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This highly influential work has a very simple message: live like Christ. Presented in this book, it is a very strict message. Thomas takes a very strict interpretation of following Christ and the message is very much rooted in the idea of works. It is the actions that one must perform, and not so much the inner state (though he does stress that the inner state is important). This would be a difficult message to take or to give, but again, we must consider the audience: monks living in a monastery. They must live a harsher life and because of their vows, this devotional makes perfect sense.
This can be read as a historical document in Christianity or as a devotional. Either way, one can find great value and and some illumination of the words of Christ through this volume.

The "Imitation of Christ" is divided into 4 books, each undertaking a basic theme for development. They are, respectively, the Spiritual Life, the Inner Life, Inward Consolation, and the Blessed Sacrament (i.e., the Eucharist). In turn, each book is sub-divided into numerous chapters, each a page or two long. All of which makes the "Imitation of Christ" a useful book for daily devotionals. One can skip around freely within the book, dipping in as the mood strikes. Yet, I think one is well-served by reading it through at least once. Only then does one see Thomas' thought in its fully-developed form. Do be sure to get a good translation. I am fond of the one by Leo Sherley-Price.

The "Imitation of Christ" is divided into 4 books, each undertaking a basic theme for development. They are, respectively, the Spiritual Life, the Inner Life, Inward Consolation, and the Blessed Sacrament (i.e., the Eucharist). In turn, each book is sub-divided into numerous chapters, each a page or two long. All of which makes the "Imitation of Christ" a useful book for daily devotionals. One can skip around freely within the book, dipping in as the mood strikes. Yet, I think one is well-served by reading it through at least once. Only then does one see Thomas' thought in its fully-developed form. Do be sure to get a good translation. I am fond of the one by Leo Sherley-Price.

List price: $24.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.75
Collectible price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.50

List price: $27.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.78
Collectible price: $19.58
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On the other hand, the text is a different story. Reading a text-only version of this book, one might conclude that the title is a misprint, and that the book should really be called "Colorado 1970 - 2000." Fielder roamed across Colorado capturing the changes in places like Kremmling, Denver, and Ouray, but the text never tells us anything about these places, or why they changed, or why we should care. Instead we get chapters about oil shale and the Forest Service.
Ahem. If I wanted to read about the relationship between Forest Service bureaucrats and small Western towns, I would have bought a book called "The Relationship Between the Forest Service and Small Western Towns." My book is called "Colorado 1870 - 2000." That is what I want to read about.
It's true that oil shale schemes, government agencies, and others have played a role in shaping Colorado in the past 30 years. But before that there were events like the Silver Crash of 1893, the City Beautiful movement, the Depression, World War II, and Urban Renewal. You won't read about those in this book.
The pictures are beautiful, and the text is well-written (if misplaced and unwanted). Just don't expect to learn much about the places you are looking at- except that they are very pretty.

List price: $30.00 (that's 28% off!)
Used price: $8.00
Collectible price: $18.52
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You get some great insight into what America was like in the early 1800s. America was full of great promise (the pioneer spirit, the land of opportunity, etc), but we also faced some serious problems (treatment of blacks, indians, woman, etc). One of the great ironies of the book is that some of the people who help Lewis and Clark to fulfill their mission, are treated the worst by the pair. Makes you wonder how such highly educated men (to include President Jefferson) could be so wrong about certain things, yet inspire others to accomplish great deeds.
Ambrose is a great storyteller, one of the best. His passion runs deep for this subject, so he gets long winded (as many other reviewers have noted) at times in the narrative. I think that is my main complaint about the book. Ambrose takes forever to get the explorers across the country, but returns them in a whirlwind. The book would have been better served if Ambrose took a more balanced approach to the expeditions timeline, giving equal weight to both parts of the trip.
I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about the cross-country adventure of Lewis and Clark. If you are ignorant about the subject, like I was (I thought it was just the pair with their female indian guide for most the trip), you will gain greater insight into one of America's truly historic events. Lastly, this book will make you appreciate many of the advancements we have made since then (i.e- transportation and communication systems), although it may also make you want to spend more time enjoying the wonderful outdoor parks of America.

List price: $17.98 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.75
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List price: $24.00 (that's 71% off!)

For me, Thomas taps into something very deep and important--something that's difficult to find words for. But I know that it has to do with a message that says it's okay to feel deep emotions about your animals, to talk to them and hear their answers, and to sense and acknowledge their deep feelings. Even though many of us have known and felt this intuitively, it is neither the message that our Judeo/Christian tradition nor our Linnean scala natura science of classification has wanted to deliver to us.
In the introduction she poses the questions: "Can we understand the mind of an animal? . . .[do] animals have consciousness?" and then proceeds to say that for some scientists . . . "the view that animals are incapable of conscious thought, or even of emotion, has acquired an aura of scientific correctness, and at the moment is the prevailing dogma, as if some very compelling evidence to the contrary was not a problem." This reader is happy to say that her own experiences with animals have certainly provided "compelling evidence to the contrary."
On a final note, THE SOCIAL LIVES OF DOGS, even though written around the lives of the canines concerned, reads a little bit like Thomas's personal memoir. She puts a lot into perspective in the excellent epilogue, which I found to be the real icing on the cake. Even as Thomas finds "grace" in canine company, so does she tell their story with much grace. This book is a wonderful read!

List price: $16.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.01

What I found particularily interesting was the 'death' of Thomas Andrews--something that no one would know the details of except the man himself. These scenes are truly heart-breaking. "I Built The Titanic" is a wonderfully moving, captivating book that I know I'll treasure forever.