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Book reviews for "Klappholz,_Kurt" sorted by average review score:

The Days Grow Short
Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (1980)
Author: Ronald Sanders
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $3.43
Collectible price: $7.41
Average review score:

The Definitive Biography of a Musical Genius
Very often, scholarship on Kurt Weill tends to favor his German works such as "The Threepenny Opera" or "Mahagonny," however Sanders account spans the entire length of Weill's career. From his beginnings in Berlin with Busoni, to his German hits with Brecht, to his flight to America and "Johnny Johnson," to his Broadway successes with "Knickerbocker Holiday," "Lady in the Dark," and "One Touch of Venus." Sanders presents each era of Weill's life with the same objectivity. He calls for an approach to Weill that encompasses Weill's entire career.

If you are thinking of doing any research on Kurt Weill, THIS is the place to start.

Dental Anthropology: Fundamentals, Limits, and Prospects
Published in Hardcover by Springer Verlag (1998)
Authors: Kurt W. Alt, Friedrich W. Rosing, and Maria Teschler-Nicola
Amazon base price: $119.00
Average review score:

Basics of Dental Anthropology in a view from Central Europe
and from a German point of view - therefore this review is in German!

In Deutschland tätige Rechtsmediziner haben - aus Gründen unmittelbar erwarteter Antworten auf Fragen der Ermittlungsbehörden zur Identität - schon seit langem anthropologisches und auch zahnärztliches Wissen mit in ihre Begutachtungspraxis integriert, während sich Forensische Pathologen außerhalb des deutschen Sprachraumes in aller Regel dabei von Anthropologen und Odontologen beraten lassen.

Da sich zur schnellen und häufig ausreichend sicheren Identitätssicherung, auch unter Bedingungen weit fortgeschrittener Leichendekomposition, nach Brandeinwirkung oder grober Zerstörung des Körpers, die Untersuchung des Gebisses anbietet, spielt hierfür die zweifelsfreie Zuordnung erhobener Dentalbefunde eine entscheidende Rolle.

Hier erweist sich die Ende letzten Jahres erschienene Monographie als geeigneter Berater für den Rechtsmediziner, da sie Antworten selbst auf Fragen parat hält, mit denen sich ein in Deutschland ausgebildeter Zahnarzt nicht einmal während seines Studiums beschäftigt. Da die Bedeutung der Anthropologie als eigenständiges Fachgebiet, speziell auch des Zahnmedizinischen Teilgebietes, bei uns nicht den Stellenwert wie in Nordamerika, Australien oder England genießt, war es nur konsequent das Buch in englischer Sprache zu verfassen, wobei, im Gegensatz zu vergleichbaren angelsächsischen Werken, die insgesamt 35 Einzelautoren in den Kapiteln auch immer wieder auf deutschsprachige Literaturstellen mit verweisen.

Schon der Untertitel zum vorliegenden Werk - Grundlagen, Grenzen und Aussichten - deutet an, daß die Herausgeber sich damit vorgenommen haben, das erst während der letzten dreißig Jahre eigenständig entwickelte Forschungsgebiet der Zahnmedizinischen Anthropologie, das seine Wurzeln in der Biologie hat und mit den Gebieten der Zahnheilkunde, der Forensischen Wissenschaften und der Evolution des Menschen eng verknüpft ist, umfassend vorzustellen.

Ihnen ist es gelungen auf 564 Seiten, anschaulich illustriert durch 224 einfarbige Abbildungen, den Bogen von den anatomisch-morphologischen, strukturellen und entwicklungsgeschichtlichen Grundlagen über auf den Kauapparat einwirkende Faktoren wie Krankheiten und Verletzungen sowie nahrungs- und verhaltensbedingte Einflüsse auf das Gebiß bis hin zu den, vor allem für den Rechtsmediziner, praxisrelevanten Themen wie Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Alters-, Liegezeit- und Geschlechtsschätzung anhand des Zahnbefundes zu spannen. Eingestreute Kasuistiken, etwa über eine 600 bis 700 vor Christus angefertigte etruskische Brückenarbeit, vermitteln dabei dem Leser das Bestreben der Autoren, den gesamten Themenbereich anschaulich und umfassend abzudecken.

