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Book reviews for "Case,_John" sorted by average review score:

The Case of the Nervous Newsboy
Published in Paperback by Sundance Pubns (Mass Market) (1991)
Authors: E. W. Hildick and John Lane
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $2.00
Average review score:

Review of the Nervous Newsboy
This book is definitely a great mystery for kids, since its main characters are kids our age, and the topic isn't too heavy. It has some humor in it, and the characters are easy to relate to. Also, the narrator shares his opinions with the reader, which makes you more empathetic with the characters. I'd definitely read more of the series.

The Case of the Secret Valentine (A Jigsaw Jones Mystery)
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2001)
Authors: James Preller, John Speirs, and R. W. Alley
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.76
Buy one from zShops for: $8.71
Average review score:

A Jigsaw Jones Mystery, The Case of the Secret Valentine
This was one of the first Jigsaw Jones books I read to my children.It hooked us and I've now read the eight in the series so far.The books are short enough to keep the kids interested.James Preller has the nack of putting the right ingredients in the books to make my children laugh,things that happen in every 4 to 8 year olds life.We've practiced the different secret codes that Jigsaw and his best friend Mila come up with.Also we learned abit about Abraham Lincoln even though we are Canadians living in England.The Jigsaw Jones books are well travelled and luckily I can get them through Amazon in the U.K., So I guess this is really a review of the series and not necessarily one book.They are nice reading before bed and my children are always ready to listen to the Jigsaw Jones books. Lisa Pyke.

The Case of the Swirling Killer Tornado (Hank the Cowdog, 25)
Published in Hardcover by Maverick Books (1983)
Authors: John R. Erickson and Gerald L. Holmes
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $2.95
Average review score:

Hank Audio Pack #4
In this two-book audio pack, you can listen to two more adventures from Hank, that hilarious cowdog. In the first story, Hank book #5: Faded Love, Hank goes to visit his One True Love, Beulah the collie. In the second, book #6: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, Hank must find out who's been murdering chickens before he gets blamed. I wouldn;t miss them!

Cases in Communications Law
Published in Paperback by Wadsworth Publishing (2000)
Author: John D. Zelezny
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $28.97
Average review score:

Good Reason It's a CLASSIC! (9th Ed./InfoTrac Incl.)
"Must-have" if you're interested in law or law school bound...Superb reference and learning book (there is also a Study Guide -- harder to find); you'll keep this book for years of use! If you take a Criminal Justice course, this is the text you should hope the prof demands. It is truly the best out there. Yes, it's pricy - but worth every dollar.

Cases In Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis
Published in Paperback by South-Western College Pub (05 July, 2000)
Authors: John K. Shank and John K. Shank
Amazon base price: $60.95
Used price: $9.99
Buy one from zShops for: $52.25
Average review score:

MBA Class
The cases in this book are very thorough and thought-provoking. Very appropriate for an MBA managerial accounting course.

Cases in Small Business Management: A Strategic Problems Approach
Published in Paperback by Upstart Pub Co (1900)
Author: John Edward De Young
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $9.25
Buy one from zShops for: $31.96
Average review score:

Excellent book. Real life situations that teach successfully
This book is practical, and includes real life situations. My students found it not only interesting because of the authors writing style,but because they could understand the pitfalls and other minefields that they will have to face when they enter the field of business. I think the author did an excellent job.

Cases in Strategic Management (The Dryden Press Series in Management)
Published in Paperback by International Thomson Publishing (1991)
Authors: Jeffrey S. Bracker, John R. Montanari, and Cyril P. Morgan
Amazon base price: $77.95
Used price: $8.94
Buy one from zShops for: $30.00
Average review score:

This is the one. The cat's meow
I am a business book afficionado, and this is one of the best books in the field. It is especially a good book on strategic planning for entrepreneurs. What we learned from the intro and case approach helped us raised our "business fluency". The insights learned from the cases caused us to adjust our business plan. It has also put us in a better position to raise capital.

