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Book reviews for "Fox-Martin,_Milton" sorted by average review score:

100 Years, 100 Stories
Published in Audio Cassette by Publishing Mills (1996)
Authors: George Burns and Milton Berle
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $11.95
Collectible price: $9.50
Buy one from zShops for: $10.27
Average review score:

I bought this book with the intention of reading one or two stories a day. I couldn't put it down. I was laughing out loud and my children begged me to read them what was so funny. I would read them some and they enjoyed it as much as I did. What started out as a month or so of giggles turned into an afternoon of belly-laughs.

25 Bicycle Tours on Cape Cod and the Islands: Cranberry Bogs, Marshes, Sand Dunes, Lighthouses, and the Ever-Present Sea
Published in Paperback by Countryman Pr (1996)
Authors: Kevin Jeffrey, Susan Milton, and Nan Jeffrey
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

For the best bike routes on Cape Cod, this is the book.
Cape Cod is perhaps one of the best places to bike in New England. The rolling hills, the stunning views of the Atlantic and the jewel-like kettle-hole ponds in its interior sections make it a bicicyclists paradise. During 2 weeks in late springs several years ago, I used the bike routes in this book alone to make my way from the upper Cape near Sandwich down to the Outer Cape into Truro and Provincetown. I was not disappointed. The maps in combination with written directions offer just enough detail so that riders are always on the right track. And vista after vista was exactly what this rider was hoping for. The routes in this book helped me to come away with an intimate knowledge of Cape Cod and too many fond memories to count. It's obvious that the folks who wrote this book rode these routes time and time again, perfecting them and finally compiling them into this incredible guide to the most stunning bike routes on Cape Cod. If you want to get to know Cape Cod better, or if you're just looking for a variety of top-notch biking experiences in Eastern Massachusetts, this is the place and this is the book!

50 great short stories
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Author: Milton Crane
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $0.95
Collectible price: $2.95
Average review score:

A great collection.
The best of the best are in this collection of short stories.

Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy: Selected Papers of Milton H. Erickson
Published in Hardcover by Allyn & Bacon (1967)
Authors: Milton H. Erickson and Jay Haley
Amazon base price: $136.50
Used price: $125.75
Collectible price: $79.97
Average review score:

The essential text for anyone interestedin clinical hypnosis
This text is a must read for any person seriously interested in hypnosis. If you do not already know the story of Milton Erickson, check the Erickson Foundation web site to learn more. He was the person primarily responsible for the research which recognized hypnosis as the effective therepeutic modality it is. The collated works in this volume span many years, much of it predates 1959, the year the American Medical Association accepted hypnosis as a legitimate practice. Many of the papers are the origin of the common tales and metaphors used by hypnotists/NLP trainers. This text is clinical in nature, so one must have some background in in one of the follwing: psychiatry/ medicine/ therapy/hypnosis/NLP. If you want to understand the processes which enable hypnosis to change this book.

Adventures of a Mountain Man: The Narrative of Zenas Leonard
Published in Paperback by Univ of Nebraska Pr (1979)
Authors: Zenas Leonard and Milo Milton Quaife
Amazon base price: $11.70
Used price: $5.00
Average review score:

Exciting, thrilling, never a dull moment
I'd give this book six stars if it were allowed! Zenas Leonard came out to the American West as a fur trapper in 1831, this is his own narrative. He started out under the leadership of Captain Gant trapping beaver and traveling extensively throughout the west. Later he joined in with the famous Captain Joseph Walker expedition to explore a passage to California. You simply can not put this book down! Indians, grizzlies, starvation and thirst, freezing temperatures, more Indian troubles, first white men to see Yosemite and the Redwoods, one adventure after another! Vivid descriptions of what it was like back then. An engrossing book!

Alex Toth
Published in Paperback by Kitchen Sink Press (1995)
Authors: Alex Toth, Manuel Auad, and Milton Caniff
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $60.00
Collectible price: $75.00
Average review score:

The best of the hard sci-fi/adventure illustrators
If I could have my wish and could become any artist that I wanted to be- I'd be Alex Toth.

