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Book reviews for "Fox-Martin,_Milton" sorted by average review score:

Kit Carson's Autobiography
Published in Paperback by Univ of Nebraska Pr (1966)
Authors: Kit Carson and Milo Milton Quaife
Amazon base price: $9.56
List price: $11.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.85
Collectible price: $8.12
Buy one from zShops for: $8.21
Average review score:

Straightforward autobiography
Kit Carson was everywhere and did just about everything. I must agree with other reviewers and Milo Milton Quaife in his introduction, that because of Carson's nature, the book seems somewhat curtailed of descriptive events. What may have taken a few months to happen, Kit says it all in a paragraph. That aside, he came out west at the age of sixteen to become a mountain man. As time went by he was involved with trapping adventures, expeditions with Fremont, the Mexican War and as an Indian agent. Maybe it was a sign of the times, but Carson certainly does not hesitate to boast about how many Indians he killed during his day to day adventures. This may have been brought about by his upbringing as a young child. The settlers in his part of Missouri where he was living at the time had to "fort" themselves against the activities of hostile Indians. This may have carried on into adulthood. Nevertheless, this was a good book on an extraordinary and remarkable man of the early American west.

Excellent, But Too Short!
Kit Carson was a man of few words in life and in his own autobiography. It is unfortunate that such a dynamic individual didn't write down more! Quaife does a terrific job with the notes. Explaining everything that Carson failed to include. This is a common problem as, for example, Kit Carson will say something to the effect: Fought indians today, and Quaife will fill in all of the details about what tribe, how many, who was killed or wounded in both parties, etc. I am fascinated by how much detail is known of Carson's time. Very readable, my only complaint was that it was too short! The editor has included a nicely laid out index. I found the book well worth the purchase price! BTW, for those of you looking for information on William F. Drannon, he is not mentioned anywhere in Carson's autobiography.

Kit explains it all!
Disclaimer: Kit Carson is my first cousin, five times removed! And that's why I read this book.

It took a while to sink in, but the compelling feature about Kit's autobiography is the editing. There are extensive footnotes throughout that put Kit's text in historical perspective, point out errors in his memory, and round out the story.

He describes his 16-year life as a Mountain Man in almost monosyllabic terms. In other words, he compresses a whole year into a single paragraph. A short paragraph!

But it gets better when he has something to say about his scouting and Indian relations roles.

Why does it explain it all? Because I have this wanderlust locked up inside me, and I've always wondered where it came from!

Patriot Future: A Novel
Published in Hardcover by Presidio Pr (15 January, 2001)
Author: Milton Johns
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $16.94
Buy one from zShops for: $7.75
Average review score:

It was like reading the Hunt for Red October before Tom Cla
Excellent Excellent Excellent, its been a long time since I actually read a hard cover book ( I usually prefer them in paperback or on audio tape) but I read Patriot Future and I couldn't put it down. It was like reading the Hunt for Red October before Tom Clancy got famous

Thrilling action...compelling characters
A timely, prophetic vision of America's possible future. Filled with heart pounding action, the book's characters are 3 dimenionsional. Matt Sheridan's pain,anger,love are made suprisingly real to the reader. I couldn't put it down. I can't wait for Johns' next book

It's one of those books that, once you start, you can't stop reading. I found the setting to be all TOO plausible. Sheridan's character is a cross between Bruce Willis in Die Hard and Keanu Reeves in Speed. Lots of action, but with a human element that I also enjoyed. A great beach book, but it only lasted one day!!!

Solution-Oriented Hypnosis: An Ericksonian Approach
Published in Hardcover by W W Norton & Company (1992)
Authors: William Hudson O'Hanlon and Michael Martin
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $22.94
Buy one from zShops for: $22.95
Average review score:

Clear, direct, and to the point -- Erickson made easy.
I wish I had discovered this book sooner. Having read Rossi, Bandler, Grinder, Gilligan, etc., and struggled to get through their overyly analytical obfuscations of Erickson's methods, I was delighted with this simply written, clear, and easy to follow text. The reason I didn't buy it sooner was that I had read his other book "Taproots" and found it too abstract and disappointing. What a long way the author has come since he wrote Taproots! He presents Ericksonian ideas in a way that is delightful to read, down-to-earth, and effortless to follow. O'Hanlon is an excellent teacher, especially for those of us who are jargon-ically challenged. My only gripe is the high cost of this rather brief volume.

Fantastic Intro to Ericksonian hypnosis
This is an engaging and extremely readable introduction to Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. Profoundly less "technical manual" than the Grinder Bandler stuff, yet is certainly not dumbed down.

Written with humor and undertanding in the informal style of a seminar in a manner that anyone could learn from.

I would recommend this to anyone interested in Ericksonian Hypnosis.

Very useful: as intro textbook or handbook
Very good introduction to Ericksonian approach, useful for a beginner and helpful for an experienced practitioner.

