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Book reviews for "Fox-Martin,_Milton" sorted by average review score:

Essays in Positive Economics
Published in Paperback by University of Chicago Press (1966)
Author: Milton Friedman
Amazon base price: $27.00
Used price: $20.00
Average review score:

Firedman's Essays
Essays in this book included his famous "The Methodology of Positive Economics" and "The Marshallian Demand Curve". There are other essays on monetary economics, price theory and methodology. You can learn a lot from this book about Friedman's way of thinking

Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Imaging
Published in Hardcover by W B Saunders (15 January, 1998)
Authors: Fred A., Jr., M.D. Mettler, Milton J., Md. Guiberteau, and Barbara Mettler
Amazon base price: $85.00
Used price: $78.82
Buy one from zShops for: $78.82
Average review score:

Review of Essentials of Nuclear Medicine by Mettler
Concise, accurate information and good supporting bibliography. Plenty of illustrations and informative tables. Appendix on recommended protocols is very helpful. Radiation safety guidelines for pregnant females and breastfeeding mothers is essential.

Experiencing Erickson: An Introduction to the Man and His Work
Published in Hardcover by Brunner-Routledge (1985)
Authors: Jeffrey, Ph. D. Zeig, Jeffrey K. Zeig, and Milton H. Erickson
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $11.45
Collectible price: $18.52
Buy one from zShops for: $44.43
Average review score:

Genius Translated
This book is incredibly interesting. Dr. Zeig does an incredible job translating the genius work and counseling techniques of Milton Erickson. Erickson's techniques are complex and multi-layered and Dr. Zeig used anecdotes, accompanied by detailed explanations to make Experiencing Erickson fun, easy to read and useful. If you are a therapist or a person interested in Psychology, Experiencing Erickson is definately a must-read!!

Experiencing Hypnosis: Therapeutic Approaches to Altered States
Published in Hardcover by Irvington Pub (1981)
Authors: Milton H. Erickson and Ernest L. Rossi
Amazon base price: $49.50
Used price: $38.12
Average review score:

Must Have!
Just stop for a moment, and imagine you could listen to the master hypnotist Milton H. Erickson give descriptions and examples of applying hypnosis for change. Wouldn't it be great? In these 1981 audio tapes, that is what you get. The details and examples that Erickson gives apply to the use of hypnosis in any context, and he says as much at the start of the seminar. The sound quality is typical for seminar audio tapes recorded then - monaural w/slight hollow sound and tape hiss, but clear and distinct. Now, like me, if you're interested in persuasion, sales, NLP, hypnosis, and communication you already know Milton H. Erickson's incredible reputation for inducing trance. Whether you want these tapes and book to help in you refine your skills, because you want to hear Erickson's voice for yourself, are a student of the craft, or simply want to add to your collection,you'll defeinately want to pick these up.

Published in Hardcover by University Press of America (15 November, 2000)
Author: Milton E. Brener
Amazon base price: $56.00
Used price: $26.95
Collectible price: $28.59
Average review score:

Revelations Encountered While Exploring History of Faces
As a practicing psychiatrist for the past 30 years I have a great interest in the development of human emotions. This amazing book by Mr. Brener opened new vistas to me about how our more refined emotions developed.

Mr. Brener begins with the observation that there was a virtual absence of the human face in cave art, followed by primitive emotionless, vacuous faces in two dimensional art(with occasional exceptions) until the Renaissance when faces in three dimensions expressing the nuances of complex emotions appeared. He offers various hypotheses and supporting evidence from a wide range of sources. These sources include art history, history, psychology, neurology, biology, evolution, and literature,among others.

One striking hypothesis is that the capacity for artists to see and paint the world in three dimensions is the consequence of evolutionary changes in the right brain. Another is that a new range of emotional expession became available to mankind and required for it's development the new space of the third dimension. The capacity to see the beauty of the face(and person)expanded. Emotions that bind and connect human beings such as empathy developed. Mr. Brener argues that it was the deveopment of empathy that led to the decline of behaviors such as human sacrifice and slavery.

I found the idea that the evolution of perception and emotion has been going on over the past 1000 years to be a fascinating one. The range of disciplines Mr Brener visits to support his case is impressive. His ideas of the development of our more refined emotions is most interesting.