It came as a shock to me awhile back to finally realise that so much of the work that I admired over the years was drawn or designed by the same creative genius (Space Angel, Clutch Cargo, Space Ghost, Johnny Quest, Super Friends, The Rook, etc.)

This is a truly remarkable book that actually gets inside the head of one of the all time great animators and illustrators. Not only do you get hard to find material from limited circulation publications (from Bravo for Adventure, to The Fox, to Zorro), but you also have a great deal of unpublished material from Toth's personal sketchbooks. Not only that, but the artist writes extensive commentary about just how he concieves both characters and plots. Further, he comments on the artists that most influenced his own work and development over the years.

The introduction is written by Milton Caniff (Terry and the Pirates & Steve Canyon.)

America Will March Forward: A Primer for Patriots
Published in Hardcover by Barricade Books (01 June, 2003)
Author: Arthur Milton
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $9.97
Collectible price: $20.07
Buy one from zShops for: $14.96
Average review score:

Words of Wisdom
Arthur Milton, the man who saved me millions on my insurance thanks to his previous book, has really written a great book here. My grandson gave me this as a gift. Mr. Milton has plainly put to paper, those thoughts that many of us share about this great country. No, the US is not perfect by any stretch. It is out duty as Americans to fix those problems we have and Mr. Milton gives some wonderful suggestions. I would recommend this book to all my fellow countrymen. God Bless America!

The American Political Dictionary
Published in Paperback by International Thomson Publishing (1989)
Authors: Jack C. Plano and Milton Greenberg
Amazon base price: $17.50
Used price: $0.75
Buy one from zShops for: $6.50
Average review score:

A Student Review of the American Political Dictionary
As a student of American politics, I have found that this book is the most helpfull resource for finding, identifying, analyzing, and comparing every American political concept. From Article I of the Constitution to the 27th amendmant to The Americans with Disablitities Act of 1990 to Marbury v. Madison. This book is complete in every way. The format and layout of this book makes it easy to connect to other related concepts of American political culture by giving the student a coincise knowledge of our government. This book also greatly prepares the high school student for the United States Government and Politics AP exam. If you are looking for a great suplimental teaching and learning tool then look no further because this is it.

Architecture As Space: How to Look at Architecture
Published in Paperback by DaCapo Press (1993)
Authors: Bruno Zevi, Joseph A. Barry, and Milton Gendel
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $11.37
Collectible price: $19.99
Average review score:

My magician book of Architecture
When I first read this book, I was a teenager, pretending to become an Architect. I was surprised by this way of entering Space, Architecture as Space. I have re-read it a few times, that because I have presented it as a gift, to a few number of people. Now I do want it for myself, and for a friend in his eighties, whom I think hasn't had the experience of enjoying it.

Architecture in Los Angeles: A Compleat Guide
Published in Paperback by Gibbs Smith Publisher (1985)
Authors: David Gebhard and Robert Milton Winter
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $9.95
Average review score:

A Compleat Guide: Indispensable, but unavailable!
This book is the indispensable follow-on to Gebhard and Winter's 1977 "Architecture in Los Angeles & Southern California," which itself was the greatly expanded version of the skinny 1960's edition. The geographical focus area of "A Compleat Guide" is tighter, but the depth and comprehensiveness greatly expanded.

The authors have made invaluable contributions the understanding of Southern California architectural history with these books, all of which are now out of print. Those of us who are fortunate enough to possess copies of Gebhard and Winter's wonderful books have found them to be of endless value in their travels through the region, not to mention architectural research.

Given that "A Compleat Guide" is the only book of its kind for the Los Angeles region, and an exceptional one by any standard, it is shocking and disappointing to find the title unavailable. When will this book be reprinted? We can only hope the publishers will come to their senses very soon.

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