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Book reviews for "Tamedly,_Elisabeth_L." sorted by average review score:

Balance on the Ball
Published in Paperback by Equilibrio (2001)
Author: Elisabeth Crawford
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

Great content--Very poor quality binding
I am really getting a lot from the content of this book; the exercises are fun and very effective. But at the same time I'm so disappointed in its quality--I've only had it a few days and almost all the pages have come loose. To use a book like this one must hold it open, turn pages back and forth, etc.; in other words, it should be made to be handled. This is not.

Great book
This book is great for working out on your own with the ball. It gives very clear directions, and even lets you know what muscle groups you are targeting so that you can really focus on getting the most out of each exercise. This is the best ball book that I have bought (I also have Pilates on the Ball, which is good but this one is better).

Great book for instructors!
This book is great for all levels. I teach classes on the ball and this gave me many great ideas. She uses a rating system that gives one to three stars to designate if the exercise is for beginners or advanced. I do feel that some of the exercises are inappropriately marked as beginner or intermediate, and that they should actually be advanced. I highly recommend this book!

Changing Fate
Published in Paperback by DAW Books (1994)
Author: Elisabeth Waters
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $4.75
Buy one from zShops for: $18.00
Average review score:

A Change of Fate
Sadly, Elisabeth will write no more. She entered a convent in New York this Winter (Jan 2001). All that the other reviewers have said is true,so I won't add to that. I was a close friend of Elisabeth for almost twenty years, and was with her when she wrote Changing Fate. We discussed it over a load of laundry, as I recall. The book is a gentle tale, much like her character. She said the wolf was based on Signy, her Wolf/shepherd cross, and often joked that she lived in a wolf pack, so she might as well write about it. She left an impressive body of work, all varied and imaginative. We collaborated on some tales, notably Connecticat, in one of the Catfantastic books. Her latest e-mail says she is happy in the convent. Fantasy has lost a good writer.

An Intriguing Fantasy Tale!
This story is a classic! It keeps you interested and entertained. Elizabeth Waters is and an amazing author and I hope to read more from her! The story of a woman and her amazing ability to transform - what could be more perfect? :-)

A definate favorite
This is one of my favorite fantasy novels, mixing shape-shifting, romance, kings, and adventure into a captivating tale. Elisabeth Waters is a great author and I only hope she keeps on writing!

Straw Bale Building
Published in Paperback by New Society Pub (01 February, 2000)
Authors: Chris Magwood, Pater Mack, Elisabeth Ohi, and Peter Mack
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $17.02
Average review score:

Good But Incomplete
This book is a great volume for a layperson, with little or no construction experience, interested in straw bale building and other construction topics. For someone like myself, with modest building experience, ready to build a straw bale house, Straw Bale Building doesn't have enough detail. The authors spend too much space discussing general building considerations--mechanical systems, roofing styles, working with architects, etc.--taking up space that could be devoted to more straw bale-specific details like flashing, roofing detailing, and more. I like their eco-friendly bent, and there are some interesting (but brief) case studies. If you're new to construction and straw bales, this is a good starter book. However, it doesn't have enough information to get you to a finished building unless you do a lot of reading between the lines and puzzling out details.

Simply the Best!
This book is the BEST on the market for straw building - clear, comprehensive, unbiased and loaded with references.

Dynamite book, full of useful information
Straw Bale Building contains a gold mine of information for future straw bale builders. It is extremely well written, superbly illustrated, and altogther a delight to read. The authors have done a remarkable job. Read this book along with other important straw bale building books to see a variety of approaches to this innovative, environmentally friendly building technique.

On Life After Death
Published in Paperback by Celestial Arts (1991)
Author: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $3.97
Collectible price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $5.79
Average review score:

Close, But No Cigar
In this extremely brief book consisting of four separate essays, Kubler-Ross talks about her meeting with a deceased person (this almost made me put the book down thinking that she was nuts! ), the process of grieving over parents, personal growth and her own mystical experience and near death experience. The book is interesting, but suffers from an extreme bias. It is not dispassionate at all and she seems to wish to push her opinions on others. She claims to have collected over 20,000 NDE reports, but all of her evidence is anecdotal and cannot be backed up. Still, she insists that "there is no death" and uses this as part of her life's philosophy. She may have greater justification than other people for this, but I can't help but thinking that her arguments are a bit weak. The most interesting part of the book was her account of some very odd experiences which she herself had. A nice addition to the literature of near death studies, but I was not much impressed.

