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Managing by the Numbers: A Commonsense Guide to Understanding and Using Your Company's Financials: An Essential Resource for Growing Businesses
Published in Paperback by Perseus Publishing (15 May, 2000)
Authors: Chuck Kremer, Ron Rizzuto, and John F. Case
Amazon base price: $12.60
List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.92
Buy one from zShops for: $9.35
Average review score:

Simple yet sound
If you don't have a business degree and as a business owner or potential business owner are looking for more knowledge on how to understand the books then get this book. If you do have a degree in Business then you need not spend your money here. Take the 14.95 you would pay for this book, invest it in a high yield stock or bond and wait 50 years and you may have about a thousand bucks or so.

If I was a small business owner (or even a nonfinancial manager in the corporate world) I'd break my neck to get my hands on this book. If there was a rating beyond 5 stars, I'd give it. A must have!

Mystery Revealed
Finally, a book that let's the rest of us in on the big secrets of financial reports and company financial numbers. This book tells you what numbers to look at, what each number means to your business, and how all of the numbers work together to build a financial picture. I thought that I knew what I was seeing when I ready my companies balance sheet, but I was wrong. As the owner of a small business, I wish that I would have had this book a month before I started my company.

The reading is light and quick with good examples to back up what the authors are teaching you. They start with a light base instruction on Balance Sheets, Profit and Loss, and Cash Reports. After explaining each report and showing an example from their fictional company, they build on that base to show you how to use those numbers to find problems and to answer questions about a company. By teaching you how the numbers relate between these reports and showing you exactly what effect each number has on your company, you will be able to see the big picture of what is going on.

This book was definitely written for the non-accountant person that needs things explained outside of the accounting language. This is a must have for anyone that owns their own business and is not a CPA.

The Case of the Vanishing Fishhook (Erickson, John R., Hank the Cowdog, 31.)
Published in Hardcover by Maverick Books (1998)
Authors: John R. Erickson and Gerald L. Holmes
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

The Funny Book
The best mysterious book I ever read.Full of laughter.Great book for kids under 14.I wish there was more characters.

Critique of The Case of the Vanishing Fishhook
I liked the book, The Case of the Vanishing Fishhook, because it was funny. One of the funniest parts of this book was when Hank, the cowdog, ate the soap. Hank had swallowed a fishhook. Then he swallowed soap to help him spit the hook out. This is the funniest "Hank" book written by John R. Erickson. I give this book a five-star rating and I recommend that you read it immediately!

I couldn't put it down
This book is very good because Hank go's fishin' with little Alfred and gets very mad at Drover because he eats the bait and while hank was yelling at Drover Hank found some of the bait and ate it. To find out if there was a fishhook attached to it read the book.

The Virtuoso: Face to Face With 40 Extraordinary Talents
Published in Hardcover by Stewart, Tabori & Chang (1999)
Authors: Ken Carbone, Ashton Applewhite, Howard Schatz, Frank Deford, Judith Jamison, John Russell, and Peter Blake
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $5.77
Collectible price: $7.36
Buy one from zShops for: $4.69
Average review score:

enthusiastic fun
What's great here, in addition to stellar photos and high production values (what kind of paper is this?) is the surprising quality of the selection of the people. I like seeing boxers and map makers, basketball players and glass blowers set next to each other.

To surpass oneself is among life's greatest rewards
Wayne Gretzky's retirement from hockey seems a fitting occasion to remark on the phenomenal collection of virtuosos Ken Carbone has gathered together in his new book. The gift of a Virtuoso like Gretzky, and of this book, is the realization that absolute focus and dedication to a passion can lead one beyond oneself. That message resounds like a gong through the handsomely designed pages and expressive photographs of The Virtuoso. The thrill of sharing a Virtuoso's talent is the transcendence it offers, the visceral feeling that one is witnessing, in the Eastern sense, life lived fully in the moment. Inspiration, indeed.

Buy this book for everyone you care about
Joseph Campbell's sadly over-used expression "Follow your bliss" is personified in the 40 profiles that fill the pages of The Virtuoso. What a revelation to find that the world possesses such remarkable individuals in places we might least expect to find them. The Virtuoso says much about taking risks, about going as far as you can to arrive at a place that is larger than yourself. Love, and a dash of madness, are at the core of every choice a Virtuoso makes, shaping the lives of these extraordinary talents in the most unimagined ways, and those who come into contact with them. It takes a vision to see the vision in others. Clearly this author has that. Bravo!

