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Book reviews for "Vollbehr,_Otto_H._F." sorted by average review score:

The art of wrought metalwork for house and garden
Published in Unknown Binding by Harrap ()
Author: Otto Schmirler
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

A blacksmiths dream done by one of europes great masters
This is one of the best books on ornimental iron that i have come acrossed very little lit. but a host of diagrams for the begining or advanced smith this an exalent choice

Aspiration and Injection Therapy in Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Handbook on Technique and Management
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins (paper) (1972)
Author: Otto, Steinbrocker
Amazon base price: $10.50
Used price: $36.00
Average review score:

A very useful book
Very, very useful for those who are not Rheumatologists and want to do their own procedures to their patients. I strongly recomend it.


Battlefront Namibia
Published in Paperback by Lawrence Hill & Co (1981)
Authors: John Ya-Otto, Ole Gjerstad, and Michael Mercer
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $6.85
Collectible price: $6.29
Average review score:

Compelling and readable
This book offers a good description of the preceedings leading to Namibia's independence. It highlights the obstacles faced in the establishment and effectiveness of the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) from the point of view of one of its most influential members, John Ya-Otto. The writing style is compelling, so even though it is a detailed historical account, it is very readable.

Bismarck and His Times
Published in Paperback by Southern Illinois Univ Pr (Trd) (1978)
Author: George O. Kent
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $3.24
Collectible price: $4.03
Buy one from zShops for: $3.20
Average review score:

Rust On The "Iron Chancellor"'s Facade
George O. Kent's book Bismarck And His Times details the path taken by Prussia that gradually led that nation to unification with other German states under Prime Minister and later Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. That path, however, did not lead the unified Germany towards political maturity, and led to its defeat in two world wars, notoriety for perpetuating the most shocking atrocities publicized in the world, and its division into two countries until eventual reunification in 1990. As a result, Bismarck's achievements were reanalyzed, with post-World War II assessments revealing considerable rust on the "Iron Chancellor"'s facade. Kent is one of those historians, arguing that Bismarck and his foreign and domestic policies were to blame for this tragedy, and the German nation, as well as the North German Confederation that preceded it, "was conceived too narrowly and maintained too rigidly for too long".

Consider the constitution of the North German Confederation created by Bismarck in 1866, a lopsided hybrid of an absolute monarchy and a constitutional state, with the executive and upper house holding most of the power. There was the Prussian king--later the Kaiser of Germany--and the members of the Upper House composed of representatives from the North German states. On the other side was the Reichstag, whose members were elected by male property owners, whose powers were limited to pass or defeat bills introduced by the king or Bismarck; the Reichstag could not introduce bills. In addition, the chancellor could not be brought down by a vote of no-confidence from the lower house, resulting in the dissolution of the government. Bismarck created this constitution mainly to benefit himself and to ensure the power of the king and God.

His defensive foreign policy, such as the three wars with Denmark (1864), Austria (1866), and France (1870), consolidated his power and that of Prussia at the expense of antagonizing and alienating certain countries. His alliance with countries was tied less to the Second Reich's interests than to his political survival. Bismarck's intrigues with Austria-Hungary and Russia led a train of in what was described as "the finest example of diplomatic deception".

Bismarck may have been a master tactician and strategist in his foreign agenda before 1871, but the opposite holds true in his domestic policies. He "was unable to tolerate opposing points of view, however sincere, and always considered opposition to his policies as personal attacks, motivated by selfish or group interests". To him, the word "loyal opposition" was a contradiction in terms.

Therein lies the problem. Bismarck was energized by having foes to fight and vanquish, as he did with the Danes, Austrians, and French. In his struggles against the Catholics and the Social Democratic Party, he appeared not to shift gears--he just kept on fighting when he should have switched gears into peace mode, or better still, rest on his laurels and retire.

