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Book reviews for "Vollbehr,_Otto_H._F." sorted by average review score:

Napoleon's German Allies (1) : Westfalia and Kleve-Berg (Men-At-Arms Series, 44)
Published in Paperback by Osprey Pub Co (1992)
Authors: Otto Von Pivka, Martin Windrow, Otto Von Pivka, and Richard Scollins
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $4.35
Collectible price: $13.87
Buy one from zShops for: $5.49
Average review score:

Good Buy
I found this book to be very informative, with reasonably good pictures, although with the info supplied about the Oldenburg Regiment and the pictures it was displaying, I would have preferred to have had a little bit more detail. Over-all this still is a good buy for anybody studying France's allies or for anybody needing info for painting figures as I do.

If either of these two armies interests you, this book is a must have. The color plates are excellent, and so are the army and uniform descriptions. A must have for wargamers and enthusiasts alike.

Nine Lives to Live: A Classic Felix Celebration
Published in Hardcover by Fantagraphics Books (1996)
Authors: Otto Messmer and David Gerstein
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $21.92
Collectible price: $79.41
Buy one from zShops for: $28.55
Average review score:

A must for comic and cartoon book collectors and fans
The book is expensive and in places cartoon copies seem to have been made from old unclear originals. But for those of us comic-book buffs who remember the old Felix with fondness, this book is a must. It plays its part in preserving the older comic art that surely one day must be rediscovered to give pleasure to new generations of children and adults. I can testify that it gave such pleasure to my own children, who are in their early twenties.

David Gerstein is a Genius
I think David is brilliant. A work of the late 20th century's great minds. David is a G-D-send! I love this work. I love David.

Otto Dix: Life and Work
Published in Hardcover by Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc. (1982)
Author: Fritz Loffler
Amazon base price: $95.00
Used price: $54.00
Collectible price: $79.41
Average review score:

A wonderful display of Otto Dix's work
I was resently tempted to keep this book after borrowing it, but it truely is something to be shared. If you love the work of Freud and Schad this is a must have. Otto Dix's work is displayed beautifully in this over 400 page book. The only drawback being the need for more color reproductions.

It's terrible that Otto Dix remains a silent genius.
This book is damn wonderful. I remember checking it out from a local library and not returning it for nearly four months. Otto Dix is an inspiration to many artists, but still is very unheard of. He's dead you know, shouldn't he be getting more attention?

Otto Weininger: Sex, Science, and Self in Imperial Vienna (The Chicago Series on Sexuality, History, and Society)
Published in Hardcover by University of Chicago Press (2000)
Author: Chandak Sengoopta
Amazon base price: $29.00
Used price: $26.07
Average review score:

Still unaccounted for...
"The genius is not the product of his age, is not to be explained by it, and we do him no honour if we attempt to account for him by it." -- Otto Weininger, Sex and Character, Part II, Chap 5.

...but explain him by his age is exactly what Sengoopta tries to do for Weininger. The book helps to situate Weininger in the scientific millieu of his time, as the Harrowitz and Hyams collection (-Jews and Gender: Responses to Otto Weininger-) earlier tried to do against a literary backdrop, and though we are grateful for these efforts, both fail to come terms with the seriousness of Weininger's philosophy. They repeat many of the usual dismissive assessments, either by trying to explain him as an unpleasant social phenomenon or personal pathology. We are still waiting for a genuinely philosophical exposition of Weininger's importance to moral philosophy in general and gender-based moral theories, in particular. We strongly suspect, for example, that radical feminism will one day discover a curious allegiance with Weininger. (Janik's -Essays on Wittgenstein and Weininger- in places, however, hints in a more thoughtful direction.)

