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Are they really Jesus and Mary? How to explain the cures on the ward? This is a delightful story that will certainly restore faith in human nature. This book is a real treat.

List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.73
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Molly and Monet listened, provided compassionate, unconditional love, comfort, and soothing behavior as well as someone to talk to, who just listened, and didn't give unwanted advice. They also provided the hugs and warmth that all people need when they are hurting. After my experi-ences with these special "people," I really feel dogs and cats listen, feel and have the ability to provide warmth and healing. If you look closely, they too can brood, be depressed, smile, and speak to you in their own special language.
It is proven fact that couples in marital disagreement have less prob-lems when they have a pet. Statistics indicate a lowering of blood pressure, when an animal is present. There may be arguments and dis-agreements that take place, but the animals can act as a buffer to make happier relationships. People living alone have less health problems when they have a dog or cat to live with.
There is an unusual and productive use for dogs and cats in our elderly population. Rest homes and hospitals welcome dogs and cats, which have been properly trained to give comfort to the elderly and the ailing. When an elderly person lives alone, it is statistically proven that the touch and warmth of a dog or cat helps take away the intense loneli-ness.
In my path of sharing the book through radio and television across the United States, and on several ships in the world, I see the need for this unique and unusual approach to gaining comfort, from any kind of loss.
Molly and Monet has been useful in other areas to talk about other loss such as divorce, loss of a parent, change in financial situation, change of job, hurricanes, acts of God, moving, modifications in life-style, as well as the Columbine tragedy, and the war in Kosovo.

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Used price: $11.95
Collectible price: $37.06

Used price: $7.50
Collectible price: $7.79

Within its pages is a short story ©1938 by Edmond Hamilton, entitled "He That Hath Wings." It remains to this day one of my favorite short stories.
In it, a boy named David Rand is born with wings. He is raised on a private island owned by doctor Harriman, also his legal guardian. The years of growth are eloquently described in a few pages and you learn from David's perspective what it must be like to grow up with wings, and wonder why nobody else does.
As the story evolves, he escapes to the mainland and falls in love with a woman. He makes a huge sacrifice in order to keep his life normal, but the story ends with a twist; you shall have to read.
It's short and wonderful, highly emotional. If you can find a copy of this book and you're like me, you will love it for this one story alone.
Some information about the book: * Paperback ISBN 0-06-020156-8 or ISBN 0-694-05629-4 * ©1984 by Nightfall, Inc., Martin Greenberg, and Charles Waugh
A list of the short stories: * Introduction - Isaac Asimov * Hail and Farewell - Ray Bradbury * Keep Out - Fredric Brown * What Friends Are For - John Brunner * The Wonder Horse - George Byram * He That Hath Wings - Edmond Hamilton * Second Sight - Alan E. Nourse * I Can't Help Saying Goodbye - Ann Mackenzie * The Listening Child - Idris Seabright * The Children's Room - Raymond F. Jones * The Lost Language - David H. Keller, M.D. * Prone - Mack Reynolds * Come On, Wagon! - Zenna Henderson
And finally, a list of the themes of some of the stories, to pique your interest: * What would it be like if childhood lasted forever? * A horse that can fly - without leaving the ground. * A young girl with overwhelming psychic powers. * Predicting the future. * Telekinesis * Evolution sped up through science.

List price: $17.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.17
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Used price: $4.90
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Collectible price: $39.95
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Used price: $33.81

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