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Book reviews for "Tamedly,_Elisabeth_L." sorted by average review score:

Lord Ramsay's Return
Published in Paperback by Signet (1996)
Author: Elisabeth Fairchild
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $0.45
Collectible price: $3.00
Average review score:

I think I like "Fate".
Miss Prudence Stanhope no longer trusted men. Her cousin had tried to lose his own sorrows by seducing her. He failed. Prudence went to the coast to take the waters. Her cousin followed.

Lord Charles Ramsay had nothing but his title. He had come back from India to find that all he had owned was gone. Kismet, or Fate, has a way of bringing about unexpected surprises. Sometimes they are wonderful. Sometimes they are awful. Kismet brought together Prudence and Charles in a most compromising way.

Prudence wanted nothing more than to escape her cousin and find a new position as a governess or companion. Charles wanted nothing more than Prudence.

***Fate was kept busy in this one! This is the second of the trilogy involving the famous Ramsay family. I had a wonderful time with the romance and learned much about Kismet and how to cure headaches. Fabulous fun!***

Kismet has a humorous streak.
Miss Prudence Stanhope no longer trusted men. Her cousin had tried to lose his own sorrows by seducing her. He failed. Prudence went to the coast to take the waters. Her cousin followed. Lord Charles Ramsay had nothing but his title. He had come back from India to find that all he had owned was gone. Kismet, or Fate, has a way of bringing about unexpected surprises. Sometimes they are wonderful. Sometimes they are awful. Kismet brought together Prudence and Charles in a most compromising way. Prudence wanted nothing more than to escape her cousin and find a new position as a governess or companion. Charles wanted nothing more than Prudence. ***Fate was kept busy in this one! This is the second of the trilogy involving the famous Ramsay family. I had a wonderful time with the romance and learned much about Kismet and how to cure headaches. Fabulous fun!***

Mama Stew: An Anthology: Reflections and Observations on Mothering
Published in Paperback by Mama Stew Press (01 December, 2002)
Authors: Elisabeth Rotchford Haigt and Sylvia Platt
Amazon base price: $18.50
Average review score:

a labor of love & inspiration!
Truly a labor of love from all the contributors who live in & around Port Townsend on the Quimper Peninsula at the mouth of the Puget Sound, in the State of Washington, Elisabeth Rochford Haight & Sylvia Platt have done an admirable job of editing this extra-ordinary collection of reflections & observations on mothering.

I thought I could list my five favorite entries, & found I could not, because each one, be it a poem, a painting, a story haunts my heart, & fills my mind with my own memories about my mother & my time as a mother.

MAMA STEW is to be savored, quietly in your favorite place to read a book. Each entry is richly textured with emotions, memories & everyday philosophy, that verges on elation.

Very well done!

I saw this book at a little bookstore and sat to browse through. it made me laugh and be touched in the span of minutes. It validated my mommy existance. I don't feel so alone in motherhood, reading through these pages:)

Mount Whitney: Mountain Lore from the Whitney Store
Published in Paperback by Westwind Publishing Company (01 December, 2002)
Authors: Doug Thompson and Elisabeth Newbold
Amazon base price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $13.46
Average review score:

Brand New Second Edition Now Available
If you're planning a trip to Mount Whitney, you need this book. It contains the most comprehensive trail guide on the market, with detailed descriptions and photos to help you visualize the hike. There are also many other helpful chapters, such as: Bears, Wildlife, Weather, Your Success Factors (hints for mental and physical preparation), and background history of the trail.
Furthermore, this book carries a guarantee by the authors: "If you feel this book doesn't prepare you for a summit attempt, we'll refund your money." Written by the owner of the Whitney Portal Store, it's a gold mine of information and advice!

Wonderful information for hiking Mount Whitney!
Before hiking Mount Whitney, I browsed a few books on the topic. This book was the most informative and interesting to read. Not only are there interesting anecdotes about the hike, including some of the messages left in the guestbook at the top, the book is well organized and readable. The book divides the hike into parts, making it easy to envision before attempting a hike to the summit. This is a wonderful book written by the owner of the Whitney Store.

