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Book reviews for "Izzidien,_Mawil" sorted by average review score:

Microsoft(r) Pocket Guide to Microsoft Outlook(tm) 2000
Published in Paperback by Microsoft Press (16 February, 2000)
Author: Stephen L. Nelson
Amazon base price: $7.99
Used price: $4.79
Buy one from zShops for: $5.45
Average review score:

useful tool
A useful book for quick and answers to the simple questions of Outlook 2000. Not too in depth as some might need. Easy to follow layout. Will keep it handy for all quick questions on Outlook!

Migrating to Microsoft Exchange 2000 (Gearhead Press--Point-to-Point)
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (09 August, 2001)
Author: Stan Reimer
Amazon base price: $34.99
List price: $49.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $32.84
Buy one from zShops for: $32.01
Average review score:

Best Book I've Seen on Exchange Migrations
I am in the middle of a large Windows NT 4.0/Exchange 5.5 to Windows 2000/Exchange 2000 migration where the overall design was done by others. Our implementation team has a lot of experience with Windows and Exchange, but not with Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2000 migrations. The proposed Exchange 2000 design left us with a lot of questions and the designers were not too forthcoming with answers. This book answered our questions and more.

This is not a book for beginners. In the introduction the author has a section on "Who should buy this book?" - he assumes familiarity with Windows NT, Exchange and Active Directory. You'll need all that familiarity and more to make use of this book. But if you meet the background requirements, and are currently evaluating, designing or implementing an Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2000 migration, you should read this book.

I also like the author's "case study" approach to presenting the information. A subject this highly technical and specialized could be almost unreadable. By using a fictional company to illustrate an actual migration, the author has given the book a narrative flow which makes it much more readable. I hope the publishers add more books to the "Gearhead Press" series.

Million Dollar E-mails: The guide to creating effective, persuasive Internet email marketing campaigns that actually increase sales and work!
Published in CD-ROM by Platinum Millennium (19 September, 2002)
Author: Platinum Millennium
Amazon base price: $17.47
Buy one from zShops for: $15.99
Average review score:

Who came up with this? WOW!
One of the best investments ever made for me..

More Items from Our Catalog
Published in Paperback by Avon Books (Pap Trd) (1983)
Author: Alfred Gingold
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $12.99
Collectible price: $22.24
Average review score:

Not of this world funny!
We found this catalog in some donated books at the bookstore where I work. I had to seriously beg in order to be the one who got to buy it. We had never seen anything so brilliently funny. The cover shows a lovely feline resplendent in her Aquatic Cat Clothes (And Gear). Inside you'll be happy to know that the set comes in sizes from Kitty through Puma...or perhaps you taste runs more toward the Woodburning Word Processor, the Navel Reamer or for the "Highly Motivated or relentlessly ambitious..." the Brain Truss. Its impossible to capture the zany, twisted humour that invented this catalog, you simply have to see it for yourself. Here you can find a Chicken Gun, "specially adapted to fire dead chickens" or a Summerweight Dominatrix Ensemble that includes three feet of bicycle chain (to use as a belt, necklace or leash)! Unfortunately out of print, if can get it ORDER IT!!!

Movie Star Photo Postcards: 24 Ready-To-Mail Postcards
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1993)
Author: Margaret Adams
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $3.96
Average review score:

24 ready to mail post cards of Hollywood's greatest.
Bet you can't buy just one! You'll need to buy more than one copy of this book. One to keep and one to use. Your friends will love receivng these high quality glossy post cards in the mail and you'll love sending them. 24 ready to mail post cards of Hollywood's most famous

My Mother the Mail Carrier: Mi Mama LA Cartera
Published in Paperback by The Feminist Press at CUNY (1991)
Authors: Inez Maury, Lady McCrady, and Norah Alemany
Amazon base price: $7.95
Average review score:

My Mother the Mail Carrier
Joyous child (female) involved in her mother's world. Daughter and mother live in a bright city apartment. Helpful, cheerful humans involved in neighborhood life. A real find!.

Published in Paperback by Trafalgar Square (01 March, 2001)
Author: M. S. Power
Amazon base price: $13.00
Used price: $2.09
Collectible price: $10.33
Buy one from zShops for: $6.97
Average review score:

An exceptionally good mystery
I found this book in the new books section of my local library. It was is a fun, relatively quick-and-easy-to-read mystery. The characters are well-developed, interesting and engaging. The book is about the author of a murder mystery. The author has an anonymous fan who treats the author as if the author were a character in his murder mystery. The anonymous fan recreates the murders in that murder mystery, sequentially, following the murder mystery chapter by chapter. The author, both on his own and somewhat cooperating with the police, needs to find the fan before he reaches the end of the book, because the end of the book is where the character in the book's wife gets murdered. (It is hard to explain, but easy to follow. This is a fun book, not a deep, challenging book.) The setting is familiar to Dick Francis fans: horse barns and racetracks in England. This book was a lot of fun to read, and I would recommend it to a friend. Once I started reading it, it was hard to put down. I would give it five stars. Maybe four and three quarters - the ending was not the greatest, a bit predictable, not too exciting. This is a really good book, though, seriously.

Published in Paperback by Albion Books (1994)
Authors: Virginia Shea and Virginia Shea
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $29.99
Average review score:

Read before going to a discussion board or answering e-mail.
Netiquette is network etiquette. It is etiquette in cyberspace. If you have been to a discussion board you will quickly see that everyone should read this book!

Cyberspace has its own culture. To top it all off, people from every culture are online and are communicating more than ever before. If you have commited social blunders and don't want to offend others, then this is the book for you.

Virginia brings up an excellent point...we are all human! If we adhere to the same etiquette standards as in real life, then we should not have a problem on line.

This book will help net newbies not to fall into the same old mistakes their more experienced cyberspace travelers did when they first arrived in the Cyberworld. I think the ideas presented in this book should be posted at every discussion board all over the Web, or at least they should have a link to this book!

Virginia spells out a few simple rules and says that if you follow them, you will be less likely to make enemies. This book will give you some basic principles to use in solving your own Netiquette dilemmas.

Now, I must say...even if you do follow all the rules, you might still meet someone who does not want to follow the rules. That is just life! There are plenty of people who do want to follow the rules and who do want to make friends online.

Never Mail an Elephant
Published in School & Library Binding by Troll Assoc (Lib) (1993)
Authors: Mike Thaler and Jerry Smath
Amazon base price: $16.65
Used price: $4.85
Average review score:

For Kindergarten
I got this book in Pre-K. It was excitng to read it. It is about a kid who tries to mail an elephant to a girl whose having a birthday party. What will happen next?

Not the Frederick's of Hollywood Catalog
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (1983)
Author: Stephen Kirschner
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $25.00
Average review score:


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