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Book reviews for "Fox-Martin,_Milton" sorted by average review score:

Dreams into Action (Unabridged)
Published in Audio Download by ()
Amazon base price: $9.56
List price: $24.95 (that's 62% off!)
Average review score:

This is one of my favorite audiobooks. Milton is very pragmatic and focused on real life. Everything he says can actually be applied to your life and your situation. I think my two favorite concepts are the career concept and the flinch, though I totallylove the entire thing. I really love the flinch because it's this great thing you can just bring out when you're having motivation problems. It's much better than "Come on I can do it!" It's "Don't flinch!' To my than makes it this great challenge or a game. So much better than when most motivational speakers say "See every problem as a challenge."

The BEST book on going after what you want.
Gently, but without mincing words, this author delivers a matter-of-fact message that cuts through the psychobabble of finding out "why" something is. Then he tells you how to pursue your dreams and to get unstuck from wherever it is you ARE stuck. It works for young and old, scholars and teachers, slow or warp-speed minded. His methods apply to all. I've listened to it three times and will do so again. And I've bought the book! I want to change my life!

The best book I've ever read on changing your life
I have listened to the tape 3 times so far; in turn I have bought this for four people. Having read numerous books on making lifestyle, career, and relationship changes -- all of which have helped me considerably -- I can tell you that the advice Milton Katselas gives us as "average Joe" citizens (instead of the actors & actresses he has coached) is what I want to follow more than any other book I've read. I am buying the book because this time, unlike with all the other authors who have said basically the same things without the hard-hitting succinctness that Milton uses, I want to write it all down. I want to follow through. I want to change my life for the better. I'm going to do it with more gusto and fervor than I've ever done it before. It's time to REALLY GO AFTER what I want in a career, not just "make my life better" as I've done to date. Many things have improved in my life, but the clock is not turning back. If ever there was a launching pad, this is the book to use.

Therapeutic Trances: The Cooperation Principle in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
Published in Hardcover by Brunner-Routledge (1987)
Author: Stephen G. Gilligan
Amazon base price: $65.00
Used price: $48.50
Buy one from zShops for: $64.18
Average review score:

This is a must-have book for anyone who uses Ericksonian principles in a therapeutic setting. The author has a profound grasp of the use of hypnotic techniques to bring about change. I would give this book 6 stars (*******) if that were possible.

A must have
If you want to learn about Ericksonian hypnosis this is a must have. It covers major important skills that a hypnotherapist should have. most books out there justgive you techniques after techniques but this one does more, sharing the inside states, attitudes, beliefs a therapist should have. People just don't understand that it's not knowing the techniques that makes a great therapist but it's more of the characteristic and personality of the therapist that makes the techniques work. the same applies with all fields of interactional service. you will learn about flexibility and treat each client anew base on their needs and to be in the moment with the client and not recite scripted inductions like most schools teach you. this books sure is worth getting if you are seriously into hypnotherapy. It covers so much more important areas for a hypnotherapist that isn't emphasized in most schools. you'll learn more about being a hypnotherapist from this book then from any other book. Another cool thing about this book is that stephen is a great writer who is clear,concise and organized, not fluffy. i've gotten books from great hypnotherapist but was very dissapointed because they couldn't write. stephen isn't one of them. you can tell he cares about people learning about hypnosis and he don't hold back like most people.

a truly generative book to tackle "psychological problems"
If you are interested in Ericksonian Hypsosis, you have to read the work of Stephen Gilligan. If you haven't heard of him, I'd be surprised. Stephen's reputation travels even more than he does. Amongst NLP scholars he is known as Milton Erickson's "best" student, the person that went farthest in deep trance identification with Milton. He really started modeling Erickson at the point that NLP left off. I first heard of him in 1993 but only met him in 1997 at the modeling and epistemology class at NLP University in Santa Cruz. His current work is still very compatible with what you'll read in this book. He maintains a private practice in San Diego and is an internationally known trainer.