chandak sengoopta's otto weininger, a critique
dr. sengoopta's well researched book is the strange story of otto weininger, a jew, who wrote a treatise that 'proved' women and jews did not possess a rational and moral self; that they did not deserve or need equality, not to mention liberty, that only male aryans should be in charge of society. imagine a jew that hitler called 'wise'(though it is doubtful he ever read him) a jew that was throughly discredited following world war two as a racist and misogynist. then why read him? dr. sengoopta not only gives the reasons weininger is important in the understanding of ideas current in his time, but how to read him. afterall, this strange little man influenced (though not persuaded) freud, kafka, ludwig wittgenstein, the racist politics of vienna's mayor, karl leuger as well as literary figures such as james joyce and ford maddox ford, probably his most important contribution. his dramatic suicide, in beethoven's home, no less, made him the era's 'tragic genius'.(a concept karl kraus, the jewish critic, concurred). afterall, this was the age of arthur schnitzler (THE ROAD TO THE OPEN) when jewish intellectuals were attempting to find a role in viennese culture. for weininger it was an attempt to become GERMAN (he loved wagner)-the extreme path to the open. by becoming a protestant he would not only reject multicultural austria but become more german than the most ardent pan german. his only book, SEX AND CHARACTER, was his phd dissertation-an attempt to analyze the differences between men and women by the use of biology,science, psychology and humanistic social reform. a fanatic follower of kant, weininger believed only aryan men possessed a hyperemperical soul while desiring to resolve the woman question by redefining hysteria and devaluing motherhood. in his attack on women and modernism weininger saw the jews as the symbol of mammon, modernism and the feminization of culture. weininger's ideal society was a sterile dystopia where women would lose their sexuality and deserve to be politically equal...of course the human race would die out, but in pure kantian thought this minor difficulty would not matter, for weininger believed that sexual desire-and feminine beauty is only a creation of man's love-forces man to degenerate. the only true love is plutonic in the tradition of dante's beatrice. one of the more enlightened aspects of weininger is his belief in universal bisexuality, "sexual intermediacy", that is to say, all humans are a mixture of the masculine and the feminine in differing degrees. however, the most gifted woman can only be 50% masculine, thus inferior to the most effeminate male. weininger even proposed a mathematical formula to achieve the perfect conjunction. yes,even he realized that despite his ideal society males WOULD seek out women and could only hope to achieve the most satisfactory results through science. most of weininger's thought is absurb if not discusting to modern readers. Little gems such as 'all women are amoral',"are logically insane', "men have better memories","women can not differenate between feeling and thought", that they have no soul,and on and 0n AD NAUSEAM. perhaps even more repulsive is his racist ideas. naturally he swallowed houston chamberlain, artur de gobineau, wagner and schopenhauers antisemetic drivel and adapted it to his treatise. was this self-hatred? not according to dr. sengoopta, sengoopta believes since weininger's father was antisemetic that it is doubtful weininger had any jewish idenity to start with. weak in some areas but well read in the science of his day, weininger's book is a melange of science, biology, philosophy, cultural politics and personal anxiety. ironically, despite his contempt for women in the reproduction of the species woman is supreme. even weininger recognized bachofen's dictim: "the father is always a juristic fiction, whereas motherhood is a physical fact". with all his intellectual twists and turns weininger could never explain away woman's power over life, men and creativity.

The Ruby Bridges Story (The Wonderful World of Disney Series)
Published in Paperback by Little Brown & Company (1997)
Authors: Hallie Marshall, Scott Sorrentino, Carolyn Otto, and Carolyn Ctto
Amazon base price: $3.95
Average review score:

PrEtTy GoOd
the book was ok but I'm not really into historical fiction, I just needed it for a book report. but the book gave me LOTS of facz. a+ for me!!!!!!

The Story of Ruby Bridges
Ruby Bridges is an outstanding little girl. She expressed the true sense of being spiritual, honest and true. She taught many valuable lessons to everyone that came into contact with her. I was very pleased after reading such a heartwarming book. Ruby was strong and truly a blessing, regardless of the many degrading words thrown at her. She showed everyone how to stand strong in the midst of adversity. I recommend this book to every adult, so that they can share it with every child they come in contact with.

Secret of Foghorn Island: An Otto & Uncle Tooth Adventure (Step into Reading, Step 3)
Published in Paperback by Random House (Merchandising) (1988)
Author: Geoffrey Hayes
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.14
Collectible price: $2.04
Buy one from zShops for: $1.25
Average review score:

Great mystery book for young kids
My daughter was first introduced to the Uncle Tooth and Otto Adventures when she was three years old. She's now 5 and a half and still loves them. The Secret of Foghorn Island is wonderful for young children who love mysteries. My daughter recently let her kindergarten class borrow her copy for story time. The teacher said that all the kids really enjoyed it. This book and the rest of the series have wonderful characters and stories that will entertain the reader as well as any young listeners. All in all this is a wonderful book as are all the Uncle Tooth and Otto Adventures.