On life after death
A friend gave me this book to read after my mom passed away. I must say that reading this book opened my eyes and made me look at life quite differently. This booked not only helped me heal but helped me understand that why even after my mom's passing away I have always felt her warmth & presence in my life.
I definitely recommend this book, it sure is worth the time and money.

A great book for healing, not just dying...
I do work as an energetic healer. I have this book in my healing library and it is constantly on loan to various friends and clients going throw deaths and losses in their lives. It is probably the single most helpful book in the library in this regard. Easy to read and very human in her approach, Dr. Ross does a wonderful job of not only explaining death and loss from her perspective as a healer, but also experientially through years of observation and interacting with the dying. She gives hope and light with her compassionate and every-day approach to death as another part of living. I have to order a second copy to keep up with requests for this book. It is amazing.

Vikings : The North Atlantic Saga
Published in Hardcover by Smithsonian Institution Press (15 April, 2000)
Authors: William W. Fitzhugh, National Museum of Natural History (U.S.), and Elisabeth I. Ward
Amazon base price: $42.00
List price: $60.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $41.70
Buy one from zShops for: $38.95
Average review score:

A 'Must Have' but not the complete answer.
"Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga" is a book which should be on the shelves of any ordinary person who is seriously interested in the subject. Having said that I should warn potential buyers that the book is written by a number of authors of differing views. Readers should not just pick bits and pieces out of it but carefully read the whole. As would be expected, the book leans to the view of conservative scholarship, that the only proved contact between Vikings and North America is that of L'Anse aux Meadows, but some contributors seem to feel this means they must deny the possibility of any other contact and in my opinion they go overboard. For example, a strong attack with all the old gossip is mounted on the authenticity of the Kensington Rune Stone but what is not riddled with errors has by and large already been refuted. Surely too it was not necessary to describe R.A. Hall jnr, Emeritus Professor of Linguistics at Cornell, who for nearly thirty years has been one of the strongest supporters of the authenticity of the Kensington Rune Stone, as an 'amateur'. Nor was it reasonable to refer only to his 1982 book while omitting reference to his "The Kensington Rune-stone: Authentic and Important" published in 1994.

In the attempt to protect received history, no mention was made of the probability that some of the survivors of the fourteen ships which went missing from Eric the Red's voyage of settlement to Greenland made it instead to North America and took residence amongst the natives. Similarly lacking is any mention that in the course of returning from his original voyage of discovery Lief Ericsson rescued Thorer and his crew who had been wrecked in the waters between Vinland and Greenland. Thorer's ship had been carrying timber which possibly came from North America and suggests prior knowledge of that country. Biarne Grimolfson perished in the 'Irish Ocean' when his ship was attacked and sunk by Teredo worms. The survivors reached Dublin in the ship's boat. This points to direct Atlantic crossings at a very early date but no mention of this or the implications of this advanced navigational knowledge was made in the book. The theories of Farley Mowat about pre-Viking European contact with North America are misrepresented as being about contact by early Norse when anyone who has read his book "The Farfarers" will know that Mowat proposed early North American contact by people other than the Norse.

In some sections of the book the reader is not being told the full story. In this and similar respects I think the book does the reader a disservice.

Nevertheless, my view of this book is by no means entirely negative and I believe it should be on the shelves of anyone with a general interest in Vikings and the North Atlantic. My primary concern is that the reader should be aware that like the 'curates egg' - "parts of it are excellent".

Completely mesmerizing
This series of essays by Norse scholars is better than any novel I've read in years. So many mysteries, beautifully articulated! Why did a Bishop drop his gold ring in the choir loft? Why did witnesses come forward twenty years later to swear a wedding took place in Greenland just before its population completely disappeared? Why did the Vikings skedaddle out of Vinland? Why did they disappear with their furniture from Greenland but leave their livestock behind? Why did the majority of women die young and the majority of men live into their fifties?

Don't start reading this wonderful book if you're supposed to be doing something else; you won't be able to put this down.

What I like best of all, even better than the outstanding illustrations, is the tone of the writing. You are drawn into another historical era and invited to live there.--Linda Donelson, author of "Out of Isak Dinesen: Karen Blixen's untold story"

This gorgeous Viking book ranks with the best
What a complete package! Absolutely loaded with huge beautiful pictures of everything from ancient maps to medieval Scandinavian jewelry to charts of what individual experts think the Vikings dubbed "Vinland", this book has it all. Someone familiar with the subject will find it gorgeously re-introduced in this extremely professional layout, and yet anyone new to the subject will find this book to be inviting, informative, and fun to read. While this book doesn't dig quite as deep as either Jones' textbook-format "A History of The Vikings" or Haywood's geographically well-documented "The Penguin Historical Atlas of The Vikings", this is still like a huge compilation of every other Viking book I've seen yet, giving the subject the spotlight that it needs after so many recent discoveries. A very professional complete package for everyone.

