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Book reviews for "Tamedly,_Elisabeth_L." sorted by average review score:

Soul Trek: Meeting Our Children on the Way to Birth
Published in Paperback by Light Hearts Pub (1995)
Author: Elisabeth Hallett
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

Two Thumbs Up
Soul Trek, what a wonderful book! Author Elisabeth Hallett has done the world a marvelous service. She has gathered pre-birth communications stories from 184 modern parents and shares them in her pioneering research book. Soul Trek uplifts our consciousness and reveals a new territory of human potential where parents meet their children on the way to birth.

What a privilege
Elisabeth Hallett's Soul Trek offers a stunningly broad spectrum of a little-explored area, fascinating not only to parents, but to anyone interested in parting the veil between this world and the invisible one. What a privilege, to be invited into the spiritually intimate moments of so many parents-to-be, while also being treated to Hallett's perceptions, which are exceptionally fluid, insightful, and unbiased. I wish I'd had this book when I was pregnant - it's like having hundreds of supportive friends around during one of life's most vulnerable and powerful transitions -- but that my children have it has already made a huge difference in their relationship with their child-on-the-way. The world would benefit enormously if all parents could regard their children as fully conscious even before they arrive. Soul Trek goes the distance toward accomplishing just such a leap in awareness.

Exploring a deeper relationship with our children
Soul Trek is a must for every parent. It is a beautiful work that will validate parental intuition from its inception. The glimpses into the lives of those waiting to receive new souls and how each little spirit in turn reaches out with love, inspires us each to look for and honor our own unique experiences of our children and their attempts to reach out to us. The beauty is in the range of experiences Ms. Hallett has found. They are as varied as the children we bring into this world. Elisabeth Hallet also systematically and objectively tackles questions and doubts that naturally arise in a subject as personal as pre-birth communication. In leaving us enough room to question these experiences she also gives us the space and freedom to accept them.

Stories of the Unborn Soul: The Mystery and Delight of Pre-Birth Communication
Published in Paperback by Writers Club Press (2002)
Author: Elisabeth Hallett
Amazon base price: $18.95
Average review score:

A noble risk
'Stories of the Unborn Soul' by Elisabeth Hallett

'Stories of the Unborn Soul' by Elisabeth Hallett is a delightful book. Recounting the true and intimate stories of parents and others, the reader is invited to share in the mystery and delight of pre-birth communication.

Written in an elegant and yet highly objective style, Hallett entices us on a journey, taking as her starting point an invocation from Socrates: 'Of course, no reasonable man ought to insist that the facts are exactly as I have described them. But that either this or something very like it is a true account of our souls and their future habitations - since we have clear evidence that the soul is immortal - this, I think, is both a reasonable contention and a belief worth risking; for the risk is a noble one.'

The journey thereafter is of the homesick soul drifting through universal consciousness, reminiscent of Plato's 'Phaedrus', in search for its pre-chosen parents in order to manifest as a human being in this life. Short, manageable chapters thus describe the soul's rite of passage, from the first shivering signs tasted in a distant dream of a mother, through intuitive soul connections experienced between mother and foetus in pregnancy, and the final and mutual recognition instinctively felt between parent and child. As Kathy, a grown woman with pre-birth memory recounts at the end of the book: 'I remember coming here in spirit form, coming together into the body form and reluctantly floating down to this planet. This powerful experience from before my birth has affected everything I am today.'

'Stories of the Unborn Soul' is not however a sickly-sweet collection of wishful thinking. Not only are there wonderful touches of humour, Hallett manages to balance the stories of personal experience with appropriate use of scientific research, giving the book factual and intellectual gravitas. Moreover, Hallett includes chapters on Miscarriage and Abortion, commenting that there are many unresolved mysteries in the search for understanding the human condition: 'I am . . . For what seems like forever, I am only aware that I am.'

Suffused with profound reflections upon the greatest questions of all - Who am I? and where do I come from? - 'Stories of the Unborn Soul' is a book worth risking, for the risk is indeed a noble one.

Expanding our own souls
Readers of this comprehensive collection of soul-comunication stories are encouraged to expand their own soul awareness not only by the intimately revealing experiences of the many contributors, but also by the exquisite poetry and profound insights of the author/editor herself. Elisabeth's writing suggests a life-long familiarity with the greater Reality that is being opened up to all of us -- it is another profoundly welcome contribution to the awakening of Consciousness in every area of human existence.

Awesome collection!
When I was pregnant three years ago, I read Hallett's books "Soul Trek" and "In the Newborn Year", both of which are FAB books. Now this collection is out and it's amazing. What is most interesting to me, is the fact that Hallett includes not only the "happy la-la" stories of pregnancy, but also the realities of loss that some face. And there is healing here in that acknowledgment and recognition of parenthood in all its forms. Thanks, Elisabeth!

The Tunnel and the Light: Essential Insights on Living and Dying With a Letter to a Child With Cancer
Published in Paperback by Marlowe & Company (1999)
Author: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Life Enhancing!
This book kept me company in the darkest moment of my life. It gave me courage and wisdom to cultivate a panoramic perspective of my life. A must-read.