Good practice for growing readers
Last year my daughter was getting her second grade reading going, and so I got the Otto and Uncle Tooth books. They are an excellent series, because they are simple enough, yet they have some mystery and suspense built in. Some of the names like Captain Poopdeck put her in stiches, and that keeps the reading fun. Good illustrations to follow along as well. They are also the kinds of books kids like to read again, and that is important when developing good reading skills. Practice makes perfect!

Severe Personality Disorders: Psychotherapeutic Strategies
Published in Paperback by Yale Univ Pr (1993)
Author: Otto F. Kernberg
Amazon base price: $24.00
Used price: $11.98
Buy one from zShops for: $12.89
Average review score:

key concepts re: borderline and narcissistic disorders...
....and highly recommended for understanding them. Although the author doesn't free himself entirely from the turgidity that marks much of the psychoanalytic literature, he lays out a number of clinically useful formulations having to do with his pioneering work with characterologically ill patients.

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Shooting the War: The Memoir and Photographs of a U-Boat Officer in World War II
Published in Paperback by United States Naval Inst. (2003)
Authors: Otto Giese and James E., Jr. Wise
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Very well written account
This book is highly recommended for anyone interested in the u-boat war. The author has a very interesting story that starts with his service on an ocean liner at the outbreak of the war. From there he goes to surface raiders and then to u-boats,eventually ending with his internment in the far east when his sub is taken over by japan when germany surrenders. There are books with more text devoted to u-boat battles than this one however the book stands out for the authors unusual oddessy which he does an excellent job in writing about. The author also provides a superb collection of photos taken by himself that provides a great accompaniment to the narrative.

A German sailor's adventurous career.
This book is not strictly about u-boats. It is a masterfully written chronical of a young merchant marine officer's transition from peacetime sailing aboard a luxury liner to the German navy. Only part of the book is about his time aboard a u-boat. Many of his adventures take place in the exotic lands of Malaya, China, and Japan. I have an extensive library of submarine books and sea stories, and I consider this one of the best in my collection. I heartily recommend this to anyone with a sense of adventure.

Textbook of Clinical Echocardiography
Published in Hardcover by W B Saunders (2000)
Author: Catherine M. Otto
Amazon base price: $129.00
Used price: $121.52
Buy one from zShops for: $121.52
Average review score:

useful but waiting for the new edition
I found this book is useful for all the cardiology trainee as it is well written, easy to understood and there is many figures. However, it did not mention the new technology in the field of echocardiography such as the tissue doppler, contrast echo. I hope the next edition will include this and the illustrations will be more colorful.

Increíblemente útil
Este texto de ecocardiografía escrito por Catherine Otto es increíblemente útil para el aprendizaje de la ecocardiografía. Altamente recomendable.

Type Talk at Work
Published in Hardcover by Delacorte Press (1992)
Authors: Otto Kroeger, Janet M. Thuesen, and Delia Huddy
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $2.35
Average review score:

This is just one of the books that shows you how to use personality/psychological type at work and is worth reading. It covers nearly all issues we face in the modern workplace like communicating with co-workers, handling stress in the workplace, ethics, time management etc. all from a Type perspective. Kroger and Thuesen do a good job at explaining how Extroverts handle things differently from Introverts, Sesates from iNtuitives, Feelers from Thinkers, & Judgers from Perceivers. Apart from this, in between it gives various tips on how people with different preferences can better understand and work with each other. It also tells interesting tales about the happenings in the workshops they conduct and how they explain to people that its because of their personality differences that conflicts arise and what they could do to prevent them. It even has some jokes at the end of the book.

I thought that the cream of the book was the descriptions of the 16 personality types. My type description was extremely accurate and insightful and three or four of the points mentioned in that seemed shocking to me because they described what went on in my mind and its something only I knew about.

But beware - It isn't so good on finding out what your type is.

Overall, a good read!

Finding Ways to Communicate
All personality books offer generalizations and this is no different. The authors, however, do acknowledge the limitations of the Myers-Briggs test (in contrast to Please Understand Me, a worthless book). I had my staff take the MB test to see how they scored and then had them read and use the book in exercises to understand how their communication with and peception of others is affected by their personality. It was an interesting process and got them to realize that some of their interpersonal conflicts start in their head. A good choice for team building and organizational development.

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