This book explains the therapeutic use of trance states. It synthesizes the approaches of Erickson, Bandler & Grinder and Bateson and brings a new perspective that goes even further. In short the basic idea to "cooperate": a therapist explores how his client constructs his reality, and then helps to construct new experiential realities, which expand the client's map, with respect for the customer's unconscious thinking. In other words, the therapist helps the client transform a problem into a solution.

Given we consider Stephen as one of our examples, we asked his to write the foreword of our book "7 Steps to Emotional Intelligence" and we were glad that he accepted.

Patrick E. Merlevede, M.Sc. -- co-author of "7 Steps to Emotional Intelligence"

Flames of Glory
Published in Paperback by 1stBooks Library (1999)
Author: Theodore J., III Milton
Amazon base price: $10.85
Used price: $9.28
Buy one from zShops for: $9.28
Average review score:

greatest book I own
My mother gave this book to me as a gift. I was not sure if I wanted to read it, but being a lover of books I decided to look at it. Once I started to read it I could not put it down. It's one of the best books I have read in a long time. On a daily basis I read a passage or two to my class mates. Its like a message being given at the right time to someone I know will being something they should not be doing. This book has help a lot of us. From Houston, Texas class rooms God bless the author.

I am a 14 year old girl that has never pick up an inspirational
book before. When my mother called my sister and I into her room and asked us to read Beautiful White Dove I was unable to put it down. Being a teenager it can get pretty hard in a world full of peer pressure I know I can always turn to Flames of Glory
and once again find peace with myself. Flames of Glory helped me realize how lucky I am to have found a family that took me into thier world full of unconditional love, understanding, and friendship. I will always cherish this book.

Inspirationally touched
When I first read this book, I immediately came to the conclusion that the book was a multiple stories of poems. The more I read, the more the stories began to reach out to me. I became fascinated with the results of my digging deeper into the stories. The stories began to reveal a deeper meaning of life, death, happiness, sadness, and life's rewards for living by the "Golden Rule." I was deeply touched of how the author placed into the stories a sense of family values, and I was truly touched by the different meanings I got out of the stories. I refer to the book as a book of poems because of the fact that each story has a heart felt meaning, but you have to truly read the book to obtain these meanings, and once you do, the poems will change your attitude toward life, and possibly bring you that much closer to family values. I am waiting for volume II of the Flames of Glory. I hope the author will come out with volume II soon.

A Foot in the Door
Published in Paperback by Rutledge Books, Inc. (2000)
Author: Milton Fischer
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $20.00
Average review score:

Pure pleasure
I read this book from cover to cover in one seating and wanted more. It brought on emotions that I hadn't felt in a very long time -- from giggling to tears and back again. This is a PERFECT GIFT to give to friends and loved ones so that they can share the emotions. They will remember it for a long time.

Touches the heart and soul
These poems touch the heart and soul. They are simple and direct and evoke feelings that are both deeply personal and universal at the same time. This is poetry how it was meant to be -- a medium which nourishes the spirit and reminds one how precious life is.

The joy of accesible poetry!
This book was given to me as a gift by a cousin. I read it through at one sitting and felt as though I really knew the poet. How remarkable that a person can be gifted enough to record the joy and sorrow, highlights and lowlights, of a lifetime in a way that gives universal meaning to personal experience. A perfect gift!

Fundamentals of Stack Gas Dispersion
Published in Paperback by Milton R Beychok (1995)
Author: Milton R. Beychok
Amazon base price: $60.00
Buy one from zShops for: $75.00
Average review score:

Great for Understanding and Doing Stack Gas Dispersion
Mr. Beychok's book is an excellent reference source and working tool for any engineer interested in stack gas dispersion. I have had occasion to use this book for unusual problems such as flare upsets with aerosol release and found it to be easily used. An especially valuable aspect of the book is its careful development of all data and equations for dispersion models. I highly recommend this book for anyone performing or interested in understanding dispersion.

A complex subject made easy to understand
Of the many books that discuss dispersion phenomena, Mr. Beychok's book offers easy to understand explanations of very complex phenomena. The book is well organized. It starts from basic fundamentals and takes the reader through the different aspects of dispersion phenomena and related topics. As part of my career, I sometimes need to conduct gas dispersion modeling to solve accidental release problems. For gaussian dispersion modelling, I have found that the formulations in this book easy to understand and easy to use. I could put them in a spreadsheet software and perform the needed analysis. The book has practically all of the data that a user needs to get started and get to results. I recommend this book to all engineers who have an interest in gas dispersion modeling regardless of their experience level in performing such calculations.

