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Book reviews for "Fox-Martin,_Milton" sorted by average review score:

Free to Choose
Published in Audio Cassette by Blackstone Audiobooks (1993)
Author: Milton Friedman
Amazon base price: $62.95
Buy one from zShops for: $47.21
Average review score:

Next to the Bible this book is a must read!
No book better expresses the connection between personal freedom and a strong economy. In this text Capitalism is seen as a positive driving force. Should be required college reading in any economics class.

Friedman and Szasz on Liberty and Drugs: Essays on the Free Market and Prohibition
Published in Paperback by Drug Policy Foundation (1992)
Authors: Arnold S. Trebach, Kevin B. Zeese, and Milton Friedman
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $6.95
Average review score:

Great thinkers defending personal choice
A tough subject deserves the application of great minds. Two of the greatest of the 20th century --also unrepentant defenders of liberty-- provide damning philosophical and observational evidence against the "war on drugs". This is a must-have book for those who believe that individuals, not governments, should control their bodies. It is also an excellent source book for students who need a counter-point to the hysterial agit-prop produced by the government and others frightened by inanimate objects (drugs). An excellent companion book is Dr. Szasz's "Our Right to Drugs". (See also: "The Federalist Papers" to learn the views of the American founders on self-control as a property right.)

Fundamental Rights: History of a Constitutional Doctrine
Published in Hardcover by Transaction Pub (2000)
Author: Milton R. Konvitz
Amazon base price: $32.95
Used price: $26.36
Buy one from zShops for: $25.95
Average review score:

Recommended reading for students of constitutional law
Milton Konvitz's Fundamental Rights: History Of A Constitutional Doctrine addresses the issues of constitutional law with respect to the relationship of the Bill of Rights to the authority of the individual states with regard to the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of the citizenry. Konvitz trades the development of fundamental rights from the earliest days of American jurisprudence down to the present day. He argues persuasively that values, ideals, rights, liberties, and privileges need to be placed in a hierarchical order or scale -- and that the United States Supreme Court through its case-by-case judgements has been doing just that. Fundamental Rights is strongly recommended reading for students of constitutional law, as well as the non-specialist general reader with an interest in the maintenance of personal freedoms within the context of the American constitution.

Generosity and the Limits of Authority: Shakespeare, Herbert, Milton
Published in Hardcover by Cornell Univ Pr (1992)
Author: William Flesch
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $8.99
Buy one from zShops for: $8.50
Average review score:

Better Shakespeare than Leonardo DiCaprio
It is difficult to know how "generosity" might better be investigated as a critical bellwether than by this most generous of thinkers, William Flesch, whose expansive intellect readily welcomes disparate poetical figures to a "fire-warm'd lodge" of his own making. Occupying a paradigmatic position vis-a-vis hedonism, Flesch challenges the privileged space of Western intellectual practice in denying the figure of the sucking vortex the power of his critical imprimatur. My friend recommended this book to me, and although I was skeptical, since, being a "science" man, I don't read much literary criticism, I thought *The Heart of Generosity* was really readable. The power of Flesch's overwhelming images and amazing insights into a wide variety of interesting topics mesmerized me, as it did my friends and colleagues at work.

George Washington and the Birth of Our Nation
Published in School & Library Binding by Franklin Watts, Incorporated (1999)
Author: Milton Meltzer
Amazon base price: $26.80
Used price: $15.71
Collectible price: $23.29
Average review score:

A Great Read
This book is the best book I have read in a long time.His family life from childhood to his time as our nations first President.If there are things you never knew about George Washington you will find them in this book.

Go for Kids
Published in Paperback by Yutopian Enterprises (10 September, 2001)
Authors: Milton N. Bradley and Seho Kim
Amazon base price: $17.50
Average review score:

Not Just For Kids!
The new Yutopian "Go For Kids" book has just arrived here.

I was surprised to see that it is a general purpose introduction book,that has a broad and complete scope. It is no mere "comic book" short introduction at all.

The book contains comic strips with explanations of ideas, and features conversations between young students and the sensei. While the text covers the basics that all Go players need to get started in a clear and well written way - lots of diagrams, many examples.

In fact, it looks like a no nonsense primer for the beginning or want to

become Go player. It's just about what I'd give as a gift to someone that
expressed interest in learning how to play the game, since it is a good reference book for a new player. In many ways it is simpler than the "In The Beginning" book, since that starts with the idea that you already know how to make life, and all of the various basic concepts - so it is a perfect lead in to it.

As far as being for "kids", I'd say that this book will be suitable for"kids" that already have pretty decent reading, writing and thinking skills -
but that's probably true for the game itself. If you have young children, this book could serve as a teaching guide, so that you don't miss anything.But the thing that is best, is that it is perfect for showing off thegame to teens and adults alike.

To a great extent, all books on Go tend to read the same, ie. "D5 is better here because of black's H4..." but the book goes into some detail on how and why things work a certain way, and goes into good explanations of the mechanisms and sequences of standard plays and situations (ko,seki, eyes, etc.).

I'll be keeping one in my Go bag to bring to club meetings.

So, two thumbs up from this reviewer! :- )


Good Laboratory Practice Quality Audit Manual
Published in Hardcover by Interpharm Press (1992)
Author: Milton Anderson
Amazon base price: $169.00
Average review score:

I need information about the publisher of this book
Would you please give me an information about the publisher of that book (Good Laboratory Practice Quality Audit) ?

Haryatto Process Laboratory Documentation Coordinator PPPTMGB Lemigas - Jakarta - Indonesia E-mail address :

Gorillas (Step into Reading, Step 2, paper)
Published in Paperback by Random House (Merchandising) ()
Authors: Joyce Milton, Robert Hynes, and Bryn Barnard
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.53
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

good intro for kids
I love gorillas and all things related to them. I bought this book even though I don't have kids! I liked that it discusses Dian Fossey and the mountain gorillas, as well as world-famous Koko. I was just so pleased to see gorillas described as they truly are. A book like this could inspire children to want to help save these gentle giants. I sure hope so, anyway.

Graphic Design
Published in Hardcover by Viking Press (1973)
Author: Milton Glaser
Amazon base price: $85.00
Used price: $13.28
Collectible price: $13.98
Average review score:

A landmark of graphic design books.
It's certainly unbelievable that nobody reviewed this book before (july 30 1999). Milton Glaser means to the history of graphic design what Michelangelo or Arcimboldo or Leonardo mean to the history of art. In a time when the likes of David Carson or any of the trendy computer BS designers reign, discovering Milton Glaser should be like a breath of fresh air. He represents a rare breed (almost extinct) of designers who master the craft of casting a good idea with the appropiate "visual language" in order to get the message across. His illustration skills as well as his thinking are always on the crest of the wave, regardless of who is "en vogue" at the time. He stands for excellency in the widest sense of the word. No designer who prides himself/herself of being one, should continue practising/studying without -at least- flipping through this book.

The Grand Concourse: Poems (Mss Paper Book)
Published in Paperback by Milton Kessler (1990)
Author: Milton Kessler
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $6.78
Collectible price: $37.06

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