This book is a fascinating journey into depth.

Facing the music : an invitation to active listening enjoyment
Published in Unknown Binding by Simon & Schuster Custom Pub. ()
Author: Milton H. Hallman
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $7.00
Average review score:

Excellent Book
This is an excellent guide for all who are new to classical music and who want to learn how to enjoy it. A must read for all new-comers!

Family Story Bible
Published in Hardcover by Wood Lake Books (1900)
Author: Ralph Milton
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

Creative, Inclusive, Thoughtful and Playful
This is the only bible I am willing to read to my daughters, ages 4 and 6. I am very hard to please ... open in my spirituality, and desiring of inclusive material that is creative yet true to the sacred stories of the Christian tradition. This bible keeps my girls' interest and sparks their natural questions. It invites an open-ended sense of wonder, and avoids cliches or pat language. And I enjoy it. There are many stories of women in the bible, and all the stories are thoughtful, inclusive and understandable.

A Father's Story
Published in Paperback by 1stBooks Library (2001)
Author: Robert M. Taber
Amazon base price: $23.35
Used price: $19.07
Buy one from zShops for: $19.07
Average review score:

The Memoirs of Major Robert M. Taber, USAF Retired
The story is dedicated to all of those fine young men and women who pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps out of the poverty of the Great Depression, through World War II, through the Korean War, through Vietnam and through the Cold War to become responsible and productive American citizens. This is not a story about the elite heroes praised in Tom Brokaw's book titled, "The Greatest Generation", this is a story about an ordinary country boy who attended his first grade school years in a two room school where two teachers taught 8 grades. It tells about the hard times children of his generation suffered when they were humiliated by being forced to accept welfare because of the impact of the Great Depression on the state of Oklahoma during the late 1920s and 1930s. The story reveals the emotional trauma suffered by families who lost loved ones and whose family members were wounded during World War II. It tells about the behavior of a young boy growing up in a small Oklahoma village after losing his father at the age of 5. The story reveals early boy-girl relationships and the frustrations experienced by adolescents while learning about sex. It tells of the early experiences of Major Taber as an enlisted man serving in the U. S. Army and about his service in a combat zone in the 304th Signal Battalion in 1950-51 during the Korean War. Major Taber describes his major duties as an officer in the United States Air Force in Europe and in the United States. He traces his family genealogy from Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1630 to his present residence in Texas 2001. The major expresses some of his opinions regarding a few of our national social and political issues. The book contains pictures of Major Taber's family and contains brief narratives about their personal lives. The memoirs are humorous, informative and realistic. Major Taber may be the main character in the book but his story is a mirror image of millions of young men and women in his generation who pulled themselves out of poverty into a respectable occupation and have contributed mightily to bringing about the high standards of living that most of us enjoy today.

Favorite Pop Songs
Published in Paperback by Cherry Lane Music (1996)
Author: Milton Okun
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $30.99
Average review score:

A well-considered range of titles!
Spanning the decades of the 80's & 90's, songs from the familiar to the esoteric "pop" up. I mean, few sheet-music collections contain BOTH Whitney Houston AND Toad the Wet Sprocket. There's a song for everyone in here!

Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri: The Personal Narrative of Charles Larpenteur, 1833-1872
Published in Paperback by Brompton Books Corp (1989)
Authors: Charles Larpenteur, Milo Milton Quaife, and Paul L. Hedren
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.94
Buy one from zShops for: $11.78
Average review score:

A classic
Captivating! This is an accurate and vivid account of the day to day and year to year activities associated with the early American fur trade era. Pick up any book on this subject and you will find that this book is used as a reference. Larpenteur spent much of his time at the Fort Union trading post in present day Montana where the Yellowstone River empties into the Missouri. This is his story of how the actual trading was carried on, relationships with the Indians and resulting battles that oftentimes would occur, along with the inner relationships amongst the fur companies and military, the hardships which had to be overcome, etc. He shouldered heavy responsibilities and it is apparent that at times he would get somewhat down on himself for not accomplishing or meeting his goals. If he were alive today, he would see that his journal would erase all those self doubts and misconceptions that he had of himself. A great book.

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