Best for engineers
Fundamentals of Stack Gas Dispersion by Milton R. Beychok seems the Bible of its field for engineers and beginners. The similar table of contents can be found in different sources, but if you do not want to be lost in the integral and differential equations you may like this book.

In general (in some books), it is very time consuming and boring to look at reference books to find out the solutions, assumptions and boundary conditions for an equation. Mostly the reference book also refers to another one :-(. But, you may not need to look at references so much in this book. It is understood that Mr Beychok spent that time, and have written most of those derivations within this book.

Album of Fluid Motion
Published in Hardcover by Parabolic Press, Inc. (1982)
Author: Milton Van Dyke
Amazon base price: $25.00
Average review score:

An excellent overview of fluid flow
Having once failed a student on a doctoral oral exam because he could not define flow around a basic structural shape, I required students in a hydrodynamics course to obtain this book after it became available. Sometimes called "the picture book," it is an excellent reference illustrating all types of flow including creeping flow, laminar flow, separation, vortices, instability, turbulence, free-surface flow, natural convection, subsonic flow, shock waves, and supersonic flow. The author has researched the subject of flow visualization, and has acquired illustrations from a wide variety of sources. I was pleased to see that the book is still in print as it is a very valuable reference. The author has maintained a relatively low price to make it affordable to students.

Excellent collection of images of real fluid motion
this album is a must for any scientist or engineer who wants to visualize fluid motion and understand the dependence of flow type upon physical variables. for example, there is a series of photos of spheres towed at a broad range of Reynolds numbers, which depend upon tow speed and viscosity (as well as sphere diameter). Markers in the fluid allow the reader to view the circulation at the various Renolds numbers and get a feel for the transition from laminar to turbulent flow. Several of the photos are classics.

A must for fluid engineers
Actually, you don't have to be a fluid engineer to apreciate the beauty of the flow visualizations in this book. And they are truly beautiful! It contains a wide range from low speed to hypersonic flow, natural convection and other cool stuff.
The title of the book says just what it is, an album of fluid motion. No equations, no theory and virtually no explainatory text aside from the captions. If you have it, cool! If you don't, not so cool... My advice, get it now!

Flying Without Wings: Nasa Lifting Bodies and the Birth of the Space Shuttle
Published in Hardcover by Smithsonian Institution Press (1999)
Authors: Milton O. Thompson and Curtis Peebles
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.95
Average review score:

A story with humour
Completed by Curtis Peebles after the death of Milt Thompson the story of Flying without Wings is told by a pilots pilot. Milt has the uncanny ability to mix the technical engineering side of experimental aviation and then put the reader in the pilots seat for a hair-raising ride from 40,000ft down to the ground.

Good book (one bad chapter)
If you like experimental aviation, this is a must read.

A well written book by a great pilot.
Milt thompson has written a great book on the hardships of the early attempts at flying with out wings. He describes in detail how the M2F1 was designed and tested and how the program eneded with the futuristic X-24B. A great book and a must read for aviation buffs of all ages.

The Rescue: The Story of How Gentiles Saved Jews in the Holocaust
Published in Hardcover by Harpercollins Juvenile Books (1988)
Author: Milton Meltzer
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $2.24
Average review score:

