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Book reviews for "Vollbehr,_Otto_H._F." sorted by average review score:

Birdflight As The Basis Of Aviation
Published in Paperback by Markowski Intl (20 November, 2000)
Author: Otto Lilienthal
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $14.64
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Average review score:

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Being an engineer, I recommend this book to anyone interested in the history of technology. If you study Otto Lilienthal's work and the correspondance of the Wright brothers carefully, you will agree with me that there would have been no flight in December 1903 in Kitty Hawk without this very book ! It did much more than just influence Wilbur Wright - it provided the very concepts that allowed for his creating a workable flying machine. Otto was the first trained engineer that applied the principles of dynamics to the flying problem, inventing key concepts such as "center of pressure" of a wing and drag. Wilbur uses these concepts over and over in his notebooks and letters.

But "Herr Lilienthal" did not only provide an explanation of birdflight, he was also a powerful motivator. His brother, Gustaf, writes about Otto's unconditional dedication to his dream - spending all his finances and energy into experiments and his flying machines. If you are an engineer in search of a vision - read this book !

Reveals a unique aspect of American aviation
Birdflight As The Basis Of Aviation reveals a unique aspect of American aviation. Otto Lilienthal flying in a bird-wing based manually operated glider -- in the 1890s! From 1891 to his fatal gliding accident in 1986, Lilienthal did more than two thousand airborne glides and inspired the Wright Brothers to investigate human flight. The Wright Brothers cited Lilienthal as one of their heroes and carefully studied his work, developed their own theories and designs, and went on to invent the first working heavier than air aircraft. Originally published in 1889, Birdflight As The Basis Of Aviation features more than none hundred drawings, graphs, and diagrams (including many historic photographs of Lilienthal flying) and is a very welcome contribution to contemporary aviation history reference collections -- and a "must" for all American aviation history buffs.

An indispensable book of historic significance

Otto Lilienthal was a German engineer whose passion was flight. He died on August 9, 1896, after a gliding accident the day before. Just before his death, he said, "Sacrifices must be made."

This is his book. It was read by virtually all of the original aviation pioneers. The American aviation pioneers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, who [Orville] made their first successful powered flight on December 17, 1903, considered him their hero. Lilienthal studied birds closely, and from them he learned how they change the dihedral and curvature of their wings in flight, in order to conform to the conditions of the ocean of air in which they swam. The Wrights learned from him, and warped the wings of their craft in flight to bank and turn.

We are justified in calling Lilienthal the Father of Gliding Experiments--perhaps even the Father of Aviation. Next time you lift off in a jetliner, it would not be amiss if you thought of this man who literally gave his life for his dream of flight.

Birdflight as the Basis of Aviation was first published in 1891, and this, the 2001 edition, is an unabridged copy of the original, complete with Lilienthal's own diagrams and formulae, and with a Preface written in 1911 by A.W. Isenthal, who translated the original into English after Otto's death. Like the Wright brothers, Otto was assisted in his work by his brother Gustave, who died in 1933. Some of this book was written by Gustave.

This is truly a remarkable volume. It represents Lilienthal's life work and is a compilation of the results of the numerous experiments made by the brothers. Although some of Lilienthal's calculations have been improved upon since this book was written, his work was the first light to pierce the darkness of ignorance on what has since become the science of aerodynamics. Today's hang gliding enthusiasts owe him a great debt of gratitude.

The art of photography was developed in France circa 1839, and thus this book contains several photographs of Lilienthal gliding in his light, unpowered aircraft.

If you are an aviation enthusiast, of whatever age or experience, this is a book you will want to add to your library.

Joseph Pierre

Dionysus, Myth and Cult.
Published in Paperback by Indiana University Press (1965)
Author: Walter Friedrich, Otto
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $19.00
Average review score:

Dionysus: "the fruit of the storm"
Water F. Otto's Dionysus: Myth and Cult is a difficult but extremely rewarding study not only of the god Dionysus but of myth and cult as well. The book is divided into two parts. The first looks at the meaning of myth and cult and their relationship, the second attempts to arrive at the essential characteristic of Dionysus. By no means should you skip the first part. In it Otto lays the groundwork for his penetrating analysis of the god. It is a scintillatingly brilliant and illuminatingly original exposition of the meaning and origins of myth and cult. Anyone interested in Greek religion or for that matter liturgy alone, should read it. Although written over forty years ago it will still challenge and startle. Otto is gifted with a poetic depth of perception and gnomic expressiveness worthy almost of Heraclitus. For example at one point he states: "The more alive this life becomes, the nearer death draws, until the supreme moment-the enchanted moment when something new is created-when death and life meet in an embrace of mad ecstasy."

