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Book reviews for "Fox-Martin,_Milton" sorted by average review score:

The Politics of Justice: A.B. Fall and the Teapot Dome Scandal
Published in Paperback by Creative Designs (1992)
Authors: Herman B. Weisner and Hugh H. Milton
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $5.92
Collectible price: $42.35
Average review score:

Fascinating research which gives a new perspective
I am a final year school student, focusing on 1920's America. I found Weisner's research valuable in giving another view on the Teapot Dome Scandal. Other texts which are available here in New Zealand are brief and do not have the detail which Mr Weisner has uncovered. Ihad hoped to find other reviews of this book which also agree with his research, however I have not found anything else which gives the detail and documented evidence that is available in A.B. Fall and the The Teapot Dome Scandal. It is a fascinating book and I hope historians will take the time to review this evidence.

Portraits in Steel
Published in Hardcover by Cornell Univ Pr (1993)
Authors: Milton, Rogovin and Michael Frisch
Amazon base price: $52.50
Used price: $8.30
Average review score:

Despair and Diaspora made meaningful...
I wish I could provide a comparative review, but to this day, this seems to be the ONLY book available that actively addresses what happened to Buffalo in the last quarter century. Thank you for conducting interviews honestly, without unwarranted nostalgia or trying to put a "happy face" on what continues to be a sad and terrible situation. I also appreciate your craftsmanship, both in the gorgeous photography and in your writing. The little was otherwise available on the subject through the Buffalo Historical Society was so amateurish that I was embarrassed to continue reading.
As a Western New York expatriate, I lead a happy life. That is, until I visit back home, and realize that no one knows me and that poverty has settled permanently on my hometown. I had imagined once that I could contribute to my community, that I could have somehow helped, but like the Blizzard of '77, the economic collapse was bigger than I was. You help to provide meaning to the Steeltown Diaspora.

A Possum In Every Pot : Once Upon A Time In The South
Published in Paperback by Cherokee Books (08 June, 1996)
Author: James Milton Hanna
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $6.95
Average review score:

Great stories of the South......
I am from the South and I love hearing stories of others who live from there. This book is so easy to read . The author uses some homemade stories to execute his humor and lessons learned within this book. I felt that the author brought out the South through fond memories and I enjoyed that.

Powertalk: The Power of the Human Paradox
Published in Audio Cassette by Audio Renaissance (1994)
Authors: Anthony Robbins, Tom Milton, and Deepak Chopra
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.09
Buy one from zShops for: $5.99
Average review score:

Great Tape for Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra Fans!
Learn from Tony about The Power of the Human Paradox and how to deal with life paradoxes.

He interviews Deepak Chopra intensively in this edition of Powertalk.

You'll learn strategies on how to deal with confusion and paradox.

Great tape for the long drive to your vacation spot for all Fans of Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra.

The Prince of Sumba, Husband to Many Wives; First of its Kind
Published in Hardcover by Come Out Of Here Ministries & Publications (31 December, 1998)
Author: Don Milton
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $191.09
Average review score:

Polygamy meets Christian missions! Unusual & unique.
David Ishmael has combined his travel and knowledge of a foreign culture with a facinating premis to produce a book that is sure to stretch your mind. One is faced with human situations and ways of thinking that seldom occur to the modern Westerner - but should. A good book should make you think and teach new things to put to work in new ways. This book does that in a delightful way. I can't recommend it highly enough.

Principles of Abrasive Processing (Oxford Series on Advanced Manufacturing, 13)
Published in Hardcover by Clarendon Pr (1996)
Author: Milton Clayton Shaw
Amazon base price: $180.00
Average review score:

Principles of Abrasive Processing
This book covers the (theoretical) fundamentals of grinding like no other, period! I learned a lot from this book. Covers the elementary part of grinding into great depth. It made me look at grinding with another perspecive. This already payed off at my workplace. When receiving an education the fundamentals are sometimes not covered or in very shallow detail. Especially when receiving a on the job training. This book complements the practical skills of qualified personell by giving the operator a broader horizon. It may be too much dry reading material for a novice, but is very helpfull if the individual wants to improve their theoretical knowledge of the grinding process. One of the best books (if not the)I own. Next month I will purchase the authors book 'Metal Cutting Principles' this is howmuch I valued the info in this book. Nuff said.

