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Book reviews for "Vollbehr,_Otto_H._F." sorted by average review score:

Early Netherlandish Painting from Rogier van der Weyden to Gerard David.
Published in Hardcover by Harvey Miller Pub (2002)
Authors: Otto Pacht, Monika Rosenauer, and David Britt
Amazon base price: $93.00
Used price: $50.00
Buy one from zShops for: $84.82
Average review score:

Unlike just a few years ago, today there are many books about Netherlandish and Flemish art of all periods. "From Rogier van Der Weyden to Gerard David" is a beautiful book filled with excellent color and b/w illustrations of the works being discussed. The authors are experts who give adequate details about the artist and his immediate circle, as well as the wider European influence on him and even the artist's effect upon the art world at that time and afterward. While the style is sedate and professional, it's never stodgy or overly academic, the authors being quite good at balancing the two. There are few gaps or unincluded details or individuals, so I can heartily recommend this for anyone who already loves Flemish art or those who want to learn more and to see clear, sharp reproductions of these incredible artists' work.

The Easter Bunny that Overslept
Published in Hardcover by Harpercollins Juvenile Books (22 January, 2002)
Authors: Priscilla & Otto Friedrich and Donald Saaf
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $15.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $5.68
Average review score:

This delightful story takes you on a journey with a frustrated easter bunny who has missed easter after oversleeping. Not only does one get to experience all the holidays of the year, but one also appreciates the aspects unique to easter.It also serves a good lesson to those children who are loathe to get out of bed. The story is charming and the illustartions are joyful. A treasure!

Effects of Climate Change and Variability on Agricultural Production Systems
Published in Hardcover by Kluwer Academic Publishers (2002)
Authors: Otto C., III Doering, J. C. Randolph, Jane Southworth, Rebecca A. Pfeifer, and Moshe C. Kress
Amazon base price: $125.00
Average review score:

Brilliant book on effects of climate change
If you are interested in the effects of climate change, and can afford the not insignificant entry cost, you should buy this book. It is particularly recommended for all American scientists who continue to deny that climate change exists. I found the book so gripping that I read it from cover to cover in one evening. However, you should petition the publishers to put a marginally less obscene pricetag on the book.

Einstein on Peace
Published in Hardcover by Outlet (1983)
Authors: Otto and Norden, Heinz Nathan, Albert Einstein, and Heinz Norden
Amazon base price: $5.98
Used price: $12.99
Collectible price: $35.00
Average review score:

Another great insight into the phenomenon that was Einstein
Einstein is famous for his monumental work on special and general relativity, but is not as well-known for his valiant efforts in the interest of world peace and good will among men. The editor hopes that this book will inspire us to do our own share for the cause of world peace. This is an excellent book, and provides a glimpse into the second thing that was close to Einstein's heart.

El Sueno De Otto (Leer En Espanol, Level 1)
Published in Paperback by Santillana Pub Co (1998)
Authors: Rosana Acquaroni Munoz and Rosana Acquaroni
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $4.99
Buy one from zShops for: $7.80
Average review score:

Un buen modo de practicar el español para principiantes
Es un libro divertido y muy fácil de leer. Es ideal para estudiantes de nivel elemental de español. Yo lo he usado con mis estudiantes, de entre 12 años y edad adulta, y les ha gustado mucho. El protagonista del libro es un muchacho alemán que estudia español en Madrid, hace buenos amigos allí y logra hacer realidad sus sueños. La autora es una gran poetisa y una maravillosa profesora de español como segunda lengua. El libro es muy recomendable.

The Empress Theophano : Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium
Published in Hardcover by Cambridge University Press (1995)
Author: Adelbert Davids
Amazon base price: $80.00
Average review score:

I can`t find this book
I can`t read this book beacause I`m a chinse student.I wonder if someone woudle help me .

Endophysics: The World As an Interface
Published in Hardcover by World Scientific Pub Co (1998)
Author: Otto E. Rossler
Amazon base price: $44.00
Average review score:

The Matrix meets Reality
This mind bending book begins to scratch the surface of the true nature of reality. In this very short book Rosseler begins to unveil the hypothesis of the "World as an Interface". While many may see this as simply an exercise in philosophy. However Rosseler approaches this subject with a fascinating and disciplined investigation into the very nature of reality. The common problem of Heisenberg's Uncertainty principal is avoided and further research may prove extremely enlightening.

Rosseler's very eclectic writing style that jumps from the common place narrative to the rigorous mathematical proofs, can prove a challenge for the casual reader. However persistence is well rewarded, by the basic understanding of a new science.