When  you think of the word "Holocaust", a horrific image of Hitlers Nazis persecuting Jews for their faith comes to mind.  This, of course, was the case in Nazi-controlled Europe during the forties, however, Milton Meltzers Rescue: The Story of How Gentiles Saved the Jews in the Holocaust offers a new light to such a dark topic.  The Nazi attempt to "eliminate", or murder, all of Europes "impure" citizens killed six million Jews.  While, yes, many groups worked to eliminate those of the Jewish faith, others found this destruction morally wrong and put their efforts towards saving the persecuted.  These wonderful humans, many of them unknown, sacrificed their comfort, safety, and even their own lives to rescue those stricken by the Nazi hand.  The book takes you on a journey through Europe, showing the rescue efforts of  Poland, Germany, Italy, Holland, France, Denmark, Russia, and other nations gentiles.  Excellently written yet understandable this book is, for the most part, interesting.   This touching book is a wonderful reading experience for everyone.  
From risky and daring rescues to merely sharing a piece of bread, the heroes of the Holocaust  got the Jews through the tragic time.  Meltzers down-to-earth and comprehensive story-telling technique makes the many tales featured in this book engrossing and very realistic.  The stories give a rescue perspective for nations throughout Europe.  In Poland, aiding the Jews was an extremely difficult and dangerous endeavor.  As the book points out, "in scarcely three weeks.the Nazis had Poland in an iron grip".  In addition, the Jews really stuck out from the Christians, were different from them in many aspects.  These harsh circumstances didnt keep some Polish Christians from sheltering and hiding Jews, taking them in as their own.  The "sin" of hiding a Jew was punishable by torture and death, and not just for the offender, but for the heros entire community.  Even in Germany itself, all was not lost for the Jews.  One of the German saviors, Oskar Schindler, saved many Jews by concealing them in a factory he pretended to run.  He even saved Jews already located in Auschwitz, one of the worst death camps.  Danish gentiles managed to rescue Jews from execution by guiding them on a dangerous sea voyage to neutral Sweden.  If  you Want to hear of more heroic acts from these and other nations, read the book!   
The stories in Meltzers book  not only penetrate the brain with factual information, they also reach the reader on a deep emotional level.  The tales include one of two lovers of different religions sacrificing a safe and comfortable life to conceal themselves and their baby, a young girl brought up to despise Jews who risked her life to safe a Jewish woman tangled in wires and then moved her family around the country to conceal the woman, and catholic priests and nuns who hid dozens of Jews in their churches.  Most of the gentile heroes who saved the Jews went without fame and fortune, they were true heroes who did their deeds purely out of the goodness of their hearts.  They were able to put aside the differences they had with the Jews and recognize only the fact that the Jewish were human being who were suffering and needed a rescue.  
To tell the true Holocaust story, Meltzer spares none of the tragic details of this horrific time, so if you are looking for a fun, light read, this is not the book for you.  However, this book is an excellent learning tool for people of any age to truly understand both the pain and the heroics of the Holocaust.  When the book is closed, the reader is left with a strong sense of pride for the heroes of our world and a hopeful message that there is always light in the darkness, and human goodness will always survive.     

