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Those who believe Grant was a "drunkard" or a "butcher" should read his own words, which show Grant's humor, pathos and unique personality. Masterfully edited by John Y. Simon, these volumes are a "must have" for anyone with an interest in U.S. Grant as a general, a politician and as a man

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CONTENTS: Preface; List of Tables and Figures; Setting the Direction; Decision Making Defined; Core Steps in Decision Making; Adapting the Core Steps; Use of Structuring Devices; Designing Your Own Road Map for Decision Making; Structuring Devices; Four Illustrative Cases; Team Facilitation Tips and Techniques; Warning Signs on the Road to Decision Making; This Stuff Works;

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Volume Ten contains eleven books; five massive volumes written by three authors of the 17th century, along with six books by more contemporary covenanters.
"The Works of the Reverend and Learned John Lightfoot" abounds with great history lessons of New Testament times. This book includes a full description of the temple and its service, as they stood in the days when Christ was on earth - complete with a detailed, labelled drawing of the temple, done by the author himself.
Among the many valuable lessons in "The Works of the Judicious and Learned Divine, Dr. Thomas Taylor," is an exposition on Eph. 5:15. The author stresses the importance of the Christian walking circumspectly, demonstrating which areas of life this admonition applies to, and how the Christian is to gain the wisdom he needs in order to obey it. In the words of Dr. Taylor, "A circumspect Christian is not so careful for the... tilling, and sowing of his field, the pruning of his trees, the feeding of his cattle; as in fencing the heart against temptation, in sowing the seed of God's Word, in weeding of sin by the roots out of his soul, in feeding and fostering of grace."
"The Works of the late Reverend and Learned William Bates," contains more than thirty sermons on such practical subjects as forgiveness, the fear of God, and the danger of prosperity. Several of the sermons in this book were preached at the funerals of such eminent and godly men as Thomas Manton, David Clarkson and Richard Baxter.
This is only a glimpse of what is available on these wonderful CDs. I can't recommend them highly enough, to anyone who wants to study Protestant Church History from those who were there.
You can see the full listing for all 32 Puritan Bookshelf CDs online, at Still Waters Revival Books. SWRB also lists a similar set of 30 CDs in their Reformation Bookshelf CD series.

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In "Praying the Proslogion," Marilyn McCord Adams argues that Anselm's 'unum argumentum'was never intended for unbelievers; all of that is found in the Monologion. She also touches upon the work of Coloman Etienne Viola's argument that the ontological argument is a reductio argument.
The second piece, "Can Philosophy Argue God's Existence?", Brian Leftow examines Karl Barth's claim that it cannot. Barth essentially has two arguments against natural theology: (1) the use of equivocal language due to God's great transcendence limits our application of God as the first 'cause;' (2) natural theologians' motives stem from sin-beliefs. Leftow argues both of these arguments fail.
The third article is by William Rowe: "William Alston on the Problem of Evil." Here, Rowe looks at Alston's challenge that one cannot be justified in claiming that any particular act is an example of gratuitous evil - this is not based on the distance between God's mind and our's. Alston's claim is rather that one is not justified in believing there are no goods beyond our ken that would justify the allowance of horrid evils. Rowe ends up saying that Alston's argument fails. I am sympathetic with Rowe's argument and think another route ought to be taken to defeat his inductive version of evil (where Bambi dies).
The fourth paper is by Eleonore Stump and Norman Kretzmann. They challenge Leo Elders' work, The Philosophical Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas. Elders says that Aquinas has the dilemma of either being an Averroist or a determinist based on certain claims in ST and SCG. I'm with Kretzmann and Stump on this one; Elders' interpretation is just not plausible given what Aquinas says elsewhere. This is really an exegetical paper that clears up problems in the analytic style.
To begin the second section, Robert Audi's paper, "Religious Experience and the Practice Concept of Justification," looks at three models of justification for religious belief: the Jamesian model, the practice conception, and the intuitionist conception. Audi believes that more attention should be given to the practice conception as an account for rationality, and not justification.
William Hasker's paper, "The Epistemic Value of Religious Experience: Perceptual and Explanatory Models," criticizes William Abraham's paper and defends a perceptual model of religious experience. Hasker does admit in a footnote, however, that the two are not mutually exclusive; he has Swinburne in mind.
William Wainwright's "Religious Language, Religious Experience, and Religious Pluralism," argues that though Alston's account in Perceiving God is on the whole correct, it is not sufficiently established without first presenting arguments for a Christian metaphysics. Most problematic for Alston's account is religious pluralism; this is a recurring theme in this book. This moves us into the final section of the book.
Alvin Plantinga's (somewhat famous, now that it is in a few books) article, "Pluralism: A Defense of Religious Exclusivism," considers arguments that exclusivism is in itself egotistical, arrogant, etc., and not epistemically warranted. Plantinga claims there is no neutral ground on this issue, making moral objections 'tar babies.' He likewise does not believe the epistemic objections succeed. However, in the end, he admits that pluralism may initially diminish some degree of warrant, but in the long term produce the opposite effect.
Peter van Inwagen's paper, "Non Est Hick," proposes the interesting claim that Christians should stop using abstract language like, "Christianity" vs "Buddhism," and think more in terms of the church universal and its role in the world. To argue on pluralist grounds using their language is to lose the game.
Joseph Runzo's "Perceiving God, World-Views, and Faith: Meeting the Problem of Religious Pluralism," suggests that Alston, though mostly correct, does not present as strong of an argument as possible, and thus does not adequately deal with the pluralist. This is because what confirms Christian Mystical Practices on Alston's account can be found in other religious. Something more is needed.
Lastly, George Mavrodes offers an analysis of "Polytheism," as titled. He lays out different senses one may be a polytheist and shows on what account John Hick falls into that category. He also considers arguments - religious and philosophical - for and against polytheism. As a side note, under religious arguments, Mavrodes raises famous passages like the Shema but does not believe this rule out what he calls "descriptive polytheism," to which he adheres. While his point on those passages is formally correct, one must wonder how he deals with the later Jewish writings that clarify those earlier ones (e.g., those in Isaiah that are more clear in ruling out the existence of other genuine gods).
So, this book is a really good collection of essays. The only downside is that it may be a bit difficult for new students of philosophy. These essays can at times be a bit technical. However, I think you should stretch yourself a bit and attempt to read these since they are worth your time. Good book.

Used price: $18.57

I feel it is unfortunate that the feud prevented Davis from employing Beauregard, rather than putting inferior Generals in Beauregards place.
Beauregard seems to be quite the inventor, with a sharp intellect. ( Beauregard once proposed the Confederate Army use Rockets with explosive war heads, a design he had figured out. The Confederate Government thought that idea was too radical, total nonsense, and disregarded it)
William's believes Beauregard performed his best battle in Petersburg 1864, and uses ample sources, and references to make that conclusion, which I agree with.
I've often thought Beauregard would have made a better President than Jefferson Davis, it seems that William's has this belief also.
I must say that William's seems to be a little hard on Davis, I don't know if all of that is justified, though I'm sure some certainly is.
I don't believe there is a better biographical book on P.G.T. Beauregard.