Allerdings wäre aus rechtsmedizinischer Sicht noch ein Abschnitt über das Gebiß als Tatwerkzeug (Auswertung von Bißspuren) wünschenswert gewesen. Hoffentlich trägt ansonsten die Darstellung der verwandten unterschiedlichen Zahnbefunddokumentationsstandards mit dazu bei, das Bewußtsein - vor allem bei Zahnärzten - dafür zu schärfen, daß zur Erleichterung von Identifikationen, vor allem bei Massenanfall, weltweit einheitliche Dokumentationssysteme Verwendung finden müssen, wie es seit langem auch der Arbeitskreis für Forensische Odonto-Stomatologie (AKFOS) in Deutschland und die IOFOS auf internationaler Ebene fordern.

Es kann erwartet werden, daß die Verbreitung dieses neuen Grundsatzwerks unter Rechtsmedizinern, die Zahnidentifikation betreiben, zu zusätzlicher Sicherheit bei selbst vorgenommenen Identifikationsbegutachtungen über den Gebißbefund führt.

Forensic Pathologist J.Eidam, Hannover

The Didache: A Commentary (Hermeneia--A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible)
Published in Hardcover by Fortress Press (02 November, 1998)
Authors: Kurt Niederwimmer, Harold W. Attridge, and Linda M. Maloney
Amazon base price: $52.00
Used price: $47.77
Collectible price: $52.94
Buy one from zShops for: $47.77
Average review score:

This is the top scholar's analysis of The Didache When I started researching this topic, I went to the Anchor Bible Dictionary first. At the end of the "Didache" article was a bibliography of the top scholars and the title of other articles. I ordered the book from and started digging into a very scholarly analysis of the topic. This is an excellent way to learn to learn how to study this early church document. The book was an excellent resource that was an invaluable tool for understanding the Jewish background of this document. The Lord's Prayer is better explained by Dr. Brad Young in The Jewish Background of the Lord's Prayer and Jesus the Jewish Theologian than Mr. Niederwimmer's explanation. The book is worth well worth reading.

Dinosongs: Poems to Celebrate a T.Rex Named Sue
Published in Hardcover by Scholastic (2000)
Authors: Kevin Crotty and Kurt Vargo
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.07
Collectible price: $7.36
Buy one from zShops for: $8.55
Average review score:

Dinosongs Rule
Dinosongs is poetry accompanied by vivid symphonic music that makes Vargo's illustrations come alive! This book comes off our shelf four to seven times daily. Each of the seven pieces is no longer than a minute and a half; perfect for a young child's attention span. Our daughter (3yrs) is captivated by it, as well as our neighbors children 3-7yrs. And, the music is enjoyable for adults, unlike some of the tiresome kiddie-song CDs. Buy it.

A Dressage Judge's Handbook
Published in Hardcover by Sydney R Smith (1989)
Author: Kurt Albrecht
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $27.85
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
Average review score:

A beautiful meditation on classical horsemanship.
This is a wonderful little book, and it is terribly sad that it is out of print. Every dressage judge should read it, as well as every rider. Albrecht was a rider at the Spanish Riding School and discusses his experiences there, but most of the book is simply a from-the-heart discussion of the principles and values that should guide dressage training and judging. Albrecht comes back again and again to the core principles of classical equitation that riding should be about addressing the horse's mind and soul, not merely controlling his body, and that the true measure of a performance is not in the external physical movements but in the quiet, trusting harmony between horse and rider. If you are looking for soulless, bean-counting instructions on how many steps should be in a canter pirouete, you won't find it here ... but you will find something far, far more valuable: words of wisdom and experience about horses, life and riding from a great master of the art of classical riding. If more riders, trainers and judges thought like Albrecht, this would be a much kinder and happier world for our patient, long suffering horses! I also highly recommend his other book, Dressage Principles.

Drive, They Said: Poems About Americans and Their Cars
Published in Paperback by Milkweed Editions (1994)
Authors: Kurt Brown, Kin David Cooper, and Edward Hirsch
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.98
Buy one from zShops for: $10.35
Average review score:

Wow! I was blown away!
Everyone knows that cars are a important part of america, and now there is a book that really shows that people still carry on their romance with their cars. Check out Pick up(I laughed), and the Wrecker (I found this one oddly moving).

Duke's 'Bones: Ellington's Great Trombonists
Published in Paperback by Advance Music (1995)
Author: Kurt R. Dietrich
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

"Duke's Bones"
This is an excellent study of the great trombonists in Duke Ellington's orchestras over the years, starting with the greatest of them all: Tricky Sam Nanton. Brief but colorful biographical entries are followed by highly intelligent musical analyses and rare transcriptions. You don't have to be a trombonist (I'm certainly not) to appreciate this focused look at one piece of the puzzle that made up the mysterious and consistent beauty of Ellington's sound.

