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Book reviews for "Fox-Martin,_Milton" sorted by average review score:

Conversations With the Greatest Networke
Published in Paperback by ()
Author: John Milton Fogg
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Conversations With The Greatest Networker picks up where "The Greatest Networker" leaves of. I feel this book is actually better than the first in terms of giving you practicle examples of how to build your business relationships. ...

Conversing With Cage
Published in Paperback by Limelight Editions (1988)
Authors: Richard Kostelanetz, Bernard Wolfe, and Milton Mezzrow
Amazon base price: $9.95
Collectible price: $29.00
Average review score:

excellent book for those wanting to know about Cage's ideas
This book is a collection of interviews with John Cage, the late avant garde composer who was one of the most influential composers of the 20th century. The interviews span nearly a half century and give a cogent idea of Cage's thought on music, art, education, politics, and social revision.

If you are curious about why a composer would write music that is "silent", why he would use chance, nonintention, and denounce music as communication, this is a good book to begin an overview of Cage's philosophy of art.

It also shows that Cage's musical thought was not monolithic, but changed several times in the course of his life, as did his music.

Cosmic Understanding
Published in Paperback by Princeton Univ Pr (15 January, 1990)
Author: Milton K. Munitz
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $3.95
Collectible price: $17.94
Buy one from zShops for: $14.95
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This May Be What You're Looking For
It is evident from your investigation of this title that you are curious about the universe and human understanding. I have personally endured all of the confusion that results from reading the other books on cosmology and philosophy. This one is different. Prof. Munitz is a consumate teacher. He is clear and is not concerned to show how smart he is (although no one I know of is smarter). If you want to make sense of the universe and understand how humans are situated in it, then this is the only place to start. If you are a professional cosmologist who has spent a lifetime immersed in the details of astronomy, then this book will expand your horizons and satisfy a deep need that cannot be met elsewhere.

Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (1996)
Authors: Marthe R. Gold, Siegel Russell Gold, and Milton C. Weinstein
Amazon base price: $52.50
Buy one from zShops for: $42.50
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That's a good textbook for cost-effectiveness research in m
Recently, there is less book to approach the cost-effectiveness point in medicine . I think this book can give us the new concepts of this research.

Decision Making in Health and Medicine: Integrating Evidence and Values
Published in Paperback by Cambridge University Press (15 December, 2001)
Authors: Myriam Hunink, Paul Glasziou, Joanna Siegel, Jane Weeks, Joseph Pliskin, Arthur Elstein, and Milton C. Weinstein
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $46.83
Buy one from zShops for: $46.83
Average review score:

Refreshing Look at Medical Decision Making
Clearly written! Excellent choice of exercises! This will make a good reading for anyone even remotely interested in making decisions in health care or medicine. The methods and techniques elucidated here will be useful at all levels of the health care system. Get a copy of this book and do not drop it until you've read it all. Probably, the most comprehensible state-of-the-art textbook of medical decision sciences devoid of undue jargon.

Disability and the Family Life Cycle
Published in Hardcover by Basic Books (1999)
Authors: Laura E. Marshak, Milton Seligman, and Fran Prezant
Amazon base price: $47.00
Used price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.98
Average review score:

Difficult issue, but extremely helpful!
Outside of the death of a child, the most heart wrenching experience a parent can face is having a disabled child. "Heart wrenching"? Perhaps a word too strong? Yes, Marshak, Seligman and Prezant make this clear in their book. In some cases, the disabled child changes the configuration of the family into something unexpectedly positive. Within this book, we see writing that is refreshing because the authors offer an uncommon perspective on disability and the family.

DISABILITY AND THE FAMILY LIFE CYCLE is the most comprehensive and up-to-date source book I have been able to find and read. In addition to being helpful for professionals who work with families with disabled children, I think that some parents will find the book emotionally rewarding.

This is an excellent piece of thoughtful scholarship. I highly recommend it.

Does Life Have a Meaning? (Frontiers of Philosophy)
Published in Hardcover by Prometheus Books (1993)
Author: Milton K. Munitz
Amazon base price: $36.00
Used price: $17.98
Buy one from zShops for: $27.41
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A Book That Helps
If you are on a personal quest to understand what you observe then you know the risk of being misled by false prophets. Milton Munitz does not mislead. Therefore, he presents no easy answers or rituals to mindlessly follow. What he presents is the culmination of decades of serious philosophical inquiry, in a book that is easy to understand. If you have abandoned philosophy in the past because of the obscure manner of writing employed by philosophers, then consider this book. It may open an entire cosmos for contemplation and provide the consolation which philosophy has always promised.

Dollars and Deficits: Inflation, Monetary Policy and the Balance of Payments
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall College Div (1968)
Authors: Milton Freidman and Mark Friedman
Amazon base price: $33.75
Used price: $14.99
Average review score:

A financial gem for students and educators
This is the exact example how a Chicago Economics University professor has contributed to world economies in crises to catch up with the new economic trends.

from a student at a bulgarian university of economics - "D. A. Tzenoff" - Svishtov.

Donald Fagen: The Nightfly
Published in Paperback by Cherry Lane Music (1983)
Author: Milton Okun
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

Best songbook ever!
I was lucky enough to find this songbook. Of the dozens of songbooks I have, Nightfly is the absolute best. The chords are meticulously transcribed, and finger placement is nearly 4 (or even 5) on every chord! Very complex jazz stuff, but with a lot of practice, you could play these Nightfly tunes on solo guitar and still have them sound like the originals! The chord structures are brilliant, and if you play them like the book shows them, you'll have the melody line included on every song just by playing the proper chords, so you can sing the vocal and not have to worry about playing the melody simultaneously. This book is out of print but I suggest you seek it out if you want to REALLY play the songs well. No homemade arrangements or simple chords are going to do this music justice. This is the real deal and should have won an award for "most accurate and ingenious transcription", as well as packaging (some rare photos and even liner notes from the editor).

Espacio Y Albedrio (Coleccion Caniqui)
Published in Paperback by Ediciones Universal (1991)
Authors: Milton M. Martinez and Milton M. Martbinez
Amazon base price: $12.00
Average review score:

Una pareja navegando (escapando) su futuro.
Una fantastica historia de dos jovenes que deciden escapar de Cuba en una balsa y son ayudados por un tio, pero ellos nunca llegan a su destino porque son interceptados por una civilizacion muy superior. Estos extraterrestres salen a la superficie transformados en delfines. La travesia es fantastica y la novela se pone mejor cuando la pareja entra en la dimension de la otra civilizacion que vive debajo del mar muy cerca del "Triangulo de las Bermudas". Los protagonistas nunca llegan a su destino y el final es fabuloso. Magnifica novela de ciencia-ficcion. En este subgenero han incursionado muy pocos escritores cubanos. Es una novela deliciosa que se lee de una sentada y quedara para la posteridad como una de las pocas novelas bien escritas en el genero de ciencia-ficcion en la literatura cubana.

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