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Book reviews for "Vollbehr,_Otto_H._F." sorted by average review score:

Telling Is Risky Business: Mental Health Consumers Confront Stigma
Published in Hardcover by Rutgers University Press (2000)
Author: Otto F. Wahl
Amazon base price: $59.00
Average review score:

The Reality of Most Living with Mental Illness
If you have battled clinical depression or any other mental illness Otto Wahl's "Telling is Risky Buisness" will hit home in a painful way. Wahl reveals what most sufferers experience, the tension between fighting a terrifying illness while maintaining your integrity to non sufferers who fail to understand.
An important book.

But, it's a risk we have to take!
Reviewer is author of NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY: ONE MAN'S RECOVERY, (which is also on

Dr. Wahl writes the story as it is, not as it "ought" to be. He superbly tells of the often taxing choir of the sharing of our psychiatric histories. As he so aptly describes, stigma is our reality, but it's good to know that, perhaps, the future holds better times for us "consumers." Until these better times arrive, however, let us continue to, as bravely as possible, run our private (and shared) gauntlets, accordingly. Otto Wahl has done his research well. So, my brothers and sisters, I want to tell you; "This book, in my books, is a Must Read!"

W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp : first European artist in Bali
Published in Unknown Binding by Uitgeverij Uniepers ()
Author: Bruce W. Carpenter
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

A delight both visually and intellectually.
This book is a remarkable labor of love by Indonesian art historian and art dealer, Bruce Carpenter. The lyrical beauty of the artwork itself and the story of Nieuwenkamp's travels in Bali and elsewhere at the dawn of the 20th century, are reason enough to own the this book. If that weren't enough, the book itself is lovely, and of far greater importance still, the text is well-written, engaging, and extremely well-researched. It's a delight both visually and intellectually. This book is also a tremendous source of inspiration and will fuel the imagination of visual artists, armchair adventurers, lovers of Indonesian culture, and incurable romantics. Hopefully, it will also inspire film producers. I, for one, would love to see a film based on Nieuwenkamp's life and travels.

A brilliant bio of an Artist in Bali
Lavishly illustrated and clearly written by historian/biographer and well-known Bali expert Bruce Carpenter, this recounts a romantic age when the west "discovered" the unique culture of Bali

101 Greatest Films of Mystery & Suspense
Published in Paperback by Simon & Schuster Trade Paperbacks (31 October, 2000)
Author: Otto Penzler
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $1.03
Buy one from zShops for: $2.00
Average review score:

Great Book
An enjoyable read that gives you some behind the scenes details as well as a great overview of the movie. Highly accessible to film novices and die-hard mystery buffs alike.

221 B: Studies in Sherlock Holmes (Otto Penzler's Sherlock Holmes Library)
Published in Paperback by Otto Penzler Books (1994)
Author: Vincent Starrett
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $5.25
Collectible price: $11.60
Buy one from zShops for: $6.50
Average review score:

"What Watson never told"
Baring-Gould has taken it upon himself to explain what the childhood of Sherlock Holmes was like, as well as what really happened during the Great Hiatus, Holmes vs. the Ripper, and even Dr. Watson's first wife. (ACD wrote but never published a play in which Watson traveled to San Francisco and met Constance Adams in 1884.) A nice touch is the timeline at the end of the book, starting from the meeting of Holmes' parents, and an index of books and magazines from 1920-1960. Basically, a necessity for true Sherlockians.

American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (1968)
Author: Francis Otto Matthiessen
Amazon base price: $38.50
Used price: $4.85
Collectible price: $17.94
Buy one from zShops for: $9.88
Average review score:

An American Literary Studies Classic
This is THE foundational text for anyone interested in the one of the most important (if not THE most important) periods in U.S. literary/cultural history. Published in the early 1940s, this book was a groundbreaker and a milestone in that it helped establish the idea of an "American" literature at a time when most academics scoffed at such an idea, believing that U.S. novelists, poets, and essayists were inferior to and/or derivative of Anglo-European authors.