Otto holds that "The true visage of every true god is the visage of a world." In the second part he sets about discovering the form or visage of Dionysus. This he brilliantly lays out in chapters dealing with every aspect of the god. Chapters include: The Vine, The Somber Madness, Dionysus and the Element of Moisture, Dionysus and the Women, and Dionysus and Apollo. I will not attempt to recount his conclusions. Get the book and read them in Otto's lapidary language. Don't be put off from reading this book if you don't know Greek. While there are a fair number of untransliterated words, you can understand the meaning of the sentences from the context. However, be aware that this is not "lite" reading but a serious study that requires and will repay thought. The book itself is a handsome, sturdy paperback with glued signatures.

Dionysus: Myth and Cult
The author brings the immediate experience of Dionysus to the reader. In the first part, a general context is laid out. In the second, the stories of Dionysus are told, of a living presence. This immediacy makes the essay both powerful and compelling.

Passionate and poetic.
This book is written in two parts. The first is an essay about the use of Cult practices as a source for the substance and interpretation of myth. The second (and longest) describes the myths themselves.

I have only read the second part. Ottos description and interpretation of the myths surrounding Dionysus is poetic and, and at times borders on the sublime. His impact is emotional as well as intellectual, and I came away feeling that I knew the God of whom he writes. This must say something for both the passion of the author for his subject and the skill and sympathy of the translator.

The book is well (exhaustively ?) documented. Only one thing was irksome. Reference is constantly made to words from the original Greek using greek characters with no transposition into english characters (for a non-classically trained person such as myself). While the commentary surrounding these texts usually explains their meaning and impact, I have had to learn the Greek alphabet and buy a classical greek dictionary (Langenscheidt) to verify and fully understand the commentary. Even so, the book is otherwise beautifully accessible for a lay person such as myself.

Friends of the Heart
Published in Paperback by Harvest House Publishers, Inc. (2001)
Authors: Emilie Barnes, Donna Otto, and Anne Christian Buchanan
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $6.29
Buy one from zShops for: $6.79
Average review score:

Especially for Tundra-Tami
A very special friend gave this book to me. As her friendship is truly a blessing from God, the words of this book seem to come straight from my own heart. I have been blessed by her generosity and love, she is uniquely wonderful and truly my special "friend of the heart."

This is a book for anyone who has or would like to cultivate a special Friend of the Heart. I'll treasure this book as I treasure her special friendship. "My Friend, I thank my God in all of my remembrance of you, and praise Him for the way He shows His love to me through friends like you."

heart warming
I found this book to be really heart warming and practical. If only all friendships could be like this, but this book gives lots of practical and helpful advice to help us to get towards these kinds of friendships. Well done to Emilie and Donna- two of my favourite authors together. A must read for women today.

A treasured gift
My best friend gave this to me on my birthday- it has become one of my favorite books, not only because it is about "Best Friends" but also because the message within the book carried so much meaning. I recommend this beautifully written book for anyone who shares a special friendship, a soul mate, kindred spirits.. as you read the book- you can't resist picking up the phone to share the information with your best friend, and agree whole heartidly that it hit home!

James Hubbell's Palace Doors of Abu Dhabi
Published in Hardcover by Hidden House Pubns (1983)
Author: Otto B Rigan
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $50.00
Average review score:

international communication through beauty
James Hubbell's Palace Doors of Abu Dhabi shows art of amazing beauty not avialable to the viewer in any other form. This book is proof that man made things can reach the beauty of nature. James Hubbell, one of the major talents of our time in all mediums from poetry to clay, stain glass to stucco, watercolors to doors,public parks to bronze sculpture The stroy of how the project happened and of some of the many talented people who worked on the project is part of the importance of the book. Among the contributors, Dale Sitts who has worked on many Hubbell projects, had a part of most of the Abu Dhabi Doors and is a talented artisted, builder, designer in his own right.

A visual fantasy in stained glass...
Stained glass never reached such exquisite and unique heights until the day James Hubbell decided to work in this medium. The doors of the palace are a visual feast for those who appreciate beauty,art and fantasy. Hubbell uses stained glass, precious,semi precious stones and metals to create doors worthy of a magical dream. All of the pictures in the book are in color. If you are a stained glass artist or if you simply appreciate the manner in which an artist expresses his vision of the world this is a book you must possess.