Title Note
This book was once sold under the title: Death is of Vital Importance: On Life, Death and Life after Death (c) 1995

Excellent overview
Elisabeth is not only a researcher and author but an excellent public speaker and this volume is a transcription of the many stories she has told over the years (largely from the eighties) in her talks. She has led a rich and amazing life. The volume shows her courage, reflects her genuine concern for the truth and most of all shows the love that she has given to the world. The stories are a precious potpourri that cover the gamut of her life experience and research.

Yoga and Health
Published in Paperback by Unwin Hyman (1990)
Authors: Selvaraja Yesudian, Haich Elisabeth, Selvarajan Yesudian, and Elisabeth Haich
Amazon base price: $8.95
Average review score:

All you Need
i first bought this book in the late 1960's. it is the premier book on teaching yourself Hatha Yoga. A truly remarkable work. No one need go anywhere else to learn a daily practice. Nothing better than this lttle gem. straight forward, no guruitis....

all you ever need to know about health and life
It is a very instructive, concise, easy to understand and apply to real life book. I highly recommend this book to anyone who strives to live a simple and healthy life.

Total Agreement
I totally agree with the other previous reviewer that this is the best yoga book ever written in existence. A joy to read and all the sentiments in it come from the heart and are conveyed in a genuinely caring manner to the reader. An amazing book.

Armor of Light, The
Published in Hardcover by NESFA Press (01 October, 1997)
Authors: Melissa Scott, Margaret Organ-Kean, Lisa A. Barnett, and Elisabeth Carey
Amazon base price: $23.00
Average review score:

Like fantasy? Like Elizabethan England? This is for you!
This is a very well-structured, well-written book set in an alternate version of Queen Elizabeth I's reign. The settings are finely drawn, the characters are engaging, and the plot is gripping. I reread this book about once a year just for the pleasure of it, and I snapped up this hardcover when it came out. If you like alternate history and fantasy, and don't mind them mixed together, read this book. If you just want to read about people living in Elizabethan England, read this book. And if you just have to have any book with Shakespeare as a character... you, too, have some reading ahead of you.

I still like it!
I'm the cover illustrator, and I don't always like everything I read. Often, even if I liked a story the first time, I don't like it when I have to read it about the fifth time to check on the color of someone's shirt. Or I start noticing the lapses in historical detail or logic or characterization.

This book I still read for pleasure, even after I finished the cover. I read a lot of alternate history, and this surely ranks among the best.

Historical fantasy as it should be!
This is the best work of historical fantasy, and one of the best works of historical fiction, which I have ever read. Although the universe (an alternate history Elizabethan England where magic works and where Sydney and Marlow survived the events which killed them in our time line) is fantasy, the approach is basic science fiction "what if", extrapolated on a magical rather than physcial technology. Rather than overlaying modern concepts of magic onto their characters and history, the authors present magic as it was understood by the various classes of Tudor England, and in so doing create a world that feels like reality and avoid the one-dimensionality common to much contemporary fantasy. All this, and a great read, too.

Blue Corn and Chocolate (Knopf Cooks American)
Published in Hardcover by Knopf (1992)
Authors: Elisabeth Rozin and Elizabeth Rozin
Amazon base price: $25.00
Average review score:

A great book from my favorite cook book author
A great cookbook. The recipes are straightforward -- some are downright easy -- but Rozin always gets the flavors right. The cookbook is a good read, too, stuffed with interesting information about food and food history.

This was my first cookbook by Rozin. Now I also own Ethnic Cuisine and The Universal Kitchen. I like, and use, all three, but Blue Corn and Chocolate is my favorite.

The wild-rice and dried corn turkey soup is a post-Thanksgiving tradition at our house.

Many unusual and delicious, easy to prepare recipes.
Of the many cookbooks I own, I have probably actually made more of the recipes from this one than from any other. The accompanying information about the different foods is as interesting as the recipes.

This is the best cookbook I have ever owned
This is the best cookbook I have ever owned.
Elizabeth Rozin has an amazing ability with flavor, I have yet to hit a dud and I use the book all the time. I made two totally untested recipes from this book for a dinner party, and they were the best things I served.

A Path Through Suffering: Discovering the Relationship Between God's Mercy and Our Pain
Published in Paperback by Vine Books (1992)
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Suffering and the Theology of the Cross
Elisabeth Elliot brings to her writings a clear but thorough literary style, personal testimonies and anecdotes from her own life and the lives of others, both living and dead, and a theology and philosophy of life grounded in the teachings of the Bible.
In this book she introduces each chapter with illustrations about the cycles of plant life--based upon the books and illustrations of Lilias Trotter, a 19th Century British female missionary and artist who was a missionary in Algiers in North Africa. Personally, I thought the illustrations became a bit tedious and repetitious.
The theme of the book is Christ centered and Cross centered. Elliot makes the point--I believe correctly--that suffering finds its greatest meaning and depth in the suffering that Christ endured for us and that humanity, especially His followers, must to some point reduplicate in their own lives. Human suffering becomes in a sense redemptive, meaningful and even a source of contentment when in faith it is surrendered back to God just as Christ surrendered His own life and mission to the will of God the Father.

