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Book reviews for "Fox-Martin,_Milton" sorted by average review score:

Milton: A Biography.
Published in Textbook Binding by Oxford University Press (1968)
Author: William Riley, Parker
Amazon base price: $62.50
Average review score:

Parker's biography of Milton is the finest study of the poet
Parker carefully balances his focus on Milton's life and the poet's immortal works. Parker begins his study by letting the reader know that he is both a lover of Milton's art and an admirer of Milton the individual. One who devotes time to this considerable study will certainly obtain similar sentiments.

Milton: Paradise Lost
Published in Paperback by Cambridge University Press (1993)
Author: David Loewenstein
Amazon base price: $7.00
List price: $14.00 (that's 50% off!)
Used price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $16.81
Average review score:

This is a great book.
This is a wonderful book. This is a great book. This book is spectacular

Milton: Poems (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets)
Published in Hardcover by Random House (1996)
Author: John Milton
Amazon base price: $10.00
List price: $12.50 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.95
Collectible price: $5.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.47
Average review score:

Wonderful format, Delightfullly collectible
The content of Milton's works is hardly a topic of debate, the repute and critical analysis of his poetry rivaled in modern times only by that of Shakespeare. I have found the Everyman's Library collection to be a wonderfully formatted and delightfully collectible series, the pocket poems as well as the basic classics set. I am working on extending my collection of the classics in this particular series, and recommend them to anyone who enjoys a fine set of literature for personal use or as gifts to cherished friends.

Mind-Body Communication in Hypnosis (The Seminars, Workshops, and Lectures of Milton H. Erickson, Vol 3/Book & cAssette)
Published in Hardcover by Irvington Pub (1992)
Authors: Milton H. Erickson, Margaret O. Ryan, and Ernest Lawrence Rossi
Amazon base price: $39.50
Used price: $18.50
Collectible price: $29.11
Buy one from zShops for: $21.50
Average review score:

Ericksonian Hypnosis
The book explores some of Erickson's experiences with creating changes in the body through hypnosis, as in the following story:

"A normal 18-year-old girl was very distressed over the fact that she had not shown any evidence of breast development.

Her father was a physician, and at the age of 12 he had loaded her up with every kind of hormone possible. Yet there was no breast development of any sort; still none by 13, or 14, or 15. He finally quit the treatments and just gave up hope.

By the age of 18, the girl was making an extremely shizoid adjustment, withdrawing completely. She had an extremely disagreeable mother and she just hated her mother thoroughly.

So her doctor-father sent her to Erickson, asking him, "What can you do to keep my daughter from becoming schizophrenic?"

Well, it took Erickson about an hour to get the girl to tell him herself that she had no breast development whatsoever. She did agree, however, to go into a trance, and so he spent a couple more hours putting her into a deep trance very cautiously, very gently, very indirectly.

Then while she was in a deep trance state he explained to her how ignorant a man is about what a breast feels like; that he can't have any idea of how it feels to grow a breast; that he can't know what a breast feels like during a menstrual period; that he cannot really know what a woman's nipple feels like during menstruation.

And he spent a good deal of time presenting that sort of idea to her very repetitiously.

Next he explained in a similarly repetitious manner that since she was a girl, somehow or other she must have the right nerves, the right blood vessels with which to grow breasts.

He told her that when she was alone in the privacy of her room - she would someway, somehow, get a tremendous surging feeling in the breast area; and suddenly, somehow, her rudimentary nipples would feel warm, and she would have the feeling that something was happening.

He told her very honestly that he didn't know what that feeling was, but that she could find out; and that she could get that tremendous surging feeling, that growing feeling or whatever it was, and then drift off to sleep very comfortably.

Erickson saw the girl once a week for two months, at which time she had very well developed breasts."

The Move: The Kids on the Corner Learn About African-American Scientists & Inventors
Published in Paperback by Leedan Pubns (1999)
Authors: Antigone D. Blackwell, Cory Haywood, and Helena Milton
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

A great inspirational and education book for children.
In today's world, children really need role models. They need goals to aspire to. Also, with the increased globalization, learning about ethnic group achievments' is essential. The book is entertaining while inspiring children that only the sky is the limit. I would high recommend it. It definitely is on my Christmass shopping list.