Tears of Rage: From Grieving Father to Crusader for Justice: The Untold Story of the Adam Walsh Case
Published in Hardcover by Pocket Star (1997)
Authors: John Walsh and Susan Schindehette
Amazon base price: $24.00
Used price: $0.73
Collectible price: $1.07
Buy one from zShops for: $3.75
Average review score:

Book Review for John Walsh: Tears of Rage
One of the most extraordinary memoirs that we had the pleasure to read is John Walsh: tears of Rage, co-written by Susan Schindehette. This memoir begins with John Walsh convincing the reader how "emotionaly strong" he is. He does this by mentioning experiences that he had to deal with in the past. Although these experiences were heart breaking, John handled the situation and got the job done. John Walsh had to deal with many morrible experiences in his life, but it only made him stronger in what he could deal with.
John Walsh goes into the details about his son, Adam, who was kidnapped in 1981 at a local Sears store by an unknown assailant. In the memoir Mr. Walsh tells his readers all the things the police and him went through trying to locate his son. Mr. Walsh also worked on all cases that may have anyhting to do with his sons kidnapping. But in the end he couldnt do anything to save his son. He thought his neighborhood was safe so he couldn't understand how something like this could happen.
One of the main things that Walsh wanted to get across to his readers is that there is no where safe anymore. That everyone has to watch out and try to stop these horrible acts from happening to our loved ones.
Tears of Rage ended with a great and powerful conclusion. The conclusion is about how John deals with his son's death, and what he does about the loss. Mr. Walsh also said that he would devote all his time to the public from now on, he is doing this with his show, America's Most Wanted. The show tells the public about unsolved crimes by getting the faces of the criminals out to the public so they can identify them.
We rated this memoir a 4 star, and the reason for this is because it is a great read that talks about life and how to handle all the problems that are envolved with it. So, if you want an awesome read, pick up John Walsh: Tears of Rage, you won't regret it.

Every Community Needs a John Walsh
An amazing book that gives a raw, honest account of a man's struggle to solve the mystery of his son's death, and then to institute measures to facilitate others' similar searches. Walsh's narrative is painful to read, yet essential to communicate the depths of his feelings and to explain the intensity behind his search and chosen life's mission. He is driven beyond words, and has done an incredible amount of work throughout the country for missing persons and abducted children, not the least of which is the program he is know for creating (America's Most Wanted).

This book is shocking in its exposure of the police incompetence and lack of statutory law Walsh faced throughout his quest, and in its description of the lengths he had to go to in order to get assistance and, ultimately, (some) answers. A salient point is that Walsh discovered (and describes in the book) a wealth of legislation and safety measures afforded to criminals, yet an appalling lack of the same for victims and their families. Walsh took it upon himself to make things happen for the sake of victims, including helping to enact legislation regarding missing children, assisting with the creation of nationwide databases of missing persons and unidentified corpses, and instituting the dissemination of missing kids' images (like the faces seen on the back of milk cartons). Walsh continues to run himself ragged pursuing his life's work of helping missing children and their families, seemingly at the cost of everything else.

In addition to the telling of an incredible tale, Walsh is an exciting, and surprisingly witty, narrator that keeps the reader entertained amidst the recounting of tragedy. He is a true hero in every sense of the word. Simply put, without people like John Walsh, change for the better is impossible; anyone with kids should be grateful that he was able to turn his bitter tragedy into something so positive.

Heartbreaking, but an excellent, must-read book
Every parent should read this book. The author makes us very aware of the scumbag by-products of abuse and neglect that walk this earth in search of innocent children to exploit for their own selfish pleasure. Instead of letting this horrible tragedy break them, John and Reve Walsh dragged themselves up from the absolute pits of their terrible nightmare to change the priorities of a foolish country that cares more about stolen cars than stolen kids. It is also gratifying to know that John Walsh joined forces with the incredible genius of ex-FBI special agent Robert Ressler (author: Whoever Fights Monsters). John Walsh is responsible for bringing to our attention that these pedophiles and lunatics are everywhere and must be stopped. THIS COULD HAPPEN TO ANYONE'S CHILD!! This book is emotionally hard to read. Your heart will go out to these two people for their grief and we can all be thankful that they cared enought to turn their tragedy around to help others.

No Mercy: The Host of America's Most Wanted Hunts the Worst Criminals of Our Time, in Shattering True Crime Cases
Published in Audio Cassette by Simon & Schuster (Audio) (1998)
Authors: Philip Lerman and John Walsh
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $4.99
Buy one from zShops for: $1.98
Average review score:


No Mercy:The Host of America's Most Wanted Hunts....
I felt that John Walsh was supberb when co-writing this book. I bought this book in order to get some/more information how the criminal mind works so that I can learn to recognize the evil creatures. I am learning from this book that you cannot recognize him/her. They often hide behind a mask.

