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Book reviews for "Tamedly,_Elisabeth_L." sorted by average review score:

Blueberry Summer
Published in Hardcover by Aeonian Pr(Amerx) (1989)
Authors: Elisabeth Ogilvie and Elizabeth Ogilvie
Amazon base price: $20.95
Used price: $1.99
Collectible price: $10.99
Average review score:

Excellent story about a girl who learns to like herself
I first read this book when I was in grade school, and I still love it, 20 years later. Cass Phillips, suffering from low self-esteem, is forced to spend the summer babysitting her eight-year-old brother on the family farm in Maine. She is overweight and surly, but manages to capture the attention of a boy who is attracted to her mind. Of course she loses weight by the end of the book but it's not about her trying to keep some guy. It's that she found out what was bothering her and stopped eating to solve her problems. She grew up, gained some self-confidence from handling a large crisis and found out that she had something to offer the world. This is an excellent book for young women with self-esteem issues. There is a sequel called "The Fabulous Year" which I have read that is great also, but I am not sure if there are others. Amazon lists the books by this author but unfortunately, there are no synopsis with the titles. Anyway, check this one out, you won't be disappointed!

Born to Sing : Vocal Technique
Published in Paperback by Vocal Power ()
Authors: Elisabeth Howard and Howard Austin
Amazon base price: $19.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Average review score:

Incredibely effective
This book tells everything you want to know about singing.My voice sounded very insecure until I used these techniques and now it is full and confident.I would recommend it to anyone who has dreams of singing or just for your own personal enjoyment.

Cactus: The Most Beautiful Species and Their Care
Published in Paperback by Barrons Educational Series (15 March, 2000)
Author: Elisabeth Manke
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.82
Buy one from zShops for: $11.01
Average review score:

Great for beginners and early collectors
Enough information for beginners to start with and valuable information for early collector to keep in mind. EXCELLENT ILLUSTRATIONS!. It has a great variety of species for the size of the book.

Cartooning for Suffrage
Published in Hardcover by University of New Mexico Press (1994)
Authors: Alice Sheppard and Elisabeth Israels Perry
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $22.50
Collectible price: $21.18
Average review score:

Sheppard finds the mothers cartoonists never knew they had
As American editorial cartooning becomes more and more irrelevant, Alice Sheppard's fine book shows what a powerful tool this once popular medium can be. For ten brief years starting around 1910, dozens of women came out of nowhere and began cartooning for the womens' right to vote. Two or three like Rose O'Neil were well known as illustrators but most of the others picked up their pens simply to fight for what they thought was justice. Imagine! They won no prizes. No reprints in Newsweek. No 401K plans through their newspapers' corporate pension plans. Their only prize was the 19th Amendment. Sheppard does a great job of exhuming the stories of these funny, talented, now mostly forgotten cartoonists. Signe Wilkinson

Celebrate Richmond
Published in Hardcover by Dietz Press (01 October, 1999)
Authors: Wayne Dementi, Tom Wolfe, Cory Hudgins, Hudgins Corrine, Dementi Elisabeth, Dementi Family, and Dementi Wayne
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $8.50
Buy one from zShops for: $18.98
Average review score:

A trip down memory lane...
This is a wonderful black and white photographic history for anyone with ties to the beautiful city of Richmond. I particularly enjoyed Tom Wolfe's magical preface. Our family received this book from friends who currently live in Richmond. It will be the perfect birthday or New Year's 2000 gift for my siblings and parents. This book truly celebrates so many of our family's traditions and the landmarks of our special birthplace.

Children Who Have Lived Before: Children from All over the World Prove That They Have Lived Before
Published in Paperback by The C.W. Daniel Company Ltd (2002)
Authors: Trutz Hardo and Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.64
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
Average review score:

The case for reincarnation moves up a notch
Children from England and around the world share their past life memories in Children Who Have Lived Before, a title which follows cases which not only recount past lives led, but includes some thought-provoking insights on kids who've been born with lost limbs and are able to describe when and where they lost them in a past life. The case for reincarnation moves up a notch in this absorbing, unique title, packed with case histories and reflections on how children's statements were verified.

The Cocoon & the Butterfly (Kubler-Ross in Person)
Published in Paperback by Barrytown Ltd (1997)
Authors: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and Goran Grip
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $6.75
Average review score:

A compassionate view of death that restores its dignity.
This is my favorite of Kubler-Ross' works because it is a recreation of a live presentation that she held, packed with witty yet intensely sensitive anecdotes from her work with the dying and their families. She is able to remove the black veil that has shrouded death in our culture for too long and gives dignity to the dead and dying by making the experience come through as exactly what it is -- natural and human.

Come to the Playground (Golden Tough and Feel Book)
Published in Hardcover by Golden Pr (01 August, 1992)
Authors: Sesame Street, Elizabeth Clasing, Elisabeth Clasing, and Tom Cooke
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $3.50
Average review score:

Nice touch and feel book
This is a great book for babies. You can spin Elmo on the round-about, Help Big Bird pull a kite down from the tree, and smell lemon snow cones. This book features Elmo, Grover, and Big Bird playing at the park. One of the nicer touch and feel books for babies.

Coming Out of Sexual Addiction
Published in Paperback by 1stBooks Library (2001)
Author: Elisabeth A. Freeman
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $12.49
Buy one from zShops for: $12.15
Average review score:

Eye Opening
This is a handbook which I believe is needed in our community. With so many suffering from various forms of addiction, this book seems to be an important tool to complete healing for victims and their families. It really opened my eyes to the lies and truth behind this addiction. If you or someone close to you is struggling, this is a MUST READ book.

The Complete Book of Japanese Cooking
Published in Paperback by M Evans & Co (1980)
Authors: Elisabeth and Endo, Mitsuko Ortiz, Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz, and Mitsuko Endo
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $4.45
Average review score:

authentic homestyle Japanese cooking
I received this book as a gift from my Sister-in-law, a Nisei herself. After about 10 years, she got a copy for herself and her mother, because she realized that she had never seen a better book on Japanese cooking. Her comment was that it had all the food that her family really fixed growing up, but that the recipes were in English measurements (i.e. cups, teaspoons, etc.), which made following the recipes much more convenient to actually use. Before, she and her mother used to laboriously convert the Japanese measurements to English ones, which was a pain. Besides trying all kinds of noodle recipes, I have used this book to make really good vinegared-rice sushi, which is always a huge hit at parties; everyone is just ga-ga; the presentation is just beautiful, truly artistic. The food is also very low fat and healthy, lots of fish. I think if I fed my family this cuisine for one month, we'd lose some serious weight. Japanese cooking is not really as difficult as you might think. There is a relatively simple cast of ingredients and untensils, most of which can be easily obtained at a Japanese grocery store in any good-sized US city. Also, it's quite possible to order Japanese specialty products on the Internet, for e.g at

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