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Book reviews for "Case,_John" sorted by average review score:

City Schools and City Politics: Institutions and Leadership in Pittsburgh, Boston, and St. Louis (Studies in Government and Public Policy (Cloth))
Published in Hardcover by Univ Pr of Kansas (1999)
Authors: John Portz, Lana Stein, and Robin R. Jones
Amazon base price: $35.00
Average review score:

A MUST READ for anyone interested in education reform
I am the founder of St. Louis, Missouri's first charter school - the St. Louis Charter School... This book is an invaluable resource on national education and urban trends. It is packed with a wealth of data on schools, student, and cities. Once you have read the book, you will be armed with real numbers, case studies and examples to use in planning and promoting your own charter school or engaging in conversations with others about education reform and the history of public education in America.

Confidential Informant: Understanding Law Enforcement's Most Valuable Tool
Published in Hardcover by CRC Press (22 October, 1999)
Author: John Madinger
Amazon base price: $79.95
Used price: $69.66
Buy one from zShops for: $70.69
Average review score:

Excellent information for the investigator
This book was well written, and detatiled. The lessions were followed buy examples that illistrated the key points. I am now prepareing to go into narcotic's, and the authur has vast knowledge in the subjct of narcotic's. This was an execllent begining to the use of informants. The authur has clearly set up the paramitors for the selection, preparation, and use of informants. The cases that are talked about in the book are from taken from current and historical cases, both narcotics and other crimes. I found this book very interesting. I have loaned it out to a fellow Officer who has commented that it is an excellent book and he has been in narcotics for 7 years.

Conservation Genetics: Case Histories from Nature
Published in Hardcover by Kluwer Academic Publishers (1999)
Authors: John C. Avise and James L. Hamrick
Amazon base price: $234.50
Used price: $199.00
Average review score:

Read the table of contents for yourself and decide.



1 Introduction: The Scope of Conservation Genetics p.1

Pt. I Case Histories with a Focus on Particular Taxonomic Groups

2 Population Structure, Molecular Systematics, and Forensic Identification of Whales and Dolphins p.10

3 Conservation Genetics of the Felidae p.50

4 Conservation Genetics in the Canidae p.75

5 Socioecology, Population Fragmentation, and Patterns of Genetic Loss in Endangered Primates p.119

6 Avian Conservation Genetics p.160

7 Conservation Genetics of Marine Turtles p.190

8 Conservation and Genetics of Salmonid Fishes p.238

Pt. II Case Histories that Involve a Regional or Ecosystem Perspective, or a Pattern and Process Orientation

9 Conservation Genetics of Endemic Plants Species p.281

10 Conservation Genetics of Endangered Island Plants p.305

11 Conservation Genetics of Fishes in the Pelagic Marine Realm p.335

12 Conservation Genetics of North American Desert Fishes p.367

13 A Landscape Approach to Conservation Genetics: Conserving Evolutionary Processes in the African Bovidae p.398

14 Toward a Regional Conservation Genetics Perspective: Phylogeography of Faunas in the Southeastern United States p.431

15 A Quantitative-Genetic Perspective on Conservation Issues p.471

Epilogue p.502

Index p.505

The Corpse in the Cellar: And Further Tales of Cleveland Woe
Published in Paperback by Gray & Co., Publishers (1999)
Authors: John Stark, II Bellary and John Stark, II Bellamy
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.70
Buy one from zShops for: $9.70
Average review score:

The Corpse in the Cellar
This is a great book, I reccomend it to anyone who likes true stories of death, accidents, and murder. I like this book because it contains all true stories and they are all in my hometown Cleveland Ohio. Full of great facts and pictures as well as great stories.

A Couple's Guide to Communication
Published in Paperback by Research Press (1979)
Authors: John Mordechai Gottman, Jonni Gonso, and Clifford Notarius
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $14.45
Average review score:

Great for one and all
This book was recommended for me to read by my Sociology Professor instead of John Gray's work, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, and I love it! I've delved a little into both texts and enjoy Gottman's work better since its suggestions are backed by years of clinical research on how thousands of couples communicate and presents the strategies that worked best for them, where Gray's are more based on observations. This book gives practical step by step knowledge of how to communicate with your partner and the little snags that you run into day by day without even knowing it. I consider my partner and I very open and able to communicate with each other, but reading this book showed us that even we could use some improvement; it has helped me to see where my ability to communicate goes astray and gave me ways to work on them. The language is easy to understand and there are even practice exercises you can do with your significant other to review the information he presents. The book presents a whole program that you can do to help you communicate better with your mate or even anyone you come into contact with. If you are the kind of person who constantly is searching to improve your life, then this is a book for you!

Criminal Law
Published in Hardcover by Foundation Press (17 February, 1997)
Authors: Richard J. Bonnie, Anne M. Coughlin, John C., Jr. Jeffries, and Peter W. Low
Amazon base price: $76.50
Used price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $52.00
Average review score:

A Valuable Resource
This textbook is a testament to the fact that Richard Bonnie is truly one of the giants in the field of criminal law. Everything this man writes is valuable; the chapters on mental health and insanity alone make purchasing this book worthwhile (Bonnie is an expert on the insanity defense). This book definitely leant itself to rich and provocative classroom discussions. I enjoyed the book almost as much as I enjoyed his class. I would recommend this text to any professor who is interested in spicing up his or her criminal law classes.

Crisis Management: A Casebook
Published in Hardcover by Charles C Thomas Pub Ltd (1988)
Authors: Michael T. Charles and John Choon K. Kim
Amazon base price: $61.95
Buy one from zShops for: $95.52
Average review score:

Excellent Resource
I helped work on the editing of this book during my Senior year of college. That was awhile ago, but the book is great. Many of the Indiana University Students who studied in Rotterdam in 1986 will recognize the case studies.

Customers and Patrons of the Mad-Trade: The Management of Lunacy in Eighteenth-Century London, With the Complete Text of John Monro's 1766 Case Book
Published in Hardcover by University of California Press (04 November, 2002)
Authors: Jonathan Andrews and Andrew Scull
Amazon base price: $44.95
Used price: $26.95
Average review score:

Wall Street Journal Review
Note the review of this book that appeared in the Wall Street Journal on January 30. 2003

Código Génesis
Published in Hardcover by Planeta Publishers (1999)
Author: John Case
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $25.23
Average review score:

This is really the *spanish* language verision of the "Genesis Code", which is one of the best techno thrillers I've ever read! Now it makes sense why I can't find this book in stores or libraries because I (and maybe thousands of you) thought it was a follow-up to "Genesis Code" which would be an instant success in any bookmarket. So John Case, (or your publisher) get moving because your fans really are eager for more.

Design for Human Ecosystems : Landscape, Land Use, and Natural Resources
Published in Paperback by Island Press (1999)
Author: John Tillman Lyle
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $28.00
Buy one from zShops for: $35.00
Average review score:

Another classic for future generations
John Lyle continues his seminal work presented in "Regenerative Design for Sustainable Development". Any one interested in designing deep structures of urban spaces into sustainable environments would benefit greatly from reading this book. This book also covers rural development as well. Propagation of water flows for maximum beneficial inter-relationships is one particula r topic of interest for me.

I highly recommend this book!

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