Matthiessen is very much concerned with the idea of a native literature, and connects his own project with the concern of Emerson, Hawthorne, and Whitman over this notion--the idea that America could stand on its own, apart from Europe, artistically and intellectually, as an independent cultural force to be reckoned with (for this reason he does not include Poe, whom M. views as outside the main stream of American culture and essentially aristocratic and European, rather than democratic and American, in his outlook).

Elaborating upon the relationship of the Puritan's spiritual/intellectual/aesthetic concerns to similar (if secularized) concerns to the intellectual preoccupations of mid-19th-century writers, M. makes his case that the roughly contemporaneous achievements of Emerson, THoreau, Melville, Hawthorne, and Whitman represented a true "American Renaissance" following the earlier, more austere periods of Puritanism and the Enlightenment.

In the last 15 years or so, scholars and critics, like William V. Spanos and the New AMericanists, have begun to turn a more critical eye toward M.'s foundational text, focusing on the problematic political implications of the book's valorization of American exceptionalism and its complicity in COld War ideology. And David Reynolds has made a compelling case for the close relationship of these "great authors" to the popular culture of their day, a relationship M. largely refused to acknowledge.

These are legitimate concerns and valid arguments. In spite of the flaws in _American Renaissance_, however, it is a beautiful book, written with great insight into some of the most confounding (but nonetheless magnificent) texts ever produced. Matthiessen illuminates works like _Moby Dick_, _Leaves of Grass_, and "The Divinity School Address" with such clarity and intelligence that you can't help but be swayed and spellbound. It is a refreshing, if slightly nostalgic, break from the torturous, cold, and impersonal prose of the poststructuralists. If you are a student of American culture, you owe it to yourself to read this book. It will make an indelible impression upon you.

Analytische Chemie
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (2000)
Author: Matthias Otto
Amazon base price: $44.95
Average review score:

Analytische Chemie - A compehensive well-written Book
The 2nd edition of M. Otto's book clearly provides both the knowledge of basic analytic techniques like tritration, gravimetry, electrochemical techniques and modern developments of chromatography, electrophoresis, spectroscopy and sensors. The book is well structured, clearly written and enables the reader to be quickly informed over the principles and applications of each technique. It is well suited for students and scientists of chemistry and related topics.

Animal Camouflage.
Published in School & Library Binding by Franklin Watts, Incorporated (1973)
Author: Otto Von. Frisch
Amazon base price: $6.90
Used price: $17.59
Average review score:

classic reading
Animal Camouflage is a book I recived for my 9th birthday in 1974 it is the most intriguing, fascinating book I read in my childhood years the Book still has pride off place on my book shelf my thanks to Mr Otto Von Frisch for his wonderful book for it opened my eyes to the wonders off nature a joy witch has never left me for if each off us can do a little just think off the treasures of nature we can save for the future

Ardennes 1944: Peiper and Skorzeny (Elite Series)
Published in Paperback by Osprey Pub Co (1987)
Authors: Jean-Paul Pallud, Martin Windrow, and David Parker
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $14.06
Collectible price: $13.95
Buy one from zShops for: $14.06
Average review score:

Great Book for Wargamers
This book is great for wargamers and others interested in two of the key German forces in WW II's Battle of the Bulge. Kampfgruppe Peiper is shown with great detail as to what types and quantities of tanks and troops were at specific places at specific times. The battles at Stoumont and La Gleize are well documented and the writing style will put you in the heat of battle. You will want to supplement this fine book with another Osprey title, The Ardennes Offensive,VI Panzer Armee.

Around the World in 90 Years: Images from My Life's Journey
Published in Hardcover by Pictorial Histories Publishing Co. Inc. (2000)
Author: Otto Lang
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $24.95
Collectible price: $24.34
Buy one from zShops for: $34.95
Average review score:

Fascinating Journey
Wonderful record of a life on the road. Whether you are an armchair traveler or get out there yourself, you'll enjoy the places this book takes you.

Art of Dry Washing or Finding Gold in the Desert
Published in Paperback by Many Feathers (1983)
Author: Otto E. Lynch
Amazon base price: $2.95
Average review score:

My father is the author.
My father Otto, now passed on, wrote this book in his last years. I am proud he left this book to remember him by. As a youth I went on many gold hunting trips with him and learned as I went along,

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