Heros of the Holocaust
A gentile is defined as one who helped many innocent Jewish people during the time period when Nazi power took over during the Holocaust.  Rescue the novel written by Milton Meltzer is a touching story of how many brave gentiles tried to save the lives of those who were looked down apon, such as the Jews during the Holocaust. Many of the gentiles took the Jews into their homes, at risk they may too be caught. These gentiles spent much money and time on hiding these Jews. These gentiles exceeded the meaning of a hero. Through the book I got a personal understanding of how heroic these people were, and at how much they put themselves at risk. The book was extraordinary and helped the reader understand much of what was going on in the lives of the people who weren't Jewish, and how much they really did try to do to help their Jewish friends and neighbors.  I feel this book was worth while reading, and I really enjoyed this piece of literature. The theme of  a hero is seen throughout the novel in various ways.
The story takes its position at the beginning of the book explaining to the reader the start of the Holocaust and how it came to be. As the reader reads further on the author starts to discuss the significance of the many people who helped save lives during this harrowing time. The first hero that is introduced to us in the book is Maria von Maltzen. Maria took in Hans Hirschel. Hirschel was a forty year old Jew who went into hiding in 1942. Hans called Maria, Marushka. Marushka was a countess whom loved Germany but despised the Nazis. Soon to prove she greatly opposed what the Nazi's were doing she met up with Hans and took him into her flat. Marushka and Hans suffered many times through out the book, but Marushka kept her head high during all the tragic events. This act of courage demonstrated that these gentiles were indeed heroes and that they put themselves at risk.
Another section in the story that an act of courage is demonstrated is in the story of Carola Sapetowa, a Christian villager.  Carola worked for a Jewish family by the name of the Hochheiser's. When the Nazi's invaded Poland Mr. Hochheiser was shot, his wife and children were placed in a ghetto. When the day came and that ghetto was being emptied and its prisoners were being taken to the concentration camps, Carola waited outside of the ghetto gate and took the two Jewish children, whom she had earlier on worked for home with her. There she fed them and gave them a place to stay. This act of courage once again portrays the kindness of these gentiles and the heart they had to move on in life and help those around them.
One of the most successful families of all was the Dane family. The Danes all in all transferred 8,000 Jews across to Sweden to safety. The Dane's successfully accomplished this by out smarting the Nazi's at their expense. If a gentile were ever caught he would be killed in the public or just shot right when the Gestapo men had found Jews in hiding. The Dane family put much at risk to save these Jew's but never once lost hope. They were determined they could over come the evil and help save innocent people. This act will forever be remembered. The tragedy that this novel showed to us must never happen again and these many gentiles were here to prove that they didn't accept what was going on, and that they would do anything to stop it.
I feel that this novel was very persuasive. It used many literary techniques to help the reader comprehend what was going on. The novel gave back round information and used first hand documents to describe one of the worlds most unforgettable time periods. This book adequately prepared the reader in the beginning about what this book was going to be about and didn't allow the reader to enter the book blindly.  This book was excellent I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a touching story. The book is open to all audiences and the language is used in an appropriate manner to express its point. The book was marvelous and really got one to understand the true meaning of the gentiles.

A must read about the Holocaust
The biography, Rescue: The Story of How Gentiles Saved Jews in the Holocaust by Milton Meltzer, reflects on the people and events that are not usually thought of with the topic of the Holocaust. In the book, the Gentiles prove to be convincing heroes because they go out of their way and risk their lives to help others, which they are taught to hate. This book is a worthwhile read because the heroic deeds of the Gentiles are well explained, and the author sparks the interest of the reader to learn more about each Gentile's story.
The Gentiles are heroes because they go above and beyond what is expected in everyday life. They protected the Jews because they believe it is the right thing to do, regardless of what they are taught by the anti-Semitists. For example, a student, Marion Pritchard, witnesses the brutality by the Germans to Jewish children, while she is riding her bike down the road. This disturbing incident shocks her into wanting to do as much as she could to help them and stop this cruelty. "Crying with rage, she just sat there on her bicycle and at that moment decided she would do anything she could to stop such atrocities." (p.140). By choosing to do this, she puts herself in danger and alters the course of her life.
The author says that the Gentiles even help strangers; this is not an unusual characteristic of heroes since they tend to be selfless, and do not distinguish between the people they help. In Poland, a woman, Elizabeth Przewlocka, grabs a Jewish boy before he is about to be deported. She hid him until she could find an orphanage for him. "Elizabeth Przewlocka, snatched a Jewish child she didn't know while the Nazi guard wasn't looking." (p.32). The author gives several examples of this throughout the book. Milton Meltzer successfully paints a vivid picture of the activities taking place. This makes the reader feel like they are physically seeing the story unfold.
The author, Milton Meltzer, writes the story of the Gentiles in an intriguing way. He gives the reader informative stories about many different Gentiles who assisted the Jews during the Holocaust. He also makes connections between different places and periods of time when the Holocaust was taking place. For example, Adolf Eichman, a German Nazi bureaucrat, is described in a few places throughout the book. First, his background is explained, and then later in the book, some of the horrible things he planned for the Jews. These include in Budapest with his goals of destroying every Jew possible, and the deportation of families in Holland, like Anne Frank's. "Adolf Eichmann prepared a plan to round up the Jews in Budapest, the capital." (p.106), "Anne was sent to Auschwitz in the last deportation of Dutch Jews organized by Eichmann." (p. 134). Also, the book and its events are connected, even from chapter to chapter, so that all the stories flow smoothly. For example, chapter six is about Le Chambon and Andre Trocme, "That 'dangerous, difficult Trocme,' as he had been called by his national church, had made goodness happen in Le Chambon." (p.87), and leads into the next chapter, which is about Denmark and Sweden, "In the village of Le Chambon all the people came together to save the lives of thousands of Jews. In the country of Denmark another spectacular act of human solidarity took place." (p.89). This makes the book easy to follow and understand. To get an even fuller understanding of where each of the rescues is taken place, there are maps at the beginning of each chapter. There is also an index in the back of the book to find specific events or people, which are mentioned throughout the biography. Milton Meltzer leaves readers with questions to think about, "Would I, could I, we wonder, stand up for the persecuted and the helpless? Would I risk so much? Would I care that much?". (p.156).
This book is a must read because it gives a different view of the Holocaust, from the heroic people who help rather than the ruthless ones who kill. The book is particularly suitable for people with little knowledge of the Holocaust. It is written for people with interest in the Holocaust, but without emphasize on the gruesome details. This biography shows that there are many ways in which people show their heroism.