A must read for anyone who suffers!
This book is a "must read" for anyone who has ever suffered or is suffering, for any reason. This book helped me so much to realize that "suffering" is not for nothing, as Elisabeth well puts it. There is a reason why God allows us to suffer. He wants us to be drawn to Him and Him alone. You will never be the same after reading this book. Read it with a heart open to hear what God wants to say to you about suffering. It is not something pleasant to do, but you will be a better person having gone through it. May God bless you, dear one, as you suffer with Him.

Substantial comfort/helpful wisdom
Elisabeth Elliot writes from the heart and soul. She makes many of life's tragedies meaningful and shows us a path to transform ourselves by transforming these events and trusting in a unversal, spiritual perspective...

The Shaping of a Christian Family
Published in Paperback by Fleming H Revell Co (2000)
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Wisdom and Common Sense
As a pediatrician I witness daily how lost parents are in the area of family and parenting. We are now in the second and third generation of parents who were themselves never parented. Many of them have no vision for their children beyond being healthy, happy and having a college education. For the most part the parents of today are completely unaware that there is anything of importance to be given to their children beyond their materialistic needs. Elisabeth Elliot's book gives such parents a glimpse into the past and shows what a family and parents can be. If nothing else it demonstrates how much has been lost. I encourage parents to read this book together and discuss its contents in relation to their own upbringing in addition to their own parenting. My hope is that they will take a hard look at their duty to their children and develop a well rounded vision for their family.

This book is a blessing!
this book was such an inspiration to me as a Christian mom. i have always appreciated Elisabeth Elliot's words and admonitions in her books and tapes. this book is probably my favorite of all of her books. i still have pages of this book turned down so that i can find a favorite passage quickly!

Insights into the Blessing of a Christian home
Elisabeth Elliot's biography of the family she was raised in is a privilege to read. She includes many diary excerpts and personal letters to tell the story of her parents and grandparents, but this is more than just biography. It is the story of God's workings in the lives of a few of His faithful servants and the fruits of their labor. Elliot tells practical stories of child-rearing (such as how her mother taught Elliot's brother as a toddler the meaning of obedience), as well as practical life lessons such as waiting on God's will regarding finding a spouse and whether to be a missionary or not. It is a wonderful story told with humor and genuineness, but even more importantly, it inspires those of us who are parents towards the goal of creating a God-centered home and raising children to live their lives in integrity and moral uprightness. I read this book shortly after my first child was born, and I plan to re-read it at least every five years--there is so much that is helpful and encouraging to glean from it. Anyone who has read Elliot's other books will enjoy this tremendously, as it will help you to know her even better. There are wonderful family photos in the book, too. I highly recommend this book. All Christian parents should read it!

Soccer Kicks!: A Play-By-Playb Soccer Journal
Published in Hardcover by Chronicle Books (2001)
Authors: Elisabeth Jacobs and Benjamin Eli Smith
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

Team Spirit
This is a great book for any kid who likes soccer. I think every team should have at least one and probably more so they could use the awesome tattoos. I like all the information and the places to write everything. Be sure to give it to someone as a present for the holidays.

Soccer Rocks!
This book is soooooo cool!!! My whole team wore the tatoos at a tournement a month ago and we totally rocked. Plus I've learned some cool tricks from the book.

Great gift!
I gave a copy of this book to my 9 year-old niece, and she loves it. Several other girls on her soccer team have picked up the book, too, and now they all sit together after games, filling up the pages. Finding gifts for kids can be hard...but this book will make it easier!

A Wisewoman's Guide to Spells, Rituals and Goddess Lore
Published in Paperback by Crossing Press (1995)
Authors: Elisabeth Brooke and Elizabeth Brooke
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Gross cover and not much about what i expected!
Ok this book isn't soo good! it does tell you about the goddess but not the info i really needed. it is great in magickal workings but to me not much in goddess warship! i've studied the craft at age 8 and i'm only 11. it's great for people intrested in magick but bad for people intrested in goddesses. If you wanna buy a book on goddesses buy this book called The Maiden, Mother, And the Crone.(i think i spelled the title right! but i might have been wrong! or close to the title)

good for beginners
when i'm feeling down, i take this and read a bit, then i'm feeling ok again. this is a great book for the beginner who is studying feminist witchcraft, and it covers herstory, witchcraft history, sabbats, herbs, tools, some spells, chakras, divinination, meditations, ethics etc. not so deeply, i guess, but enough to know, what to do. the author wrote this book with power and passion, like if i read few pages, i can feel or sense it so clearly, that it leaves me wordless. but anyway, at least i know that goddess-worshipping craft is part of me. that's why and how it makes me feel better.

Excellent Overview
I would definately recommend this book. I go back to it time and time again. It has a great overview to many aspects of Goddess worship, astrology, tarot, herbal folklore and the history of Goddess worship. She cites many resources in the back of the book that can provide further reading depending on where your interests lie. Excellent book, especailly for the beginner.

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