The only thing truly lacking is the lack of other works. In attempts to contact the author have been unsuccessful. I can only hope that more works will follow. From the little information I've found there is some hint that the german government may be hindering his work. I emphasize that this is only hinted at and is my opinion.



Ethnic Cleansing in the USSR, 1937-1949: (Contributions to the Study of World History)
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (1999)
Author: J. Otto Pohl
Amazon base price: $64.95
Buy one from zShops for: $50.00
Average review score:

Pohl's Perfect Picture of Stalin
Pohl's painstakingly accurate description of Stalin's horrific crimes of ethnic cleansing provides excellent insight into Stalin's corrupt regime. Pohl's analysis of the development of the economy in remote areas of the Soviet Union rounds out an extremely informative and well-written book. This book is essential to understanding Stalin and his influence on Soviet history and economy.

Fools Are Everywhere: The Court Jester Around the World
Published in Hardcover by University of Chicago Press (2001)
Author: Beatrice K. Otto
Amazon base price: $45.00
Average review score:

Foolish Fun and Foolish Seriousness
I can't think of a book that has a better choice of title than _Fools Are Everywhere_ (University of Chicago Press) by Beatrice K. Otto. Everyone would agree with those three little words, but Otto has the specialist meaning revealed in her subtitle: _The Court Jester Around the World_. Her title amply is demonstrated in a large and wide-ranging history of fools. Everyone knows of the fools in England, quite possibly because Shakespeare put many of them in his works. But Otto has gathered a huge amount of material from Everywhere; fools may be found also especially in China (which is, along with Europe, the arena of Otto's closest inspection), and in India, Arabia, and Tonga, within the Yaqui Indians, among the Aztecs, and, well, everywhere, even in corporate boardrooms.

A tradition this nearly universal must have strong reason to exist, and Otto demonstrates over and over, from one anecdote to another, that fools served both kings and subjects. Jesters were not only tolerated by the rulers, they were cherished. They may have made uncomfortable, biting attacks; Sultan Mahmud was lying in the lap of his jester and asked him, "What is your relation to cuckolds?" The jester replied: "I am their pillow." But even beneath the bite is understanding and even kindliness and acceptance. When King Tamerlane was roaring out 800, 1,200, and 1,500 lashes for a series of offenders, his fool Nasrudin interrupted him with what seemed to be an irrelevant question: "O King, do you know everything?" "Of course I do," retorted the King. "Then how could you inflict such punishment? Either you don't know the meaning of the number 1,500, or you don't know the sting of a whip." The jester is here shown to be the kindly servant of the king, as the one who might save the king from himself; but also, he is the servant of the subjects who would otherwise feel the king's lash. Thus the jester became in cultures everywhere a folk hero.

There are countless anecdotes here, and not all of them pay off. There are many that rely on the time, or the language, or "I guess you just had to be there." But plenty of this otherwise academic work is good, foolish fun. Otto has presented case after case, and her book has little theorizing. She does speculate upon where the fools of the court went, since they are now historic figures. They didn't really go anywhere, she says, they just specialized. Actors, cartoonists, and comedians took over the role, especially after the fools became presences on the stage. Otto hopes that the twenty-first century may have a rebirth of the fool (can you imagine someone paid to do pratfalls at the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks?), and does give some fine twentieth century examples. Will Rogers famously used his fooling to puncture politics-as-usual in otherwise impossible ways, and addressed President Wilson with great informality as Pres. And Otto quotes the best jester of the twentieth century (in my view), Groucho Marx, who was told by the management of a beach club that Jews were not allowed to swim from the beach. "What about my son?" came the reply that could have issued from a sprite clothed in swatches of colors, a horned cap, and bells. "He's only half-Jewish. Would it be all right if he went into the water up to his knees?"

From Ice Set Free: The Story of Otto Kiep
Published in Hardcover by Farrar Straus & Giroux (Juv) (1972)
Author: Bruce Clements
Amazon base price: $5.50
Used price: $5.99
Average review score:

Insider's perspective on Germany, WWII, Sheds new light
Great read! It gives voice to a heretofore hardly mentioned voice of opposition from within Germany to Hitler's reign of terror. Following the tragic tale of heroic Otto Kiep from his childhood in pre-Nazi Germany to his unjust demise at the hands of the Nazi monsters was really spellbinding. It really opened my eyes to the plight of Germans who did not support Hitler's mad dreams, yet chose heroically to stay and work within the system to save their country.

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