My Spirit Rejoices: The Diary of a Christian Soul in an Age of Unbelief
Published in Paperback by Sophia Inst Pr (1996)
Author: Elisabeth Leseur
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $8.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

My Spirit Rejoices
'My Spirit Rejoices'
or 'The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur' - Sophia Institute Press

It is not often that one finds a book of such vital import that it changes one's life. But the journal kept by Elisabeth Leseur is surely one of the most compelling books I have read in many years. It ranks with the great works of the Carmelite Saints: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and St. Therese of Lisieux.

For many years now I have kept Elisabeth as my companion during Lent; a great Spiritual Director in an age of darkness. She holds the light of Eternal Truth and points out the way with calm assurance.

Elisabeth experienced an extreme degree of spiritual isolation owing to the timbre of her times in Paris high society. Her husband was aggressively atheist, as were many of his friends and associates. She kept the love of God deep in her heart, and it was to the Heart of Jesus to whom she turned for daily solace.

At Elisabeth's death her husband, Felix, found her secret journal; and as he read the pages of the journal, his heart turning to remorse, the last vestige of his hatred for the Catholic Church was swept away in the tide of his beloved wife's counsel. Reconciling to the Church, Felix Leseur entered a seminary and became a Catholic priest. Elisabeth's cause for Canonization is now open at the Vatican.

An inspiring biography of a woman committed to The Lord.
This book renews my belief that everyday actions of one person can tremendously influence the lives of other people. It also shows how an intelligent, well-read woman came to a solid commitment in the Savior. My desire was renewed to further commit myself to improvement.

New Zealand
Published in Paperback by Odyssey Publications (01 March, 1999)
Authors: Elisabeth B. Booz, Ben Simmons, Elizabeth Booz, Andrew Hempstead, and Andrew Coe
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $18.95
Average review score:

Used 4 yrs ago- will not go again without it
A must for traveling and truly enjoying the people and countryside. Details of out-of-the-way places as well as the city life. Able to get around without driving (on the wrong side of the road). Will long remember all of the friendly people and the cleanliness of cities and countryside.

informative and resourseful
This book is great for backpackers and students. It is also helpful members of Hostelling International and VIP backpackers. It explains the cheapest way to travel and the must sees in New Zealand

No More Push Parenting: How to Find Success and Balance in a Hypercompetitive World
Published in Paperback by Broadway Books (14 January, 2003)
Authors: Elisabeth Guthrie and Kathy Matthews
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.35
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95
Average review score:

Good for offspring of high pressure parents
I am not a parent, but I related to many of the children's stories in this excellent book. I went to competitive schools, where many students struggled with eating disorders and substance abuse. We were expected to apply and to attend Ivy League colleges. This book very much helped me understand the origins of this culture of success by any means necessary. I also gained a deeper insight into why I hold certain values and this book, which is well written and so very witty, empowered me to re-examine those values and to see if they were really mine or in fact if they were someone else's.

Alternatives supported by case studies of real kids
There's been much publicity about parents who push their children to achieve beyond their abilities and years: so how can parents avoid suffocating children, yet encourage them to do their best? With No More Push Parenting, parents receive a guide filled with insights on how to encourage their kids to measure up, without pushing too hard. Dr. Guthrie provides alternatives supported by case studies of real kids; some of whom are achieving, others are not.

