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Book reviews for "Case,_John" sorted by average review score:

Global Dreams: Imperial Corporations and the New World Order
Published in Hardcover by Simon & Schuster (1994)
Authors: Richard J. Barnet and John Cavanagh
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $1.46
Collectible price: $2.92
Buy one from zShops for: $5.41
Average review score:

Obviously well researched.
All one needs to do to realize the importance of this work is to watch CNNFN or any other business news channel, read the wall street journal et al. Merger, merger, merger,. The UN, World Bank, Corporate greed, A juvenile and naive population, which will happily step over the bodies of those less fortunates whose 401's didn't come through or never possessed. Of course for any of this to culminate in the true end game scenario, they must assume a greater yet degree of control of the people and their money. I suggest you read "Transfer: the end of the beginning," by Jerry Furland, also available through I highly recommend both of these books.

Provocative and Scary
Imperial Corporations is an easily readable, fact-filled book portraying the rise of a "standardized culture" across the planet. This is a culture of Pepsico and Madonna, of Bertelmann and American Express. The book is full of scary facts about these major corporations, andothers, such as Sony and Citibank. It reads like a novel and you can breeze through it, though, as I said, it's full of incredibly interesting material on the global corporate power structure.

The Human Use of Animals: Case Studies in Ethical Choice
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (1998)
Authors: F. Barbara, Ph.D. Orlans, Tom L. Beauchamp, Rebecca Dresser, David B. Morton, and John P., Ph.D. Gluck
Amazon base price: $29.50
Used price: $16.00
Buy one from zShops for: $16.98
Average review score:

RIGHT ON!!!There's NO excuse for animal abuse!!!
This book was Great! everyone should read it

Orlans et al have made a novel and invaluable contribution to the ethical debate concerning "The Human Use of Animals". As a biomedical researcher of fifteen years , I appreciated the frank objectivity that the authors brought to such morally complicated issues as animal experimentation, modern animal farming practices, and religious sacrifice. Each of the case studies presented invokes considerable soul searching and further challenges the reader to question whether we as humans are doing enough to meet our moral obligations to nonhuman animals. These moral obligations, highlighted in the various case studies, are not derived from any legalistic or heady philosophical meanderings but rather stem from an intrinsic sense of right and wrong. The case studies presented in this and hopefully future volumes of "The Human Use of Animals" should become required reading in biomedical ethics curricula.

Legal Problems of International Economic Relations: Cases, Materials and Text on the National and International Regulation of Transnational Economic (American Casebook Series)
Published in Hardcover by West Information Pub Group (1995)
Authors: John H. Jackson, William J. Davey, and Alan O., Jr. Sykes
Amazon base price: $82.68
Used price: $45.98
Buy one from zShops for: $75.91
Average review score:

The First Book of International Economic Relations
This is a must read for those who appreciate interdisciplinary studies and want to understand the global economy, law, and politics. It offers an excellent balance; big enough to offer a lot of detail yet not too ponderous. Although it is very readable (not too technical), it's not a lap read.

For those who want to study international law
This book is one of the best texts about international economic law. This book will help those who study international economic law to understand what is the legal problems of this world of globalization.

Making Equity Planning Work : Leadership in the Public Sector (Conflicts in Urban and Regional Development)
Published in Paperback by Temple Univ Press (1990)
Authors: Norman Krumholz, John Forester, and Alan A. Altshuler
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $4.43
Collectible price: $34.44
Average review score:

A Student of Krumholz's
I am a student at the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University in Cleveland, OH, where Norman Krumholz is a full-time professor. In 1994, I had the pleasure of taking an urban studies class that he taught. I enjoyed the class so much that I went on to take other urban studies classes, and eventually changed my major from journalism to urban planning. Dr. Krumholz is a brilliant man, and a gifted orator. His class had such a profound impact on me. I ended up on a completely different career path because of his teachings. It's rare to find someone so dedicated to social equality. I highly recommend anything he's written.

Krumholz is crafty and insightful. What a read!
Krumholz describes a planning experience that is so instructive that it will alter the way we look at professional planning forever. His experiences are documentations of persistence, triumph, defeat, and victory.