Electromagnetic Pulse Propagation in Causal Dielectrics (Springer Series on Wave Phenomena, No 16)
Published in Hardcover by Springer Verlag (1997)
Authors: Kurt Edmund Oughstun and G. C. Sherman
Amazon base price: $118.00
Average review score:

Important; many more people should read it
The phenomena covered by this monograph have a long history, going back to 1914 papers by Sommerfeld and Brillouin, but the topic is still not completely understood; Sommerfeld's and Brillouin's work contained errors that have since been corrected, but the topic is quite difficult in terms of mathematics, physics, and experimental apparatus and instrumentation, so much progress remains to be made.

However, much progress has already been made, and much of it by the authors of this monograph. I was unaware of it until very recently, and I found it startling and important reading. It has significant practical implications for various fields, but I gather that many people besides me have been completely unaware of the progress made since 1970; I have recent papers on nuclear effects, radar, and high-powered microwave weapons sitting in my office whose authors were obviously unaware of how much progress Oughstun and others have made, and these papers would have been noticeably improved if they had included consideration of what is now known about pulse propagation in causal dielectrics.

So I urge engineers, physicists and others dealing with issues involving steep rise times of electromagnetic pulses to read this book, and consider how it may affect their work and their conclusions.

Prof. Oughstun has been continuing his research on this topic since his book was published in 1994; his more recent papers are listed in his CV on the Web. I hope he will soon issue a revised edition of this monograph, incorporating his more recent results and those of others; that would be a considerable service to the community. I also hope that Oughstun, or somebody, will produce an equally up-to-date monograph about what is now known on the question of how the pulse propagation phenomena described by Oughstun can alter the properties of the causal dielectrics through which the propagation occurs.

I will conclude by saying that because I have been involved off and on since the late 1960s in work that's affected by the material Oughstun covers in this book, I am both mildly surprised and somewhat embarrassed that I, and apparently many others, have been so unaware of it.

Read the book!

The Essence of Hayek
Published in Paperback by Hoover Inst Pr (1984)
Authors: Chiaki Nishiyama, Kurt Leube, and Friedrich A. Von Hayek
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $17.41
Buy one from zShops for: $17.41
Average review score:

One of the most important thinkers of the 20th century
This collection of essays by Friedrich Hayek provides a great overview of his thought. The essays include early pieces on economic issues, essays on the history of economic thought, psychology, epistemology, political theory, and personal reflections. Hayek is best known for "The Road to Serfdom," a cold war anti-socialist tract which I consider his least interesting work. In this collection one discovers the Hayek who developed the analysis of how the diffuse nature of information in society reveals on the one hand why socialism failed, and on the other why entrepreneurship and creativity are critical to the well-being of society. His essay "Competition as a Discovery Procedure," included in this volume, should be required reading on college campuses across the nation. His essay "Why I Am Not a Conservative" provides a clear distinction between the views of a classical liberal (of which Hayek is perhaps the best 20th century examplar) vs. those of a conservative. Because "liberals" in the U.S. have been hostile to free enterprise and because "conservatives" have been relatively supportive of it in the U.S., the classical liberal position has become an esoteric oddity known only to a few. For those of us who believe that the most powerful basis for a just and flourishing society may be found in classical liberalism, its relative obscurity in popular perception is a serious tragedy in the history of thought. There is no better single author from who one can learn an intelligent statement of contemporary classical liberalism than F.A. Hayek. This volume is a comprehensive, digestible introduction to his thought.

The Essence of Stigler
Published in Paperback by Hoover Inst Pr (1986)
Authors: Kurt R. Leube, Thomas G. Moore, and George Joseph Stigler
Amazon base price: $14.67
List price: $20.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $20.64
Buy one from zShops for: $16.76
Average review score:

It's worth
This is a set of papers written by Stigler in his marvelous career. It is divided into 5 parts: I. Contributions to economics; 2. contributions to political economics; 3. contributions to industrial organization; 4. history of economic thought; 5. the wit of George Stigler.

It is very difficult to gather all these 23 articles in only one place. The book is worth because you can find a bunch of deep knowledge.

Enjoy the book, revisit old ideas very clear and well written, and perhaps get other ones.

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