Classical Electrodynamics
Published in Hardcover by Westview Press (1998)
Authors: Julian Seymour Schwinger, Lester L., Jr. Deraad, Kimball A. Milton, and Wu-Yang Tsai
Amazon base price: $77.00
Average review score:

no title
I have taken physics courses from one of the authors, Milton, and they were some of the best classes I have taken in physics. During the semester, first the foundation is laid then everything builds else builds from it. What comes next is built on what was was taught before. Everything is logical and is built up on what was lectured on previously. Take a few concepts and develop them really well, rather than a shotgun approach of more topics but less detail. This book is of the same style. I highly recommend it.

The physics and mathematics of electrodynamics
This is a concise, clear, and coherent account of advanced classical electrodynamics. The equation density is higher than in most books. Mostly this means that intermediate steps of the many illuminating calculations of the book are included. Many interesting topics not normally included in this type of book are included. A lot of the mathematics needed is developed in detail. I recommed it strongly to both teachers and advanced students of the subject.

One of the best advanced books about electrodynamics
Schwinger's book about electrodynamics is a book that in my opinion is better and also more advanced then Jackson's Electrodynamics. One may call Schwingers introduction of the magnetic charge an annoyance, but in my opinion, he is making an excellent point about how physics should be done: open-minded and always marking where gaps might be, that needs to be filled later. In this respect he is not just teaching electrodynamics but rather how to think like a physicist. It has the benefit that one starts to question the validity of every equation and concept presented to verify it upon its correctness. This approach is a very good one and unfortunately not seen to often in many books in physics. Schwinger is indeed an exception and his book on top of everything covers more then Jackson as well. So, it is a highly recommended book.

Dore's Illustrations for "Paradise Lost" (Dover Pictorial Archives Series)
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1993)
Authors: Gustave Dore and John Milton
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $4.77
Collectible price: $120.71
Buy one from zShops for: $4.76
Average review score:

A necessary companion to the Literary Masterpiece
Dore, known perhaps best for his woodcuts of Dante's "Divine Comedy", was not only a fantastic illustrator, but a prolific one as well, producing scores of woodcuts for great literature, including "The Holy Bible" and "Orlando Furioso". Before there were movies, a person could look at these pictures for motion, excitement, and dramatic storytelling.
This is a necessary companion to "Paradise Lost", a great work in its own right. Dore's illustrations clarifies, vivifies, and expands on the reading experience. The pictures are brilliantly reproduced here at a small cost to the consumer. The book stands alone for great artwork and is worth the minimal price.

Stunning Display of Woodcut Artistry
It is amazing how such complex woodcuts could be done! Some of these are used in books. An example is the book cover illustration of the book "Raising Hell: A Concise History of the Black Arts and Those Who Dared Practice Them" (ISBN: 0399522387).

If you like to see high standard of woodcuts, get this book.

An exceptional gathering of his finest work!
This is with out a doubt the best of Gustave's biblically inspired works. His mastery is proven by creating a visually stunning and poetic world of a time long ago but not forgotten. It's hard to remember what I used to imagine when I thought of the Garden of Eden or the descension of the fallen angels must've been like prior to reading this work.

Fifty Great Short Stories
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Bantam Books (1983)
Author: Milton Crane
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $2.45
Collectible price: $3.18
Average review score:

I have read only 3 but one more is next!
These short stories are great! Read To Build a Fire, Death In The Woods, Mr Prebble Geets Rid of His Wife, and Cluney Mc Farrar's Hardtack! Great reading. Gripping stories! Great characters! and wonderful locales! A true pleasure to read.

Five stars only because there's no six-star rating
This is the best collection of the best stories ever written in America. It covers 200 years of fiction including undeniable classics such as "Young Goodman Brown," "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky," and "Soldiers of the Republic," and relatively unknown masterpieces such as "A Dead Issue," by Charles Macomb Flandrau, and "The Meeting Place," by Oliver LaFarge. Writers represented include the well-known and widely-honered (Washington Irving, Jack London, John Steinbeck) and the less-celebrated (Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Robert M. Coates, Seymour Friedgood). Everyone, no matter his or her taste, will find twenty or more of these stories to be among the best they have ever read. Finally, the reader may discover within this volume the doorway to a writer, new to him or her, whose work becomes a lifelong passion.

unquestionably the best collection i've ever read!
I've had my copy since jr high's about time to buy a new one

The Nature of Hypnosis and Suggestion
Published in Hardcover by Irvington Pub (1980)
Authors: Milton H. Erickson and Ernest Lawrence Rossi
Amazon base price: $34.95
Average review score:

Excelent book
You must read it if you want to know a little about the hypnosis realities. I am sure you will be surprised about what you will learn in this book

Excelent book
This is a excelent book for those ones that want to know some deep knowledge about hypnosis.
With this book you are not going to learn how to do hypnosis, but you will understand some of the presupositions that are known in hypnosis.