The Man Who Knew Too Much
Published in Hardcover by Carroll & Graf (1992)
Author: Dick Russell
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $12.07
Collectible price: $21.18
Average review score:

The best book on the JFK assassination
This is a long book, the product of a lengthy period of research, which was needed to unravel the extensive coverup of the story of Richard Case Nagell, who worked for both US and Soviet intelligence. In the process of being a double agent in the early 1960s, Nagell learned that Oswald was involved in a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, which he was unable to prevent. One of Hoover's greatest failures was not paying more attention to Nagell. Nagell's letter to the Warren Commission regarding his knowledge of Oswald was basically ignored, and it was thus left to Dick Russell to undertake the investigation that Hoover's FBI should have done. Fortunately for the reader, Russell's investigation was far superior to any that the FBI would have been able to do. The result is the best book ever written on the JFK assassination. The nature of the conspiracy and some of the players are clearly delineated in this book. Anyone interested in knowing the outlines of the conspiracy to kill JFK must read this book. This isn't just a book that adds a few interesting pieces to the puzzle--this book puts the puzzle together like no other source, in or out of government, has been able to do. This is the only JFK assassination book ever written that is an absolute must for the serious (or casual) reader on this subject.

The 'Thesaurus' of JFK conspiracies
If you are an assassination or conspiracy researcher, this should be your most 'dog-eared' referance material. Mr. Russel approaches all the angles here, in an un-biased collection of facts. semi-facts and outright myths surrounding the JFK incident. While there is much insight to the Richard Case Nagle scenario, Russel provides much material that is scattered about the research communtiy in several different sources, and presents them in an easy to lactae manner. Even if your not a ressearcher, it is a good read.

Natural Attenuation of Fuels and Chlorinated Solvents in the Subsurface
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1999)
Authors: Todd H. Wiedemeier, Hanadi S. Rifai, John T. Wilson, and Charles Newell
Amazon base price: $150.00
Used price: $117.96
Buy one from zShops for: $117.96
Average review score:

An Excellent Pragmatic Text
This is an excellent book full of useful information pertaining to natural attenuation. The text covers a great deal of information and offers comments on other remedial methods and limitations. Included is information of processes affecting solute fate and transport, attenuation of source zones and plume formation, abiotic processes, intrinsic bioremediation, estimating source masses, denitrification, methanogenesis, etc. Great book! I highly recommend it.

From the GZA Bioboard - A timely book for remediation
"This is the finest compendium of research published over the last 20 years involving fuel and chlorinated solvent degradation in groundwater. The authors should be applauded for their efforts."


Open-Book Management : Coming Business Revolution, The
Published in Paperback by HarperBusiness (1996)
Author: John Case
Amazon base price: $10.50
List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.50
Collectible price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

It's Here...It's Now...It's Happening
When Open-Book Management was first in 1995, its subtitle suggested "The Coming Business Revolution." Well, that "revolution" has arrived and author John Case deserves much of the credit. In the Introduction, however, he makes it crystal clear that open-book management is NOT a panacea, is NOT a substitute for TQM or reengineering or any other operational overhaul, and is NOT a single system. In essence, open-book management helps companies to create a shared environment in which everyone understands that they are competing in a marketplace, trying to make money. But for whom? Frequently, effective ownership has been limited to relatively few people. In privately-held companies, usually to a single person and/or to a family. Presumably Case agrees with Al Ehrbar (author of EVA) that the traditional concept of "ownership" must be re-defined so that everyone involved in a given enterprise assumes personal responsibility for adding value. Hence the importance of recognition of peak performance but also the importance of financial incentives. "What's in it for me?" is a quite legitimate question. Given the increasingly greater impact of globalization, the information revolution, and what Case calls "entrepreneuralization", companies must find new and better ways to answer that question. For Case, each company needs a mission, a strategy. "But more than anything else it needs eager, willing employees, people who have a reason to care about their employer's prosperity and who know how to help it succeed."

Ultimately, the measurable value of open-book principles will be determined by several factors: The extent to which a company modifies them to accommodate its own circumstances; the extent to which employees in that company (top to bottom) commit to the program, once devised; and the extent to which everyone involved shares equitably (NOT equally) in the rewards.

