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Book reviews for "Fox-Martin,_Milton" sorted by average review score:

Handwriting Analysis: The Science of Determining Personality by Graphoanalysis
Published in Hardcover by Burnham Inc Pub (1984)
Author: Milton Newman Bunker
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

An oldie but a goldie
This is the first handwriting analysis book that I read that made any sense. Bunker, who was the founder of the International Graphoanalysis Society, adds a bonus to this book--it is his
autobiography. This book is the culmination of his life's work, and after all these years, it has become a classic. There are
some today that are more advanced...but that doesn't mean they're better. I highly recommend this one. You won't be
disappointed, I promise.

The authoritative work on handwriting analysis
I first read this book in 1975 when I was in college. For purchasers of the book there was an offer on the back cover to have one's own handwriting analyzed by an expert. I sent several lines in and had my handwriting analyzed. Like many I thought it was akin to reading palms or tea leaves. After reading the book and receiving my analysis I can vouch for the efficacy of M N Bunker's methods.

By spending time with all elements he was able to connect handwriting with behavioral patterns. The brain is connected to the hand! Greed, kindness, health, physical and artistic ability, intelligence all are revealed in one's handwriting.

How to Love Someone You Can't Stand
Published in Paperback by College Press Publishing Company, Inc. (1997)
Author: Milton Jones
Amazon base price: $5.99
Average review score:

This book was the key in starting a relationship with my mother in law. I cannot thank Jones enough for what he has done. Jones deserves a lot of credit for what he has done, and I suggest his other books to everyone! Dave, MA

This book was an incredible helping bridge for me and my mother in law. I cant thank the author enough for making this book. I am looking forward to another book by Jones, who should be getting more recognition for all of his other books! Dave, Ma.

An Introduction to the Music of Milton Babbitt
Published in Hardcover by Princeton Univ Pr (31 October, 1994)
Author: Andrew Washburn Mead
Amazon base price: $55.00
Average review score:

comprehensive, on great theoretical musical eudaemonia
As we gaze over the vast edifice of dodecaphonic music this side of the Atlantic we find a number of profound creations, Stefan Wolpe, Ralph Shapey, Donald Martino, Charles Wuorinen, Ezra Simms, and of course Milton Babbitt. There is a premonition, a harbinger which had marked Babbitt's life, being the first American to welcome Arnold Schoenberg as he arrived from exile,escaping the darkest pages of European history with the then popularity of the fascists in Europe and some cults within the USA,as Father Cooglan, and then Senator McCarthy and Roy Cohn's dithyrambic Purges of left minded American workers.
Andrew Mead does an admirable job, tracing the vast diapasonal musical creations of Babbitt.
Mead admirably divides Babbitt's creativity into useful periods, ones marked with a penchant for theoretical discursis,an elan for the pure structural and durational devices his inventive mind had. It all begins with Schoenberg's evolutionary 12 Tone language,which Babbitt had devloped into further functional divisions of the almost Kabballah like power of the number 12. His Composition for Four Instruments, Flute, Clarinet, Violin and Cello was a primary achievement, although rhythmically tthis period was marked by a persistent provincialism of the parameter of rhythm.It wasb't until the Second String Quartet where such tactile parametric freedoms begin to reveal themselves in an effulgence language.. With the Third creative period Mead identifies here the years 1961 to 1980 we impart ourselves in stil greater expansive dimensions. A number of piano solo works distinguish this period, the "Post-Partitions", and a work I deeply admire the rather modest 'Sextets', for Violin and Piano from 1966,and a revistation of the genre in "Joy of more Sextets" from the displaying the hexachordal-like encysted divisions between both contrasting instruments. There the genre,of Violin and Piano,which emanates from the 19th Century Sonata, was truly redefined discovering newer contexts, within the predictable structure of duet. Babbitt had also developed theories which now aimed to consolidate the vagaries of the infinite permutations and combinatorial mixtures of the 12 tones,his More Phonemena was a summation piece. I am still thrilled by the Piano Concerto a work in the Eighties, where now we see a freer utilizsation of some of these theoretical achievements. He still maintained this penchant for discovering differing contexts for predictable musical genres,and interestingly pursued interesting combinations as the various 'Soli e Duettini', as the one for two acoustic guitars.