This book's great ... and available!
James Hubbell is one of the most talented contemporary stained glass artists working in the United States. This book documents the work he did for the palace of an Arabian prince. Full color photographs demonstrate the lushness of his designs and the glory of their settings

The Journal of Otto Peltonen a Finnish Immigrant (My Name Is America)
Published in Hardcover by Scholastic (2000)
Author: William Durbin
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $10.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.23
Buy one from zShops for: $2.01
Average review score:

Great account on the hardships of Immigrants
Otto Peltonen and his family leave all their relatives in Finland hoping to find a better life and to join his father. Otto dreams America will be great but when he reaches to the town he finds America is not at all great. At first Otto goes to school but soon finds that his family needs him to work in the coal mines to help them survive. Otto finds work hard in the dusty coal mines and the working conditions are horrible. What Otto can't understand is why some miners are much richer than his family. When Otto learns the truth he was sorry he ever asked. However even with the bad working conditions Otto and his family dream one day they will save up enough money so they will have their own farm like in Finland. This is a great accound by William Durbin on the harships of coal workers live. I highly recommend reading it!

Mining in Finn-Town
This book tells the story of a 16-year-old Finnish Immigrant named Otto Peltenon. Otto worked in the iron mines of Hibbing,Minnesota when he was a teenager,and his life in the mine was dangerous and frustrating. If you lke to read Dear America books, diary, or historical fictionbooks about what life was like working in the mines and many people dying from explosions every day, I would recommend reading The Journal of Otto Peltenon, by William Durbin.

An excellant addition to the My Name is America series.
In 1905 Otto Peltonen, his two younger sisters, and their mother leave their home in Finland and travel to Hibbing, Minnesotta, to join their father, an iron miner there. Although Otto attends school at first, he soon has to go to work in the mines to help provide for his family, living in a tiny shack in the mining town. Although their conditions are miserable and men die daily, Otto and his father work toward the day when they will have saved enough money to buy a farm of their own. The story is told through Otto's journal entries over two and a half years, as he describes everything that happens to him. I highly reccomend this book to historical fiction fans who enjoyed the previous books in this series.

Monkey Business
Published in School & Library Binding by Viking Childrens Books (1995)
Authors: Vivian Walsh, J. Otto Seipold, and J. Otto Seibold
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $15.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $49.87
Average review score:

This's AMAZING contemporary artwork!!
Kids LOVE looking at the pictures, and they are ideally suited for kids as well -- large, simple shapes, simple colors, and liberally insertions of text into the picture. The stories are likewise engaging, with contemporary plotlines outlining contemporary themes in a contemporary world of fantasy. My preschool students really love listening to the stories as they're told, and try to imitate the artwork in their spare time. A big thumbs up on this one, and all the other Seibold books!

Buy this book!
I have given this as gifts to all my friends. It is treasure. The story is so cute and the drawings are even cuter. It is wonderful for all ages, and a great introduction to the Seibold/Walsh world of books. Well worth the price considering you can read and reread this book and discover something witty or cute that you'd never noticed before.

Monkey Business
This book was pure antilogic! I loved every minute of it. Every kid I know would love every minute of it, every adult I know would love every minute of it (except for minute 7 - because that's the minute it ends).

Mr. Lunch Highly Professional Address Book
Published in Spiral-bound by Chronicle Books (1999)
Authors: J. Otto Seibold and Vivian Walsh
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $14.06
Buy one from zShops for: $13.78
Average review score:

I love it!
I wasn't familiar with Mr. Lunch products before I ordered the address book, but I trusted the reviews I read and ordered it anyway. I love this address book! The graphics are really cute without being overdone. Also, the tabs stick out and make it easy to find numbers. The thing I like most is that it's small, but they've only allowed 3 names to be put on each page. This makes it easy to write legibly without having to cram information into a tiny space.

Quirky Fun!!
I bought this address book as a back up for my PDA. Well, that's what I tell everyone, but the real reason is that it's just so darn FUN! Every aspect of this address book oozes quirky, irreverent, fun. The bold colors and designs grab your attention, but it's the cute and playful retro feel that kept me hooked. The dividers are strong plastic coated paper with colorful drawings of Mr. Lunch and his antics. The alphabetical posts are easy to find and sturdy. Typically you'll have space for 18 names and addresses for each letter. You also get two lines for phone numbers, a line for a fax number and another for email addresses. A real cute feature is each entry has a spot to stick a Neo-Print sticker of the person. I love this feature because it makes it so easy to remember people or a fun time you had with them. The only thing is if you don't have a sticker of them you'll have to leave the space blank or draw one yourself. Also included is one sheet of some really cute Mr. Lunch stickers and 6 blank pages for notes.

This a perfect address book for home use as it's size and weight make it impractical for traveling. Besides it looks great on a desk! The book is sturdy yet the pages easily open on the spiral binding. I can't think of a better address book for a fun-loving, free-spirited person. What a delight!