A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael
Published in Hardcover by Fleming H Revell Co (1987)
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Amazon base price: $16.09
List price: $22.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.75
Collectible price: $9.52
Buy one from zShops for: $15.08
Average review score:

Great Encouragement for the Journey
When one views the life of Amy Carmichael, the only possible result can be to put the difficulties of contemporary life into perspective. Never enjoying robust good health and never entering into the comfort of marriage, Amy Carmichael gave her adult life to Christ by serving the children of her region of India. This book tells in exciting anecdotes and vivid narrative the life given over to a purpose and the amazing power of God revealed when she obeyed His voice in her life. Elliot's admiration for her subject shows through not in sentimentality, but in honesty regarding the idiosyncrasies and criticisms of the woman whose ministry still impacts the world today.

A Rare Godly Example for Every Christian
Here is a book that will challenge any Christian in any walk of life to deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow Jesus. The missionary life is, in fact, the normal Christian life for every Christian, for every Christian is an ambassador for Christ. As such, this biography will be a great help to any reader in focusing their hearts and minds on the God-given task before them (1 Peter 2:9)--whatever their walk of life. This book also gives much needed rebukes against those who support missions financially on the basis of numbers saved. This book re-affirms the biblical principle time and again that the Christian's work is not saving, but declaring. The work of saving is God's alone; and if no one is saved, the missionary must keep working and we must keep supporting. Finally: Is this book biased? Gee, I hope so. Biased for one who gave all for the lost and for the glory of God. If there is an unhealthy bias in the book, I don't see it. And if it is there, it doesn't matter; for the issue is not Elizabeth Elliot and her approach to Amy Carmichael. The issue is that Amy Carmichael has left us a Christlike example that is biblical. We need to follow her as she followed Christ. Forget any supposed bias and try living her life. Believe me, no one who spends their time trying to follow Christ as Amy did will have any time left to worry about possible bias. And the book shows Amy as a sinner, for sure. So the book does not gloss over Amy's faults. This is a must read; but be prepared to be convicted and challenged.

life and legacy of amy charmichael
This book was so encouraging to me on a practical level. I am a Christian mother of three little ones desiring to have God first in my life and my families life, but sometimes I don't see things as clearly as I should. Seeing Amy's practical example of seeking the Lord in every situation, whether in relationships or parenting her children was inspiring to me, and has motivated me to "seek" more diligently answers directly from God's word.

Also seeing from Amy's example of being a "Amma", and her wanting a different kind of life for her little one's has also been inspiring. It is so easy to get caught up in our cultures way of thinking in that we feel our children need this or that, when not focusing on the most important...our children need to see that God is real, practical and personal. Her type of relationship with God isn't impossible to have, therefore, through reading this book it has given me a stronger drive towards wanting this more initmate realtionship with a God who can meet all our needs.

Born to Sing, Beginners to Advanced High and Low Voice
Published in Audio CD by Vocal Power (1985)
Authors: Elisabeth Howard and Howard Austin
Amazon base price: $49.95
Used price: $40.00
Buy one from zShops for: $45.00
Average review score:

The Best Vocal Training
I got the original Born To Sing tape set as a gift 10 years ago, and found it more helpful than all my years of voice lessons in high school and college! Now I direct a church choir and am using the techniques with them. I Just ordered the 4 CDs + Book version of the Born To Sing Deluxe and their ABCs Of Vocal Harmony course. I can't wait to receive them.

I Can Sing
I didn't think you could learn to sing. You had to be born with it. I really love it so I took a few lessons and that helped a little. When I found Born To Sing - WOW! I really made some major progress and I showed it to my voice teacher and she got her own copy and tells her other students about it. Try it - you'll love it!

Singing Is My New Best Friend
I am impressed! This Born To Sing voice course teaches all the stuff I needed to work on and then some. I gained so much confidence & I really love singing more than I ever thought I would. My high range increased by 5 notes and I can hold notes longer than my friend Casey and he's a really great singer. So thanks for this great training. When I'm in Los Angeles, I would love to have some lessons with the masters, Mr.Austin & Ms. Howard.

