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It is written in journal form so you learn about the people he meets and everything that happens first hand. At the end it tells you what happened to each person from the story...the part my son found most interesting.

The book presents a good basis for survival on Mars; but as entertainment, leaves much to be desired.

The opening for the book was an absolute killer for a novel; two large chapters of Congressional hearings, after a 2-page prologue explaining some of the lead-in events on Mars. If I wasn't such a Mars fanatic, I wouldn't have made it past these chapters.
Technically, I'm enjoying the book. Most everything in it has been completely predictable, but that might be due in part to the fact I've read most of the other "Mars" books currently in print, so the way they set up their colony, such as it is, is old news to me. It's not a page-turner, but I'm not stopping either. It's a bit of a treatise on setting up a colony, in many respects, so some readers may get a lot of pleasure out of it for that.
One of the most enjoyable parts of the book are Cronin's insights into Zen Buddhism, perhaps because I know nothing about it.

Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $7.99

After reading the book I rented the A&E movie. As I watched it, I realized how well the book translated into video, because I had already seen the exact same scenery in my mind. The only thing that surprised me was the bleakness of the trunip farm and Tesses horrible conditions. I couldn't imagine anything that awful.
There are a lot of words, similar to DH Lawrence, but I wouldn't get rid of a one of them. If you come to this book as a great story and not as a classic novel, you will hold Tess to your heart and never forget her tragedies.

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Although we now live in Pennsylvania, my husband and I used to live in St. Louis. We know where the Alexian Brothers Hospital is and some of the other landmarks in the book. When this book came out it was released in St. Louis first, before it had a nation-wide release. I purchased the book with the intention of sending it to my father in NY State as he had liked the movie The Exorcist.
The first night I read 1/2 of the book. The following day while cleaning the livingroom I heard the distinct sound of rapping and/or scratching coming from a corner of the room, up near the ceiling. My husband laughed it off as either a mouse or my over- active imagination from the book, but later that night he heard it too. We had never in over 10 years had a problem with animals or mice in the walls, etc. In the book...the possession starts with rapping sounds.
That night I read the rest of the book, although by this time I was a little frightened. The following morning my mother in NY State called to tell me of an odd occurrance. The phone had rang the day before and when she answered it the person asked for "Sadie", my mother's name. When she said, "This is Sadie" the person started talking, according to my mother, "gibberish". She couldnt understand what they were saying or even if it was a male or female or what language they were speaking. When she asked who it was the person stated "Emily" which is my name. My mother said, "This is Emily, my daughter?" to which the person said, "yes" and then started speaking gibberish again. My mother hung up.
What is odd is that the phone number at the time was listed only in my father's name and I hadnt lived at home for almost 10 years. How did this person know BOTH of our names?
Because this freaked me out even more, that day I wrapped up the book and sent it to my parents. I didnt hear anything about it until about a week later when I asked my mother if she had the book, she said she did, and that my father would thank me for it but he wasnt at home. I asked where he was and she said that he was at the hardware store buying mouse traps as "We have heard scratching in the walls for a week now, so we must have a mouse."
This incident happened about 10 years ago. Nothing else happened after that, my parents never caught a mouse, the scratching stopped, and the book appears to be lost as I havent seen it when I have been over there. But it was very odd when it happened.
So...read the book, it is a fascinating story. But if anything odd happens to you or your family, please write a review and let me know. Thanks.

List price: $29.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.98
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After you finish reading this book get the MS help files on: WSH, vbscript, jscript, ADO, ADSI, other COM, and MS OLE/COM viewer and you'll be ready for scripting in the real world.

If you are not familiar yet with the concepts of OOP and looking at object models, you might need a primer found in another book before looking into WSH. It is built purely on objects that your code will refence and it can be a bear to take on unprepared.
It will be interesting to see how the .Net framework will integrate the objects in WSH- there is a significant chance that little in this book will be completely valid after Windows XP and Visual Studio .Net have become standard. Nevertheless, this book is an invaluable tool to the Windows programmer who wants to simplify life by automating as many tasks as possible.

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Concerned XML Enthusiast

The chapter on XQuery was great; it answered many of my questions concisely. There is very little information on the web about XQuery outside the W3.org site, so I was surprised to find such high quality information in a book.
XPath is also a newer API that is covered well in this book, giving you enough information to get your project going.
If you're planning to do any kind of development with XML coming in or going out of a relational database, this is an excellent book to buy. I also recommend Professional XML from Wrox and O'Reilly's XML in a nutshell.

This book is a very easy read. Key points are emphasized and repeated several times to make sure they sink in. The charts and exercises used really help you grasp the concepts.
The only downside is the first helf of the book tends to be very repetitive and you wonder are they having going to get to some other points. However the second half of the book is fantastic! It really gives you excellent ideas and techniques for identifying decsion makers wants and applying the concepts to your customrs.
Enjoy and Good Selling!