First Rate!
I have always admired Milton Babbitt's work, not least for the subtle beauties of his often misunderstood music -- misunderstood only by those who are not up to the challenge of this demanding, olympean music! Andrew Mead's Introduction is exactly what it claims to be, an introduction--but then how could it be otherwise, considering the vast scope of Babbitt's astounding technique--and a very clear and well written one at that. Most important, Mead clarifies the musical responses and exigencies which brought about this impressive technique in very readable english. The bibliography at the end of the book is also excellent, listing some very important articles in the study of twelve tone music theory. Also recommended is Milton Babbitt's own, very readable, "Words About Music".

JFK (A&E Biography)
Published in Hardcover by DK Publishing (2003)
Author: Joyce Milton
Amazon base price: $16.10
List price: $23.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A very complete biography
This is one of the best movie about JFK, it's very complete, and we can see him young. It's narrated by people who know him best. There are a lot of photos and films. The film speak not enough of his youth and too much about the Cuban missiles crisis but I recommended it too all people. I very enjoyed it.

Like the TV series on which they are based, the series of
"Biography" books are accessible approaches to the men and
women on whom they focus. (They are also a great marketing idea.
Give that boy/girl a raise!) Each volume is written by a
well-known and/or respected author; "John F. Kennedy" was penned
by Joyce Milton, whose past achievements include tomes on
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Charles Chaplin. The books are pithy
and pleasing, highlighting and spotlighting (in concise detail) its subject, and not shrinking away from controversy or scandal. The photos are terrific; the layouts are done in that appealing, yet not over-the-top, DK style. Think of these books as printed soundbytes that are as interesting and insightful and welcome as their
small-screen counterparts.

John Denver's Greatest Hits
Published in Paperback by Cherry Lane Music (1995)
Authors: Milton Okun and John Denver
Amazon base price: $17.95
Average review score:

Great book!
This is a FUN book! There are a lot of songs (34 of them!)The arrangements are very nice, and they range from easy to play, to more of a challenge, so there's something for everybody. I highly recommend it! It's a great way to get some fun piano (or guitar) practice and enjoy the beauty of John's songs.

Far out!
This is a really excellent music book. The arrangements are beautiful and, while some of them are challenging to play, are well worth the time. The arrangement of Annie's Song is expecially very pretty. I definitely recommend it if you like John's music and some wonderful songs to learn.

John Milton: Paradise Lost
Published in Textbook Binding by Pearson Higher Education (19 August, 1992)
Authors: John Milton and Roy Flannagan
Amazon base price: $39.60
Average review score:

A superb, user-friedly edition
Paradise Lost is my favorite work in the English language, and this is my favorite edition of it (I have quite a few). The editor, Roy Flannagan, does a superb job with the footnotes. They address just about every question a modern reader might have, provide plenty of historical context and explain in detail the zillions of references and names that someone who is not intimately familiar with all of Milton's sources (among them the Bible and ancient Greek and Roman mythology) will have a hard time understanding. Flannagan's infectious enthusiasm for this poem comes across loud and clear, and he never condescends to readers that lack a PhD, like Merritt Hughes does in his scholarly edition of Paradise Lost. Finally, the page layout of the Flannagan edition makes reading and note taking real easy. In sum, this is hands down the best edition of Paradise Lost.

Classical Epic poem
Very hard to read if you are non English speaking man. But it is very interesting to read the classical masterpiece of 17-th century. So if you really interested in such things, don't think simply get it.

Lavender Light: Daily Meditations for Gay Men in Recovery
Published in Paperback by Perigee (1995)
Author: Adrian Milton
Amazon base price: $10.00
Average review score:

Levander Light
I have been sober for 15 years and I have found this book to be, without a doubt, the most helpful tool along with AA. As a gay man, this book of daily meditations hits the core of my life as a gay man. It resonates with the feelings I would think all gay men and women have. It is a truly marvelous gift from the Author Adrian Milton. I would recommend it to the Lesbian/Gay community who are struggling with sobriety.

