The first story, "Silver Birch Has a Dream," tells of a girl, Silver Birch, who had dream visions that came true. One night she had a dream that Ancient Turtle had died. It upset her. She visited Ancient Turtle and discussed the dream vision. He explained to her that death is not an end to the spirit, only the physical body. She was afraid because she did not understand. Once she reached an understanding of it, there would be no fear. She returned to her home in high spirits, knowing that Ancient Turtle was going to a better place.
The story is followed by three questions:
1.What did Silver Birch's dream of the thunderbird mean?
2.How did Ancient Turtle explain death to Silver Birch?
3.What did Silver Birch learn?
The project is to draw a story of your own on a piece of paper in the shape of a tipi. There is an instructor's guide in the back of the book with all the questions and answers.
This book is a wonderful tool for the fledgling storyteller. You will develop skills and confidence in interacting with the children. By practicing these stories and studying the questions and answers, you will be comfortable and relaxed when you appear with a group. You will also learn to develop an outline and questions about any story. This is valuable training aid for any person with an interest in working with children. I strongly recommend it.
Alicia Karen Elkins, Columnist, Reviewer, & Editor
Reprinted from Gotta Write Network Online