Captain Cupid Calls the Shots
Published in Paperback by Signet (12 December, 2000)
Author: Elisabeth Fairchild
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $0.85
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

Very emotional story with compelling characters
Don't let the title put you off - this is not some silly romp (not by a long shot!). I'm not normally a reader of the more traditional (i.e., chaste) Regencies, but I came across the write-up and review for the sequel to this book "Valentine's Change of Heart" and I was hooked. I wanted to read that one so bad, but took the advice of reviewers that I should read "Cupid" first. And so I have. And I agree with that advice.

Three friends returning from war to the home of one, Valentine Wharton. His companions, Oscar and Alexander (known as "Cupid" for his marksmanship in battle - straight for the heart) are putting off their own homecomings, their feelings mixed and confused after years of war. What to do next? What else are they good for but war? How do they go back to living a normal life? Oscar copes by spending his time fishing, Alexander prefers to walk the desolate fells alone (in the hopes of meeting a certain young lady), and Valentine drinks - heavily and destructively.

During the visit, Alexander meets Penny Foster and is instantly attracted by her fair curls, amethyst eyes and sweet but wary disposition. He is also confused by Valentine's nasty remarks and innuendo about her virtue as well as the way the rest of the village treats her. When he discovers the young child in her care, he wonders if this child is hers and could the father be his friend Valentine? Did Valentine once love Penny and is this why he treats her so badly? Has she earned the gossip and speculation that seems to follow her about? Alexander is determined to find out, all the while falling deeper.

Penny has sacrificed much for little Felicity and seeing Val again brings back so many memories and fears. How he has changed - it's hard to imagine she ever loved him now. But she is certainly taken with Alexander. He's kind, open-minded and she looks forward to spending time with him. Can he see past the assumptions everyone has about her and see the truth of the woman she is?

This is a highly emotional read, so keep the tissues nearby. The author's style is not for everyone, very literary with in-depth descriptions of the surrounding countryside that really brings home the feel of the era and the area. I'm currently reading "Valentine's Change of Heart" and so far that one is a winner as well. I highly recommend these books!

Targets of Scorn and Gossip Triumph
Captain Alexander Shelbourne--Cupid to his friends--carries a wounded heart from the battlegrounds of France with little hope of mending it until he meets quiet, tormented Penny Foster whose reputation is not what people would paint it to be.

A moving, sometimes wrenching story of the damage inflicted by mistaken assumptions. Fairchild weaves an evocative, layered spell of language, setting, theme, and characterization rare to find in today's romances. Magical!

Excellent. Moving and thought provoking.
The other reviewers have made valid and careful comments and summed up the plot. I would only add that I found this book to be very moving and it raised some uncomfortable issues which were very well handled. I have read the "masculine" regencies, eg Cornwell, Kent, Mallinson et al, and felt that the author portrayed her two main male characters very well, particularly with respect to their experiences and feelings about their actions in the Peninsular campaign. I work with the suicidal through a well-known charity so found Val an especially poignant character who fully deserves to have his own tale told to see if he is able to redeem himself and come to terms with his experiences thereby moving on to accpetance of himself and, hopefully, ultimate happiness.

Well done, Ms Fairchild and thank you.

Journals of Jim Elliot
Published in Paperback by Fleming H Revell Co (1983)
Authors: Jim Elliot and Elisabeth Elliot
Amazon base price: $14.99
Used price: $2.97
Collectible price: $10.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98
Average review score:

A different time - to our shame
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."

And so was Jim Elliot, martyr at the hands of South American Indians who later gave their lives to Christ. In this, his autobiography via his journals, we see the life this young man led and the preordained road that led him to gain what he could not lose.

"The Journals of Jim Elliot" had a profound effect on me as a young man as I happened to be at a similar stage in life as Elliot during most of the pages. What I found on those pages - the lifeblood of a man fully sold out to God - changed my life.

A long book, "tJoJE" calls anyone who wants to know how to live a committed Christian life throughout the slow unfolding of Elliot's life. As an encouragement to young men, it is peerless. Its only detraction is due to the very nature of the autobiographical style as derived from journal entries. While you see God's hand moving in Elliot's life, sometimes the nature of the entries is lost, slow-moving, or repetitive. Such is the style of the book.

However, what I found most helpful in reading this book is the stark contrast between Christian practice of fifty-plus years ago and today. Elliot was distinctly a man of his time, but he was not alone in his complete surrender to God. He was surrounded by many people who were like him. How he lived, thought, and died seems foreign to today's Christians. In fact, he shares more with a Christian of two hundred years ago in David Brainerd than anyone you typically find in a pew today. His example is so profound that it is hard not to feel that something has changed in the last couple decades. Somewhere there are men like Jim Elliot today; I hope I can find them and learn from their examples, as well.