This book is a great choice. It is perhaps the best of the four volume set. Gives an excellent overview of Erickson's approach to hypnosis.

Lord Grizzly
Published in Paperback by Univ of Nebraska Pr (1983)
Authors: Frederick Manfred and John Milton
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $1.74
Collectible price: $9.95
Average review score:

The true story of Hugh Glass...and then some
I had never even heard of Hugh Glass when i picked this book up. Wow, what a life he led! If even half of it is true its an amazing tale in the spirit of Jeremiah Johnson.

What this man goes through is unbelievable and makes for a heck of a page turner. Great historical/fiction mountain man story.

The Ultimate Western
This is one particularly unique western set in a time when the Midwest was untamed; it's probably like no other western ever written. I have read maybe two-hundred westerns, but I was naive until I read Lord Grizzley.

A Great Book
Actually, this book should be about 4 1/2 stars, but I'll round up. It is a captivating book that is part history and part (probably the biggest part) fiction centered around an historic figure. I imagine old Hugh did go through very similar experiences during his time in hell. This book gives a great depiction of what life probably was like for a mountain man in the early 1800s. It reminds me of the sheer luxuries we all take for granted in every day life compared to those who lived before us. Hugh Glass is portrayed as a determined man who was about as tough as any creature on the planet could be. I imagine he was. For a glimpse of how the West was before white men poured in, what life consisted of then, and the inspirational feats of a colorful mountain man, read this book. It's hard to put down.

Sand Creek Massacre
Published in Paperback by Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd) (1974)
Authors: Stan Hoig and Stanley Hoig
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $40.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.99
Average review score:

Sand Creek Massacre
I rated this book 4 stars for the incredible amount of information regarding the time period revolving around the massacre. Any fan of western history or native american history should read this book. The only thing about the book that I did not like was that it appeared that the author continuoulsy gave reasons of provocation on Colonel Chivington's actions against Black Kettle and his people who were trying to live in harmony with the settlers and the army. Im not saying the author is a Chivington apologist by any means and did a great job with the facts, but maybe my own contempt and feelings toward Chivington and Anthony got in the way. There are many contributing factors to what happened but the bottom line is Chivington hated the Indians and wanted them dead. I recommend the book....especially if you live or plan to travel the eastern Colorado area.

Blood Stained Sands
The Sand Creek Massacre was one of the most heinous acts to ever be committed against the American Indian culture. This is an atrocity that has been quietly tucked away in the back of the American consciousness and I feel that Stan Hoig has done it justice by bringing it to light in this wonderfully revealing book. Mr. Hoig pulls no punches in his expose (as the government and military pulled no punches in their attempts to annihilate an entire race of people) and I must applaud him for his efforts. Parts of this book will bring your eyes to tear, others will redden your face with anger, and others will numb your mind with horror at the brutal acts of murder and mutilation that were committed in the name of greed and hatred. This is a book that should be required reading for all Americans so that they may understand just whose blood this country was built upon. Never have I read a historical account so compelling. White Antelope, my brother, I hope that the truth of this book helps you to rest in peace!!

Why ?
I have been a student of Native American history for more years than I care to remember, and each time I finish reading a book on the subject I ask myself the same question.Why ? This book unfortunately reflects all others on the subject, for the white mans GREED. Of course with hindsight, we all agree it should not have happend, certainly Sand Creek should not have happened, hindsight or no, Hoig has written a really moving epitaph to the Cheyenne Nation, and whilst history may be written by the victors,there will always be people searching, and often finding the truth, sure the Indian may not have been perfect, but nor were the white europeans who were prepared to annihilate whole cultures in their greed for land, gold etc. A well written book which any student of Native American culture should not be without.

Witches and Witch-Hunts: A History of Persecution
Published in Library Binding by Turtleback Books Distributed by Demco Media (2001)
Author: Milton Meltzer
Amazon base price: $11.24
Used price: $2.85
Average review score:

this is one part in history that wasn't all glamar
This book looks into the supernatural and let's you know we weren't all civilized forever!This book opened my eyes, i never knew that wiccans and their covens could be burned to death!I recamend this book to people who are interested in wiccans and thier history.

Wonderful Resource
I used this book while writing an essay for my IB American History class, on the social causes for the Salem Witch Craze. I found this book very helpful, with very good information, and very easy to understand. Being wiccan, i also liked the last chapter of the book, explaining modern day witchcraft. This is a wonderful book.

An excellent introduction for young readers.
This history of witches and persecution examines not only the usual Salem trials, but witch-hunts from around the world and over the centuries. Milton Meltzer's probe into the truth behind the stories provides a wider-reaching account than most and enhances a recommended portrait of witch perceptions and prosecution around the world.

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