I am a child advocate and can only admire Mr. Walsh for taking his rage and having the courage to use his unfortunate and traumatic experience to catch scum-bags. His book is easy to read (I can't put the book down once I pick it up). He makes me understand from the beginning to the end how much hard work goes in to finding these rotten-evil-dirt bags.

Thank you John Walsh for your endurance in helping us find our children and putting many of these animals where they belong (out of society). My emotions, tears, and heart goes out to these people who have suffered.

Buy this book you will not regret it!!!!!!!!

One of the best books you will ever read........
John Walsh is truly a hero for our time. I read his book about the abduction of his son Adam and besides crying from start to finish, I could not put it down. In "No Mercy" he comes out fighting and for all of our sakes he continues to do so. This book will haunt you especially the first story. I was so shaken by it that I could not get it out of my mind for days. One cannot believe the kind of sick people that are walking around but lucky for us, John Walsh is right there behind them putting them where they belong -Jail!

America Online for Dummies
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (15 March, 1999)
Authors: John Kaufeld and Steve Case
Amazon base price: $19.99
Used price: $0.45
Collectible price: $8.42
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

Easy to follow...easy to read
Basic and fun to read. Lots of good info to make anyone an AOL expert. From the novice to the expert. Plenty of info on getting started and learning to use the different applications on the program. A real winner!

An excellent guide for the beginner
Although the title suggests otherwise, John Kaufeld will not make you feel like a "dummy" as you breeze through the pages of his America Online handbook. I purchased this book right after I got online, and using AOL like a "pro" in no time flat! Kaufeld has a special knack for writing to the average Joe that is not well-versed in technical terminology, hence the "dummies" title, but as you read the book, the jargon will come to you. If you're feeling a bit frustrated with AOL, or even if you just want to learn a bit more about it, I would definitely advise investing in a copy of "America Online for Dummies". You'll set this book next to your computer, read a chapter or two every day, and even keep it next to your computer even after you finish it as a reference guide - it's an invaluable resource, to say the least.

More Helpful Than I thought Steve Case Could be..
After several years on AOL, I have come to realize that they do not make anything simple or easy. I thought I knew on the in's and out's of shortcuts and tricks on AOL but I was mistaken. The authors did a great job of compiling every question members have ever asked and answers that actually explain themselves. Rather than simply telling the reader this is how to achieve this goal, they walk you through each process. I also have the quick reference for work and I wish I had about forty copies for each of our salesmen who all seem to be computer illiterate. lol

The Market Gurus: Stock Investing Strategies You Can Use From Wall Street's Best
Published in Hardcover by Dearborn Trade Publishing (2002)
Authors: John Reese and Todd Glassman
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.50
Buy one from zShops for: $14.00
Average review score:

Detailed analysis of various strategies
Confused with all the "expert" advice available on investing? Why does there seem to be so many different views and different ideas on how to best invest? Of course risk is one of the biggest factors as is how much time you are willing to put into analysis each day. Some people are comfortable with a lot of risk if the potential reward is a really large gain, others are not. Some enjoy watching the stock tape cross their computer screen all day long and watching their investments, others are to content to watch their investment progress on a monthly basis.

Reese and Glassman examine the most respected investment advisors today and detail not only their philosophy but also the level of risk the investor should be comfortable with and the level of effort the investor needs to put forth to follow that person's advice.
Each expert is analyzed one at a time including the criteria they use for investing, how they determine if a stock meets that criteria or not and examples of individual stocks with an analysis of where they pass and fail the selected criteria. The analysis is detailed and yet straight forward so that someone with minimal experience in stocks can understand the basis philosophy.

Who are these investors that are analyzed? Only the most revered names in stock investng: Peter Lynch, Benjamin Graham, William O'Neil, Warren Buffett, The Motley Fool, David Dreman, Martin Zweig, Kenneth L. Fisher, and James O'Shaughnessy.

Most of the experts selected have written their own books on how to invest. This book distills down all the fluff and long winded information in the other books to a single chapter on each advisor, a chapter with all the information required to follow that person's style. So, I guess you have a choice, buy several books and read them all or buy this one and get all the knowledge as well as a detailed step by step plan of how to follow their investing style. Complete analysis (even on those who have not written a book), risk profile information, detailed examples of how to apply the methods, and simple pass/fail criterion information, the information is complete, easy to understand and easy to apply, there is nothing not to like about this book! If you are an investor or want to try your hand at it or have a self-directed IRA or similar instrument then you owe it to yourself to read this book, select at least a style that is appropriate for you and apply it.

Great book
Great book with investment stalwarts like Fisher, Buffet, Graham. Best new financial book I've read in a while....