A great address book...
Mr. Lunch's address book is great. It not only has enough space for all the addresses you need, but it is wonderfully organized with GREAT Mr. Lunch pictures!

Otto Kahn: Art, Money, and Modern Time
Published in Hardcover by Univ of North Carolina Pr (08 July, 2002)
Author: Theresa M. Collins
Amazon base price: $24.47
List price: $34.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.07
Buy one from zShops for: $23.39
Average review score:

Modern-day Medici
In his day, J.P. Morgan was the best-known head of an American financial house. But Otto Kahn was a close second. Today, Morgan enjoys immortality in the popular imagination, while Kahn is all but forgotten. Thankfully Theresa Collins ... has produced a biography of Kahn that illuminates his importance as a man who successfully combined modern business sensibilities with art patronage. (Review by Ian Drake, Philanthropy Magazine, May/June 2003)

From Aufbau
"A considered and nuanced account of [the] early twentieth century American Medici. . . . Collins' accomplished biographical study profiles from the cinematic deftness with which she crosscuts facets of Kahn's life, an altogether appropriate technique in limning an existence so enamored of and beholden to modernity. Her use of the language of theater and film in interpretive contexts seamlessly brings his many worlds into a unified vision."--Aufbau

From Opera News
"Collins shows how [Kahn] gave away money nearly as quickly as he earned it, his contributions to music, literature, theater, dance, painting and design establishing New York City as an international cultural mecca. . . . Essential details are expertly negotiated, and thornier questions on the reality of latent anti-Semitism among the heirs of the Gilded Age are explored in depth. . . . As Collins aptly demonstrates, this 'self-made aristocrat' mastered the East without losing his soul, and in the process, he ennobled the arts he loved."--Opera News

Otto, the Story of a Mirror
Published in Hardcover by Farrar Straus & Giroux (Juv) (15 April, 2003)
Author: Ali Bahrampour
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Ali Bahrampour's Astounding Debut
This hilarious and beautiful debut book clearly launches our generation's premier childrens' author/illustrator. Otto takes its place alongside George & Martha, Harold & the Purple Crayon, the Story of Ferdinand, Where the Wild thing Are.... indeed Maurice Sendak himself rightly describes Ali Bahrampour as having a "fresh voice and lively mind." My bookshelves eagerly await Mister Bahrampour's next creation, and his next, and his next....

Fairest mirror book of them all
A pleasure and a delight! I read this book to about sixty second graders and they loved it...and why not? This is an exciting and offbeat adventure with plenty of surprises, laugh out loud moments and even a little romance. The zany, cartoonish pictures are in the tradition of Seymour Chwast, and I agree with the other reviewer, every time the children look at them they will find some new detail worth marveling over. I read a lot of children's books but this was definitely a stand-out for originality and humor, reflecting the best in children's picture books (pun intended...ouch).

Ingenious and Completely Original
Sure to be read over and over, each time something new is discovered. The artwork is beautiful and the characters are new and delightful. Everyone can relate to Otto, the mirror and of course to Curly Joe as well. These are classic characters and the story is brilliant. The pictures are so cunningly and painstakingly done that you will be sure to find amazing new details with each reading. I can't recommend this book highly enough and am looking forward to more from Mr. Bahrampour.

The Trauma of Birth
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1994)
Author: Otto Rank
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $4.99
Buy one from zShops for: $5.48
Average review score:

This little book has big ideas about our need to merge and the various ways we spend our lives defending against that original loss and its infinite repetitions throughout life. Rank, shunned by Freud, was a thinker of the top order, popularized by the brilliant Ernest Becker in the 70s, and well worth reading in his original form.

The edition containing the preface by E. James Lieberman is the Dover paperback. The edition offered here is apparently a facsimile/reprint of the 1929 original (hardback). I do not know if it contains any new editorial matter. --E. James Lieberman

A key book in the history of psychotherapy
This edition contains an introduction by E. James Lieberman, biographer of Otto Rank (_Acts of Will_) and co-translator of Rank's _Psychology and the Soul_(1998). This work marks the break between Rank and Freud; written in 1924, it established the mother-child relationship as the central focus in human development. People forget that Freud's psychology was father-centered. Some critics feel that Rank exaggerated the birth trauma in the physical sense, but his thesis is about separation and individuation, now mainstream concepts (cf. Mahler, Bowlby, Erikson). Freud initally praised the book as the best thing since the invention of psychoanalysis--but soon he backed away, and by 1926 Rank left Vienna for Paris and then New York.

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