The Question of Reality
Published in Hardcover by Princeton Univ Pr (1900)
Author: Milton K. Munitz
Amazon base price: $47.50
Used price: $30.00
Average review score:

validation of cosmological perspective
Anyone familiar with Prof. Munitz's work recognizes this book as a building block in a life's effort oriented towards the widest-possible perspective available to humans. This work provides reassurance that Munitz possesses the bona fides to made subsequent claims concerning epistemology and morality. Therefore, this book matters as one element in a grander picture painted by a humble and intelligent individual. It stands alone, as well, as a contribution to cosmology.

River road to China : the search for the source of the Mekong, 1866-73
Published in Unknown Binding by Allen & Unwin ()
Author: Milton E. Osborne
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Beyond the imagination
Osborne's book is an excellent account of the first European expedition up the Mekong River, from Saigon into the Southwestern region of the Chinese empire. As it is based on official and unofficial records of the exploration, written by the actual members of the French team, the account is both vivid and accurate, and conveys so much of the hardship and heartache experienced by the Frenchmen and those who accompanied them. It is also a profound and readable introduction to the history of Southeast Asia, its relation to China, and its position as the centerpiece of a colonial competition for trade, conquest, and scientific discovery. Great book!

Robert Maynard Hutchins: A Memoir
Published in Hardcover by University of California Press (1993)
Authors: Milton Sanford Mayer, John H. Hicks, and Studs Terkel
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $6.79
Collectible price: $12.71
Average review score:

A perfect memoir, aware of its pretensions but honest always
If you've never been exposed to the "Great Books" movement in higher education, you probably don't know who Robert Hutchins was. I only knew him as a dazzling champion of this almost-forgotten ideal of learning, as did his contemporaries. Milton Meyer showed me a man superhuman in his aims and yet tragically flawed. He espoused the Classics without being a true student of them, and yet was he not more Shakespearean than any of the professors he governed? Anyway, the book moved me. If you have any ability to be inspired by the story of an imperfect man, read this book.

Sands of Sorrow: Israel's Journey from Independence
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1987)
Author: Milton Viorst
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $2.15
Collectible price: $3.18
Average review score:

A Truly Independent Perspective
I first saw Mr. Viorst on PBS an an expert on Middle East affairs and was impressed by his keen insights. Considering that he is a Jewish writer living in the United States, he has established a highly independent and well-founded perspective on the state of Israel and its relationships with both the Arab world and the United States. After reading all of Henry Kissinger's writings on the Arab-Israel struggle, I found this book a wonderful counterpoint to the cold war outlook on Mideast politics taken by so many American administrations. I would compare it to David Shipler's perspective in his book on Arab and Jew; Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land. Perhaps with the end of the cold war, Mr. Viorst's perspective on the Arab-Israeli struggle will begin to find more resonance in the capitols of the western world. I would highly recommend this book to any serious student of Mid-East politics and history. In a time when we are fighting a battle against Osama bin Laden, Mr. Viorst illuminates the reasons why American policy in the Middle East may have, purposefully or inadvertently, helped to inflame so many Arabs while bringing no lasting peace to the region.

He also does an excellent job, through the political history of Israel since its inception, sorting out the movements, Ashkenazi and Sephardi, Zionist and Revisionist, etc. that have pushed and pulled Israel in conflicting directions over the past 50 years. For that alone, this book should be compulsory reading for any student of Israeli political history. While it was written in the late 1980's, it still shines a light on the events which have since transpired.

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