On the Side of the Persecuted
Published in Paperback by Xlibris Corporation (22 August, 2000)
Authors: Elisabeth Kesten and Bernard Kesten
Amazon base price: $22.99
Used price: $8.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.94
Average review score:

On the Side of the Persecuted
This novel is a stunning example of a well researched, thoughtful and emotional journey of one man searching for forgiveness, understanding and peace. The story is set in a time and place of history which is cumbersome at best. Our hero must contend with the ignorance of those around him, while trying to come to terms with his own inner conflicts. The author has done a wonderful job of clearly and eloquently describing the life and times of Jews and Gentiles in Medieval Europe. The reader is pulled into this life, rejoicing and suffering with the characters, and along the way learns much about life in the Middle Ages. The reader is provoked by the author to look inward and review his or her own beliefs on religion/spirituality and the purpose of life. This book is recommended for adults and older teens who are interested in Jewish spirituality, European-Jewish History, the Middle Ages, and a better understanding of how anti-semitism developed and still flourishes to this day. Highly recommended.

On the Side of the Persecuted
This book is an excellent presentation of what it must have been like living in Europe in the 15th century. I am Jewish, and I learned many things about Jewish history, religious practices and traditions, and about theology.

It is a very fast moving-story, with interesting characters that you can identify with and truely care about what happens to them.

The book informed and entertained me. I was not able to put the book down until I finished reading it. It completely kept my interest. I hope the author considers writing a sequel.

I suppose the book's main lesson is that people can change and that repentence is possilbe, but you still have to pay for your actions.

I strongly recommend the book.

One of Fred's Girls.
Published in Library Binding by Doubleday (1970)
Author: Elisabeth Hamilton. Friermood
Amazon base price: $4.85
Used price: $5.00
Average review score:

Great book for females of all ages!
I read "One of Fred's Girls" when in elementary school, and it is one of those books that will remain a favorite throughout your life. It tells the tale of a young girl who goes west in search of work, and works in one of Fred Harvey's legendary restaurants, and finds adventure and a husband along the way. It's a refreshing book, honest, and brings back an age of inncocence. If you are a fan of the musical "The Harvey Girls" with Judy Garland, you will love this book. If you haven't seen "The Harvey Girls" I recommend that as well! I have no idea why these books are out of print. If you local library is part of a wider library network, you may try that to obtain a copy.

Friermood's books are awesome!
I am an avid reader, and I especially love Elisabeth Friermood's work. She writes so vividly that I feel as if I am there. Sadly, however, her books are out of print. :( Even so, I whole-heartedly recommend you read her books, if you can find them!

Published in Hardcover by AA Publishing (1996)
Author: Elisabeth Morris
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $28.32
Average review score:

Took three guides with us, this is the one we used.
Just got back from five days in Paris; this is the guidebook we referred to again and again. The walking tour approach to getting to know neighborhoods is great to read in advance, and great for choosing a hotel (Cheap Sleeps in Paris for that task). The book is small in size so easy to carry. The best of the lot.

A clear, informative, interesting travel guide
Elizabeth Morris's Travel Guide to Paris, written under the auspices of Thomas Cook, is a wonderful and clear guide to the neighborhoods, museums, churches and monuments of Paris. It includes several day excursions out of the city as well. I would like to see it restocked because I don't believe I have seen a clearer depiction of what Paris has to offer anywhere else. Ms. Morris's walking tours are superb and informative. It's just a really good resource.

The Path of Loneliness: It May Seem a Wilderness, but It Can Lead You to God
Published in Paperback by Thomas Nelson (1993)
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Amazon base price: $10.99
Used price: $4.75
Average review score:

Excellent for Divorce Recovery
Fantastic book on dealing with loneliness. I read it over and over for several years after my divorce. I give it to people all the time.

The Pathway of Loneliness By Elisabeth Elliot
Speaking honestly from a sensitive as well as sympathetic heart, Elisabeth Elliot candidly offers her reader a Light at the end of their tunnel. She touches on every circumstance in life that brings us to loneliness and then points us directly to the One who can ultimately and completely fill that void. I love especially the way she brings in her own struggles and experiences. This book reads quickly and is suitable for anyone who may struggle with loneliness. It gave me hope and a renewed confirmation in God's presence and how He works everything, even the bad things, in life for good.

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