What brought his downfall was his lust for power that went to such an extreme, that in the face of being dismissed by Kaiser Wilhelm II, he was prepared to set events that would bring victory to the SDP, Catholic Center, and hardline Conservatives, whose policies were counter to the Kaiser's, in the 1890 elections. He would then convince the princes of the Reich's constituent states that the empire had undergone political paralysis. A military coup, on the pretext of a Social Democrat uprising, would follow. SDP leaders would be arrested, martial law would be declared, and the Reichstag dissolved. Germany would then become a military dictatorship.

Kent's book has successfully depicted the flaws of Bismarck's mindset, in which he placed his personal political survival before the interests of the political entities he governed, and that is the rust that tarnished the image of the "Iron Chancellor."

Bismarck and the Development of Germany: The Period of Fortification, 1880-1898
Published in Hardcover by Princeton Univ Pr (1990)
Author: Otto Pflanze
Amazon base price: $75.00
Used price: $44.99
Buy one from zShops for: $60.00
Average review score:

I have just finished reading this book and the preceding two volumes. This is very solid work, and if you appreciate, as I do, feeling that an author has done good and careful research you will like these volumes. I have concluded that to really understand the Hitler period one must learn more about the 19th century in Germany. It seems to me that Bismarck, by his brilliant defense of autocratic rule in Germany, helped make Hitler possible. The footnotes in these volumes are where they are supposed to be--at the foot of each page--but it is regrettable that there is no bibliography as such.

The blood of the Walsungs : selected poems
Published in Unknown Binding by Bloodaxe ; Corvina ; U.S. Distributor, Dufour Editions ()
Author: Ottó Orbán
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Blood of the Walsungs: Selected Poems
Otto Orban is one of the graetest poet out time!

Book Illumination in the Middle Ages.
Published in Paperback by Harvey Miller Pub (01 April, 1994)
Authors: J.J.G. Alexander and Otto Pacht
Amazon base price: $43.00
Used price: $39.64
Buy one from zShops for: $39.64
Average review score:

The best in scholorship and illustrations
Alexander and Pacht are simpley the best in Medieval scholorship. This book has been one of my favorites since a class in Manuscriopt Illumination. This book gives the basics with out being to large to digest. It provides fantastic illustrations and bibliography that should send even the most jaded art historian to their knees with gratitude. This book is good for hard core historians, lovers of illuminated pages, medieval history or art buffs and any one in love with line, color and decoration for the sake of decoration. Alexander and Pacht are clear knowledgeable writers who love to point out the details and side stories that make art and history so facinating to comb through. It is a pleasure to just turn the pages and study the art work. This book will give you a new appriciation of the "dark ages" and the legacy of art that was left for us.

Broken Structures: Severe Personality Disorders and Their Treatment
Published in Paperback by Jason Aronson (2003)
Authors: Salman Akhtar and Otto Kernberg
Amazon base price: $35.00
List price: $50.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

This is an excellent review of personality disorders. It is a beautifully written and readable text which explains theory of personality development (especially object relations theory), personality disorder, and psychotherapuetic techniques for treating personality disorders. It is a fascinating text for clinicians, philosophers, or anyone interested in personality development and pathology.

Calculus: A Genetic Approach
Published in Paperback by University of Chicago Press (1983)
Authors: Otto Toeplitz, Toeplitz Otto, and Louise Lange
Amazon base price: $16.50
Used price: $70.00
Average review score:

Dusseldorf 1926 .. Otto presents the "genetic" method
This translation from the German by Luise Lange is superbly done. The book can be appreciated by high school level students who have an interest in math. I plan to use some of the examples on my web site which will employ math 101 and Visual Basic programming techniques....Leo JL...programmer at large

Canaries: How to Take Care of Them and Understand Them
Published in Paperback by Barrons Educational Series (1991)
Authors: Otto Von Frisch, Uwe Anders, Otto Von Frisch, and Steffen Walentowitz
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $0.45
Collectible price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95
Average review score:

A "must have" book. Simple, straight-forward and acurate!
This was my first book about canaries. The author does a wonderful job of explaining the basics. The information apears to be very accurate. Judging by the authors love for these birds, I can't imagine going wrong!...THANK YOU MR. von Frisch!

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