unlikely member of the Royal Society.
Gray was a long time friend of Flamsteed. He carried on a regular coorespondence with the elder scientist, sharing with him his own celestial observations.
But it was Gray's pioneering work in using electricity for communications that earned him immortality. Work, that if not for Newton, may have been accomplished 20 years sooner.

Used price: $18.78
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The author triumphs in creating a work of fiction entirely appropriate to the historical environment, while embracing the superstitions and legends of a long-forgotten age. Set against the underlying, growing animosity of the Welsh and British, the druidic priesthood and the rapidly developing Christian brotherhood, the insightful revelations of a child are pitted against the situational ethics of his community. This young boy's struggles haunt the dreams of those whose existence remains snared within the twenty-first century; struggles which continue to echo through the consciousness of all humankind.

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"The Penitent" is masterfully written by Singer. The book actually consists of one story "nested" within another; the "frame" story is told by a first-person narrator, a writer who meets Joseph in Israel at the Wailing Wall. This brief frame story leads into the main part of the book: Joseph's first-person narration as told to this frame narrator. Thus the book could be read as an extended character study.
Joseph turns from worldliness to orthodox Judaism, and "The Penitent" is essentially the story of this spiritual journey. Joseph's story is fascinating. He is a very opinionated narrator, and although you may disagree with many of his declarations, I found his voice to be consistently compelling. In his story he touches on many significant issues: sexual and ideological temptation, the complex linguistic world of the Jewish people, the relationship of the Jewish Bible to rabbinical writings, vegetarianism, etc. The shadow of the Holocaust is a key theme in Joseph's story.
Throughout the book Joseph is a harsh critic of the modern world, especially of its literature and sexual values. Joseph has constant arguments with "the Evil One" throughout the book. Are these actual conversations with a demonic being, or just representations of Joseph's inner psychological state? Whichever they are, this device is used brilliantly by Singer. "The Penitent" is a richly peopled, remarkable work of fiction.

Used price: $69.90
Collectible price: $21.35

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Collectible price: $2.00

The main character is a competent instructor of chemistry whose only goal is to rise to the rank of associate professor, an aspiration that he has held for eleven years. It was his doctoral student who died and in an attempt to salvage his career, he embarks on a quest to determine what happened. Most of his actions are those that would normally happen during the course of his professional activity. The only difference is that now he is the logical suspect in what was obviously a murder.
Included in the story is a dictatorial professor nicknamed Cap who is retired, but is legendary as a dictator who demanded that students work long hours, even during holidays. One wonders if this is also a description of someone Asimov encountered as a student.
I lent my copy of this book to a chemistry professor friend of mine and he enjoyed it as well. His comment is an excellent way to end this review. “It was nice to read a story that combines a well-designed mystery with the nastiness and pettiness of academic politics. I t brought back memories of my time as a graduate student.”

Used price: $67.50
Collectible price: $129.69

Used price: $9.99
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This is useful if you already know Homeric greek, and need only occasional promptings. If you're still a student (undergraduate or graduate), spend the extra cash and get Cunliffe. You really won't regret it.
This is okay for speed/incomplete reading, as the other reviewers suggest, but it is not in any way an authoritative text.

Used price: $20.00
Collectible price: $24.00

Used price: $10.94
Collectible price: $11.11