A "Must Have" for any Investor!!!
I've spent so much money on numerous stock investing books, hoping to learn some investing tactics...however I'm usually left feeling as if my time spent reading was a waste. There are so many financial analysts, each with their own stock investing strategies. The Market Gurus does a good job of detailing a number of prestigious analyst's strategies and has helped me develop a much clearer understanding of investing in general. I recommend this book to all interested in furthering their knowledge of the investment world.

Recovered--Book One--Absolute Victory Over Alcoholism
Published in Paperback by Ursa Publishing Company, Incorporated (01 November, 1999)
Authors: Amy Crozier, Dr John, and Dr John
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $10.99
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

Action is how it works
Chapter 5, in action. I am a recovered alkie, sober almost 30 years. I encountered this book from a friend. I now highly recomend it to any new person I encounter searching for more than the current 'teachings' in AA. Anyone who is willing to do the 12 steps exactly as written can attain all these folk have and more. The voices in this book tell exactly how it works. The experience of each writter is believable with no pulled punches. It is my belief this book will be a great addition to any sober alkies library. I like the idea of the same writters telling how they got sober doing the steps, and later describing how they found a 'Power Greater than themselves' as stated in the book 'Alcoholics Anonymous'. I can think of about 25 people I would buy this book for Christmas or Birthdays or just because they're my friends. WPG. Recovered Alkie

A collection of messages, tools, and 'How I did it's' to make sobriety/serenity a more easily achievable goal. Real life memoirs and guidelines to enable the still struggling alcoholic, their family, their friends, and peers get further insight to recovery and the uphill climb it can be, as well as ways to 'lower the hill'. Truly from the heart writing, not a collection of fantasies.A must read for anyone in recovery, or involved with someone in recovery A collection of messages, tools, and 'How I did it's' to make sobriety/serenity a more easily achievable goal. Real life memoirs and guidelines to enable the still struggling alcoholic, their family, their friends, and peers get further insight to recovery and the uphill climb it can be, as well as ways to 'lower the hill'. Truly from the heart writing, not a collection of fantasies. A must read for anyone in recovery, or involved with someone in recovery.

inspirational reading
Many members of AA today currently feel that they cannot recover from alcoholism and they will always be recovering. Through the sharing of experience, strength and hope, the authors of the stories in this book show that recovery is not only possible but available. In the Foreword to the First Edition of the AA Big Book it states that the main purpose of that book is "To show other alcoholics PRECISELY HOW WE HAVE RECOVERD..."

Many in AA fear the word "recovered" because they feel that it means that it will give them an excuse to drink alcohol. Those who wrote the AA Big Book attempted to dispel that fear by giving examples of how THEY recovered. Today, many people are not willing to go to ANY lengths to get what the founding members of AA had but would rather live in fear of that first drink and thus be recovering rather than realize a new freedom and a new happiness.

The main purpose of the AA Big Book is to show other alcoholics precisely HOW we have recovered and this book helps to show other alcoholics that recovery from alcoholism is possible and can be accomplished.

The Case of the Double Bumblebee Sting
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: John R. Erickson and Gerald L. Holmes
Amazon base price: $12.70
Used price: $10.73
Buy one from zShops for: $9.56
Average review score:

Doggone good Book
Having been born and raised on a cattle ranch(not in Texas however)there is so much to relate to in the Hank books, we have rattlesnakes too, and learn to look very carefully before reaching for anything lying around in the summertime. My 8 year old loves me to read the Hank books to him,(I do a real good Drover) soon we both become part of the story, and lose track of time. Even if you've never had a cowdog, or lived on a ranch, you'll love this book, but if you have,you'll be hooked for life on Hank the Cowdog! We are.

The best book ever
I would recommend Hank the Cow Dog Case of the Double Bumblebee Sting because it's funny. Hank thinks two bumblebees have bitten him but it ends up that it was a rattlesnake. His face swells up like a balloon. He says, "It weighs 250 pounds". Drover keeps on saying that it was a rattlesnake, but Hank will be Hank - stubborn as a donkey. Hank keeps on saying, "it was 2 bumblebees in that pipe". Drover just goes with the flow and says "OK". I recommend this book to you and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Matthew Jacobs's Hank the Cowdog's Bee Sting Reveiw
This book is about a dog named Hank. Hank lives on a ranch, and is head of ranch security. Drover is another dog that live on the ranch. In this book Hank gets bit by a rattlesnake, but he thinks it's a bumble bee. Sally May his owner takes him to the vet to get a shot. In the end Hank finally get's better. I reccomend this because it's funny and thrilling to read.

Gig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs
Published in Paperback by Three Rivers Press (21 August, 2001)
Authors: John Bowe, Marisa Bowe, and Sabin Streeter
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.50
Buy one from zShops for: $10.40

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