As Always, Jack: A Wartime Love Story
Published in Hardcover by Little Brown & Company (2002)
Author: Emma Sweeney
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.70
Collectible price: $13.76
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

AuthorZone.Com Book Marketing
Literary agent and author, Emma Sweeney, never knew her father -- except through vivid imaginings, and a picture she secreted away as a child of the young, vital navy pilot who died in November 1956. Her mother was five months pregnant at the time and already had four young sons to care for. Thirty years later, Emma discovered a bundle of post-wartime letters in her mother's bureau drawer; letters which are a father's unknowing legacy to his daughter.

As Always, Jack is an intimate compilation of Jack Sweeney's correspondence to the beautiful California blond he met at a dance, and subsequently romanced in two whirlwind weeks before shipping off to the South Pacific. Forty-six letters later, Jack is no longer a stranger (not to his daughter, and not to readers of this sentimental memoir). His rare wit, romantic nature and dedication to the navy are notable characteristics, and help to put the puzzle pieces of his personality together. Although the letters are never racy or provocative, there's something indisputably intimate about reading another person's thoughts and feelings.

While ordinary, humdrum events are discussed, Jack also reveals a soft, silly and tender side to his sweetheart. Oddly enough, he's also makes a teasing remark about his correspondence being published in the future -- a strange and wonderful coincidence, I think. Perhaps this explains Ms. Sweeney's decision to publish her father's letters in this lovely keepsake of a novel: Jack's spirit will forever live on within its pages.

A foreword and an afterword by Ms. Sweeney are critical in tying up multitudinous loose ends, however, and explaining the relevance of some of her father's comments. Only Jack's letters are included in this novel, after all, so these vignettes from a nostalgic era (which span from January 13 to July 3, 1946) can be difficult to put into context. As Always, Jack is a both touching, true-to-life love story, and a terrifically poignant tribute to a man who died much too young, but experienced great contentment in those too short years. An example to live by, if ever there was one.

Reviewed by C.L. Jeffries

Talented letter writer
Emma Sweeney meets her father through his letters to her mother
when he was in the U.S. Navy in the 1940s.
She explains this at the beginnng of the book and the body of the book is filled with his funny and touching letters.
He was such a clever writer and he had beautiful handwriting.
There are plenty of men who probably feel the way he did, but
he could put it in writing. The last letter before he died seemed to be his way of saying 'goodbye'.

Best Book I Have Ever Read
This book is awesome!!! Jack is the most amazing man you will ever meet, even if it is only through his letters and his daughter's words. His letters were romantic, moving, funny, and inspiring. Every woman should read this book if for no other reason that to see an example of how she deserves to be treated and loved. This book is absolute perfection.

Billy Budd
Published in Paperback by MacMillan Publishing Company. (1975)
Authors: Herman Melville and Milton Stern
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $1.95
Average review score:

Melville an american great
Herman Melville is one of the lesser known authors.Still his style and skill are not to be ignored.Whenever you wish to explore the development of the United States , and the regionalisms of the sailors of the northeast ,read him . Exciting
and educational ,and extremely well written.

