Used price: $19.43
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R.D. Lopez, Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Specialist, Dept. of Public Health

It is very easy to use because not only does it come with on and off scene procedures, but it also has quick reference tables and charts. On a scale of 1 to 5 I give it a 10!

List price: $65.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $31.00
Buy one from zShops for: $37.46

The content is very broad - it covers almost the entire gamut of P/OM topics to some degree. That may be the only drawback to this book: it so broad in its topical coverage that there may be examples where the authors could have gone deeper in their presentation on specific subjects.
But even so, this charactertistic of being "100 miles wide and a few miles deep" works very well for readers who need a comprehensive primer on P/OM. That would include people just entering the field, or those that need to undestand the primary subject matters and areas of study, to point them in new directions.
I highly recommend this book as a foundation reference guide to your business library. Again, I know of many books that may be deeper in specific areas of P/OM, but I know of no book that encompasses so many topics and does and admirable job of presenting those topics. I would also caution the seasoned, highly-read P/OM professional in buying this book, but leave it for those newcomers to the field.

The error mentioned by another reviewer appears on p. 488: the "L-bar" term should be squared. Verifying dimensional homogeneity [i.e.that units of measure calculate consistently across the expression and result in "items" {whatever units demand is carried = units of safety stock}]) would alert a reader quickly that the product in the first term is incorrect.

Used price: $8.99

List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.22
Collectible price: $17.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.34

If you are at all knowledgeable about on-line communications, websites, HTML and domain names it will be very rudimentary. But if you use it as a reference book, using the index and then looking up the URLs and book references cited, it's a good guide.

They add a list of all the internet sites that an author could hope to visit in his or her quest for publication. Their advice to open a personal web site and publicize it, for example, by adding a link in your four line e-mail signature is excellent. Very little is left out, for example, anyone can download the free Acrobat eBook Reader. Precise html web pages of many ebook publishers are supplied (even if these pages change the reader should be able to locate the new page). Regardless of how soon the info becomes outdated this is a five star effort.

Used price: $21.95

Used price: $47.20
Collectible price: $75.00

Used price: $7.08
Buy one from zShops for: $15.96

Used price: $5.97
Collectible price: $25.00

Used price: $17.95
Collectible price: $26.46

A must read for anyone starting the journey. Of course everyone is in one of the 'stages' of the loving search: a "beginner, only a beginner, or just a beginner".
Provides examples on understanding Scripture at the allegorical level.
Warm, friendly, loving. Much more effective than 'great' theological disertations.

Used price: $3.88
Buy one from zShops for: $6.92

There are some good ideas, but they seem to be sabotaged by the execution. The checklist version of the "Agent Indicator Matrix" (based on the Defense Protective Service model) is a good idea, but it is spread over three pages (instead of being arranged to fit on two facing pages in a landscape presentation or provided as a foldout) so that it can neither be copied easily or used easily in the book. A section on the threat of stolen military munitions, after noting that stockpiles in other countries are not as well secured as those in the US, then proceeds to a description of US weapons without describing distinguishing characteristics of chemical munitions relative to conventional munitions or how the munitions described might relate to foreign munitions.
There are also some surprising errors in the hodgepodge of facts. The volume I purchased indicates that it is from the sixth printing, so I have to presume that most typos have been corrected. One particularly egregious error is in the characterization of liquid phosgene as "...not hazardous except as a source of vapor." This statement is highlighted in a little box with a finger pointing at it on page 106, and repeated on page 108. While certainly it is the vapor that kills, liquid phosgene splashed into the eyes is known to produce opacification. Subsequently, it is stated that "Phosgene [vapor] does not damage the eyes or skin..." Yet it is well known that concentrated phosgene vapor will irritate both the skin and eyes, and, while this would not be fatal, and is usually not permanent the downplaying of these risks is certainly inappropriate, to put it mildly.
To try to close on a positive note, this book does have some good information salted in various odd spots. If you are responsible for a training program, it would be a good book for you to look at, provided it is not the only reference you use. The table of emergency decontamination materials found at a K-Mart, for instance, suggests an obvious bit of homework for your trainees.
In summary, this handbook should not be your first or only purchase, but it probably has a place in a comprehensive library. Given the reputation of Jane's, a bit more proofreading would have been in order.