Those who admire this book as much as I do will presumably want to read (if they have not already read) The Open-Book Field Book and The Open-Book Experience. These two books develop in much greater detail the material first introduced in Open-Book Management. Also, they provide an absolutely essential guide to deriving maximum benefit from John Case's wisdom and experience.

Employees at open book companies act (and profit)like owners
Case shows, with many examples from open book companies, that companies' performance really takes off (or pulls out of jeopardy) when they organize to: 1. Give all their financial information to all employees; 2. Teach employees to understand it; and 3. Give employees a financial stake in how the company performs. In summary, experience shows that employees at open book companies act like owners. Case shows exactly how to do it. Give this book to your boss!

Power to Dissolve: Lawyers and Marriages in the Courts of the Roman Curia
Published in Hardcover by Harvard Univ Pr (1972)
Author: John T., Jr. Noonan
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $23.95
Collectible price: $24.00
Average review score:

A fascinating and careful study
I read 55 books in 1973 and this volume on marriage cases in Church courts was the best of the 55. It carefully examines 6 marriage cases. Reading this book made me wish I were a canon lawyer!

A landmark study of Catholic marriage and annulments.
John Noonan, now a prominent judge on the federal Circuit Court of Appeals, was also for many years a respected scholar of canon law history. This work, based on Noonan's direct study of Vatican archives, caused quite stir upon its publication in 1972, by painting an accurate, if not entirely flattering, picture of the complex canonical process by which, prior to the Second Vatican Council, Catholic marriage cases were adjudicated. The work is respectful of canonical tradition and, in my opinion, basically wanted only to see a franker admission by some canonical judges that adjudicating marriage cases is as much an art as it is a science.

Strategy Process: Collegiate Edition, The
Published in Paperback by Pearson Education POD (04 August, 1994)
Authors: Henry Mintzberg, James Brian Quinn, and John Voyer
Amazon base price: $100.00
Used price: $10.95
Collectible price: $51.88
Buy one from zShops for: $24.95
Average review score:

Vast knowledge in very digestable form
As frightening as the volume of the book might see, it is written very well and it is very contemporary with the topics discussed in.
The book is divided in several sections with general theory and implications disussed first and with some real cases presented afterwards. Each case is usually backed with some questions to think about and to extract the essence of it. The complete book feels like being a student in the class with authors performing as teachers (as they also do sometimes).
Concepts of strategy are extremely tricky. It can hardly been negotiated if there is a strategy or if you just got to have the feeling or if there simply are people who earn 1 million US$+ a year that turn into gold everything they touch and you can't run a serious business without them. This book will help you understand that strategy exists, will teach you how to define it and set it through and how to predict the future and react on it. But as real life is, many things can happen. You get the driver's licence after you learn the basics of driving. But no one can tell after you get the licence if you will get involved into the crash and when.
Many people expect from such books that they will get a broad pavement covered with roses to walk through their careers on simply by paying some 70 US$. How naive they sound sometimes. The pen alone doesn't write a book, it is just an instrument to success, behind which stands an enormous human effort. This wonderful book is only an instrument to avoid some crashes of company in your career. If it can therefore win you a job or a mere 100 US$ raise, it has paid back heavily, don't you think?

A good book
This is an important and recent strategy book. I recommend it for MBA students and managers.

The Youngest Parents: Teenage Pregnancy As It Shapes Lives
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (1997)
Authors: Jocelyn Lee, John Moses, Robert E. Coles, Daniel A. Coles, and Michael H. Coles
Amazon base price: $27.50
Used price: $2.74
Collectible price: $6.85
Buy one from zShops for: $19.11
Average review score:

Best book on teenage pregnancy
What a subtle, beautiful, thought-provoking book. Indispensible for understanding how teenage pregnancy shapes the lives of young people. Offers a poignant view of a variety of American teens facing parenthood, of different classes, different races, different religions and regions. Would be particularly valuable for high-school researchers, or as a complement to drier, more statistical or policy-oriented analyses.

Fantastic photographs which capture your heart and mind
The photographs are fantastic and will capture your heart and mind. The pictures communicate in a way words never could. You will feel like you know and understand these young mothers.

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