Last Testament.
Whether its considered a novella, a short novel, or whatever else, no matter, Billy Budd is the greatest work of its kind ever written and one of the great works of world literature. Whether it fits neatly into any traditional literary category is of no importance. "Truth uncompromisingly told will always have its ragged edges."
Such rare substance and depth condensed into a mere 90 pages creates intense heat and blinding light, an incandescence, that only genius could then fashion into the long, smooth, jewel-like chains of the poetic prose sentences that make up this book. Melville forges them in the white-hot smithy of his soul then links them together, beginning to end, giving us the revelation story of Billy Budd. "Welkin-eyed" Billy Budd is a young British merchant sailor, the "Handsome Sailor", the embodiment of spontaneous, good-natured vitality and innocence, naturally loved by his fellow sailors, an "Angel of God." But he is also the "fated boy" with a seemingly minor weakness of stuttering when he is upset, a weakness that proves tragic in a world of darkness. Billy is forcibly enlisted onto a war ship to serve the British king in his struggle against the post-revolutionary France of Napoleon. On ship Billy meets the very intelligent, proper, conservative, highly regarded Master-at-Arms, Claggart. Behind his facade, Claggart's soul is as weak and depraved as Billy's is good and strong. The proud Claggart secretly admires Billy beyond endurance and grows to loathe and detest him because of this. Claggart goes to Captain Vere and falsely accuses Billy of mutiny. Billy is brought in and accused to his face. The shocked Billy is inwardly paralyzed, reduced to "a strange dumb gesturing and gurgling", by the mystery of such maliciousness and evil. He can't comprehend it and doesn't know how to defend himself. Like an innocent tormented animal he strikes out and Claggart falls silent, permanently silent. Then the real horror at the heart of this story is revealed. Captain Vere, the embodiment of all conventional nobility, courage and wisdom, deceives himself with his lofty rationality and with much sentimentality, but no more real feeling than a puppet, he follows protocol and, though he knows Billy is innocent, condemns him to be hanged and given over to the sea. Cuffed with darbies (manacles or irons) and bound in hammock the "Angel of God" is dropped into the darkness.

Fathoms down, fathoms down, how I'll dream fast asleep.
I feel it stealing now. Sentry, are you there?
Just ease this darbies at the wrist, and roll me over fair,
I am sleepy and the oozy weeds about me twist.

This story combined with the author's ongoing pronouncements reveals a realm of American art where Melville stands alone. He is America's greatest, only truly prophetic, artist. Enter this little book openly, seriously, and it will serve you for life. Read it again and again until you hear its voice.

The Best Edition of Billy Budd
Herman Melville's novella "Billy Budd" recounts the tragic story of a young man impressed into service aboard the British man-of-war 'Bellipotent' in the late 1790's. Billy is called the 'Handsome Sailor' no less because of his angelic features than for his absolute moral purity and innocence. Initially aboard a merchantman, where he is revered by his fellows and treated accordingly, once aboard a warship, Billy is not greeted by such universal admiration. John Claggart, the master-at-arms, the policeman of the ship, fosters an intense homoerotic hatred of Billy, drawing the young man into the commerce of realistic human interaction.

Melville does a fantastic job in so short a work of characterization. From the main characters, Budd, Claggart, and the captain/philosopher Starry Vere, to minor characters of significance like the old Dansker, Melville gives carefully detailed and finely nuanced renderings of the players and their roles and responses to the events of the story.

Claggart's conflict with Budd takes on special urgency with the 1790's problem of mutinies aboard British sea-going vessels. Vere and his court must try to distinguish moral responsibility from legal necessity to judge the fatal interactions between Claggart and Budd. Melville is sensitive to late 18th century philosophical currents in regard to both American independence and the French Revolution - Discussions of rights and nature are scattered through the text. Complicating these strains are theological currents of good and evil, innocence and natural depravity. "Billy Budd" is a fine work, and wonderfully complex.

This excellent edition, compiled and edited by Hayford and Seals, is the appropriate one for the scholar or the completist. It includes extensive notes and critical interpretations (sadly only through the initial publication of this edition - 1962), photo reprints of Melville's manuscript, and textual commentary. Absolutely worth reading and rereading.

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