A Choice for Our Children: Curing the Crisis in America's Schools
Published in Paperback by Institute for Contemporary Studies (1997)
Authors: Alan Bonsteel, Carlos A. Bonilla, Milton Friedman, and John E. Coons
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $4.12
Buy one from zShops for: $12.95
Average review score:

A book for all parents
Its time to remove government from schools, and give more power back to the parents regarding the education of their children. Our society has a problem (thanks to democrats) of erasing self accountability. If you want to get a definitive review of what the charter schools system could do, then read this book.

The CIA's Control of Candy Jones
Published in Paperback by Barricade Books (01 September, 2002)
Author: Donald Bain
Amazon base price: $11.96
List price: $14.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.99
Buy one from zShops for: $10.97
Average review score:

Very readable book of mind control by a CIA-military doctor.
I couldn't put this book down once I started it. It gives an account of how the military and CIA gained her trust, then used drugs and hypnosis to split her into two personalities to make her into a Manchurian-Candidate like person to do their bidding. This is the most readable book I have read on mind-control. I would recommend read this book FIRST to gain an understanding of mind-control, THEN read the other books.

Citistates: How Urban America Can Prosper in a Competitive World
Published in Hardcover by Seven Locks Press (1994)
Authors: Neal R. Peirce, Curtis W. Johnson, and John Stuart Hall
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $4.35
Collectible price: $19.01
Average review score:

Metropolitan regionalism gets seminal review
As the world turns into a global entity, the United States has becomes a bona fide metropolitan nation. The 1990 census painted the picture of this accelerated pace of urbanization in striking numerical colors: Slightly more than 50 percent of us live in the 39 U.S. metropolitan areas with populations of more than a million people. By contrast,the mid-20th century census uncovered only 30 percent of the U.S. population living in 14 metro areas with million-plus populations.

But citistate realities don't just apply to the larger regions -- the New Yorks, Los Angeles, Chicagos, Bostons of America, the Berlins, Londons, Hong Kongs, Shanghais of the globe. All metropolitan regions face stiff competition and challenges. Include the United States' metro regions under 1 million people and the count exceeds 80 percent of the nation's people.

To put a human face on this fast-paced urbanization, three members of the Citistates Group -- Neal Peirce, Curtis Johnson and John Stuart Hall-- coined the new term "citistates." In their words, citistates are "not just the center city, but the entire metropolitan region - the 'real city' made up of center city, inner and outer suburbs, and rural hinterland so clearly and intimately interconnected in geography, environment, work force, and surely a shared economic and social future."

The transformation is apparent across the Atlantic, where Europeans have begun to describe their continent as a hodgepodge of powerful citistates -- from Manchester to Stuttgart, Lyon to London, Milan to Marseilles. Like U.S. citistates, these metropolitan regions are making economic and cultural transactions with little regard to their own nation-state governments.

The Citistates Group associates see a shift in thinking from the familiar governmental paradigm -- federal-state-local -- to one focused on function: global-regional-neighborhood.

* Global because critical issues have worldwide implications -- global warming, economic restructuring, rapid global market repercussions.

* Regional because the metropolitan areas, or citistates, share areawide transportation systems, media outlets, medical assistance, goods, services, even crime. Peirce argues that the success of the regional system -- on every measure from workforce preparedness to the quality of the infrastructure -- determines how competitive and successful the citistate will be for all its citizens in the long run.

* Neighborhood because it is on the personal, community level that escalating U.S. social problems can ultimately be dealt with.

Citistates includes six case studies based on Peirce Reports for the leading newspapers in Phoenix, Seattle, Baltimore, Dallas, St. Paul and Owensboro, Ky. These popularly written analyses examine each region's special problems and suggest potential solutions tailored to the local situation. The goal in each series is to identify ways out of a region's dilemmas by tapping civic energies -- forward-thinking talents and skills in business, civic, academic sectors -- to create a more sustainable citistate in the next century.

In his review of the book, George Knight, executive director of Neighborhood Reinvestment, took note of the role of neighborhoods in civic renewal. "Peirce gives full credit to community-based development organizations for revitalizing some of America's most devastated neighborhoods."

The book's wind-up chapter includes an 8-point formula for "citistate cohesiveness and strength." -- Craig Anthony Thomas, Senior Research Associate, The Citistates Group

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