Movement As a Way to Agelessness: A Guide to Trager Mentastics
Published in Paperback by Barrytown/Station Hill (1995)
Authors: Milton Trager and Cathy Hammond
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.99
Collectible price: $14.75
Average review score:

Movement As a Way to Agelessness
This book is an excellent introduction to the movement work of Dr. Milton Trager M.D. It contains both theory and practical movements. It also has very interesting photos of Dr. Trager both as a young man, and as a very active old man. It is easy to read, as it was not actually written, but was spoken by Dr. Trager, and written down by his students over a number of years.

Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Joyce Milton and Susan Swan
Amazon base price: $11.55
Used price: $9.83
Buy one from zShops for: $9.83
Average review score:

Interesting read--GREAT artwork
About 2 years ago, my 2nd graders became fascinated with mummies. This led me to create an impromtu unit and gather several books on the subject. MUMMIES is a great resource in my collection as it takes the reader step by step through the mummification process. To highlight that, there are wonderful illustrations.

The Nature of Human Values
Published in Hardcover by Free Press (1973)
Author: Milton Rokeach
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $50.00
Average review score:

international advertising is need a consumer value
I am a graduate student. my major is international marketing and advertising. So I need a this book. Please.

New Milton Cross' Complete Stories of the Great Operas
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (1980)
Authors: Milton Cross and Milton Cross
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $2.00
Average review score:

Well Written, Easily Read. Act By Act Synopses
The first music reference books that I owned were by Milton Cross. Even now, with a shelf full of opera references, his COMPLETE STORIES OF THE GREAT OPERAS is the first book that I consult when I am looking for a well written, easily read, act by act synopsis of an opera. As an added bonus, Cross begins each opera write up with a paragraph which includes a few pertinent facts about the composer and the circumstances surrounding the writing of the particular opera.

In addition to the slightly more than seventy-five operas discussed, he has also included sections on how to enjoy an opera, a history of opera, and a discussion of ballet in opera.

As I do before attending a Shakesperean play, (see my review of SHAKESPEARE A TO Z.) I find it helpful to prepare ahead of time by reading about the opera I am about to attend. Cross's book is fairly detailed, leading you through all the significant actions, and accompanying music, of each act in the order that they occur. I often supplement this reading with shorter, more succinct discussions in other references. There is a real value to owning multiple references on the same subject.

Included in this book are most of the operas that are in the normal reportoire of any contemporary opera company. Only the newer and/or experimental operas written in the latter part of the twentieth century are missing, and they are not often performed.

In his chapter on enjoying the opera, he states, as I did above, that for full enjoyment of an opera, you need to already understand it. Understanding, according to Cross, can come from some, or all, of the following: Read a libretto. Read the story. Listen to the music either on a recording or in an instrumental transcription.

He also reminds the reader that opera plots are often weak and illogical. Some are filled with obscure symbolism, some based on legend, and some just plain puzzling. The music is what is important.

He suggests other, more extensive, forms of preparation that are probably too time consuming for the contemporary opera goer, but I agree with him that some sort of preparation will certainly enhance your enjoyment.

The last two sections of the book, one on the history of opera from the sixteenth century to the present, and the other on the use of ballet in opera, are more appropriately read than summarized. These sections are interesting and are readable on a stand alone basis.

The bulk of the book, exclusive of the last three sections, is a reference and is most useful for the purpose of preparing yourself for an opera performance that you are about to attend.

This is an invaluable reference and belongs on the shelf of any opera goer or potential opera goer.

Nine American Jewish Thinkers
Published in Hardcover by Transaction Pub (2000)
Author: Milton Ridvas Konvitz
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $19.50
Collectible price: $14.82
Buy one from zShops for: $18.99
Average review score:

Nine essays offering concise intellectual biographies
Divided into three parts reflecting Milton Konvitz's range of intellectual interests, Nine American Jewish Thinkers comprises nine essays offering concise intellectual biographies of three philosophers (Horace M. Kallen, Morris Raphael Cohen, Sidney Hook), three American Court Justices (Louis D. Brandeis, Benjamin N. Cardozo, Felix Frankfurter), and three rabbis (Leo Jung, Robert Goris, Jacob Agus). The author brings a special value to his commentaries in that he enjoyed a friendship with six of the persons who lives and work he examines. Nine American Jewish Thinkers is so well written and presented that it can be readily recommended to both scholarship and the non-specialist general reader with an interest in Judaic studies, biographies, and intellectual life.

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