Anyone who stays with "The Journals of Jim Elliot" will find a great reward in its pages. It has always been one of my favorite Christian books. If you want a book that offers something different, it is a soul-stirring story made more compelling by its truthful historicity.

Need a copy!
I'm a native missionary kid from India, and I would love to read this book. I searched and tried every possible way to get it in India, but couldn't. To buy online, the shipping charges are unaffordable for me. Do you know of any store that ships to India? I would deeply appreciate your help. Jim Elliot's life has been a challenge and example to me

Candid and encouraging
This is a really challenging and at times humorous read. I was encouraged to find that this man of God struggled with the very same things that I often find myself struggling with. It will challenge you to a greater thirst for God and it will make you laugh. Let another real life for Christ point you to Him!

Elisabeth: The Princess Bride, Austria-Hungary, 1853 (The Royal Diaries)
Published in Hardcover by Scholastic Paperbacks (2003)
Author: Barry Denenberg
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $10.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.61
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95
Average review score:

Not my favorite...but very good!
Yet another good Royal Diary has been published. Elisabeth: The Princess Bride, centers around Princess Elisabeth of Austria. Her sister is about to be bethrothed to the Emperor of Austria, Franz Joseph I. Little does she know, Franz decides to pick her over her sister. This book takes you on a whirlwind ride up until the marriage. You'll also learn about Elisabeth's life after marriage, the elegant castles they lived in, and the culture during that time. The only complaint I have is that it is too short!

A "Slice" of Her Life
Free-spirited, beautiful Elisabeth grew up in the lap of luxury as a member of the Austrian nobility in the 1850's. At 16, Elisabeth, her mother, and her 18-year-old sister, Helene, travel to the royal palace of Austria in hopes that Helene might gain the the attention and marriage proposal of Emperor Franz Joseph. However, events at the royal palace do not follow this plan. Smitten with her beauty and charm, Franz Joseph quickly falls in love with Elisabeth instead of Helene. Elisabeth is elated and in love, but must come to grips with "losing" her former life and embracing the changes that lie ahead.

The "whirlwind" pace of Elisabeth's diary expertly shows what it must have been like for the young royal to contemplate marriage. Her conflicting feelings about changes that will be brought about by her marriage are believable and timeless, and her descriptions of her leisurely life, romance with Franz Joseph, and ultimately, her wedding, will be enjoyed by those of us who love a "good fairy tale." As I always say about a royal diary, I enjoy learning about royals that I haven't known about before. Although the epilogue in this book is sad, Royal Diary fans won't want to miss this latest series addition.

The Lonely Empress
I had recieved an advanced copy of Elisabeth:The Princess Bride in November, 2002 from the author and I just recently bought the book from B&N. Let me just say that the only disappointing part about this diary is that it is cut down to a meager 93 pages of diary, and then has 60 pages of historical info and pictures (although that informtaion is very helpful and revealing of the Austrian court). Elisabeth is the 15 year old daughter of Duke Maximilien and Princess Ludovica, the Duke & Duchess of Bavaria. Life at serene and calm Possenhofen in the Bavarian outskirts of Munich is paradise for Sisi(Elisabeth's nickname). Sisi spends time writing trememendous poems and sonnets, riding her beloved chestnut horse, Punch, and of course spending time with her beloved Poppy. Elisabeth is not your average future empress. She goes around wearing peasant's clothes and frolicking like her Poppy, like a peasant. However, Sisi must tag along with her older sister, Helene, and her mother, Ludovica, when Helene is en route to Bad Ischl to meet and be wed to Emperor Franz Josef of the Holy Roman Empire. However, Franz Josef takes a much more appealing interest in young Elisabeth, and asks for Sisi's hand in marriage! The whirling world that Sisi watched Helene experience as she was preparing to be Empress (even though she wasn't even betrothed yet) suddebly moves onto Sisi. Possenhofen is no longer calming and serene, but a bustling small city-like a beehive. As Sisi prepares for her flight from Posse forever, she suddenly realizes what she is doing and come sout of her day dreams of her future husband. And as she is walking down the aisle to an uncertain future in the last entry, she suddenly realizes the family, friends, pets, home, and life she is leaving behind for a malicious, gossipy court...forever.
The epilogue shows the result of this unconsidered marriage: near-divorce, annorexia, depression, loss of children to her Aunt Sophie and to death, seclusion, obsession, and of course....assassination. This volume was an excellent contribution to this fantastic series of stories of women who shaped the history of the world by their royal powers. No one will be disappointed with buying this book and will leave with knowledge of a lonely and upset Empress, who experiences the same things that teenagers today do...but also so much more.

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