Greatest Meditations book ever for a Gay Man in Recovery
I have been sober 12 years and in recovery and AA every week for this past 12 years. This is by far the best mediation book that I have every used. It is always fresh and relavent to my life as a gay man in recovery. I would reccomend this book to all gay men and women in recovery. It will get you started doing daily medations again or maybe for the first time. It always almost feels like the book was written for me. Hope you try this and it is as good for you. My best, Jim Hector

Milton and the Hermeneutic Journey
Published in Hardcover by Louisiana State University Press (1994)
Authors: Gale H., Jr. Carrithers and James D. Hardy
Amazon base price: $37.50
Average review score:

Hardy and Carrithers
Occasionally there emerges a book which has an influence farbeyond its original intended audience. Hardy and Carrithers'"Milton and the Hermeneutic Journey" has clearly emerged as just such a work. Any work hailed as a 'landmark in intellectual history' must, to make such a claim, appeal to intelligences of varied casts and backgrounds. This work passes that test. Any reasonable well-educated person will vibrate to Hardy and Carrithers' intricate argument. This defining work is the hallmark of a superior paradigm and is a resounding success!

A student kissing up.
This has to be the greatest book of all time. Through it, I have found the meaning of life. Dr. Hardy's masterfully written account of Milton captivates the mind and spirit. The reader will find that love is the answer to all even though there is no question. To live is to suffer. Buy this book and you will NOT be disappointed.

Milton Brown and the Founding of Western Swing (Music in American Life)
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Illinois Pr (Pro Ref) (1994)
Authors: Cary Ginell and Roy Lee Brown
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:

Great Western Swing History
Great reading for the newcomer as well as the old seasoned lover of this Texas born music. Cary Ginell & Roy Lee Brown did a super job on this book! History told is in great detail. As my old friend Frank Reneau, who was a Crystal Spring Rambler & Light Crust Doughboy as well said, "It took me back 65 years!"
Highly recommended!

Country Western Heritage
Cary Ginell has captured a part of our country western music history that has gone essentially unpublished; giving way to the likes of Bob Wills, Hank Thompson and others. A part of our heritage moving off the horizon has been captured in part by the research of Mr. Ginell and help document the beginnings of western swing. As one of the contributors to his research, I enjoyed reading his perspective of the evolution of this part of our culture. Although I disagree with some of the conclusions reached between the relationship between Milton Brown and my father and grandfather, I find his work to include a balanced blend of stories and recollections from people who were a part of the evolution. Crystal Springs, "Papa Sam" and "Baby Henry" Cunningham were central to the creation and spread of this music phenomenon. From Papa Sam's early efforts to uplift spirits through a musical forum to Baby Henry's "ear" and search for a particular sound; this music was born at Crystal Springs in Fort Worth, Texas. Papa Sam and the Babe moved this music throughout Texas and the neighboring states through radio, recordings, and personal appearances. Mr. Ginell slightly missed the mark giving weight to there not being a formal business arrangement between Milton Brown and Papa Sam. In those days your word was your bond and a handshake was more binding than anything we have today. Milton Brown and Bob Wills were both indebted to the efforts and support given them by my father and grandfather; and vice versa. Their relationships were binding and lasting beyond the superficial disagreements fueled by the price of fame gained. After approaching their peaks (Milton and Bob), they would still call on the Babe when they were hurting. Most people didn't see the stars when they were a little tarnished and needed some polishing before being put back in their places for all to see. Most of their problems extending beyond family to outside relationships (personal and professional), financial support and alcohol were attended to in a very discreet and sometimes forcefull manner by the two people they knew had the ability and heart to come alongside. Good job, Cary, maybe we'll see more on Crystal Springs, Papa Sam and the Babe before all those from that era pass.

Milton Goes to the Vet
Published in Hardcover by Chronicle Books (2001)
Author: Hayde Ardalan
Amazon base price: $7.95
Average review score:

inside the mind of a neurotic house cat
The author does a great job of capturing the thought process of a neurotic cat who doesn't want to go to the vet. The illustrations help to convey the silliness of Milton's dread of riding in the car and being examined by the vet. Anyone who has tried to force a cat into the cat carrier and bring him to the vet will laugh out loud when reading this funny little book.

Milton - for kids and grownups too
The bright bold colours make a terrific background for Milton the black and white cat. Milton is the narrator, and anyone who's ever had a cat will smile knowingly when Milton, upon seeing that his cat carrier has been brought out, tries to run and hide --- but ends up sighing, "They always find me in the end". His expressions as he waits anxiously in the vet's office are beautiful. I've often thought about writing a book about the "adventures" of my own black and white cat, Axel --- but Milton IS the book I would have liked to write!! I plan to get the whole series AND all the accessories.

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