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Brown ultimately fails to support his charge of treason against St. John Philby. The charge, implicit in the book's title, is never really followed through in the text. St. John, as described by Brown, was an active critic of British policy in Arabia, a gadfly, and ultimately an embittered nuisance. This is not the same as being a traitor, however.
The chapters on Kim contain no new blockbusters, though Brown draws his character deftly. Ultimately more interesting than Kim Philby the man, though, is Kim Philby the phenomenon.
Kim Philby continues to exert a fascination which extends far beyond his actual historical impact. His betrayal, and that of Burgess, MacLean, et al, seem to stand as emblematic of the decay of the English upper classes in the Post WWI period. While Brown does an admirable job painting his portrait of the man, he doesn't dwell on the question of why we still care about this brilliant, vain, aristocratic traitor.
The bottom line, however, is that this is a great read, well done
Used price: $10.73
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List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.40
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After the boy found his dog, they went to find Mr.Signorelli. He had no family. So the boy asked if he would have Thankgiving dinner with him. He said, "Yes, I will have dinner with you." That is the end of the Case Of The Runaway Dog.
I like this book. It is fun. When you get in the middle of the book you will find out who the bad person is. This is exciting book because you have to figureout clues.
Used price: $3.90
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Little Alfred, has gotten himself lost IN THE DARK UNCHANTED FOREST!! Little Alfred thinks that his mother (Sally May) likes his new sister Molly better then him. He decides to run away, to the forest. Hank sees him so he dose what a blue ribbon Head of Ranch Security dog dose and follows him. But hank gets lost and is in trouble with Rip and Snort the two coyote brothers. Can Hank pull this one off? Will he be lost to fate? Well read the book!
Used price: $24.95
Modrow takes a detailed look at the evidence for the proposed causes of schizophrenia and delineates the weaknesses of the popularly accepted premise that it is a genetic, biologically caused disease. In particular, he aims a discerning eye on the details of the Twin and Adoption studies in which so much faith has been placed in proving the medical model. He looks at the findings of brain chemistry studies and medication effectiveness, finding the results wanting. Modrow also examines the economic factors that exert such a large influence on treatments.
The tone of the book at times is incensed, understandably so. The author delivers in thoroughness when he explores the many steps that brought psychiatry to its current state. His unique viewpoint and experience make his writing indispensable. The book serves as a good accompaniment to such titles as Breggin's "Toxic Psychiatry," Bentall's "Reconstructing Schizophrenia," Valenstein's "Blaming The Brain," Becker's "The Revolution in Psychiatry," and Szasz' "The Manufacture of Madness."
According to author John Modrow, what the medical profession calls schizophrenia develops as a result of an individual being subjected to very severe and often cruel disparagement by significant others (parents, surrogate parents, peers) and on whose good opinion he or she is largely dependent, from infancy up, until some especially hurtful incident produces and out-and-out panic state, often during adolescence or early adulthood.
Modrow's book is a signficant and important contribution to the field of mental health.
Psychiatry and society-in-general would learn much IF they would be more attentive to what the patients themselves (Modrow et al) have to say about schizophrenia instead of what the egocentric and often aloof professionals have to say about schizophrenia.
Professionals often try to convince society that they can read a schizophrenic's mind and they know more about what is going on in a schizophrenic's mind than he does!
Modrow, who himself has lived with schizophrenia, reveals that individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia generally also display the symptoms of both bipolar disorder and multiple personality disorder, and that CONTRARY TO MAINSTREAM PSYCHIATRY'S CLAIM, THE SCHIZOPHRENIC DOES INDEED HAVE A SPLIT PERSONALITY, that the fantasies of schizophrenics indeed represent split-off portions of their personalities.
The schizophrenic's difficulty in making decisions is stymied by the "internal persecutors," the memories of past disparaging remarks and actions of parents and surrogate parents towards the schizophrenic. Because the schizophrenic has suffered as a scapegoat as a child/adolescent, he has not learned adequate skills for coping with adult interpersonal relationships, which are overwhelming and extremely frightening to him. Thus, he tends to isolate himself from others and retreats into a fantasy world of his own creation.
Both John Modrow and John Forbes Nash indeed suggest that schizophrenics themselves are often more brilliant than others, including the physicians trying to treat (or heal) them, which could also be the primary reason they become the scapegoats of others, including psychiatrists themselves and others working in the mental health field.
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $42.13